257 research outputs found

    Quantization of the universe as a black hole

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    It has been shown that black holes can be quantized by using Bohr's idea of quantizing the motion of an electron inside the atom. We apply these ideas to the universe as a whole. This approach reinforces the suggestion that it may be a way to unify gravity with quantum theory.Comment: 7 pages. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science in 25th Octuber 201

    Seeable universe and its accelerated expansion: an observational test

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    From the equivalence principle, one gets the strength of the gravitational effect of a mass MM on the metric at position r from it. It is proportional to the dimensionless parameter β2=2GM/rc2\beta^2 = 2GM/rc^2, which normally is <<1<< 1. Here GG is the gravitational constant, MM the mass of the gravitating body, rr the position of the metric from the gravitating body and cc the speed of light. The seeable universe is the sphere, with center at the observer, having a size such that it shall contain all light emitted within it. For this to occur one can impose that the gravitational effect on the velocity of light at rr is zero for the radial component, and non zero for the tangential one. Light is then trapped. The condition is given by the equality Rg=2GM/c2R_g = 2GM/c^2, where RgR_g represents the radius of the {\it seeable} universe. It is the gravitational radius of the mass MM. The result has been presented elsewhere as the condition for the universe to be treated as a black hole. According to present observations, for the case of our universe taken as flat (k=0k = 0), and the equation of state as p=ρc2p = - \rho c^2, we prove here from the Einstein's cosmological equations that the universe is expanding in an accelerated way as t2t^2, a constant acceleration as has been observed. This implies that the gravitational radius of the universe (at the event horizon) expands as t2t^2. Taking cc as constant, observing the galaxies deep in space this means deep in time as ctct, linear. Then, far away galaxies from the observer that we see today will disappear in time as they get out of the distance ct that is <Rg< R_g. The accelerated expanding vacuum will drag them out of sight. This may be a valid test for the present ideas in cosmology. Previous calculations are here halved by our results.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    The ABCF3 Gene of Arabidopsis Is Functionally Linked with GCN1 but Not with GCN2 During Stress and Development

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    [EN] One of the main mechanisms regulating translation is the one based on the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of the translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2 alpha) by the general control non-repressive 2 (GCN2) protein kinase. In yeast, this kinase binds to two scaffold proteins (GCN1 and GCN20), facilitating its activation on translating ribosomes. The homology of the three proteins exists in Arabidopsis. In this species, whereas the kinase is activated under several stress situations, the involvement of the scaffold proteins in those processes is controversial, and a new role for GCN1 in translation, independent of the phosphorylation of eIF2 alpha, has been proposed. Arabidopsis presents five genes with homology to GCN20 (ABCF1 to 5) in its genome. We show here that any of these five genes is needed for eIF2 alpha phosphorylation. Furthermore, plant phenotypes under abiotic stresses and chloroplast development suggest that ABCF3 is functionally linked with GCN1, but not with GCN2. Finally, gcn1 and abcf3 mutants share similar transcriptional reprogramming, affecting photosynthesis and stress responses. The common downregulation of regulators of the flagellin receptor FLS2 in both mutants suggest that the observed defect in pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-induced stomatal closure of these two mutants could be mediated by these proteins.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN), reference BFU2011-22526. Vigya Kesari thanks the EC for an Erasmus Mundus postdoctoral fellowship.Faus, I.; Niñoles Rodenes, R.; Kesari, V.; Gadea Vacas, J. (2021). The ABCF3 Gene of Arabidopsis Is Functionally Linked with GCN1 but Not with GCN2 During Stress and Development. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 39(4):663-672. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11105-021-01283-wS66367239

    A Very High-beta Optics to be used for an Absolute Luminosity Determination with Forward Detectors in ATLAS

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    The Atlas experiment at the LHC pursues a number of different approaches to obtain an estimate of the absolute luminosity [3]. Measuring elastic scattering at very small angles (3 μrad) represents a different and complimentary approach that will improve the precision of the final luminosity estimate. In this paper we show the required very high-β optics and the detector acceptance studies

    Cognitive impairment in eating disorder patients of short and long-term duration: a case-control study.

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    Introduction: Several studies have noted the potentially negative effect of eating disorders (ED) on cognitive performance. Objective: To compare the impact of the duration of abnormal eating behaviors on cognitive performance in a sample of people with short- and long-term eating disorders and in two control groups matched for age. Method: The neuropsychological performance of 82 women diagnosed with an eating disorder were compared with two control groups from the community of 66 healthy women. Time of duration of the disorder was less than two years in half of the clinical sample, and more than 10 years in the other half. The following instruments were used to measure neuropsychological performance: the Matrix Test, the Stroop task, the Trail-Making Test, the Tower of London Test, the Posner Spatial Task, the Rey's Complex Figure, the Wechsler Vocabulary Test, and the Hayling Completion Test. Results: It showed that persons with long-term ED presented more impaired neuropsychological profiles, but not in all areas. In contrast, the short-term ED group presented similar profiles to the control groups. Discussion: This study highlights the positive association between cognitive impairment and time of evolution of ED, above all in perceptual measures and non-verbal memory. Considering the effect of the evolution of ED cognitive performance (especially in long-term patients) may further our understanding of the development of the disorder and the factors that may favor its persistence

