8 research outputs found

    Sediment-laden sea ice in southern Hudson Bay: Entrainment, transport, and biogeochemical implications

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    During a research expedition in Hudson Bay in June 2018, vast areas of thick (>10 m), deformed sediment-laden sea ice were encountered unexpectedly in southern Hudson Bay and presented difficult navigation conditions for the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Amundsen. An aerial survey of one of these floes revealed a maximum ridge height of 4.6 m and an average freeboard of 2.2 m, which corresponds to an estimated total thickness of 18 m, far greater than expected within a seasonal ice cover. Samples of the upper portion of the ice floe revealed that it was isothermal and fresh in areas with sediment present on the surface. Fine-grained sediment and larger rocks were visible on the ice surface, while a pronounced sediment band was observed in an ice core. Initial speculation was that this ice had formed in the highly dynamic Nelson River estuary from freshwater, but δ^{18}O isotopic analysis revealed a marine origin. In southern Hudson Bay, significant tidal forcing promotes both sediment resuspension and new ice formation within a flaw lead, which we speculate promotes the formation of this sediment-laden sea ice. Historic satellite imagery shows that sediment-laden sea ice is typical of southern Hudson Bay, varying in areal extent from 47 to 118 km2 during June. Based on an average sediment particle concentration of 0.1 mg mL^{–1} in sea ice, an areal extent of 51,924 km2 in June 2018, and an estimated regional end-of-winter ice thickness of 1.5 m, we conservatively estimated that a total sediment load of 7.8 × 106 t, or 150 t km^{–2}, was entrained within sea ice in southern Hudson Bay during winter 2018. As sediments can alter carbon concentrations and light transmission within sea ice, these first observations of this ice type in Hudson Bay imply biogeochemical impacts for the marine system

    Efficacy of channa striatus bloch aqueous extract and zerumbone in alleviating induced knee osteoarthritis in rats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the chondroprotective effects of two natural remedies, aqueous extract of Channa striatus (CS) and crystalline zerumbone purified from the rhizomes of Zingiber Zerumbet Smith, on experimentally induced knee osteoarthritis (OA) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Preliminary study was implemented to determine the effective method for the induction of OA in the knee joints of rats prior to the treatment. Accordingly, monosodium iodoacetate (MIA) was selected to achieve the experimental knee osteoarthritis in rats. Evaluation of OA changes following 4 weeks of treatment was done through macroscopic and microscopic examinations supported with radiography to the knee joints. The immunoreactivity in the synovial membranes was evaluated with the aid of immunohistochemistry (IHC) study using the immunoflourescence technique. The study showed improved density of the following neuropeptide nerve fibers: protein gene product (PGP) 9.5, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY). Anti-inflammatory property of CS extract and zerumbone was assayed through estimation of serum prostaglandins E2 (PGE2) and F2α (PGF2α) concentrations using the enzyme immunoassay kits, to ascertain their positive effect on the OA joints. The concentrations of the prostaglandins were determined during three periods that is before and during OA periods and after 4 weeks of the treatment. For the zerumbone treatment group, some phase I and phase II hepatic metabolizing enzymes (cytochrome P450, glutathione S-transferase) and oxidative stress biomarkers (malondialdehyde, glutathione) were determined to explore hepatic status after treatment. Following 4 weeks of the treatment with 10 ml/kg of the aqueous CS extract and 2ml/kg of zerumbone, histopathological changes of joints articular cartilages decreased and the immunoreactivity in the synovial membranes improved. The OA changes decreased significantly in zerumbone-treated rats. This difference may be due to the dual anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of zerumbone, while the CS extract only has the anti-inflammatory property. Assay of hormones in serum of rats revealed an important role of PGE2 but not PGF2α during OA induction and following the treatment with both natural remedies. In conclusion, both CS extract and zerumbone have obvious improved effect against experimentally induced knee OA in rats, but with zerumbone producing markedly different effect. The safety profile of zerumbone shown by the absence of oxidative stress suggests an opportunity to study the possibility of using this compound at higher dosage regimen and/or longer duration of for the treatment of OA or other disease

    Experiences of occupation in individuals living with bipolar disorder.

