1,052 research outputs found

    Dialogues et réflexivités dans l’enquête : le témoignage comme espace d’inter-subjectivitépar Mélodie Faury

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    International audienceDialogues et réflexivités dans l'enquête : le témoignage comme espace d'inter‐ subjectivité « Pour restituer une parole, encore faut-il qu'elle s'exprime : il convient pour cela d'installer la situation et les conditions d'un échange le moins artificiel possible. » D. Eribon, La société comme verdict, Fayard 2013, p. 44 Dans le cadre du présent article, je m'intéresse à la relation qui se tisse, se dénoue et se renoue en permanence au cours de l'entretien, entre enquêteur et enquêté, entre un témoin et celui qui se trouve face à ce témoignage. Je pars de l'idée que le chercheur-enquêteur est partie prenante de l'élaboration du témoignage, ne serait-ce que par sa présence même et par ce que le témoin projette sur lui en termes d'attentes, d'identité, d'usage qu'il sera fait par la suite du témoignage en cours de constitution, ou encore du sens qu'il donne à la situation de communication que constitue l'entretien (Le Marec, 2002). Le contrat de départ, ainsi établi, plus ou moins explicitement, de la relation d'enquête, permet à chacun, enquêteur et enquêté, de s'installer dans l'entretien, et selon une manière qui dépend de la représentation que chacun se fait de la situation. Avec des hiatus éventuels, qui seront levés par des ajustements tout au long de l'entretien. Considérer qu'il y aurait à dire de la relation d'enquête n'est pas anodin. On considère dès lors l'enquêteur partie prenante de la relation d'enquête, et non à distance de celle-ci. On reconnaît qu'il y aurait dans les manières de dire et les manières de se dire, de l'enquêté et de l'enquêteur, des traces de la façon dont chacun vit l'expérience d'entretien, en tant que situation de communication, reconnue comme forme culturelle (Le Marec, 2002). C'est accepter également cette nécessaire part manquante de l'interprétation par l'enquêté de la situation d'enquête (Le Marec, 2002), dont l'enquêteur ne saisit que des traces

    China Annals: Elizabeth Perry

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    Elizabeth Perry of Harvard University is the outgoing president of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the author of many books. She has also edited and co-edited nine books (one with China Beat’s Jeff Wasserstrom) which address issues of workers’ rights, popular protest, revolution, and reform. Last April, she delivered the presidential address at the Annual Meeting of the AAS in Atlanta, Georgia. In this address, which will appear in print in the November issue of theJournal of Asian Studies, she focused on the non-violent worker strike at the Anyuan coal mines in the early 1920s, and called for a more positive re-assessment of China’s twentieth-century revolutions. Nicole Barnes of The China Beatinterviewed Dr. Perry about the content of her address and her current research. Nicole Barnes: After serving your term as President of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), what direction do you see or would you like to see the Association moving in? What future challenges do you see the AAS having to overcome? Elizabeth Perry: The AAS is a wonderful organization, the largest area studies association in existence and one that – unlike many scholarly associations these days – is continuing to grow and change. My hope is for still greater internationalization and diversification of the AAS membership. In particular, I would like to see more Asian-based members, younger members, and more members drawn from the social science disciplines and professions. As the terms of “intellectual trade” between America and Asia shift, with more influential scholarship being produced by our colleagues in Asia, it will be increasingly important for the AAS to identify, introduce and incorporate that work into our annual meeting program and our journal. The recent economic growth of China and India has generated considerable public interest in the prospect of an “Asian twenty-first century.” While we can never sacrifice the high academic standards for which our association is known, it is also important for us to find ways to make our knowledge of Asia more publicly accessible

    Communication et réflexivité dans l'enquête par des chercheurs sur des chercheurs

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    Article - Acte du Colloque international "Réflexivité en contexte de diversité : un carrefour des sciences humaines ?" - décembre 2010Le thème de la réflexivité est souvent associé à l'exigence de scientificité qui consiste à pouvoir rendre compte précisément des conditions de production des savoirs, liées aux rapports singuliers du chercheur à ses objets et aux relations construites dans l'enquête. Nous partons d'un point de vue un peu différent : dans un certain nombre de recherches menées par notre équipe, nous considérons " le terrain " comme l'ensemble des situations de communication dans lesquelles le chercheur est engagé lors de son enquête, et qu'il découvre et construit au fil de celle-ci. Ces situations de communication ne constituent pas les matériaux d'une réflexion sur la posture de recherche, mais créent un espace social et des temps partagés, qui rendent possible un certain type d'intercompréhension sociale : l'enquête est en effet un genre de communication, sociale historiquement construite, culturellement reconnue comme permettant de construire des savoirs. Cette conception de l'enquête comme pratique de communication sociale a des effets directs sur ce qui peut être constitué en données, en observables, en interprétations, en savoirs, qu'il s'agisse de discours produits par les enquêtés, de dons ou d'échanges qui surviennent à ce moment, d'évènements qui adviennent, ou par contraste, de tout ce qui ne se dit pas ou ne se fait pas dans l'enquête

    The impact of the Polar Code on risk mitigation in Arctic waters : a “toolbox” for underwriters?