    Efficacy of MS-275, a selective inhibitor of class I histone deacetylases, in human colon cancer models

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    N-(2-aminophenyl)-4-[N-(pyridine-3yl-methoxy-carbonyl) aminomethyl] benzamide (MS-275) is a second generation histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor with significant anti-tumor efficacy currently in clinical development. We investigated the effect of MS-275 treatment on various colon cancer cell lines, as well as on mouse xenograft models derived from human colorectal cancer. MS-275 exerted strong anti-proliferative effects in five cell lines and increased the acetylation of histones 3 and 4. In vivo testing of the compound in eight different models of human colon cancer derived from primary colorectal cancers or from established cell lines revealed that five models were responders, two non-responders and one an anti-responder. Gene expression profiles were determined in order to identify genes and pathways differentially regulated upon MS-275 treatment in responder versus non-responder models. Principle component analysis revealed a correlation of the anti-tumor efficacy with the sub-clustering of the MS-275 treatment groups in 7 out of 8 models. Although the overall gene expression pattern was rather unique for each individual model, 129 genes were significantly up- and 58 genes significantly down-regulated in at least 2 out of 5 responder models in response to MS-275 treatment. We identified potential biomarkers for response to MS-275, such as PRA1, MYADM and PALM2-AKAP2 which were up-regulated in all responder models and down-regulated or unchanged in all non-responder models. Our results provide a starting point for the development of clinically relevant biomarkers for predicting a response to MS-275 and the understanding of the mode of action of this HDAC inhibitor

    A holistic and integrated approach to implementing cognitive pharmaceutical services

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    La Farmacia Comunitaria forma parte del sistema de salud. Este sistema actualmente se encuentrasometido a presiones económicas y debe afrontar cambios en la demanda tanto de los consumidorescomo de los gobiernos. La respuesta de la profesión farmacéutica está dirigida a orientar su prácticahacia el paciente y a implantar servicios cognitivos farmacéuticos (CPS). En distintos países estosservicios tiene objetivos similares aunque presentan diferencias en el énfasis de los servicios, en susdefiniciones, denominaciones y en la utilización de diferentes herramientas. Sin embargo, todos ellospueden clasificarse utilizando un amplio modelo jerárquico que se basa en la toma de decisionesclínicas y en la amplitud del cambio requerido. (Box 1). Los retos que debe afrontar la profesión estánrelacionados con el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de farmacia orientado al paciente que afecta a laspolíticas de salud, a la formación e investigación, a la evolución de los mercados, a los abordajes delcambio tanto a nivel individual como organizacional, y a la implantación de CPS. Estos temas y lainvestigación en práctica farmacéutica que se ha venido realizando con anterioridad han sidosintetizados para proporcionar una plataforma para el cambio que pueda guiar un planteamientoholístico e integrado de implantación de CPS. Conceptualmente la implantación de CPS puedeenmarcarse en seis niveles: clínico, provisión de servicios, farmacia comunitaria, organizaciónprofesional, gobierno y agentes implicados (Figura 1). La experiencia reciente relacionada con laimplantación de servicios ha mostrado la aplicación de programas de implantación que han incluidouno o dos de estos niveles en lugar de haber utilizado un abordaje holístico. Por ello se ha desarrolladoun modelo concéntrico para ilustrar la implantación de CPS dentro del planteamiento integrado yholístico necesario para apoyar el cambio En España se ha desarrollado un programa (conSIGUE) quepretende integrar los seis niveles con el objetivo de apoyar la implantación y evaluación de un CPS, elservicio de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico.Community pharmacy is part of the health care system which is currently under economic pressureand facing changes in demands from consumers and government. In response, the pharmacy profession is becoming more patient orientated and implementing cognitive pharmaceutical services(CPS). CPS in various countries has similar objectives with different emphasis, definitions, labels andusing different tools. However, they can be classified using a broad hierarchical model based onclinical decision making and the extent of change required (Box 1). The challenges faced by theprofession are related the development of a new patient orientated model of pharmacy which affectshealth care policy, education and research, the evolution of the market, the individual andorganisational approaches to change and the implementation of CPS. These issues and previousresearch conducted in pharmacy practice have been synthesised to provide a platform for change thatcan guide a holistic and integrated approach to CPS implementation. Implementation can beconceptually framed in six levels: clinical, service provision, community pharmacy, professionalorganisation, government and stakeholder (Figure 1). Past experience with service implementation hasseen the application of programs that include one or two of these levels in practice rather than aholistic approach. A concentric model was developed to illustrate the implementation of CPS and theholistic and integrated approach required to support change. A program (conSIGUE) being conductedin Spain has attempted to integrate all six levels to support the implementation and evaluation of amedication management service (Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico