30 research outputs found

    A concept guide for the Sub-Saharan African Challenge Program (SSA CP)

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    Describes the concept of innovation platforms and how to create them, with a focus on the Sub Saharan Africa Challenge Programme

    Assessment of Renewable Sources of Energy for Residential Estate in Lagos State

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    The study investigated the use of renewable energy sources for residential estates in Lagos state; identified the available energy sources in the study area, determined the factors influencing the choice and utilization of renewable sources in the study area and examined the level of satisfaction derived from the chosen energy source by residents of Lagos state. The study was aimed at investigating the possibility of making energy available for residential estates dwellers from renewable energy sources so as to enhance uninterrupted energy supply and promote sustainability. To achieve the aim and objectives of the study, both primary and secondary data were used. The study made use of primary data collected by administration of e-questionnaire (google form) to building users. Data collected included energy source used by residents, the level of awareness of residents about various renewable sources, average amount of money spent on energy monthly, daily hours of energy supply, level of satisfaction derived from energy sources used. Data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social it was analyzed using frequencies, mean score and tables. The result from the sources of energy used by residents in Lagos state revealed that 74% of buildings make use of generators alongside the energy provided from national grids. The result from the number of hours of energy supply daily revealed that residents only have access to electricity being an end use of energy for maximum of 8 hours. The level of awareness of residents revealed that 51.7%, 21.2%, 17.2%, 10.3%, 17.7% and 30.5% of the respondents are well informed about a possibility of generating energy from solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, biogas, and hydropower respectively. To promote the use of energy generated from renewables, the study made recommendations for intensified awareness schemes on the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of renewable energy sources, adequate investment in critical areas of renewable R&D and policy adjustments to create an investor friendly environment to attract greater renewable energy investment


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    The introduction of improved maize ( Zea mays L.) varieties has met with only partial success, as measured by rates of adoption. As such, efforts have been made by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to accelerate the process of maize seed adoption in Africa, through learning sites including the Kano-Katsina-Maradi (KKM PLS) in West Africa. The objective of this study was to ascertain the degree of success and factors affecting the adoption of improved maize seed varieties in the KKM PLS. The study used data from a midline survey sample of 1,800 households in 180 villages in the study area. Tobit regression model was used to identify the degree and characteristics important for adoption of improved maize seed varieties. Results indicated that affordability, knowledge on use and suitable packaging of technology were important adoption determinants. Other factors were gender, total farm size and extension agent visits. Households with older and more educated heads were also significantly more likely to adopt technologies.L\u2019introduction des vari\ue9t\ue9s am\ue9lior\ue9es de ma\uefs ( Zea mays L.) a connu de succ\ue8s partiel, comme indiqu\ue9e par les taux d\u2019adoption. Ainsi, des efforts ont \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9s par l\u2019Institut International d\u2019Agriculture Tropicale (IITA) pour accel\ue9rer les processus d\u2019adoption des semences de ma\uefs en Africa, \ue0 travers les sites d\u2019apprentissage y compris le Kano-Katsina-Maradi (KKM PLS) en Afrique de l\u2019Ouest. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait de s\u2019assurer du degr\ue9 du succ\ue8s et les facteurs affectant l\u2019adoption des semences de vari\ue9tes am\ue9lior\ue9es de ma\uefs en KKM PLS. L\u2019\ue9tude a utilis\ue9 les donn\ue9es d\u2019un \ue9chantillon d\u2019enqu\ueate bas\ue9e sur une ligne m\ue9diane de 1800 m\ue9nages en 180 villages dans le milieu d\u2019\ue9tude. Le model de r\ue9gression de Tobi \ue9tait utlis\ue9 pour identifier le degr\ue9 et les caract\ue9ristiques importantes pour l\u2019adoption des semences de vari\ue9t\ue9s am\ue9lior\ue9es de ma\uefs. Les r\ue9sultats ont montrr\ue9 que l\u2019 accessibilit\ue9, la connaissance sur l\u2019usage et un paquet technologique ad\ue9quat \ue9taient les plus importants d\ue9terminants d\u2019adoption. Les autres facteurs \ue9taient le genre, la superficie totale du champ et les visites des agents de vulgarisation. Les m\ue9nages avec des personnes plus ag\ue9es et plus instruites ont significativement plus de chance d\u2019adopter les technologies


