537 research outputs found


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    Family as the first educational institution for children has an important role in instilling child independence. Through activities to educate, guide, and provide care to children, the cultivation of independence can be done in the family. The study aims to find out, discover, and explain the role of working mothers as domestic helpers in instilling early childhood independence in the family environment. This research is field research or field research using qualitative descriptive methods. Data is obtained through observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by reducing, presenting, and verifying data. The results of this study are mothers who work as domestic helpers in carrying out the role of early childhood independence in the family environment is done by taking the best time for the child, applying habits and discipline to the child, applying responsibility to the child, and providing rewards as motivation for children to continue to be encouraged to do independence


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    Cincau hitam merupakan minuman tradisional yang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan. Kandungan antioksidan yang berperan aktif dalam cincau hitam adalah karotenoid, flavonoid, dan klorofil. Aktivitas antioksidan dari cincau hitam dapat dipengaruhi oleh proses dan lamanya ekstraksi, sehingga diperlukan suatu kondisi optimum untuk memperoleh cincau hitam yang kaya antioksidan. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengolahan cincau hitam dengan membandingkan proses ekstraksi yang meliputi, proses perebusan dan proses ekstraksi uap bertekanan dengan alat yang telah dirancang. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum dan aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih baik. Selain itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan zat additive flour yang ditandai dengan AF1 dan AF2 sebagai pengganti zat pati yang biasa ditambahkan pada proses pengolahan cincau hitam, dan juga penambahan natrium karbonat sebagai penambah kelarutan dari ekstrak cincau yang kemudian dilihat pengaruhnya terhadap cincau hitam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan kondisi optimum pembuatan cincau didasarkan pada proses ekstraksi dan aktivitas antioksidan. Sementara pengaruh penambahan additive flour dilakukan uji sineresis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum yang didapatkan setiap proses yaitu; pada proses perebusan didapatkan suhu 80oC dan waktu 45 menit dengan aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 77,38%. Pada proses ekstraksi uap bertekanan didapatkan waktu 90 menit dengan tekanan 0,8 kg/cm2 yang menghasilkan aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 94,23%. Penambahan additive flour didapatkan nilai sineresis yang mendekati cincau hitam biasa didapatkan dengan penambahan sebesar 5% sementara penambahan natrium karbonat optimum pada penambahan sebesar 1%.;--- Black grass jelly is a traditional drink that has antioxidant activity. The content of antioxidants that play an active role in the black grass jelly are carotenoids, flavonoids, and chlorophyll. The antioxidant activity of black grass jelly can be affected by the process and the duration of the extraction, necessitating an optimum condition for obtaining black grass jelly is rich in antioxidants. In this research has been done black grass jelly processing by comparing the extraction process which includes, boiling water and pressurized steam extraction process with a tool that has been designed. It aims to determine the optimum conditions and better antioxidant activity. Also in this study, the addition of other additives flour characterized by AF1 and AF2 in lieu of the usual starch is added to the black grass jelly processing, and also the addition of sodium carbonate as solubility enhancer of grass jelly extract was then seen its influence on black grass jelly. The method used in the determination of optimum conditions of grass jelly-making process is based on extraction and antioxidant activity. While the effect of adding flour additive sineresis test. The results showed that the optimum conditions were obtained every process that is; Reviewed obtained boiling process temperature 80oC and 45 minutes with the antioxidant activity of 77,38%. In the extraction process pressure steam obtained within 90 minutes with a pressure of 0,8 kg/cm2 which produces antioxidant activity of 94,23%. Extra flour additive value obtained syneresis approaching the usual black grass jelly obtained by the addition of 5% while the addition of sodium carbonate optimum in increments of 1%


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    The aim of study to express discrimination behavioral Indonesian people in law. The research to explain kinds of discrimination behavioral occure in Indonesia. Excerpt in  Api Tauhid novel which contain behavioral discrimination is reseach of data. Data is  gathered by using dokumentasion, observation, and written method. In the research, the theory is dekonstruksion. The theory of dekonstrustion to use explain kinds of behavioral discrimination in Indonesia with base of excerpt in novel. The result of research in novel is gathered discrimination behavioral to Badiuzzaman Said Nursi character. The kind of discrimination behavioral is authoritative government. Kinds of discrimination behavioral Indonesia people is self law, authoritative government, and bribe to government

