63 research outputs found

    Liseli Ergenlerde Okula Aidiyet Duygusu: Umutsuzluk ve Yalnızlık ile İlişkileri

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    Bu araştırma, Türkiye’deki bir kamu lisesinde bulunan ergenlerin umutsuzluk ve yalnızlık seviyelerinin okula aidiyet duygularını yordamakta mıdır sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini lisedeki 9 ve 10. sınıflardaki 189 ergen oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama araçları olarak; Okula Aidiyet Duygusu Ölçeği, Beck Umutsuzluk Ölçeği ve UCLA Yalnızlık Ölçeği-Ergenler için Kısa Formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde betimleyici istatistikler, Pearson korelasyon analizi ve çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın en önemli bulgusu liseli ergenlerin umutsuzluk ve yalnızlıklarının okula aidiyet duygusunu anlamlı düzeyde yordamakta olduğudur. Umutsuzluk ve yalnızlık okula aidiyet duygusundaki toplam varyansın % 27’sini açıklamaktadır. Bir diğer bulgu ise okula aidiyet duygusunun umutsuzluk ve yalnızlık ile negatif yönde ilişkili olduğudur

    Kounis Syndrome together with Myocardial Bridging Leading to Acute Myocardial Infarction at Young Age

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    Kounis syndrome, also named as “allergic angina syndrome,” is a diagnosis in which exposure to an allergen causes mostly coronary spasm and rarely plaque rupture, resulting in ischemic myocardial events. Myocardial bridging is defined as an intramural segment of a coronary artery and its systolic compression by overlying fibers. Myocardial bridging generally has a benign prognosis and mostly affects the mid portion of left anterior descending coronary artery. However, some cases with myocardial ischemia, infarction, and sudden death have also been reported. A 17-year-old boy presented to the clinic with acute anterolateral myocardial infarction after having first dose of clindamycin and diagnosed as Kounis syndrome. Further diagnostic workup of the patient showed myocardial bridging at the mid left anterior descending artery. In this report, we present the combination of Kounis syndrome and myocardial bridging leading to myocardial infarction at young age

    The clinical, cytogenetics and molecular characterization of inverted duplication/deletion of chromosome 8p in a boy with mental and motor retardation: Genotype-phenotype correlation in a case report

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    Background: Rearrangements that occur mainly through the non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) during maternal meiosis in short arms of chromosome 8 is relatively associated with various clinical spectrum.Aim: The objective of this study was to report cytogenetics and molecular characterization of a mental and motor retarded boy with short arm of chromosome 8 rearrangements [invdupdel(8p)] in this current case report. Subjects and methods: We report an 11-year-old boy with scoliosis, intellectual disability, mental-motor retardation and characteristic facial features. Agenesis of corpus callosum was detected with brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) analysis. Derivative chromosome 8 structure was identified after conventional cytogenetics – karyotype analysis, Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) and Microarray-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) techniques. Genotype-phenotype correlation in the current proband case will be discussed.Results: Case was diagnosed as 46, XY, der (8), del (8) (p23.1) invdup (8) (p11.1-p23.1) by using advanced comparable techniques. Subtelomeric MLPA analysis showed deletion of FBXO25 gene which is located at 8p23.3 locus and FISH with subtelomeric probes for 8p shows also only deleted region. The microarray- CGH profilling showed 7,9 mb deletion for 8p23.1 and 31 mb duplication for 8p11.1 locuses.Conclusion: Results from the current case emphasized that the cases with clinical manifestations of such disorders extremely need to be examined by combined comparable genetics techniques such as; karyotyping, FISH, MLPA and chromosomal microarray for the accurate phenotype – genotype correlation.Keywords: Chromosomal rearrangement, Corpus callosum, Invdupdel(8p)Array-CGH, MLP

    Morphological and biochemical investigation of the protective effects of panax ginseng on methotrexate-induced testicular damage

