4 research outputs found

    Analysis Image-Based Automated 3D Crack Detection for Post-disaster Bridge Assessment in Flyover Mall Boemi Kedaton

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    Recovery efforts following a disaster can be slow and painstaking work, and potentially put responders in harm's way. A system which helps identify defects in critical building elements (e.g., concrete columns) before responders must enter a structure can save lives. In this paper we propose a system, centered around an image based three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction method and a new 3D crack detection algorithm. The image-based method is capable of detecting and analyzing surface damages in 3D. We also demonstrate how the robotics can be used to gather the images from which the reconstruction is created, further reducing the risk to responders. In this regard, image-based 3D reconstructions represent a convenient method of creating 3D models because most robotic platforms can carry a lightweight camera payload. Additionally, the proposed 3D crack detection algorithm also provides the advantage of being able to operate on 3D mesh models regardless of their data collection source. Our experimental results show that 3D crack detection algorithm performs well constructions, successfully identifying cracks, reconstructing 3D profiles, and measuring geometrical characteristics on damaged elements and not finding any cracks on intact ones


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    Wilayah Jakarta berada pada zonasi gempa menengah berdasarkan peta zonasi gempa 2010 yang dipublikasikan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemukiman (PUSKIM), Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merekomendasikan perkuatan struktur pada eksisting gedung X di Jakarta, agar ketika gempa datang, struktur gedung tersebut tetap mampu memikul beban ultimit. Objek penelitian merupakan gedung kategori high rise building, memiliki jumlah lantai lebih dari 10, dibangun sebelum tahun 2010, berlokasi pada kelas situs tanah lunak dan secara visual terindikasi adanya kerusakan pada elemen struktur. Pemodelan struktur gedung X didesain dan dianalisis menggunakan program ETABS. Pembebanan gempa diberikan secara dinamik menggunakan prosedur analisis spektrum respons ragam. Hasil analisis story drift menunjukan bahwa gedung X dinyatakan aman terhadap kinerja batas ultimit yang telah dihitung berdasarkan pedoman gempa SNI 03-1726-2012. Nilai maksimum simpangan antar lantai pada gedung X untuk arah-x sebesar 68,60 mm dan arah-y sebesar 101,2 mm. Bagaimanapun, hasil analisis struktur pemodelan gedung X pada ETABS menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa elemen balok dan kolom yang membutuhkan perkuatan struktur. Perkuatan elemen balok direncanakan menggunakan CFRP yang dihitung keamanannya berdasarkan pedoman ACI 440.2R-8 Perkuatan elemen kolom direncanakan menggunakan Concrete Jacketing yang dianalisis melalui section designer pada program ETABS dan dihitung keamanannya berdasarkan pedoman SNI 03-2847-2013

    Evaluasi Struktur Gedung X di Jakarta Berdasarkan SNI 03-1726-2012 Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Gedung

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    Earthquake risk in Jakarta is one of intermediate category in Indonesia based on the 2010 seismic hazard map published by the Ministry of Public Works of Republic Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to know the ultimate performance limit of the existing X building in Jakarta. Evaluation of these building was based on guidelines SNI 03-1726-2012, SNI 03-2847-2013 and PPPURG 1987. The structure model of X building was designed and analyzed using ETABS Version 9.7.2. The result showed value of story drift was affected by dynamic response spectrum load, the maximum drift in x–direction is 68.60 mm and y–direction is 101.2 mm. The X building was declared unsafe in performance condition of the ultimate limits. It was important to know the condition of the building that would be affected by earthquake load and to prevent collapse of the building structures that could cause loss of live people in the building and the collisions between buildings. Keywords : building, earthquake, respon spectrum analysis, story drift. &nbsp

    Boletín oficial de la provincia de Santander: Año LVI Número 27 - 1992 Febrero 06

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    The high-rise building of steel structures requires strengthening system so that buildings are capable of carrying earthquake loads that may occur. Strengthening of steel structure building can be applied by providing stiffness of the structure in the form of mounting lateral stiffening system using eccentrically braced frame or concetrically braced frame. The purpose of this study is to analyze performance of story drift of the building structure in the form of horizontal drift values due to earthquake load on the building structure using the stiffening lateral x-braced frame and the two story x-braced frame. The research method using load of dynamic earthquake response spectrum analysis in accordance to SNI 03-1726-2012. The building models have 12 floors, located in Lampung city and was planned behave as an Intermediate Moment Resisting Steel Frame (IMRSF). Building model was designed and anlyzed using ETABS Version 9.7. This study shows story drift in type two story x-braced frame is smaller than the x-braced frame