2,408 research outputs found

    Antiheroes in the Rubble: Exploring the possibility of heroism in dystopias from Watchmen to The Last of Us

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    In contemporary popular culture, we see a growing number of both antiheroic characters and dystopias in which society as we know it has ceased to exist. Antiheroes are not necessarily placed in dystopian narratives, but the combination of antihero-dystopias is significant. The dystopia forces us to adopt a new moral compass, one which does not allow a superficial dichotomy of good versus evil. Camus’ philosophical ideas, particularly those articulated in The Rebel, are vital to understanding the controversial morality of the dystopic narrative. If society collapses and there is nothing left to save, what role does the hero have? Is it possible to be a hero in a condemned world? The answers to these questions will be addressed in relation to three media fictions: V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and The Last of Us. This article explores the possibility that the only possible heroism inside a dystopian narrative is antiheroic

    Revolução de Stan Lee: Os super-heróis da Marvel como uma antecipação dos anti-heróis da Idade das Trevas

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    The 1980s: The Superhero genre experiments the most significant transformation since the creation of Superman in 1939. A new age of superheroes begins, in which the funny characters for children become darker, violent, brutal, more and more realistic, disenchanted and adult. In Supergods Grant Morrison will call it Dark Age, when the antihero takes the superhero’s place. The Dark Age is considered the biggest revolution in superheroes comics – and yet it is possible to see many warning signs during the Silver Age: a man – The Man – had already started to revolutionize the superheroes world: Stan Lee. Stan created dozens of characters: his superheroes are more complex and human than ever before. They are anticipating the Dark Age, twenty years before it. Thanks to some of the most iconic creations of The Man, this article will show the characteristic of these characters who anticipate the Dark Age’s revolution.A década de 1980: O gênero Superhero experimenta a transformação mais significativa desde a criação do Superman em 1939. Começa uma nova era de super-heróis, na qual os personagens engraçados ficam mais escuros, violentos, brutais, mais e mais realistas, desencantados e adultos. Em Supergods, Grant Morrison vai chamar de Dark Age, quando o anti-herói toma o lugar do super-herói. A Idade das Trevas é considerada a maior revolução nos quadrinhos dos super-heróis - e ainda é possível ver muitos sinais de alerta durante a Era de Prata: um homem - O Homem - já havia começado a revolucionar o mundo dos super-heróis: Stan Lee. Stan criou dezenas de personagens: seus super-heróis são mais complexos e humanos do que nunca. Eles estão antecipando a Idade das Trevas, vinte anos antes. Graças a algumas das criações mais icônicas do The Man, este artigo mostrará a característica desses personagens que antecipam a revolução da Idade das Trevas

    Flesh, Scars, and Clay. The Role of Pain and Bodies in the Creation of Identity and Meaning

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    The mask's role is central to the superhero narrative. The mask is a non-human identity, which replaces the civilian, human one; sometimes forever. It is what happens to the majority of Gotham's villains. While Batman can take off his mask and at least pretend to be Bruce Wayne, many of his enemies do not have the same privilege. For characters like Two-Face, Joker, Zsasz, and Clayface, the mask is carved directly into their bodies. Like masks, scars can replace one's identity, but deeply and sometimes irreversibly. Bodies and masks play a central role in ancient primitive cultures, especially during initiation rituals. The two elements are distinct, but closely linked. Wearing a mask always implies a modification of the body, or at least of the way it is perceived. Furthermore, marks left on the body, whether temporary like a face paint or definitive like a tattoo, perform a similar function to that of the mask: they replace the individual's identity and communicate a message. The initiation ceremonies destroy a previous identity to create a new one. While an individuum is a Leib, a living body that is becoming and escapes an ultimate meaning, by inflicting pain and scars, the initiation rituals aim to reduce the body to a stable dimension. First an ecstasy, induced by drugs and fasting, and through the infliction of physical pain, shatters the previous identity. The Leib is reduced to the passivity of flesh. Then a new identity is literally written on the body through scars or tattoos, thus receiving an "ultimate" sense and giving him/her a role and a place within society. The scar is a new identity, like a mask carved directly on the body

    Studio di una PCR multitarget in real time PCR per la diagnosi rapida di meningite: ipotesi di studio per l'applicazione di un nuovo tipo di sonda molecolare

