19 research outputs found

    Emergency medicine admissions of pediatric intoxicated cases

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to analyze the demographic features and mortality rates of pediatric patients admitted to the emergency department and diagnosed with intoxication. Material and Methods: Patients admitted to the pediatric emergency department and diagnosed with intoxication between December 01, 2009 and Decem- ber 31, 2010 were included in the study. Patients were evaluated through the examination of registration forms and hospitalization files. The characteristics, including age, sex, admission type to the emergency department, treatment before admission, time passed before admission, consciousness level at the time of admission, cause of poisoning, toxic agent, treatment administered after admission, outcome, and mortality rates, were recorded. Results: In our study, 1029 cases were included; 66.47% of the patients were female, and the female/male ratio was found to be 1.98/1. Poisoning was most fre- quently seen in the group of 13-18-year-old patients (56.17%). Patients were admitted mostly in the spring. The most frequent cause of poisoning was adminis- tration of drugs (81.8%), among which paracetamol was the most common and antidepressants were the second most common drugs. Suicide rate was 56.07%, and 54 patients (5.2%) had attempted suicide for the second time. Also, 85.71% of the patients were admitted to the emergency room within the first 2 hours. Conclusion: In order to minimize the rate of poisoning cases, preventive measures, education of the family, more secure storage of drugs, more prudent production of drugs in boxes by pharmaceutical companies, and prevention of childhood poisoning by regional epidemiological studies should be promoted.(JAEM 2014; 13: 67-70)Objective: In this study, we aimed to analyze the demographic features and mortality rates of pediatric patients admitted to the emergency department and diagnosed with intoxication. Material and Methods: Patients admitted to the pediatric emergency department and diagnosed with intoxication between December 01, 2009 and Decem- ber 31, 2010 were included in the study. Patients were evaluated through the examination of registration forms and hospitalization files. The characteristics, including age, sex, admission type to the emergency department, treatment before admission, time passed before admission, consciousness level at the time of admission, cause of poisoning, toxic agent, treatment administered after admission, outcome, and mortality rates, were recorded. Results: In our study, 1029 cases were included; 66.47% of the patients were female, and the female/male ratio was found to be 1.98/1. Poisoning was most fre- quently seen in the group of 13-18-year-old patients (56.17%). Patients were admitted mostly in the spring. The most frequent cause of poisoning was adminis- tration of drugs (81.8%), among which paracetamol was the most common and antidepressants were the second most common drugs. Suicide rate was 56.07%, and 54 patients (5.2%) had attempted suicide for the second time. Also, 85.71% of the patients were admitted to the emergency room within the first 2 hours. Conclusion: In order to minimize the rate of poisoning cases, preventive measures, education of the family, more secure storage of drugs, more prudent production of drugs in boxes by pharmaceutical companies, and prevention of childhood poisoning by regional epidemiological studies should be promoted.(JAEM 2014; 13: 67-70

    Demographic Evaluation of The Patients Admitted with Oral Intake of Corrosive Substances