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    Objective: Methotrexate (MTX) is a chemotherapeutic agent that causes testicular toxicity used in the cure of various types of cancer. The anti-oxidant and anti-cancer effects of Panax ginseng (PxG) have been reported in both experimental and clinical studies. This study aims to examine the healing effect of PxG on testicular damage induced by MTX. Materials and Methods: Sprague Dawley male rats (8-week-olds) were used in the study. A single dose of MTX dissolved in saline (20 mg/kg) was given to MTX and MTX+PxG groups by intraperitoneal injection. PxG dissolved in saline (100 mg/kg) was given by orogastric gavage once a day for 5 days to the MTX+PxG group. Saline was given to the control and MTX groups orally during the experiments. After decapitation, the testis samples were obtained. Seminiferous tubules and basement membrane were evaluated histopathologically. Seminiferous tubule diameter and germinal epithelium thickness were measured. Furthermore, oxidative stress parameters such as malondialdehyde, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione-S-transferase were measured. Results: MTX treatment caused seminiferous tubule degeneration with a decrease in Johnsen’s score, the seminiferous tubule’s diameter, and the germinal epithelium’s thickness. Parallel with the histopathological results increased testicular oxidative stress with an increase in malondialdehyde level and a decrease of endogenous anti-oxidant activity with a decrease in glutathione level and glutathione-S-transferase and superoxide dismutase activities. PxG treatment improved these histological and biochemical parameters in MTX-induced testis cytotoxicity. Conclusion: MTX treatment causes testicular damage via the oxidative processes. PxG treatment ameliorates MTX-induced testicular damage by inhibiting oxidative stress.Marmara Universit

    Hepatoprotective actions of melatonin by mainly modulating oxidative status and apoptosis rate in lipopolysaccharide-induced liver damage

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    Aim: One of the serious complications of sepsis is liver damage and liver failure. This study aimed to evaluate the protective and therapeutic potential of melatonin in rats with lipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis. Main methods: Female Spraque–Dawley rats received single a dose of 7.5 mg/kg lipopolysaccharide in saline to create a 24-h sepsis model. One of the other groups received melatonin at a dose of 10 mg/kg/day beginning 1 week before sepsis induction to the end of the experiment. The melatonin group received the same doses of melatonin for the same duration but not lipopolysaccharide. The vehicle group received the same doses of saline, the vehicle of melatonin, for the same duration. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, the rats were decapitated. By appropriate histochemical, immunohistochemical, biochemical, and molecular techniques, anti-necrotic, anti-apoptotic, anti-necroptotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects of melatonin were assessed. Key findings: Lipopolysaccharide has disrupted liver functions by inducing oxidative stress, inflammation, necrotic, apoptotic, and necroptotic cell death, thus disrupting liver functions. Melatonin was found to be beneficial in terms of inhibiting the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis and tissue oxidant levels, stimulating tissue antioxidant enzyme levels, and restoring hepatocyte functions. Significance: Melatonin, at those doses and duration, was found to be hepatoprotective by mainly modulating oxidative status and apoptosis rate, however, failed to significantly reduce histopathological damage. We suggest that longer-term melatonin administration may produce anti-inflammatory and anti-necrotic effects as well. © 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Paediatric Behçet’s Disease: Data From A Single Center Experience In Turkey

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Behçet’s disease (BD) is a multisystemic inflammatory disease with unknown etiology. It is characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcerations, uveitis, and skin lesions, various musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, central nervous system, and vascular manifestations. The aim of this study was to analyse the demographic characteristics and clinical features, treatment in Turkish paediatric BD from a single center experience.   Methods: The records 36 patients with BD who were diagnosed according to the International Study Group criteria between January 2017 and January 2019 in the department of paediatric rheumatology, were retrospectively reviewed. Data on demographic, clinical features and therapy were collected. Results: A total of 36 (19 male) patients were included in this study. Mean age at disease onset was 9.36 ± 4.45 years and mean age at diagnosis 13.99 ± 2.83 years. The frequencies of signs/symptoms were: recurrent oral aphtosis 100%, genital ulcers 80.6%, musculoskeletal 30.6%, ocular 16.7%, neurological 11.1% and vascular involvement 11.1%, gastrointestinal 2.8%. Colchicine and corticosteroids were the main treatments. Conclusions: In this single-center retrospective study, we analyzed the data of paediatric BD and their treatment from a single center in Turkey. The presented small series and the literature review suggest that paediatric BD is a heterogeneous disease with varied clinical manifestations

    Pentilentetrazol ile oluşturulan temporal lob epilepsi modelinde timokinonun testis hasarı üzerindeki etkilerinin histolojik açıdan incelenmesi