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    Access to productive assets is a major issue in the gender empowerment discourse. Asset accumulation is a pre-condition for economic empowerment, and sustainable accumulation of assets is key to upward mobility beyond survival, and towards economic empowerment. The objective of this study was to examine the role that participation in the Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D)\u2019s Innovation Platform \u201cIP\u201d \u2013 (social capital) play in empowering rural women to acquire productive assets using the case of the sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Programme (SSA-CP). We utilised panel data from baseline and midline data obtained from the Kano-Katsina-Maradi Pilot Learning Site (KKM PLS) of the SSA CP in West Africa. The data were obtained from twelve IPs of the three Task Forces (TFs) that made up the KKM PLS of the SSA CP. Altogether, the analysis involved 600 households in the PLS. Both descriptive analysis and the probit regression models showed that women who were inferior to men in productive asset ownership at the inception of the project improved with participation in the innovations of the project, in terms of human asset, input resource, durable business asset and household good.The value of women\u2019s asset index was 21.78 compared to that of men at 18.33 at the end of the project. Probit regression results suggest that membership to IP, female education level, age of female spouse and household size are determinants of asset ownership by women in the study area. The results confirm that social capital in the form of membership of IP enhances accumulation of productive assets for women.L\u2019acc\ue8s aux ressources de production est un probl\ue8me majeur dans les discours sur l\u2019autonomisation des femmes. L\u2019accumulation des biens est un pr\ue9-requis pour l\u2019autonomisation \ue9conomique, et l\u2019accumulation durable des biens est \ue9ssentielle pour une mobilit\ue9 sociale au del\ue0 de la subsistance, et pour une automisation \ue9conomique. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019examiner le r\uf4le que la participation \ue0 la Plate-forme d\u2019Innovation \u201cIP\u201d en Recherch\ue9 Agricole Int\ue9gr\ue9e pour le D\ue9velopppement (IAR4D)- (Capital social) joue dans l\u2019automisation des femmes en milieu rural pour acqu\ue9rir des biens de production en se basant sur le cas du programme des d\ue9fis de l\u2019Afrique Sub-Saharienne (SSA-CP). Nous avons utilis\ue9 les donn\ue9es de base et les donn\ue9es de la ligne m\ue9diane venues du site Pilot d\u2019apprentissage de Kano-Katsina-Maradi (KKMPLS) de SSA en Afrique de l\u2019Ouest. Les donn\ue9es \ue9taient obtenues des douze IPs des trois groupes de travail (TFs) qui formaient les KKMPLS de SSA CP. Ensemble, l\u2019analyse implique 600 m\ue9nages dans les PLS. L\u2019analyse descriptive et les mod\ue8les de r\ue9gression de Probit \ue0 la fois ont montr\ue9 que les femmes qui \ue9taient inf\ue9rieures aux hommes dans l\u2019acc\ue8s aux ressources de production au d\ue9but du projet se sont vues am\ue9lior\ue9es avec la participation aux innovations du projet, en termes des ressources humaines, intrants, actif commercial durable et bien familial. La value de l\u2019indice d\u2019acc\ue8s aux biens des femmes \ue9tait 21,78 compar\ue9e \ue0 celle des hommes qui \ue9tait de 18,33 vers la fin du projet. Les r\ue9sultats de la r\ue9gression de Probit sugg\ue8rent que l\u2019appartenance \ue0 l\u2019IP, le niveau d\u2019\ue9ducation de la femme, l\u2019\ue2ge de la femme et la taille du m\ue9nage sont les d\ue9terminants d\u2019acc\ue8s aux propri\ue9t\ue9s par les femmes dans le mileu d\u2019\ue9tude. Les r\ue9sultats confirment que le capital social en forme d\u2019appartenance aux IP augmente l\u2019accumulation des propri\ue9t\ue9s productives des femmes