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    The existing risk weighing on vessel, crew and ecosystem in the Arctic and more globally in Polar waters promoted the adoption of the Polar Code (PC) early 2017, a mandatory international legal framework intended for enhanced safety and environmental protection. While the substance of the PC has been extensively analyzed, few studies have focused on the underlying relationships between the PC and underwriters. Based on an extensive literature review, documentary materials and interviews with insurance companies, this article conceptualizes the PC as a toolbox and analyzes how underwriters can exploit it in their work within the emerging Arctic market. The PC does not only regulate the navigation in Arctic waters in legal terms, but is also aimed at mitigating risks in the Polar areas through the identification of hazard sources and proceduralization of risk assessment. As a result we observe a certain Polar Code paradox. Even though the PC is a risk-based instrument and constitutes a key step for improving ship insurability, it has only limited capacity to assist underwriters in assessing risks and insuring vessels. Marine insurers still face a lack of data and high pending uncertainties leading them to exercise extreme caution with Arctic risks appraisal.Peer reviewe

    Corporate venture capital: geração e acompanhamento de oportunidades de investimento em empresas inovadoras

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a utilização de estruturas corporate venture capital - CVC (capital de risco corporativo), identificando as motivações e as dificuldades no processo de implementação, com foco nos estágios de geração e acompanhamento de oportunidades de investimentos. A abordagem metodológica pautou-se inicialmente por uma revisão de literatura, seguida de um estudo de caso em uma empresa com unidade de novos negócios voltada ao CVC. Finalmente, foi utilizado um painel de especialistas da área de VC, composto por três grupos de especialistas: Mercado, Empreendedores e Neutro (acadêmicos, consultores em inovação e gerentes de incubadoras). Com o auxílio do software ATLAS.ti foi feita a análise de conteúdo dos discursos dos entrevistados, gerando um interessante painel a respeito das práticas de venture capital que poderá orientar não só a organização estudada, como também aos envolvidos na indústria de capital de risco, inovação e empreendedorismo. O trabalho aponta para a busca de opções de investimentos alinhadas aos mercados alvo, mas também de empreendedores alinhados à filosofia da organização. Também se observou diferenças na percepção entre os atores do painel de especialistas. Finalmente, foi destacada a importância de intermediários na aproximação das empresas inovadoras e o CVC.This study aims to understand the use of corporate venture capital structures (CVCs), identifying the motivations and difficulties in the implementation process, with focus on the generation and monitoring of investment opportunities. The methodological approach was based on a literature review, followed by an exploratory study performed in a service firm, especially in the new business unit dedicated to CVCs. Finally, we used a panel of specialists of the VC, composed of three groups of experts: Market, Entrepreneurs, and Neutral (academics, consultants, and managers of innovation incubators). The analysis of the interviews was performed using the software ATLAS.ti and content analysis, generating an interesting panel about the Venture Capital practices, which may lead not only to the organization studied, but also to those involved in the venture capital industry innovation and entrepreneurship. The study shows the importance of the alignment between the investment options and organization's target markets, as well as the alignment between the entrepreneur and the organization's philosophy. Differences in perception between the actors of the panel of specialists were identified. Finally, the importance of intermediaries as a bridge between innovative companies and CVC was highlighted

    Dill extract induces elastic fiber neosynthesis and functional improvement in the ascending aorta of aged mice with reversal of age-dependent cardiac hypertrophy and involvement of lysyl oxidase-like-1

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    Elastic fibers (90% elastin, 10% fibrillin-rich microfibrils) are synthesized only in early life and adolescence mainly by the vascular smooth muscle cells through the cross-linking of its soluble precursor, tropoelastin. Elastic fibers endow the large elastic arteries with resilience and elasticity. Normal vascular aging is associated with arterial remodeling and stiffening, especially due to the end of production and degradation of elastic fibers, leading to altered cardiovascular function. Several pharmacological treatments stimulate the production of elastin and elastic fibers. In particular, dill extract (DE) has been demonstrated to stimulate elastin production in vitro in dermal equivalent models and in skin fibroblasts to increase lysyl oxidase-like-1 (LOXL-1) gene expression, an enzyme contributing to tropoelastin crosslinking and elastin formation. Here, we have investigated the effects of a chronic treatment (three months) of aged male mice with DE (5% or 10