764 research outputs found
Light spin-1/2 or spin-0 Dark Matter particles
We recall and precise how light spin-0 particles could be acceptable Dark
Matter candidates, and extend this analysis to spin-1/2 particles. We evaluate
the (rather large) annihilation cross sections required, and show how they may
be induced by a new light neutral spin-1 boson U. If this one is vectorially
coupled to matter particles, the (spin-1/2 or spin-0) Dark Matter annihilation
cross section into e+e- automatically includes a v_dm^2 suppression factor at
threshold, as desirable to avoid an excessive production of gamma rays from
residual Dark Matter annihilations. We also relate Dark Matter annihilations
with production cross sections in e+e- scatterings. Annihilation cross sections
of spin-1/2 and spin-0 Dark Matter particles are given by exactly the same
expressions. Just as for spin-0, light spin-1/2 Dark Matter particles
annihilating into e+e- could be responsible for the bright 511 keV gamma ray
line observed by INTEGRAL from the galactic bulge.Comment: 10 page
Integral and Light Dark Matter
The nature of Dark Matter remains one of the outstanding questions of modern
astrophysics. The success of the Cold Dark Matter cosmological model argues
strongly in favor of a major component of the dark matter being in the form of
elementary particles, not yet discovered. Based on earlier theoretical
considerations, a possible link between the recent SPI/INTEGRAL measurement of
an intense and extended emission of 511 keV photons (positron annihilation)
from the central Galaxy, and this mysterious component of the Universe, has
been established advocating the existence of a light dark matter particle at
variance with the neutralino, in general considered as very heavy. We show that
it can explain the 511 keV emission mapped with SPI/INTEGRAL without
overproducing undesirable signals like high energy gamma-rays arising from
decays, and radio synchrotron photons emitted by high energy
positrons circulating in magnetic fields. Combining the annihilation line
constraint with the cosmological one (i.e. that the relic LDM energy density
reaches about 23% of the density of the Universe), one can restrict the main
properties of the light dark matter particle. Its mass should lie between 1 and
100 MeV, and the required annihilation cross section, velocity dependent,
should be significantly larger than for weak interactions, and may be induced
by the virtual production of a new light neutral spin 1 boson . On
astrophysical grounds, the best target to validate the LDM proposal seems to be
the observation by SPI/INTEGRAL and future gamma ray telescopes of the
annihilation line from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the Palomar-13 globular
cluster, thought to be dominated by dark matter.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL
Workshop: "The INTEGRAL Universe", February 16-20, 2004, Munich, German
Effect of quantum fluctuations on topological excitations and central charge in supersymmetric theories
The effect of quantum fluctuations on Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield
(BPS)-saturated topological excitations in supersymmetric theories is studied.
Focus is placed on a sequence of topological excitations that derive from the
same classical soliton or vortex in lower dimensions and it is shown that their
quantum characteristics, such as the spectrum and profile, differ critically
with the dimension of spacetime. In all the examples examined the supercharge
algebra retains its classical form although short-wavelength fluctuations may
modify the operator structure of the central charge, yielding an anomaly. The
central charge, on taking the expectation value, is further affected by
long-wavelength fluctuations, and this makes the BPS-excitation spectra only
approximately calculable in some low-dimensional theories. In four dimensions,
in contrast, holomorphy plays a special role in stabilizing the BPS-excitation
spectra against quantum corrections. The basic tool in our study is the
superfield supercurrent, from which the supercharge algebra with a central
extension is extracted in a supersymmetric setting. A general method is
developed to determine the associated superconformal anomaly by considering
dilatation directly in superspace.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, to appear in PR
Partial Spontaneous Breaking of Global Supersymmetry
We review in detail the recently discovered phenomenon of partial spontaneous
breaking of supersymmetry in the case of a N=2 pure gauge U(1) theory, and
recall how the standard lore no-go theorem is evaded. We discuss the extension
of this mechanism to theories with charged matter, and surprisingly find that
the gauging forbids the existence of a magnetic Fayet-Iliopoulos term.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the International Symposium
Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Buckow, Germany, August
27-31, 1996. LaTex2e, uses espcrc2.st
The Vector-Tensor Supermultiplet with Gauged Central Charge
The vector-tensor multiplet is coupled off-shell to an N=2 vector multiplet
such that its central charge transformations are realized locally. A gauged
central charge is a necessary prerequisite for a coupling to supergravity and
the strategy underlying our construction uses the potential for such a coupling
as a guiding principle. The results for the action and transformation rules
take a nonlinear form and necessarily include a Chern-Simons term. After a
duality transformation the action is encoded in a homogeneous holomorphic
function consistent with special geometry.Comment: 8 pages, LATE
Goldstones in Diphotons
We study the conditions for a new scalar resonance to be observed first in
diphotons at the LHC Run-2. We focus on scenarios where the scalar arises
either from an internal or spacetime symmetry broken spontaneously, for which
the mass is naturally below the cutoff and the low-energy interactions are
fixed by the couplings to the broken currents, UV anomalies, and selection
rules. We discuss the recent excess in diphoton resonance searches observed by
ATLAS and CMS at 750 GeV, and explore its compatibility with other searches at
Run-1 and its interpretation as Goldstone bosons in supersymmetry and composite
Higgs models. We show that two candidates naturally emerge: a Goldstone boson
from an internal symmetry with electromagnetic anomalies, and the scalar
partner of the Goldstone of supersymmetry breaking: the sgoldstino. The dilaton
from conformal symmetry breaking is instead disfavoured by present data, in its
minimal natural realization.Comment: 18 pages + refs, 2 figures. v2: typos corrected, references added,
discussions extended and three new plots. Conclusion unchanged. v3: published
Quasi-fixed point scenario in the modified NMSSM
The simplest extension of the MSSM that does not contradict LEP II
experimental bound on the lightest Higgs boson mass at is the
modified Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MNSSM). We investigate
the renormalization of Yukawa couplings and soft SUSY breaking terms in this
model. The possibility of -quark and -lepton Yukawa coupling
unification at the Grand Unification scale is studied. The particle
spectrum is analysed in the vicinity of the quasi-fixed point where the
solutions of renormalization group equations are concentrated at the
electroweak scale.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX2
in Symmetric Supersymmetry
We compute the one-loop corrections to the vertex in the
symmetric minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model. We
find that the predicted value of is consistent with experiment if the
mass of the lighter top squark is no more than 180 GeV. Furthermore, other data
combines to place a lower bound of 88 GeV on the mass of the light top squark.
A top squark in this mass range should be accessible to searches by experiments
at FNAL and LEP.Comment: Corrected typos; added footnotes and a reference. 19 pages, LaTeX,
includes 8 figures, full postscript version at
Single-top-squark production via R-parity-violating supersymmetric couplings in hadron collisions
Single-top-squark production via q q' -> \bar{\tilde{t_1}} probes
R-parity-violating extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model
though the \lambda''_{3ij} couplings. For masses in the range 180-325 GeV, and
\lambda''_{3ij} > 0.02-0.06, we show that discovery of the top squark is
possible with 2 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity at run II of the Fermilab
Tevatron. The bound on \lambda''_{3ij}$ can be reduced by up to an order of
magnitude with existing data from run I, and by two orders of magnitude at run
II if the top squark is not found.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., minor changes, 4 pages, RevTeX, 5 eps
Formal comparison of SUSY in the nuclear U(6/2) model and in quantum field theory
A nuclear physics example of the U(6/2) supersymmetry group is considered. It
is shown that this group contains a supersymmetric subgroup with a structure
similar to the SUSY model of the quantum field theory (QFT). A comparison of
two models help to clarify the relation between the supersymmetry schemes of
QFT and of nuclear physics. Using this similarity a relation between the
numbers of the bosonic and fermionic states similar to the fundamental relation
in QFT is obtained. For those supermultiplets with at least two fermions the
number of the bosonic and fermionic states are equal as in QFT.Comment: 11 pages and one eps-figure. Phys.Rev.C (1999) in pres
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