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    Collective market participation can reduce transaction costs and information asymmetries, which can build up market power. The objective of this study was to evaluate decisions to participate in collective marketing and its effect on household income among smallholder farmers in an Innovation Platform (IP). This study targeted the Balaka IP in Malawi. Collective marketing identified as critical for improving households\u2019 incomes, is one of the activities that Balaka Innovation Platform has been addressing since its formation in 2009. The study involved a sample of 115 randomly selected households from Balaka Innovation Platform. The odds of participating in collective marketing by smallholder farm households in Balaka was significantly influenced by gender, education level, access to social capital through membership in farmer groups that form the Innovation Platform, farming experience, adoption/practice of conservation agriculture and possession of assets e.g. cellphone and bicycle. Moreover, results indicate that functions of IPs such as organising farmers to market collectively, promoting crop diversification, improved extension service, credit access through linkages to microfinance, communication and market linkages, positively influence income. Thus participation in multi-stakeholder IP activities highly influences collective marketing, which in turn impacts positively on smallholder farming households\u2019 income.La participation collective au march\ue9 peut r\ue9duire les co\ufbts de transaction et les assym\ue9tries d\u2019information; lesquelles peuvent constituer un pouvoir du march\ue9. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer les d\ue9cisions \ue0 participer \ue0 la commercialisation collective et leur effet sur le revenu des m\ue9nages entre les petits exploitants agricoles dans une Plate-forme d\u2019Innovation (IP). Cette \ue9tude s\u2019est focalis\ue9e sur le Balaka IP au Malawi. La commercialisation collective identifi\ue9e comme essentielle pour l\u2019am\ue9lioration des revenus de m\ue9nages, est une des activit\ue9s que la Plate-forme d\u2019Innovation de Balaka a toujours abord\ue9 depuis sa mise en place en 2009. Cette \ue9tude a utilis\ue9 un \ue9chantillon de 115 m\ue9nages al\ue9atoirement select\ue9s dans la Plate-forme d\u2019Innovation de Balaka. Les chances de participation des petits exploitants agricoles \ue0 la commercialisation collective au Balaka \ue9tait significativement influenc\ue9es par le genre, le niveau d\u2019\ue9ducation, l\u2019acc\ue8s au capital social \ue0 travers les groupements de producteurs qui forment la Plate-forme d\u2019Innovation, l\u2019exp\ue9rience agricole, l\u2019adoption/la pratique de l\u2019agriculture conservative et la possession d\u2019actifs eg. t\ue9l\ue9phone cellulaire et bicyclette. De plus, les r\ue9sultats montrent que les fonctions des IPs telles que: organiser les agricultures \ue0 commercialiser collectivement, promouvoir la diversification de culture, le service am\ue9lior\ue9 de vulgarisation, l\u2019acc\ue8s au credit en liaison avec la microfinance, la communication et les liens commerciaux, influencent posistivement le revenu. Ainsi, la participation multipartite aux activit\ue9s de l\u2019IP influence la commercialisation collective, qui en cons\ue9quence impacte positvement sur le revenu des petits exploitants agricoles