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    La meningite è un'infiammazione delle meningi, le membrane che rivestono il cervello e il midollo spinale. Di solito è causata da batteri o virus, ma può anche essere causato da farmaci o malattie (meningite di eziologia non infettiva). La meningite batterica è rara, ma di solito è grave e può essere pericolosa per la vita se non trattata immediatamente. La meningite virale (detta anche meningite asettica) è relativamente comune e molto meno grave. Rimane spesso non diagnosticata perché i suoi sintomi possono essere simili a quelli della comune influenza. Se tempestivamente diagnosticata, la meningite può essere trattata con successo. Quindi è riconoscere i segni di meningite, e se si sospetta che il bambino ha la malattia, richiedere assistenza medica immediatamente. Molti dei batteri e virus che causano la meningite sono abbastanza comuni e sono in genere associate ad altre patologie di routine. Batteri e virus che infettano la cute, l’apparato urinario, il tratto gastrointestinale o respiratorio possono diffondere per mezzo della circolazione sanguigna verso le meningi e causare il processo infettivo.In alcuni casi di meningite batterica, i batteri si diffondono nelle meningi a cvausa di un grave trauma alla testa o una grave infezione locale, come ad esempio una grave infezione all'orecchio (otite media) o infezione dei seni nasali (sinusite). Diversi tipi di batteri possono causare la meningite batterica. Nei neonati, le cause più comuni sono lo streptococco di gruppo B, Escherichia coli e Listeria monocytogenes. In bambini più grandi, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococco) e Neisseria meningitidis (meningococco) sono più spesso le cause. Un altro batterio, Haemophilus influenzale tipo b (Hib), può anche causare la malattia, ma a causa di vaccinazioni infantili diffuse, questi casi sono diventati più rari. Allo stesso modo, molti virus possono causare la meningite virale, compresi gli enterovirus (come coxsackie, polio ed epatite A) e gli herpesvirus. I sintomi della meningite sono variabili e dipendono sia l'età del bambino / paziente adulto e la causa dell'infezione. Poiché la meningite sintomi simil-influenzali possono essere simili in entrambi i tipi di meningite, soprattutto nelle fasi iniziali, e batteriche possono essere molto gravi, è importante diagnosticare rapidamente l'infezione. La sua importanza deriva non solo dalla sua gravità, l'infezione progredisce rapidamente e può condurre alla morte, ma anche le conseguenze che può causare: danni e invalidità permanenti di vari tipi e livelli. E questo è il motivo per cui il solo sospetto di meningite in un sistema di allarme del paziente e causa una forte implicazione emotiva per tutti i professionisti sanitari coinvolti nel medico di emergenza chiamata solleva la necessità di un approccio metodologico basato sulla velocità, precisione e in particolare sulla scelta di sistemi che sono estremamente sensibili.Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. It is usually caused by bacteria or viruses, but it can also be caused by certain medications or illnesses (meningitis of non-infectious etiology). Bacterial meningitis is rare, but is usually serious and can be life-threatening if it's not treated right away. Viral meningitis (also called aseptic meningitis) is relatively common and far less serious. It often remains undiagnosed because its symptoms can be similar to those of the common flu. If promptly diagnosed, meningitis can be treated successfully. So it's important to get routine vaccinations, know the signs of meningitis, and if you suspect that your child has the illness, seek medical care right away. Many of the bacteria and viruses that cause meningitis are fairly common and are typically associated with other routine illnesses. Bacteria and viruses that infect the skin, urinary system, gastrointestinal or respiratory tract can spread by the bloodstream to the meninges through cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that circulates in and around the spinal cord. In some cases of bacterial meningitis, the bacteria spread to the meninges from a severe head trauma or a severe local infection, such as a serious ear infection (otitis media) or nasal sinus infection (sinusitis). Many different types of bacteria can cause bacterial meningitis. In newborns, the most common causes are Group B streptococcus, Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes. In older kids, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) and Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) are more often the causes. Another bacteria, Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), can also cause the illness but because of widespread childhood immunization, these cases are now rarer. Similarly, many different viruses can lead to viral meningitis, including enteroviruses (such as coxsackievirus, poliovirus, and hepatitis A) and the herpesvirus. The symptoms of meningitis vary and depend both on the age of the child/adult patient and on the cause of the infection. Because the flu-like symptoms can be similar in both types of meningitis, particularly in the early stages, and bacterial meningitis can be very serious, it's important to quickly diagnose an infection. Its importance stems not only from its gravity, the infection progresses rapidly and can lead to death, but also the consequences that can cause: damage and permanent disabilities of various types and levels. And this is the reason why the mere suspicion of meningitis in a patient cause alarm and strong emotional implications for all health professionals involved in emergency doctor called it raises the need for a methodological approach based on speed, accuracy and especially on the choice of systems that are highly sensitive
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