279 research outputs found

    Ethnic and religious tolerance: barrier factors and improvement measures based on Malay youth perspectives in Malaysia

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    Ethnic and religious unity is a thing that every country wishes for not exempting Malaysia. Tolerance among the population is very much expected to achieve this. Nevertheless, ethnic and religious diversity in Malaysia is often seen as a challenge for realizing tolerance and thus creating unity. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the barrier factors for ethnic and religious tolerance while at the same time identifying proposals for improvement measures to tolerance among the community. Hence, the Focus Group Discussion or FGD study design was used by involving 20 Malay youth informants as information providers. As a result of the analysis it can be concluded that there are six themes that exist as a barrier factor to ethnic and religious tolerance, namely (i) social gap; 38.06 percent, (ii) political debate; 16.42 percent, (iii) religious differences; 16.42 percent, (iv) economic inequality; 11.94 percent, (v) rights and constitution; 11.94 percent, and (vi) primordial sentiment; 5.22 percent. Meanwhile, in addressing the problem of ethnic and religious tolerance, the informants also proposed four perspectives on improvement measures i.e. (i) social empowerment; 71.19 percent, (ii) political role; 15.25 percent, (iii) the rule of law; 10.17 percent, and (iv) maintaining the image of Islam; 3.39 percent. The issues are important to be scrutinized because the practice of good ethnic and religious tolerance can unite the community, thereby driving the stability and progress of the country

    Finite element analysis of composite cone under compression test

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    A study of finite element analysis of composite cone under compression test is presented in this thesis. The behaviors of different angles of composite cone under compression test were been analyzed. The study and analyzed performance of composite cone in energy absorption point of view also had been carried out. The analysis were conducted using finite element Algor software and the theoretical value were calculated based on theoretical determination of properties on lamina level. It has been observes that with increasing cone angle from 5⁰ to 15⁰ for all cone, composite cone can withstand higher load and the specific absorption was improved. It also concluded here, the 15⁰ cone stand highest load and energy absorption

    Bacterial contamination on raw vegetables from different Supermarkets at Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan / Nurfazliza Mohd Fauzee

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    Raw vegetables have always been consumed for their health benefits. Increasing in foodborne disease related to raw vegetables are in alarmed conditions. This study was conducted to determine the bacterial contamination on raw vegetables from different supermarkets. The study of bacterial contaminations on raw vegetables sampling took place in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. The sampling site would be three different supermarkets situated in Kuala Pilah. The ongoing study was conducted from September until December 2016. Three different selective differential medium were used to isolate Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., and Staphylococcus aureus. Further characterization by observation and also Gram staining were done. Additional biochemical tests were performed. E.coli, Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus contaminations were found to be the highest on Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, Brassica oleracea and Lactuca sativa respectively. While for supermarkets, the highest contaminations of all three bacterial species were found at supermarket 2

    Establishing a formulation design space for a generic clobetasol 17- propionate cream using the principles of quality by design

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    The pharmaceutical industry is global, is highly regulated and is able to achieve reasonable product quality but at high cost with maximum effort. Numerous challenges face the pharmaceutical industry and include a shrinking research pipeline, less innovation, outsourcing, investments, increasing research and development costs, long approval times, growth of the generic industry, failure to understand or analyze manufacturing failure and wastage as high at fifty percent for some pharmaceutical products. An efficient and flexible pharmaceutical sector should be able to consistently produce high quality pharmaceutical products at a reduced cost with minimal waste. As a result, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other agencies such as the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) have embraced a “Quality by Design” (QbD) paradigm and this has become the “desired state” so as to shift manufacturing from being empirical to a science, engineering, and risk based approach. QbD is a systematic approach for the development of high quality pharmaceutical dosage forms that begins with predefined objectives based on the premise that quality must be built into and not tested into a product. QbD together with the establishment of a design space for dosage forms is a fairly new concept and there is limited published data on QbD concepts that report the entire process of identifying Critical Quality Attributes (CQA), design of a formulation and manufacturing process to meet product CQA, understanding the impact of material attributes and process parameters on product CQA, identification and controlling sources of variability in materials and processes that affect the CQA of a product and finally establishing, evaluating and testing a design space using both in vitro and in vivo approaches to assure that a product of consistent quality can always be produced. The objective of these studies was to implement a QbD approach to establish a design space for the development and manufacture of a safe, effective, stable generic formulation containing 0.05% w/w clobetasol 17-propionate (CP) that had similar in vitro and in vivo characteristics to an innovator product, Dermovate® (Sekpharma® Pty Ltd, Sandton, Gauteng, RSA). Such a product would pose a minimal risk of failure when treating severe skin disorders such as seborrhoeic dermatitis, extreme photodermatitis and/or severe psoriasis in HIV/AIDS patients in Southern Africa