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    Amaç: Bu çalısmada, oral koroziv madde alımı ile acil servise basvuran hastaların demografik özelliklerinin, mortalite ve morbidite oranlarının açığa çıkarılmasını amaçladık. Materyal ve Metod: Oral koroziv madde alımı nedeniyle 01.01.2009 ile 31.12.2010 tarihleri arasında başvuran vakalar geriye dönük incelendi. Hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti, mesleği, alınan koroziv maddenin cinsi, alım nedeni (kazara, özkıyım), acile başvuru sekli, alım ile acile ilk başvuru arasında geçen süre, başvuru sırasındaki şikâyetleri kaydedildi. Endoskopisi yapılan ve yapılmayan hastaların tanı ve tedavi süreçleri, hastanede yatış süresi ve hasta sonlanım şekli ile ilgili veriler kaydedildi. Tanı sürecinde endoskopi bulguları Di Costanzo Evreleme Sistemi'ne göre sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 59 hasta (30 kadın, 29 erkek) dahil edildi. Olguların yaş ortalaması 38.67±18.56 idi. Koroziv madde alımının % 74.58'i kazara, % 25.42'si özkıyım amaçlı idi. Alınan korozivlerin % 55,93'ü sodyum hipoklorit idi. Hastaların % 95'ine ilk 24 saat içinde endoskopi uygulaması yapıldığı görüldü. Endoskopi sonrası en sık rastlanan hasarlanma evre 2a (% 31) idi. Acil servise başvuran hastaların % 57.6'sı hastaneye yatırıldı. Yoğun bakımda takip edilen bir hasta eksitus oldu. Sonuç: Koroziv madde alımları morbidite ve mortaliteye yol açabilen zehirlenmelerdir. Zehirlenmelerin en aza indirilmesi için toplumun eğitilmesi, ambalajsız temizlik maddesi satışının yasaklanması, temizlik maddelerinin açıkta bırakılmaması ve başka kaplarda saklanmaması gerekmektedirPurpose: In this study, we aimed to reveal mortality and morbidity rates and demographic characteristics of patients admitted to the emergency room with corrosive substance ingestion. Material and Methods: The cases admitted with oral intake of corrosive substances to between 01.01.2009 and 31.12.2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients’ age, gender, occupation, type of the corrosive substance, reason of administring the substance (accident, suicide), the application form to the emergency room, the time between the first reference to the emergency room with the admission time, the complaints at the time of admission were recorded. Patients' data with and without endoscopy about their diagnosis and treatment processes, their staying time at the hospital and their outcome of the hospital were recorded. During the process of diagnosis endoscopic findings were classified according to Di Costanzo Staging System. Results: 59 patients (30 female, 29 male) were included in the study. Mean age of the patients’ was 38.67 ± 18.56. 74.58 % of the corrosive substance intake were accidentally, and 25.42 % were suicide. 55,93 % of the corrosive intake was sodium hypochlorite. It was seen that 95 % of the patients were made endoscopy within first 24 hours. The most common damage was stage 2a (31 %). 57.6 % patients admitted to the emergency room were hospitalized. One patient in intensive care unit, died. Conclusion: Corrosive substance poisoning can lead to serious morbidity and mortality. In order to minimize the poisonings, society should be educated, the sale of unpackaged corrosive substances should be prohibited, corrosive substances should not be left exposed and not stored in other container

    Demographic Evaluation of The Patients Admitted with Oral Intake of Corrosive Substances

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    Purpose: In this study, we aimed to reveal mortality and morbidity rates and demographic characteristics of patients admitted to the emergency room with corrosive substance ingestion. Material and Methods: The cases admitted with oral intake of corrosive substances to between 01.01.2009 and 31.12.2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients’ age, gender, occupation, type of the corrosive substance, reason of administring the substance (accident, suicide), the application form to the emergency room, the time between the first reference to the emergency room with the admission time, the complaints at the time of admission were recorded. Patients\' data with and without endoscopy about their diagnosis and treatment processes, their staying time at the hospital and their outcome of the hospital were recorded. During the process of diagnosis endoscopic findings were classified according to Di Costanzo Staging System. Results: 59 patients (30 female, 29 male) were included in the study. Mean age of the patients’ was 38.67 ± 18.56. 74.58 % of the corrosive substance intake were accidentally, and 25.42 % were suicide. 55,93 % of the corrosive intake was sodium hypochlorite. It was seen that 95 % of the patients were made endoscopy within first 24 hours. The most common damage was stage 2a (31 %). 57.6 % patients admitted to the emergency room were hospitalized. One patient in intensive care unit, died. Conclusion: Corrosive substance poisoning can lead to serious morbidity and mortality. In order to minimize the poisonings, society should be educated, the sale of unpackaged corrosive substances should be prohibited, corrosive substances should not be left exposed and not stored in other containers. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(2.000): 271-279


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    Objectives: The inadequate quality and nature of sleep is a commonly reported problem among hospitalized patients. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of progressive muscle relaxation training program on sleep quality, sleep state, pain and life quality of patients who underwent pulmonary resection

    Türkiye’deki Yoğun Bakım Ünitelerindeki Trakeostomi Uygulamaları: Türk Toraks Derneği Solunum Yetmezliği ve Yoğun Bakım Çalışma Grubu Nokta Prevalans Çalışması

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    Patient profile at intensive care units in Turkey: 922 patients multicenter prevalence study.

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    Current Statement of Intensive Care Units in Turkey: Data obtained from 67 Centers

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to obtain information about the characteristics of the ICUs in our country via a point prevalence study


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    Tracheostomy practices in intensive care units in Turkey: Turkish Thoracic Society critical care assembly point prevelance trial

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