18 research outputs found

    Profilométrie par déphasage en mouvement pour applications industrielles

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    National audienceLa profilométrie par déphasage est une méthode éprouvée pour reconstruire des surfaces de maniÚre dense et précise. Par contre la scÚne doit rester immobile pendant l'acquisition d'une séquence de plusieurs images. De plus, il existe des méthodes de stéréo active qui s'affranchissent de la contrainte d'immobilité de la scÚne mais qui imposent d'autres limitations comme par exemple la continuité de la surface et de la texture ou une résolution de reconstruction considérablement réduite. Nous présentons une nouvelle technique de reconstruction aussi dense et précise que la profilométrie par déphasage et qui permet une translation de la scÚne pendant l'acquisition de la séquence d'images. Cela la rend intéressante pour des applications industrielles. Nous étudions sa performance à l'aide de simulations et donnons une démonstration sur un exemple réel

    Photo2ClipArt: Image Abstraction and Vectorization Using Layered Linear Gradients

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    International audienceWe present a method to create vector cliparts from photographs. Our approach aims at reproducing two key properties of cliparts: they should be easily editable, and they should represent image content in a clean, simplified way. We observe that vector artists satisfy both of these properties by modeling cliparts with linear color gradients, which have a small number of parameters and approximate well smooth color variations. In addition, skilled artists produce intricate yet editable artworks by stacking multiple gradients using opaque and semi-transparent layers. Motivated by these observations, our goal is to decompose a bitmap photograph into a stack of layers, each layer containing a vector path filled with a linear color gradient. We cast this problem as an optimization that jointly assigns each pixel to one or more layer and finds the gradient parameters of each layer that best reproduce the input. Since a trivial solution would consist in assigning each pixel to a different, opaque layer, we complement our objective with a simplicity term that favors decompositions made of few, semi-transparent layers. However, this formulation results in a complex combinatorial problem combining discrete unknowns (the pixel assignments) and continuous unknowns (the layer parameters). We propose a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm that efficiently explores this solution space by leveraging layering cues at image junctions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by reverse-engineering existing cliparts and by creating original cliparts from studio photographs

    Fidelity vs. Simplicity: a Global Approach to Line Drawing Vectorization

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    International audienceVector drawing is a popular representation in graphic design because of the precision, compactness and editability offered by parametric curves. However, prior work on line drawing vectorization focused solely on faithfully capturing input bitmaps, and largely overlooked the problem of producing a compact and editable curve network. As a result, existing algorithms tend to produce overly-complex drawings composed of many short curves and control points, especially in the presence of thick or sketchy lines that yield spurious curves at junctions. We propose the first vectorization algorithm that explicitly balances fidelity to the input bitmap with simplicity of the output, as measured by the number of curves and their degree. By casting this trade-off as a global optimization, our algorithm generates few yet accurate curves, and also disambiguates curve topology at junctions by favoring the simplest interpretations overall. We demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm on a variety of drawings, sketchy cartoons and rough design sketches

    Extracting Geometric Structures in Images with Delaunay Point Processes

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    International audienceWe introduce Delaunay Point Processes, a framework for the extraction of geometric structures from images. Our approach simultaneously locates and groups geometric primitives (line segments, triangles) to form extended structures (line networks, polygons) for a variety of image analysis tasks. Similarly to traditional point processes, our approach uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo to minimize an energy that balances fidelity to the input image data with geometric priors on the output structures. However, while existing point processes struggle to model structures composed of interconnected components, we propose to embed the point process into a Delaunay triangulation, which provides high-quality connectivity by construction. We further leverage key properties of the Delaunay triangulation to devise a fast Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler. We demonstrate the flexibility of our approach on a variety of applications, including line network extraction, object contouring, and mesh-based image compression

    Line Drawing Interpretation in a Multi-View Context

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    International audienceMany design tasks involve the creation of new objects in the context of an existing scene. Existing work in computer vision only provides partial support for such tasks. On the one hand, multi-view stereo algorithms allow the reconstruction of real-world scenes, while on the other hand algorithms for line-drawing interpretation do not take context into account. Our work combines the strength of these two domains to interpret line drawings of imaginary objects drawn over photographs of an existing scene. The main challenge we face is to identify the existing 3D structure that correlates with the line drawing while also allowing the creation of new structure that is not present in the real world. We propose a labeling algorithm to tackle this problem , where some of the labels capture dominant orientations of the real scene while a free label allows the discovery of new orientations in the imaginary scene. We illustrate our algorithm by interpreting line drawings for urban planing, home remodeling, furniture design and cultural heritage

