718 research outputs found

    Fifty years of atrazine in Iowa: Benefits, impacts, and current status

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    Atrazine was first registered for use in the U.S. in 1958. It quickly became the preferred herbicide of corn growers, controlling both grasses and broadleaf weeds and being used either as a postemergence or preemergence application, unlike the primary alternative herbicide of the time, 2,4-D (Muller 2008). Over 50 years later, atrazine is still an important weed management tool for corn growers, and was the most widely used herbicide until recently when only glyphosate was used on more acres

    Flashback to 1985: The State of Speech and Debate: A National Perspective

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    Since I left Minnesota to join the staff at the National Federation of State High School Associations as their speech and music coordinator in July 1978, a number of forces have impacted America’s high schools, high school activities programs, and more specifically, high school speech and debate activities. I should like to focus on some of these forces tracing their eventual impact on speech and debate programs

    Scottish medieval Parish churches: The evidence from the Dioceses of Dunblane and Dunkeld

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    The great majority of Scottish parish churches owe their present appearance to reconstructions carried out from the later eighteenth or nineteenth centuries. It was the view of the authors of this paper, however, that in many cases those reconstructions had been relatively superficial, and that medieval work might have survived under what could, in some cases, be little more than a modern veneer. To test this view, a survey was carried out of all medieval parish sites within the dioceses of Dunblane and Dunkeld. The findings from that survey are summarized in this paper

    Exploring the past with Google Cardboard

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    Combining digital reconstruction with mobile technologies has the potential of enriching visitors experience to historic sites. Through designing a mobile App with Google Cardboard it is possible to use technology already in peoples' pockets to provide immersive on-site exploration of historic sites. This paper looks at our experience in developing such a mobile App which acts as a digital guided tour of the remains of St Andrews Cathedral. The App brings together traditional media such as audio, images, panoramas, 3D video and 4π Steradian (or 360°) video with a mobile smartphone and Google Cardboard to provide a tour of one of Scotland's most important historic sites. The mobile App is available from both Google Play and iTunes, providing direct delivery to a potential audience of millions. It complements the location-aware mediaeval St Andrews App, which provides a guided tour to the town of St Andrews as a whole. In the absence of Google Cardboard the App is still useful providing both visual content and audio commentary on this historic monument.Postprin

    Review of Atrazine Water Monitoring Data in Iowa Relative to Label and Management Changes

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    Trends in atrazine detections and concentrations in Iowa surface and groundwater were reviewed relative to adoption of Best Management Practices and atrazine label changes designed to protect water resources. Analysis of a large statewide water monitoring database from 1982 to 1995 revealed statistically significant declines in both atrazine detection rates and concentrations in both groundwater and surface water. USGS monitoring of streams from 1989 to 1995 showed a decline in atrazine median concentration of almost 50%. Rural wells in Floyd and Mitchell Counties were sampled in 1986 and 198 7 and resampled in 1994, four years after the area was designated as an atrazine management area. Mean atrazine concentrations declined by 87%, and no wells exceeded the atrazine Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) drinking water standard (6% of wells exceeded the MCL in 1986). Other studies also documented declines in atrazine detections and concentrations, which have been attributed to improved management of the herbicide. Exposure of Iowans to atrazine through drinking water is low. For the period 1994-2002, eleven Community Water Systems (CWS) utilizing the most vulnerable surface water sources were intensively monitored for atrazine. Only one CWS in one year exceeded the 3 ppb annual average drinking water standard. In an analysis of all Safe Drinking Water compliance monitoring in Iowa for the period 1993 through 2000, no CWS utilizing groundwater had an atrazine detection of 3 ppb or greater. No atrazine was detected in 90.2% of groundwater

    Regional Regulation of Purkinje Cell Dendritic Spines by Integrins and Eph/Ephrins.

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    Climbing fibres and parallel fibres compete for dendritic space on Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Normally, climbing fibres populate the proximal dendrites, where they suppress the multiple small spines typical of parallel fibres, leading to their replacement by the few large spines that contact climbing fibres. Previous work has shown that ephrins acting via EphA4 are a signal for this change in spine type and density. We have used an in vitro culture model in which to investigate the ephrin effect on Purkinje cell dendritic spines and the role of integrins in these changes. We found that integrins ι3, ι5 and β4 are present in many of the dendritic spines of cultured Purkinje cells. pFAK, the main downstream signalling molecule from integrins, has a similar distribution, although the intenstity of pFAK staining and the percentage of pFAK+ spines was consistently higher in the proximal dendrites. Activating integrins with Mg2+ led to an increase in the intensity of pFAK staining and an increase in the proportion of pFAK+ spines in both the proximal and distal dendrites, but no change in spine length, density or morphology. Blocking integrin binding with an RGD-containing peptide led to a reduction in spine length, with more stubby spines on both proximal and distal dendrites. Treatment of the cultures with ephrinA3-Fc chimera suppressed dendritic spines specifically on the proximal dendrites and there was also a decrease of pFAK in spines on this domain. This effect was blocked by simultaneous activation of integrins with Mn2+. We conclude that Eph/ephrin signaling regulates proximal dendritic spines in Purkinje cells by inactivating integrin downstream signalling
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