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    The overweight problem in Iraq has been a great issue that needs to be solved by government to ensure a better well-being. The purpose of this paper is to explore the need of the modern technology in physical education in order to overcome the issues of overweight in Iraq. The methodology used in this paper is through library research which focuses on issues of overweight and modern technology application in physical education programs. It can be concluded that the use of modern technology in physical education programs will help to promote the use of best practices in physical and health education in order to overcome overweight issues. Further suggestion relating to the prospects of modern technology in physical and health education were recommended in this paper.  Article visualizations

    Human energy consumption in oil palm loose fruit collection under different terrain conditions: a case study / Mohd Faris Mohd Fauzee

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    Oil palm loose fruit collection is always been a topic to be discussed and studied over the recent years, it is either related to mechanization of the task or the field productivity of the task itself. Too common for that loose fruit is left unintended on the ground or rather ineffectively being collected from the soil surface. It is often that workers assigned for the oil palm loose fruit collecting task in plantation complained about the job difficulty due to the various terrains condition that they had to face on. So there is a need to find human energy consumption in relation with different condition of terrain to prove the cases. The objective of this study is to determine the different of human energy used in collecting loose fruit in flat and hilly terrain in the oil palm plantation. Based on the main aim of the study, the parameter of study and the location of study are determined. The location chosen for this study is Ladang Pertubuhan Peladang Negeri Johor (PPNJ) Kahang 2, Johor. The parameters of this study are time, size of plot, number of worker involved and food energy consumption. Together with all of the information, energy is calculated using a human energy calculation formula. The study is then supported with other additional data that would serve as reference information such as rainfall rate, plot productivity, plot related maintenance and workers body mass index (BMI). It have been found that the energy usage of the flat terrain is 1.787 Mega Joules (Mj) per hectare while the hilly terrain human energy consumption consumed as much as 2.722 Mega Joules (Mj) per hectare while the time consumption per hectare is 41.88 minutes and 63.71 minutes per hectare respectively. From the study, we can conclude that the energy usage in the hilly terrain is higher when compare to the flat terrain and by the result achieved it can be used for future references in plantation in meeting the requirement task timeline, by knowing the exact field productivity, plantation management can manage the number worker needed to be assigned to the task so that the daily production requirement can be met

    Production of lotion using neem (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss) extract

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    Nowadays, the most emerging disease which is arthropod borne disease cannot be prevented from vaccines and become a potential threat especially in tropical world such as America, Africa and Asia and has become a trend (Al-Hashemi et al., 2016; Biswas et al., 2002; Brian et al., 2011). One of the preventive measures is by using extracted neem oil blended into lotions for daily usage. According to Ayurveda medicine, neem (AzadirachtinIndica A. Juss) oil is widely used as a pesticide agent in India which reduce insect feeding and acts a repellent (Costa et al., 2017; Dubey et al., 2014). World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) 1989 identified neem as an environmentally powerful natural pesticide, considered to be one of the most promising tress of the 21st Century for its great potential in pest management, environment protection and medicine (Costa et al., 2017)

    Corporate real estate in malaysian higher learning environment / Mohd Fauzee Musa and Zarita Ahmad @ Baharum

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    Abstract Corporate Real Estate (CRE) is regarded as a part of strategic management in the organization. It is attempted to create awareness and highlight the important of implementing CRE in the educational institution. Educational institution is now facing a challenging task of producing quality human capital and providing students with condusive environment that will enhance their learning, becoming more creative and match the service delivery. Thus, to achive all this any educational institution has to adopt strategy that will help them to add values and enhance their competitiveness. This research is to investigate the components of CRE that create added value to the core business

    Authenticating Factor Analysis of Attitude towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) in Thailand

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    The study examine the psychometric properties of Attitudes towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) in the Thai context. To achieve the objective set by the authors, 259 students from 10 different primary schools in Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Thailand were selected. Furthermore, a forty items ATMI questionnaire having four scales that is, 15 items measuring self-confidence, 10 items measuring value, 10 items measuring enjoyment, and 5 items measuring motivation from the study of Khine and Afari (2014) was adapted. The questionnaire adapted was translated to Thai language by expert English Thai lecturer. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s test of sphericity were carried out to ascertain the factorability of the correlation matrix. That ATMI can be a viable scale to measure students’ attitudes toward mathematics in Thai context