45 research outputs found

    Healthcare delivery factors associated with the perception of saturation of emergency care services: The opinion of the professionals

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    Fonament. La saturació a urgències comporta conseqüències negatives sobre la qualitat assistencial. És important saber quins factors de l'assistència en relació amb la saturació preocupen més el personal sanitari amb la finalitat de corregir-los. Objectiu. Conèixer la importància dels factors de l'assistència relacionats amb la saturació a urgències segons la percepció dels professionals. Mètode. Estudi descriptiu. Durant la primera setmana de juliol del 2014, s'administra una enquesta anònima al personal d'urgències. L'enquesta valora diferents aspectes sobre la saturació en aquest departament. Consta de dues parts: en la primera es valoren dotze variables numèriques i cinc de temps, en escala d'importància de l'1 al 10; i en la segona es dona un valor quantitatiu als ítems més rellevants. Resultats. Es recullen 51 enquestes, 29 d'infermeria i 22 de pediatres. Els tres ítems més rellevants en la primera part corresponen a: nombre de pacients de nivell II-III pendents de visitar (mitjana 9,3; IC 95%: 9,1-9,5), temps d'espera dels pacients de nivell II-III fins a ser atesos (mitjana 9,3; IC95%: 9,0-9,5) i nombre de procediments d'infermeria pendents (mitjana 8,2; IC95%: 7,7-8,7). Respecte a aquests ítems, de mediana, els professionals consideren normal que hi hagi tres pacients pendents de ser visitats, amb un temps d'espera de deu minuts i tres procediments per fer. A partir de deu pacients, quaranta minuts i set procediments, es creu que les urgències estan saturades. Conclusions. La quantitat de pacients de nivell II-III pendents de ser visitats i el seu temps d'espera, junt amb la càrrega de treball d'infermeria, són els aspectes que influeixen més en la percepció de saturació a urgèncie

    Investigation into the preservation of lipids in pottery samples from Tell Halula (Syria) using the acidified methanol extraction and GC-MS

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    Los porcentajes de preservación de los análisis de residuos orgánicos en la producción cerámica más antigua del Próximo Oriente caen por debajo del 15%. Dados estos hechos, los objetivos de esta pequeña investigación se centran en realizar un test piloto que evalúe la validez de la extracción en metanol acidificado en muestras de un yacimiento Pre-Halaf. (Tell Halula)Preservation ratios on organic residue analysis studies on the oldest pottery of the Middle East fall below 15%. Given these percentages, the aims of this small research are to conduct a pilot test that evaluates the appropriateness of the acid extraction on samples from a Pre-Halaf site (Tell Halula)

    Evaluation and Characterization of Post-Stroke Lung Damage in a Murine Model of Cerebral Ischemia

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    After stroke and other brain injuries, there is a high incidence of respiratory complications such as pneumonia or acute lung injury. The molecular mechanisms that drive the brain-lung interaction post-stroke have not yet been elucidated. We performed transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and sham surgery on C57BL/6J mice and collected bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), serum, brain, and lung homogenate samples 24 h after surgery. A 92 proteins-panel developed by Olink Proteomics ® was used to analyze the content in BALF and lung homogenates. MCAO animals had higher protein concentration levels in BALF than sham -controls, but these levels did not correlate with the infarct volume. No alteration in alveolar-capillary barrier permeability was observed. A total of 12 and 14 proteins were differentially expressed between the groups (FDR < 0.1) in BALF and lung tissue homogenates, respectively. Of those, HGF, TGF-α, and CCL2 were identified as the most relevant to this study. Their protein expression patterns were verified by ELISA. This study confirmed that post-stroke lung damage was not associated with increased lung permeability or cerebral ischemia severity. Furthermore, the dysregulation of HGF, TGF-α, and CCL2 in BALF and lung tissue after ischemia could play an important role in the molecular mechanisms underlying stroke-induced lung damage

    Outcomes of Frail Patients While Waiting for Kidney Transplantation : Differences between Physical Frailty Phenotype and FRAIL Scale