    Religion, Politics, and Violence in Indonesia Learning from Banser's Experience

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    Banser's history reflects an attempt by religiously minded people, namely the so-called traditionalist NU leaders, to use violence to serve their political interests. Two assumptions about the connection between violence, politics and religion are: (1) that violence is necessary to achieve political ends; and (2) that violence is religiously controllable. When they finally agreed to establish Banser during the colonial era, NU leaders generally accepted these two assumptions and acted accordingly because they were, along with other parts of Indonesian society, struggling to win independence. While independence was indeed won, the same assumptions remain. This is because the state's security apparatus is unable or unwilling to monopolize the use of violence, hence providing paramilitary organizations like Banser with the opportunity to operate.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v15i3.52

    On Being a Marxist Muslim: Reading Hasan Raid's Autobiography

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    In his recently published book, Clive Christie argues that Socialism, Marxism and Communism played a crucial role as weapons for Southeast Asian leaders in their fight against colonialism and as frameworks for them to run the newly independent nations. He also realizes that other ideologies such as those based on religion, which were older in terms of their coming into the region than the above-mentioned Western-originated ideologies, especially Islam in the Malay world and Confucianism and Buddhism in the Indo-China and Burma, also played a similarly important role. However, he provides only a dim analysis of the extremely intricate relationship between these types of ideology, especially between Marxism and Islam in the thought of leaders of movements such as the Islamic Union (Sarekat Islam or SI) in the then Dutch East Indies. Most probably for reasons of space, he makes only a slight, insignificant reference to SI.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v9i1.67

    Merdeka Belajar dalam Perspektif Filsafat Progresivisme

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    Merdeka Belajar adalah konsep yang mengedepankan kebebasan individu untuk menentukan arah dan jalan belajarnya sendiri dengan dukungan yang memadai dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Dalam perspektif progresivisme, Merdeka Belajar sesuai dengan tuntutan perkembangan zaman yang adaptif dan responsif. Konsep ini memungkinkan individu untuk belajar secara mandiri, memilih metode dan teknologi yang sesuai, serta menentukan jadwal dan tempat belajar yang nyaman. Tujuan dari penelitianini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah konsep merdeka belajar dalam perspektif progresivisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Library Research sebagai sumber informasi berupa informasi sekunder melalui tahapan identifikasi, evaluasi dengan sumber rujukan  5 artikel jurnal nasional dan sumber buku sebagai pendukung argumen  peneliti. Dari hasil studi literatur ditemukan bahwa Konsep merdeka belajar memiliki kesamaan dengan konsep Pendidikan filsafat progresivisme yang dipelopori oleh John Dewey dimana Lembaga Pendidikan diberikan kebebasan dan keleluasaan dalam mengembangkan potensi dan karakter dari peserta didik karena pada dasarnya setiap peserta didik mempunyai kecenderungan dan potensinya masing-masing


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    ABSTRAK Nur Ali Fauzi, 2020. Pengaruh Karakteristik Wirausaha, Modal Usaha, dan Penggunaan Informasi Akuntansi terhadap Keberhasilan UMKM Industri Shuttlecock di Desa Lawatan Kecamatan Dukuhturi Kabupaten Tegal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Pengaruh Karakteristik Wirausaha, Modal Usaha, dan Penggunaan Informasi Akuntansi terhadap Keberhasilan UMKM Industri Shuttlecock di Desa Lawatan Kecamatan Dukuhturi Kabupaten Tegal. Jenis metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data primer. Populasi sebanyak 88 pelaku UMKM industri shuttlecock, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin, dari data tersebut diperoleh 47 responden. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode analisis regresi linear berganda. Asumsi klasik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji normalitas, uji multikolonieritas, uji heteroskedastisitas. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa karakteristik wirausaha berpengaruh positif dan modal usaha berpengaruh negatif terhadap keberhasilan UMKM industri shuttlecock sedangkan penggunaan informasi akuntansi tidak berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan UMKM industri shuttlecock. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa semakian tinggi karakteristik wirausaha dan modal usaha maka akan semakin tinggi tingkat keberhasilan UMKM industri shuttlecock di Desa Lawatan Kecamatan Dukuhturi Kabupaten Tegal. Kata Kunci : Karakteristik Wirausaha, Modal Usaha, Penggunaan Informasi Akuntansi, dan Keberhasilan UMKM Industri Shuttlecock
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