315 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Di Kelurahan Mamboro Kecamatan Palu Utara

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    This research is aimed at analyzing the implementation of the national program forstrengthening their self-funded community. In addition, it is also aimed at analyzing factors both hampering and supporting the implementation of the national programs for community self- empowerment at the village of Mamboro. The research method applied is descriptive-qualitative. The Informan of this research are The Leader Of PNPM Unit, The Village Chief of Mamboro And Mamboro Barat, The BKM Nadoli member, The Village Supervisor, and The Targeting People. The types of data are primary data and secondary data. The data of the study is obtained through observations, interviews, and documentation. The result of the study indicates that the implementation of PNPM policy has run well although some hampering and supporting factors still take place during the period of the policy implemtation

    Kepemimpinan Visioner Dalam Manajemen Kesiswaan

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    Manajemen kesiswaan di sekolah merupakan bagian dari kegiatan manajemen pendidikan di sekolah. Manajemen kesiswaan terdiri dari kegiatan penerimaan siswa baru, kegiatan kemajuan belajar, bimbingan, pembinaan disiplin dan pembinaan OSIS serta monitoring. Agar kegiatan-kegiatan manajemen kesiswaan tercapai dengan efektif dan efisien dibutuhkan peran serta manajer sekolah dengan segenap masyarakat sekolah. Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang visioner menentukan jalannya kegiatan manajemen kesiswaan tercapai dengan baik

    Optimasi Pemakaian Bit pada Pemboran Intervalcasing 51/2”di Lapangan Babat-kukui

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    Tujuan dari optimasi pemakaian matabor yang akan digunakan pada operasi pemboran yaitu untukmemilih jenis matabor yang memiliki kinerja terbaik serta ekonomis. Sehingga, diharapkan matabortersebut dapat digun akan seoptimal mungkin dengan laju penembusan maksimal, waktu yangrelatifsingkat serta biaya operasi pemboran yang rendah.Dala mtugas akhir ini, akan di evaluasikinerja dari matabor yang telahdi gunakan di Lapangan Babat-Kukui yaitu pada sumur B-710 dansumur B-713.Pada sumur B-710 akan di evaluasi kinerja dari mata bor jenis Tung sten Carbide InsertBit dengan ukuran diameter 61/4 inch, khususnya untuk production casing 51/2 inch, mulai darikedudukan casing 95/8 inch di kedalaman 78.74 ft sampai dengan kedalaman 1,105.64 ft. Sedangkanpada sumur B-713 akan di evaluasi kinerja dari matabor jenis Milled Tooth Bit dengan ukurandiameter 61/4 inch, khususnya untuk production casing 51/2 inch, mulai dari kedudukan casing 95/8inch di kedalaman 78.74 ftsampaidengankedalaman 1,400.92ft.Analisadilakukandenganmenggunakanmetode Cost Per Foot danSpesifikEnergi.Darihasilperhitungan, makadiperolehsuatukesimpulanmata bor dengan ukuran diameter 61/4 inch yangpaling optimumadalah mata bor dengan biaya terendah yaitu pada sumur B-713 sebesarUS$265.57/ftsertamemilki kinerja terbaik dengan nilai spesifik energisebesar 40,676.81 lbin/in3denganmatabor Milled Tooth Bit

    Determinant of Pertamax Fuel Demand in Purwokerto

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    This research is aiming to analyze the effect of several factors such as Pertamax price, Pertalite price, income, year of vehicle and vehicle type on Pertamax fuel demand in Purwokerto and analyze which one is the most influencial factors on the Pertamax fuel demand using elasticity test. The data used in this research are primary data taken from 100 respondents all around Purwokerto then analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The result of multiple regression analysis indicated that income and vehicle type have significant effect on Pertamax fuel demand in Purwokerto while the other factors such as Pertamax price, Pertalite price and year of vehicle have no influence on Pertamax demand in Purwokerto. This research also indicated that vehicle type was the most influencial factors on Pertamax demand. From all the result that has been found, the result of regression shows that people in Purwokerto have a tendency to keep putting the quality at any price level set by the government. In this case government have to further intensify massively on advertising on good impact of Pertamax either for machine or environment and expected to improve better performance and quality either in terms of services on each gas station or oil distribution