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    Frailty is associated with poorer outcomes among patients waiting for kidney transplantation (KT). Several different tools to measure frailty have been used; however, their predictive value is unknown. This is a prospective longitudinal study of 449 KT candidates evaluated for frailty by the Physical Frailty Phenotype (PFP) and the FRAIL scale. During the study period, 296 patients received a KT, while 153 remained listed. Patients who did not get receive a transplant were more frequently frail according to PFP (16.3 vs. 7.4%, p = 0.013). Robust patients had fewer hospital admissions during the 1st year after listing (20.8% if PFP = 0 vs. 43.4% if ≥1, and 27.1% if FRAIL = 0 vs. 48.9% if ≥1) and fewer cardiovascular events (than FRAIL ≥ 1) or major infectious events (than PFP ≥ 1). According to PFP, scoring 1 point had an impact on patient survival and chance of transplantation in the univariate analysis. The multivariable analysis corroborated the result, as candidates with PFP ≥ 3 had less likelihood of transplantation (HR 0.45 [0.26-0.77]). The FRAIL scale did not associate with any of these outcomes. In KT candidates, pre-frailty and frailty according to both the PFP and the FRAIL scale were associated with poorer results while listed. The PFP detected that frail patients were less likely to receive a KT, while the FRAIL scale did not

    Increased mortality after kidney transplantation in mildly frail recipients

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    Physical Frailty Phenotype (PFP) is the most used frailty instrument among kidney transplant recipients, classifying patients as pre-frail if they have 1-2 criteria and as frail if they have ≥3. However, different definitions of robustness have been used among renal patients, including only those who have 0 criteria, or those with 0-1 criteria. Our aim was to determine the impact of one PFP criterion on transplant outcomes. We undertook a retrospective study of 296 kidney transplant recipients who had been evaluated for frailty by PFP at the time of evaluating for transplantation. Only 30.4% of patients had 0 criteria, and an additional 42.9% showed one PFP criterion. As PFP score increased, a higher percentage of women and cerebrovascular disease were found. Recipients with 0-1 criteria had lower 1-year mortality after transplant than those with ≥2 (1.8% vs 10.1%), but this difference was already present when we only considered those who scored 0 (mortality 1.1%) and 1 (mortality 2.4%) separately. The multivariable analysis confirmed that one PFP criterion was associated to a higher risk of patient death after kidney transplantation [hazard ratio 3.52 (95% confidence interval 1.03-15.9)]. Listed kidney transplant candidates frequently show only one PFP frailty criterion. This has an independent impact on patient survival after transplantation

    Biomarkers predictive value for early diagnosis of stroke- associated pneumonia

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    Stroke-associated pneumonia; SAP; Diagnostic accuracy; BiomarkersNeumonía asociada al accidente cerebrovascular; NAA; Precisión diagnóstica; BiomarcadoresPneumònia associada a l'accident cerebrovascular; Precisió diagnòstica; BiomarcadorsTo confirm the diagnostic accuracy of candidate biomarkers in stroke‐associated pneumonia (SAP), we prospectively enrolled ischemic stroke patients with NIHSS ≥ 10 on admission from March‐2016 to August‐2017. Blood samples were collected at baseline, 24 and 48 h after stroke onset. Biomarkers (MR‐proADM, suPAR, SAA) were determined by immunoassays. Regarding biomarkers, MR‐proADM at 24 h (P = 0.04) and both suPAR and SAA at 48 h (P = 0.036 and P = 0.057) were associated with pneumonia. The combination of SAA > 25.15 mg/dL and suPAR> 3.14 ng/mL at 48 h had 80% sensitivity and 95.8% specificity when both biomarkers were above the cut‐off. The evaluated biomarkers represent promising tools to be evaluated in future large, prospective studies on SAP. An accurate SAP diagnosis by thorax CT might help to reduce variability in such studies.This project was partially funded by the ISCIII project PI14/00971. The ITRIBiS project (Improving Translational Research Potential at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville) has the registration number REGPOT-2013-1. Cooperative Cerebrovascular Disease Research Network (INVICTUS+) (RD16/0019/ 0015). AB is supported by a Juan Rodes research contract (JR16/0008) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    New candidate blood biomarkers potentially associated with white matter hyperintensities progression