    Integer‐Grid Sketch Simplification and Vectorization

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    International audienceA major challenge in line drawing vectorization is segmenting the input bitmap into separate curves. This segmentation is especially problematic for rough sketches, where curves are depicted using multiple overdrawn strokes. Inspired by feature-aligned mesh quadrangulation methods in geometry processing, we propose to extract vector curve networks by parametrizing the image with local drawing-aligned integer grids. The regular structure of the grid facilitates the extraction of clean line junctions; due to the grid's discrete nature, nearby strokes are implicitly grouped together. We demonstrate that our method successfully vectorizes both clean and rough line drawings, whereas previous methods focused on only one of those drawing types

    Les ports romains dans les Trois Gaules

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    Ce dossier dresse un bilan des ports romains fouillĂ©s Ă  ce jour dans les Trois Gaules (Lyonnaise, Aquitaine et Belgique) et plus particuliĂšrement dans l’Arc Atlantique et les eaux intĂ©rieures. Prenant appui sur les communications prĂ©sentĂ©es dans le cadre d’un colloque organisĂ© Ă  Nantes en 2018, il rend compte de prĂšs d’un siĂšcle de recherches et de dĂ©couvertes reflĂ©tant l’émergence de l’archĂ©ologie portuaire dans cet espace non mĂ©diterranĂ©en, tout en offrant une image inĂ©dite de ports antiques Ă©tablis en fond d’estuaire ou sur les rives de fleuves et de riviĂšres. La prĂ©paration de ce volume a Ă©tĂ© l’occasion de mettre plus particuliĂšrement Ă  l’honneur les configurations, les infrastructures, les systĂšmes architecturaux et les choix techniques retenus pour Ă©quiper une partie du triptyque portuaire usuel, Ă  savoir l’espace liĂ© aux activitĂ©s de (dĂ©)chargement, en pied de berge, et Ă  l’espace navigable. Le programme de fouilles menĂ© entre 2005 et 2016 sur le port fluvio-maritime du quartier de Saint-Lupien Ă  RezĂ© (Loire-Atlantique), en bordure d’un bras disparu de la Loire, est Ă  l’origine du colloque de Nantes et donc de ce dossier. Il a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des quais remarquablement conservĂ©s et construits en caissons Ă  pans de bois et blocages de pierres. Il a Ă©galement permis de rassembler de multiples donnĂ©es au sein des alluvions accumulĂ©es Ă  leur pied (faune, insectes, textiles
). C’est cet ensemble qui a en particulier servi de point de comparaison Ă  la prĂ©sentation de plusieurs autres sites portuaires mis en Ă©vidence dans les bassins de la Seine (Aizier [Eure], Incarville [Eure], Rouen [Seine-Maritime], Blainville-sur-Orne [Calvados], Reims [Marne], Pont-Sainte-Maxence [Oise], Chelles [Seine-et-Marne], Les Mureaux [Yvelines]), de la Loire (Tours [Indre-et-Loire], OrlĂ©ans [Loiret], Bourges [Cher]) ou encore de la Garonne (Barzan [Charente-Maritime], Saintes [Charente-Maritime], NaintrĂ© [Vienne], Bordeaux [Gironde]). Afin d’en enrichir le propos et d’en prolonger la discussion, ce dossier s’achĂšve par une ouverture chronologique (Vix [CĂŽte-d’Or]), doublĂ©e d’une ouverture gĂ©ographique, de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© de la ligne de partage des eaux, cĂŽtĂ© Rhin, RhĂŽne et MĂ©diterranĂ©e, avec une prĂ©sentation de ports bĂątis en contexte portuaire lacustre, fluvio-lacustre ou lagunaire (Besançon [Doubs], la Suisse, Irun [Pays basque, Espagne] et Narbonne [Aude])


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    Dictionnaire des intellectuel.les au Québec

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    Qui connaĂźt vraiment les intellectuel.les hors du cercle restreint des historiens et des littĂ©raires ? Quelle mĂ©moire avons-nous de celles et ceux qui, au QuĂ©bec, eurent recours Ă  la parole comme « mode d'action » ? Qui, comme Hubert Aquin, entreprirent et entreprennent encore de « comprendre dangereusement » la culture et la sociĂ©tĂ© de leur Ă©poque, remuant idĂ©es et images, bousculant pouvoirs et doxa ? Ce dictionnaire est conçu pour combler les lacunes d'une mĂ©moire collective quelque peu dĂ©faillante, mais aussi pour donner envie de lire ou de relire les textes de ces femmes et hommes passionnĂ©s par les idĂ©es, qui ont contribuĂ© - et qui contribuent toujours - Ă  bĂątir la sociĂ©tĂ© quĂ©bĂ©coise. On y trouvera les noms de celles et ceux qui, depuis trois siĂšcles, interviennent sur la place publique et soulĂšvent des questions d'intĂ©rĂȘt civique et politique Ă  propos d'enjeux collectifs importants ; de celles et ceux qui promeuvent ou incarnent la libertĂ© de parole et la dĂ©fendent contre diffĂ©rents pouvoirs et structures organisationnelles