419 research outputs found

    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of the superconducting proximity effect in a diluted ferromagnetic alloy

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    We studied the proximity effect between a superconductor (Nb) and a diluted ferromagnetic alloy (CuNi) in a bilayer geometry. We measured the local density of states on top of the ferromagnetic layer, which thickness varies on each sample, with a very low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The measured spectra display a very high homogeneity. The analysis of the experimental data shows the need to take into account an additional scattering mechanism. By including in the Usadel equations the effect of the spin relaxation in the ferromagnetic alloy, we obtain a good description of the experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    From policy to pedagogy: widening the discourse and practice of the learning society in the European Union

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    This paper explores the policy turn of the learning society, and how the academic world is responding to new social and political demands. It highlights some of the criticisms levelled at the learning society, as well as the voices of support. The paper also showcases the European Language Portfolio and the Transferable Skills project as two examples of good practice. Cet article examine le tournant de la politique de la socie´te´ du savoir ainsi que la re´ponse du monde intellectuel face aux nouvelles exigences sociales et politiques. Il met en lumie`re certaines des critiques souleve´es par la socie´te´ du savoir ainsi que par les voix favorables. L’article s’appuie sur deux exemples pratiques, a` savoir le Portfolio Europe´en des Langues et le Project des Compe´tences Transmissibles

    The identification and prevalence of frailty in diabetes mellitus and association with clinical outcomes: a systematic review protocol

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    INTRODUCTION:Diabetes mellitus is common and growing in prevalence, and an increasing proportion of people with diabetes are living to older age. Frailty is, therefore, becoming an important concept in diabetes. Frailty is associated with older age and describes a state of increased susceptibility to decompensation in response to physiological stress. A range of measures have been used to quantify frailty. This systematic review aims to identify measures used to quantify frailty in people with diabetes (any type); to summarise the prevalence of frailty in diabetes; and to describe the relationship between frailty and adverse clinical outcomes in people with diabetes. METHODS AND ANALYSIS:Three electronic databases (Medline, Embase and Web of Science) will be searched from 2000 to November 2019 and supplemented by citation searching of relevant articles and hand searching of reference lists. Two reviewers will independently review titles, abstracts and full texts. Inclusion criteria include: (1) adults with any type of diabetes mellitus; (2) quantify frailty using any validated frailty measure; (3) report the prevalence of frailty and/or the association between frailty and clinical outcomes in people with diabetes; (4) studies that assess generic (eg, mortality, hospital admission and falls) or diabetes-specific outcomes (eg, hypoglycaemic episodes, cardiovascular events, diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy); (5) cross-sectional and longitudinal observational studies. Study quality will be assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for observational studies. Clinical and methodological heterogeneity will be assessed, and a random effects meta-analysis performed if appropriate. Otherwise, a narrative synthesis will be performed. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION:This manuscript describes the protocol for a systematic review of observational studies and does not require ethical approval. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER:CRD42020163109

    Microtubule-associated protein 6 mediates neuronal connectivity through Semaphorin 3E-dependent signalling for axonal growth.

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    Structural microtubule associated proteins (MAPs) stabilize microtubules, a property that was thought to be essential for development, maintenance and function of neuronal circuits. However, deletion of the structural MAPs in mice does not lead to major neurodevelopment defects. Here we demonstrate a role for MAP6 in brain wiring that is independent of microtubule binding. We find that MAP6 deletion disrupts brain connectivity and is associated with a lack of post-commissural fornix fibres. MAP6 contributes to fornix development by regulating axonal elongation induced by Semaphorin 3E. We show that MAP6 acts downstream of receptor activation through a mechanism that requires a proline-rich domain distinct from its microtubule-stabilizing domains. We also show that MAP6 directly binds to SH3 domain proteins known to be involved in neurite extension and semaphorin function. We conclude that MAP6 is critical to interface guidance molecules with intracellular signalling effectors during the development of cerebral axon tracts

    Josephson Coupling and Fiske Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions

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    We report on the fabrication of Nb/AlO_x/Pd_{0.82}Ni_{0.18}/Nb superconductor/insulator/ferromagnetic metal/superconductor (SIFS) Josephson junctions with high critical current densities, large normal resistance times area products, high quality factors, and very good spatial uniformity. For these junctions a transition from 0- to \pi-coupling is observed for a thickness d_F ~ 6 nm of the ferromagnetic Pd_{0.82}Ni_{0.18} interlayer. The magnetic field dependence of the \pi-coupled junctions demonstrates good spatial homogeneity of the tunneling barrier and ferromagnetic interlayer. Magnetic characterization shows that the Pd_{0.82}Ni_{0.18} has an out-of-plane anisotropy and large saturation magnetization, indicating negligible dead layers at the interfaces. A careful analysis of Fiske modes provides information on the junction quality factor and the relevant damping mechanisms up to about 400 GHz. Whereas losses due to quasiparticle tunneling dominate at low frequencies, the damping is dominated by the finite surface resistance of the junction electrodes at high frequencies. High quality factors of up to 30 around 200 GHz have been achieved. Our analysis shows that the fabricated junctions are promising for applications in superconducting quantum circuits or quantum tunneling experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Pathogenic Variants in the Myosin Chaperone UNC-45B Cause Progressive Myopathy with Eccentric Cores