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    Despite continued progress in the development and promotion of improved agricultural technologies, and the gradual process in agricultural research for development (R4D) programmes, adoption rates are relatively low in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Recommendations have, therefore, been made by national and international research institutions and stakeholders for more involvement of the smallholders in evaluating promising agricultural technologies. This study assessed the impact of the participatory research demonstration on the adoption of the technologies promoted by the sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Programme (SSA CP) using the innovation platform (IP) concept. Results showed that 67 and 59% of the IP and non-IP farmers, respectively, reported that researchers and extension personnel decided on the technologies for research or demonstration. Fifty-two and 43% of the IP and non-IP farmers, respectively, perceived research and demonstration to be very useful. The type of technology or demonstration that farmers mostly participated in was crop variety (IP farmers=72.87%; non-IP farmers=70.19%). Following our analyses which are based on the Instrumental Variable (IV) approach, participation in research and demonstrations significantly increased adoption of the demonstrated technologies by 99%. We observed a 100% significant increase in adoption of the demonstrated technologies in the sample of IP participants. The main factors that determined the adoption of the demonstrated technologies included membership to farmer group, and distances to input and output markets.Malgr\ue9 les progr\ue8s continu dans le d\ue9veloppement et la promotion des technologies agricoles am\ue9lior\ue9es, le progr\ue8s graduel dans les programmes de recherche agricole pour le d\ue9veloppement (R4D), les taux d\u2019adoption sont relativement faibles dans la plupart des parties de l\u2019Afrique Sub-Saharienne (SSA). Des recommendations ont \ue9t\ue9, cependant faites par les institutions nationales et internationals de recherches et les parties prenantes pour plus d\u2019implication des petits exploitants agricoles dans l\u2019\ue9valuation des technologies agricoles prometteuses. Cette \ue9tude a evalu\ue9 l\u2019impact de la d\ue9monstration de la recherche participative sur l\u2019adoption des technologies d\ue9velop\ue9es par le programme d\u2019enjeu de l\u2019Afrique Sub-Saharienne (SSA CP) en utilisant le concept de la plate-forme d\u2019innovation (IP). Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que 67 et 59% des producteurs de IP et non-IP, respectivement, ont rapport\ue9 que les chercheurs et le personnel de vulgarisation ont le pouvoir de d\ue9cision sur les technologies de recherche et de d\ue9monstration. Cinquante-deux et 43% de producteurs IP et non-IP, respectivement, ont per\ue7u la recherche et la d\ue9monstration comme tr\ue8s utiles. Le type de technologie ou de d\ue9monstration auquel les paysans ont particip\ue9 \ue9tait la vari\ue9t\ue9 de culture, (producteurs IP=72,87%; producteurs non-IP= 70,19%). Selon nos analyses qui sont bas\ue9es sur l\u2019approche de variable instrumentale (IV), la participation \ue0 la recherche et \ue0 la demonstration a sigificativment augment\ue9 l\u2019adoption des technologies d\ue9montr\ue9es par 99%. Nous avions observ\ue9 une augmentation significative de 100% d\u2019adoption de technologies d\ue9montr\ue9es dans l\u2019\ue9chantillon des particpants IP. Les facteurs principaux qui d\ue9terminent l\u2019adoption des technologies d\ue9montr\ue9es comprennent l\u2019appartenance aux groupements de producteurs, et les \ue9carts entre les march\ue9s d\u2019intrant et du produit


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    One of the very numerous decisions that smallholder farmers face world wide relates to market participation in agricultural markets and, consequently choosing the appropriate marketing channel for their agricultural produce. Such decisions impact on their incomes and subsequently on their welfare. The objective of this study was to determine how a multi-stakeholder innovation platform approach influences pigeon pea ( Cajanus Cajan L.) marketing decisions in smallholder farming in Malawi. The study relied on primary data collected from 115 households in Balaka District in Malawi during an impact survey done in November 2014. Results confirmed that the multi-stakeholder innovation platform approach improves decision making in pigeon pea marketing. Variables such as access to transport services and market information, improved extension, capacity building through farmer training, adoption of conservation agriculture and membership to farmer groups influenced marketing decisions.L\u2019une des plus nombreuses d\ue9cisions auxquelles les petits agriculteurs font face g\ue9n\ue9ralement est relative \ue0 la participation aux march\ue9s entre les march\ue9s agricoles et, par cons\ue9quent choisir les canaux appropri\ue9s de commercialisation pour leur produits agricoles. De telles d\ue9cisions impactent sur leurs revenus et ult\ue9rieurement sur leur bien-\ueatre. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait de determiner comment l\u2019approche de la plate-forme d\u2019innovation multipartite influence les d\ue9cisions de commercialisation du pois d\u2019angole ( Cajanus Cajan L.) chez les petits exploitants agricoles au Malawi. L\u2019\ue9tude s\u2019est bas\ue9e sur des donn\ue9es primaires collect\ue9es sur 115 m\ue9nages dans le district de Balaka au Malawi au cours d\u2019une enqu\ueate d\u2019impact conduit en Novembre 2014. Les r\ue9sultats ont confirm\ue9 que l\u2019approche de la plate-forme d\u2019innovation multipartite am\ue9liore la prise de d\ue9cision de la commercilisation du pois d\u2019angole. Les variables tells que l\u2019acc\ue8s aux services de transport et au march\ue9 d\u2019information, am\ue9liorent la vulgaristaion, le renforcement des capacit\ue9s \ue0 travers la formation des producteurs, l\u2019adoption de l\u2019agriculture de conservation et les groupements de producteurs ont influenc\ue9 les d\ue9cisions de commercilalisation


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    The Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) concept was proposed to respond to the failures of Agriculture Research and Development (ARD) systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. The key element of implementation and success of IAR4D was action sites called agricultural Innovation Platform (IPs) and their counterfactual sites. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is used to explain social relationships and partnerships. This study explored the patterns of agricultural partnerships among stakeholders in the highlands of Rwanda under IAR4D. Data were collected in action sites that included Mudende, Gataraga, Remera and Rwerere; and in their counterpart counterfactual sites that comprised of Bigogwe, Nyange and Gacaca. Results showed that in action sites, stakeholders were linked to different and diversified partners. Furthermore, many stakeholders were connected to several partners through agricultural partnerships, hence creating complex social networks with high density and degree of distribution. In the counterfactual sites, however, stakeholders were exclusively linked to the same kind of partners, and one stakeholder was connected to one partner through probably non-agricultural partnerships. These facts demonstrated that IAR4D created dense interfaces, significantly improved the networking system, and delivered technologies and innovations.Le concept de Recherche Agricole Int\ue9gr\ue9e pour le D\ue9veloppement (IAR4D) a \ue9t\ue9 propos\ue9 comme solution aux \ue9checs des syst\ue8mes Recherches Agricoles et D\ue9veloppement (ARD) en Afrique Sub-Saharienne. L\u2019\ue9l\ue9ment principal de la r\ue9ussite et du succ\ue8s d\u2019IAR4D \ue9tait l\u2019\ue9tablissement des sites d\u2019action appel\ue9s Plateformes Agricoles d\u2019innovation (IPs) ainsi que leurs sites t\ue9moins. L\u2019analyse du R\ue9seau Sociale (SNA) est utilis\ue9e pour expliquer les rapports et les relations sociaux des acteurs et des partenaires. La pr\ue9sente \ue9tude avait pour objectif d\u2019explorer les structures des relations socio-agricoles parmi les acteurs et les partenaires dans les hautes altitudes du Rwanda soumises \ue0 l\u2019IAR4D. Les donn\ue9es ont \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9colt\ue9es dans les sites d\u2019action comprenant\ua0: Mudende, Gataraga, Remera et Rwerere ainsi que dans leurs contreparties sites t\ue9moins incluant Bigogwe, Nyange et Gacaca. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que dans les sites d\u2019action, les acteurs \ue9taient associ\ue9s aux partenaires de natures diff\ue9rentes et un acteur \ue9tait li\ue9 \ue0 plusieurs partenaires a la fois. Dans les sites t\ue9moins par contre, les acteurs \ue9taient li\ue9s aux partenaires de m\ueames natures que ceux-ci et un acteur \ue9tait rarement li\ue9 \ue0 plus de deux partenaires. Ces faits ont montr\ue9 que l\u2019IAR4D a cr\ue9e un r\ue9seau socio-agricole tr\ue8s dense et sophistiqu\ue9 et ainsi a consid\ue9rablement am\ue9lior\ue9 le r\ue9seau socio-agricole. Par cons\ue9quent, l\u2019IAR4D peut \ueatre recommand\ue9 pour le transfert the technologies and des innovations agricoles