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    We aimed to discover blood biomarkers associated with longitudinal changes in white matter hyperintensities (WMH). This study was divided into a discovery phase and a replication phase. Subjects in both studies were patients with hypertension, aged 50-70, who underwent two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sessions and blood extractions over a 4-year follow-up period. In the discovery phase, we screened 1305 proteins in 12 subjects with WMH progression and in 12 matched control subjects. We found that 41 proteins were differentially expressed: 13 were upregulated and 28 were downregulated. We subsequently selected three biomarkers for replication in baseline and follow-up samples in 80 subjects with WMH progression and in 80 control subjects. The selected protein candidates for the replication were MMP9 (matrix metalloproteinase-9), which was higher in cases, MET (hepatocyte growth factor receptor) and ASAH2 (neutral ceramidase), which were both lower in cases of WMH progression. Baseline biomarker concentrations did not predict WMH progression. In contrast, patients with WMH progression presented a steeper decline in MET over time. Furthermore, cases showed higher MMP9 and lower ASAH2 levels than controls at the follow-up. These results indicate that MMP9, MET, and ASAH2 are potentially associated with the progression of WMH, and could therefore be interesting candidates to validate in future studie

    Influence of sex, age and diabetes on brain transcriptome and proteome modifications following cerebral ischemia

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    Diabetes; Proteome; SexDiabetis; Proteoma; SexeDiabetes; Proteoma; SexoIschemic stroke is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. Translation into the clinical setting of neuroprotective agents showing promising results in pre-clinical studies has systematically failed. One possible explanation is that the animal models used to test neuroprotectants do not properly represent the population affected by stroke, as most of the pre-clinical studies are performed in healthy young male mice. Therefore, we aimed to determine if the response to cerebral ischemia differed depending on age, sex and the presence of comorbidities. Thus, we explored proteomic and transcriptomic changes triggered during the hyperacute phase of cerebral ischemia (by transient intraluminal middle cerebral artery occlusion) in the brain of: (1) young male mice, (2) young female mice, (3) aged male mice and (4) diabetic young male mice. Moreover, we compared each group's proteomic and transcriptomic changes using an integrative enrichment pathways analysis to disclose key common and exclusive altered proteins, genes and pathways in the first stages of the disease. We found 61 differentially expressed genes (DEG) in male mice, 77 in females, 699 in diabetics and 24 in aged mice. Of these, only 14 were commonly dysregulated in all groups. The enrichment pathways analysis revealed that the inflammatory response was the biological process with more DEG in all groups, followed by hemopoiesis. Our findings indicate that the response to cerebral ischemia regarding proteomic and transcriptomic changes differs depending on sex, age and comorbidities, highlighting the importance of incorporating animals with different phenotypes in future stroke research studies.This work has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/00804) and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Neurovascular Research Laboratory takes part in the Spanish stroke research network RICORS-ICTUS. L.R is supported by a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (IFI17/00012)

    New candidate blood biomarkers potentially associated with white matter hyperintensities progression

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    We aimed to discover blood biomarkers associated with longitudinal changes in white matter hyperintensities (WMH). This study was divided into a discovery phase and a replication phase. Subjects in both studies were patients with hypertension, aged 50-70, who underwent two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sessions and blood extractions over a 4-year follow-up period. In the discovery phase, we screened 1305 proteins in 12 subjects with WMH progression and in 12 matched control subjects. We found that 41 proteins were differentially expressed: 13 were upregulated and 28 were downregulated. We subsequently selected three biomarkers for replication in baseline and follow-up samples in 80 subjects with WMH progression and in 80 control subjects. The selected protein candidates for the replication were MMP9 (matrix metalloproteinase-9), which was higher in cases, MET (hepatocyte growth factor receptor) and ASAH2 (neutral ceramidase), which were both lower in cases of WMH progression. Baseline biomarker concentrations did not predict WMH progression. In contrast, patients with WMH progression presented a steeper decline in MET over time. Furthermore, cases showed higher MMP9 and lower ASAH2 levels than controls at the follow-up. These results indicate that MMP9, MET, and ASAH2 are potentially associated with the progression of WMH, and could therefore be interesting candidates to validate in future studie