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    The myosin-directed chaperone UNC-45B is essential for sarcomeric organization and muscle function from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. The pathological impact of UNC-45B in muscle disease remained elusive. We report ten individuals with bi-allelic variants in UNC45B who exhibit childhood-onset progressive muscle weakness. We identified a common UNC45B variant that acts as a complex hypomorph splice variant. Purified UNC-45B mutants showed changes in folding and solubility. In situ localization studies further demonstrated reduced expression of mutant UNC-45B in muscle combined with abnormal localization away from the A-band towards the Z-disk of the sarcomere. The physiological relevance of these observations was investigated in C. elegans by transgenic expression of conserved UNC-45 missense variants, which showed impaired myosin binding for one and defective muscle function for three. Together, our results demonstrate that UNC-45B impairment manifests as a chaperonopathy with progressive muscle pathology, which discovers the previously unknown conserved role of UNC-45B in myofibrillar organization

    Carbenic nitrile imines: Properties and reactivity

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    Structures and properties of nitrile imines were investigated computationally at B3LYP and CCSD(T) levels. Whereas NBO analysis at the B3LYP DFT level invariably predicts a propargylic electronic structure, CCSD(T) calculations permit a clear distinction between propargylic, allenic, and carbenic structures. Nitrile imines with strong IR absorptions above ca. 2150 cm-1 have propargylic structures with a CN triple bond (RCNNSiMe 3 and R2BCNNBR2), and those with IR absorptions below ca. 2150 cm-1 are allenic (HCNNH, PhCNNH, and HCNNPh). Nitrile imines lacking significant cumulenic IR absorptions at 1900-2200 cm -1 are carbenic (R-(C:)-N=N-R′). Electronegative but lone pair-donating groups NR2, OR, and F stabilize the carbenic form of nitrile imines in the same way they stabilize "normal" singlet carbenes, including N-heterocyclic carbenes. NBO analyses at the CCSD(T) level confirm the classification into propargylic, allenic, and carbenic reactivity types. Carbenic nitrile imines are predicted to form azoketenes 21 with CO, to form [2+2] and [2+4] cycloadducts and borane adducts, and to cyclize to 1H-diazirenes of the type 24 in mildly exothermic reactions with activation energies in the range 29-38 kcal/mol. Such reactions will be readily accessible photochemically and thermally, e.g., under the conditions of matrix photolysis and flash vacuum thermolysis

    Tmetoceratidae (Ammonitina) fauna from the Gerecse Mts (Hungary)

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    Abstract Taxonomic and stratigraphic problems of the family Tmetoceratidae and the genera Dumortieria, Catulloceras, Cotteswoldia, Pleydellia and Tmetoceras included in it are briefly discussed. Fifteen species of Tmetoceratidae are described and illustrated from the Upper Toarcian-Aalenian ammonite assemblages of the Gerecse Mts (NE Transdanubian Range, Hungary). The fauna described here is closely allied to the Mediterranean Province of the Mediterranean-Caucasian Realm

    Ammonite stratigraphy of a Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) section on Nagy-Pisznice Hill (Gerecse Mts, Hungary)

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    Abstract In the Jurassic rocks exposed in a small abandoned quarry on the northwestern edge of Nagy-Pisznice Hill in the Gerecse Mts, fairly well preserved parts of a crocodile skeleton was found in 1996. The bed which yielded the skeletal remains is the uppermost layer of the Kisgerecse Marl Formation exposed here and was determined as belonging to the Upper Toarcian Grammoceras thouarsense Zone. The beds of the sequence above and below were carefully sampled in the late 1990s, and the encountered ammonites were evaluated biostratigraphically. As a result, the Lower Toarcian Harpoceras serpentinum Zone, the Middle Toarcian Hildoceras bifrons and Merlaites gradatus Zones, and the Upper Toarcian Grammoceras thouarsense and Geczyceras speciosum Zones were identified. Within most of these zones the subzones and even the faunal horizons were successfully recognized. The lowermost beds above the underlying Pliensbachian red limestone did not yield any fossils; thus the lowermost Toarcian Dactylioceras tenuicostatum Zone could not be documented. The highest Toarcian ammonite zones also remained unidentified, because the beds of the Tölgyhát Limestone above were not sampled all the way up. This paper presents the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic details of the sequence, and the paleontological descriptions of the most important ammonites