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    Bakgrund: Bipolär sjukdom är ett komplext tillstånd som inverkar på individens vardag och livskvalitet. Bipolär sjukdom påverkar förmågan att utföra vardagliga aktiviteter över alla livsområden samt delaktighet i arbetslivet och sociala relationer.Syfte: Att belysa hur individer som lever med bipolär sjukdom upplever sina aktiviteter.Metod: En retrospektiv dokumentanalys av fyra självbiografier genomfördes med den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen som analysmetod.Resultat: Den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen resulterade i temat ett komplext samspel av faktorer påverkar upplevelser av aktivitet innehållande två huvudkategorier. Huvudkategorin inneboende faktorer påverkar upplevelser av aktivitet utgörs av kategorierna måendets inverkan på upplevelser av aktivitet samt kognitiva förmågors relation till upplevelser av aktivitet. Huvudkategorin externa och kontextuella faktorer påverkar upplevelser av aktivitet inbegriper kategorierna rutiners betydelse i upplevelser av aktivitet samt omgivningens roll i upplevelser av aktivitet.Slutsats: Upplevelser av aktivitet grundar sig i ett komplext samspel av faktorer som påverkar individens möjlighet att vara delaktig i aktivitet.Implikationer: Berör behovet av individanpassade interventioner, miljöanpassningar samt fortsatt forskning om aktivitet i relation till bipolär sjukdom som kan användas för utbildning på samhällsnivå och för verksamma arbetsterapeuter.Background: Bipolar disorder is a complex condition that affects everyday life and quality of life. Bipolar disorder affects the ability to perform everyday activities in all areas of life as well as participation in social relationships and work-life.Aim: To illustrate how individuals with bipolar disorder experience occupation.Method: A retrospective document analysis of four autobiographies was conducted using the qualitative content analysis as method of analysis.Results: The qualitative content analysis resulted in the theme a complex interplay of factors influence occupational experiences and contains two main categories. The main category intrinsic factors influence occupational experiences, consists of the categories the well-being´s influence on occupational experiences and the relation of cognitive abilities to occupational experiences. The main category external and contextual factors influence occupational experiences includes the categories the importance of routines in occupational experiences and the role of the environment in occupational experiences.Conclusions: Experiences of occupation is based on a complex interplay of factors that affect an individual’s ability to participate in occupation.Implications: A need for individualized interventions, environmental adaptations, and continued research on occupation in relation to bipolar disorder that can be used to educate at the community level as well as within the profession

    Zerumbone improved immunoreactivity of neuropeptides in monosodium iodoacetate induced knee osteoarthritis in rat

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    The main objective of this investigation was to explore the improvement effect of oral administration of zerumbone on the density of protein gene product; calcitonin gene related peptide and neuropeptide Y immunoreactive nerve fibers against monosodium iodoacetate induced osteoarthritis changes in rat's knee synovial membrane. Prostaglandin (PG) E2 and F2α were determined to assess their role during osteoarthritis events and post zerumbone application. Forty rats were divided equally into four groups. Rats in the first and second groups were treated with two different concentrations of zerumbone. Rats in the third group received celecoxib (Celebrex®) and served as positive control; whereas those of the fourth group were given corn oil and served as the negative control. The results revealed lower pathology score beside an improvement of the immunoreactive nerve fibers densities in zerumbone treated groups compared with the negative control. Different prostaglandin levels were detected within the different treated groups. The data showed that, zerumbone had dose dependent plausible improvement effect against the depleted immunoreactive nerve fibers which occurred after monosodium iodoacetate injection. The prostaglandin E2 but not PGF2α showed distinct role during the osteoarthritis events and the post oral treatment with zerumbone

    Vague behavioral and personality changes and a misdiagnosis of complex partial epilepsy

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    Pancreatic insulinomas are rare endocrine tumors and their diagnosis needs a high index of suspicion. Several patients receive an initial misdiagnosis before the tumor is being finally detected. We report on two patients who presented with vague and bizarre personality and behavioral changes. One patient was initially diagnosed with hysteria and both eventually were diagnosed with complex partial epilepsy. They had not improved on anti-epileptic medications and their symptomatology continued to deteriorate. Their final diagnosis turned out to be pancreatic insulinoma. Because of the rarity of insulinomas as well as their diverse and non-pathognomonic symptoms, the diagnosis remains challenging and may quite well escape detection unless it is entertained. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(4.000): 860-867