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    In developing countries, access to and use of renewable natural resources are essential for rural livelihoods to thrive. Hence, cooperation in the management of natural resources is increasingly an important strategy that can enhance long-term socio-ecological resilience. In most cases, collective actions have widely been recognised as an alternative institutional arrangement to centralised governance for the management of natural resources, but their success largely depends on factors that are specific to localities where they are implemented. In this study, factors that influence adoption and extent of adoption of natural resource conservation activities were identified using two case studies: Bubaare and Bufundi Innovation Platforms in Uganda. The drivers of adoption of community natural resource management strategies are analysed using an Ordered Logit Model while extent of adoption is analysed using a truncated regression model. The education level of a household head, membership in collective action group, and perception of plot slope and relevance of bye-laws were factors associated with likelihood of adoption. Value of livestock, membership in collective action group, access to credit and off-farm income were found to positively influence the level of investment. Thus, collective action increases opportunities for adoption; hence farmers should be supported to work collectively.Dans les pays en voie de d\ue9veloppement, l\u2019acc\ue8s et l\u2019utilisation des ressources naturelles sont essentiels pour la suivie en mileu rural et pour y prosp\ue9rer. Ainsi, la coop\ue9ration dans la gestion des ressources naturelles est de plus en plus une strat\ue9gie importante qui peut am\ue9liorer \ue0 long terme la coh\ue9sion socio-\ue9cologique. Dans beaucoup de cas; les actions collectives ont \ue9t\ue9 largement reconnues comme une alternative d\u2019organisation institutionnelle pour centraliser la gouvernance de la gestion des ressources naturelles, mais leur succ\ue8s d\ue9pend largement des facteurs qui sont sp\ue9cifiques aux milieux o\uf9 elles sont mise en oeuvre. Dans cette \ue9tude, les facteus qui influencent l\u2019adoption et le degr\ue9 d\u2019adoption des activit\ue9s de conservation des ressources naturelles \ue9taient identifi\ue9s en utilisant deux cas d\u2019\ue9tude: Les Plate-formes d\u2019Innovation de Bubaare et Bufundi en Ouganda. Les forces motrices d\u2019adoption des strategies de gestion des ressources naturelles communautaires sont analys\ue9es en utilsant un mod\ue8le Logit Ordonn\ue9 tandis que le degr\ue9 d\u2019adoption est analys\ue9 en utilisant un mod\ue8le de r\ue9gression tronqu\ue9. Le niveau d\u2019\ue9ducation du chef de m\ue9nage, l\u2019appartenance au groupe d\u2019action collective, et la perception de la pente de la parcelle et limportance des arr\ueat\ue9s \ue9taient les facteurs associ\ue9s au taux d\u2019adoption. La value du b\ue9tail, l\u2019appartenance au groupe d\u2019action collective, l\u2019acc\ue8s au cr\ue9dit et le revenu non- agricole \ue9taient les facteurs qui influencent positivement le niveau d\u2019investissement. Donc, les actions collectives augmentent les opportunit\ue9s pour l\u2019adoption; ainsi les producteurs devraient \ueatre encourag\ue9s \ue0 travailler de fa\ue7con collective

    Institutional Innovations for Building Impact-oriented Agricultural Research, Knowledge and Development Institutions

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    The central development question in African agriculture is how to catalyze a more competitive, equitable and sustainable agricultural growth within the context of smallholder production systems, inefficient agricultural marketing, inefficient investments by private sector amidst degradation prone natural resources base (Lynam and Blackie, 1994; IAC, 2004; World bank, 2006 ). Concerted scholarly analyses of Science and Technology (S&T) strategies have given birth to Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) an organizing concept of the Innovation Systems Approach (ISA) as the promise holder. It is hypothesized that the generation, diffusion and application of impactful innovations critically depend on systemic integration of knowledge systems that promote communication, interaction and cooperation between agricultural research, education, extension, farmers, private sector and policy regulatory systems. This paper examines how the different institutional innovations arising from various permutations of linkages and interactions of ARD organizations (national, international advanced agricultural research centres and universities) influenced the different outcomes in addressing identified ARD problems. A multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary phased Participatory Action Research approach was used to pool knowledge to address outstanding and emerging challenges in three countries (DRC, Rwanda and Uganda) with 2, 16 and 24 years out of conflict, respectively) of the Lake Kivu Pilot Learning Site. A landmark institutional innovation was the participatory establishment of twelve (12) Innovation Platforms as tools for pooling knowledge across the agricultural business, education, research and extension systems. The knowledge “pool” was to generate, diffuse and apply innovations to reduce transactions costs and create value chain based “win-win” situations. A number of innovations (e.g. International Public Goods-IPGs, market binding contracts, registered brands and/or certification processes, diversity, density and quality of networks/collective action, bulking centres, ICT application and depth of knowledge pools) were initiated. There were major breakthroughs which included bringing on board non-traditional private sector and policy maker partners, overcoming the predominant “farmer handout syndrome”, building consensus and addressing common interest challenge. Making markets work, bringing various stakeholders including universities to the community and vice-versa, appreciation of indigenous knowledge system, propelling collective soil and water conservation and demand/utilization of technologies hitherto on-shelf were other very significant breakthroughs. Sustainable operations of the Innovation Systems knowledge “pool” nurturing institutional learning were ensured through the availability of a “functional body”. The body undertook the social enterprise of organizing farmers and traders, facilitating/brokering ARD organization linkages by using multi-media to build social capital to overcome emergent knowledge, credit, market, technology and resource degradation challenges under different policy regulatory systems