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    1. ÖZET Amaç: Bu çalışmada pentilentetrazol (PTZ) ile oluşturulan temporal lob epilepsi (TLE) modelinde timokinonun testis hasarı üzerindeki etkilerinin morfolojik ve immünhistokimyasal olarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada erişkin erkek Wistar sıçanlar kullanıldı ve 4 gruba ayrıldı. Yalancı-opere grubundaki hayvanlara salin (s.c.) veya timokinon (i.p); PTZ grubundaki hayvanlara pentilentetrazol (PTZ) (s.c.) uygulandı. PTZ+timokinon grubundaki hayvanlara PTZ uygulamasından sonra 6 gün boyunca timokinon (i.p) verildi. Testis dokularından alınan parafin kesitlere hematoksilin-eozin, periodik asit-Schiff ve TUNEL boyamaları ile PCNA, StAR, inhibin βB immünhistokimyası ile ZO-1 immünfloresan metodları uygulandı. Boyanma yoğunluğu ve hücre sayıları belirlenerek istatistiksel analiz yapıldı. Bulgular: Yalancı-opere gruplarda testis dokusu normal morfolojik yapıda izlendi. PTZ grubunda seminifer tübüllerde dejenerasyon gözlendi. PTZ+timokinon grubunda tübüllerin çoğunun normal morfolojide olduğu görüldü. PTZ grubunda apoptotik hücre indeksinin arttığı, proliferasyon indeksinin ise azaldığı; timokinon uygulamasının apoptotik indeksi azalttığı, proliferasyon indeksini ise arttırdığı gözlendi. PTZ grubunda ZO-1, StAR ve inhibin βΒ immünhistokimyasal boyanma yoğunluğunun azaldığı, timokinon uygulaması sonrası bu yoğunluğun ZO-1 uygulamasında arttığı; StAR ve inhibin βΒ pozitif hücre yoğunluklarının PTZ grubunda azaldığı, PTZ+timokinon grubunda ise arttığı saptanmıştır. Sonuçlar: Bu çalışmada PTZ ile oluşturulan epileptik nöbetlerin testis üzerinde hasar oluşturduğu ve timokinonun bu hasar üzerinde iyileştirici etkisinin olduğu gözlenmiştir. -------------------- 2. SUMMARY Objective: In this study, it was aimed to investigate possible ameliorating effects of thymoquinone on testicular damage in a temporal lobe epilepsy model by morphological and immünohistochemical methods. Materials and Methods: Adult male Wistar rats were used in the present study and they were divided into 4 groups. The animals in sham-operated groups were either given saline or thymoquinone (s.c.); and the animals in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) group were applied PTZ. The animals in PTZ+thymoquinone group were given thymoquinone (i.p) for 6 days after applying PTZ. Hematoxylin-eosin, periodic acid-Schiff and TUNEL staining and PCNA, StAR, inhibin βB immunohistochemistry and ZO-1 immunofluorescence methods were applied to the paraffin sections of the tissues. Staining intensity and cell numbers were determined and statistical analysis was performed. Results: Testis tissues in the shamoperated groups were observed to be in normal morphological structure. Degeneration of seminiferous tubules was observed in PTZ group. Most of the tubules showed normal morphology in the PTZ+thymoquinone group. Apoptotic cell index was found to be increased and proliferative index decreased in PTZ group. It was observed that thymoquinone administration decreased apoptotic index and increased proliferation index. In PTZ group, ZO-1, StAR and inhibin βΒ immunohistochemical staining intensity was observed to be decreased and after thymoquinone application, ZO-1 was increased. StAR and inhibin βΒ positive cell numbers were decreased in PTZ group and increased in the PTZ + thymoquinone group. Conclusion: In this study, it was observed that PTZ-induced epileptic seizures caused testicular damage in the rat and thymoquinone ameliorated these effects

    Yoksul Çevrede Yaşayan Ergenlerin Akademik Dayanıklılığının İncelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmada yoksul çevrelerde yaşayan ergenlerin akademik dayanıklılıklarını incelemek hedeflenmiştir. Bunun için ekolojik kuram çerçevesinde akademik dayanıklılığı yordayan değişkenleri bulmak, akademik dayanıklı olan ve olmayan öğrenciler arasındaki farklılıkları araştırmak, elde edilen sonuçlarla akademik dayanıklılık ile ilgili yapılabilecek programlara ışık tutmak amaçlanmıştır. Örneklemi 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılında İzmir ilindeki yoksul çevrelerdeki okullarda okuyan, yaş ortalaması 13 olan, ortaokul 6., 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Kızlar tüm katılımcıların %50.3’ü, erkekler ise %49.7’sidir. Katılımcılara “Çocuklar İçin Mizaç ve Karakter Envanteri”, “Psikolojik Kontrol Ölçeği”, “Ergen Aile Süreci Ölçeği”, “Çocuk ve Ergen Sosyal Destek Ölçeği”, “Ebeveyn ve Arkadaşlara Bağlanma Envanteri”, “Algılanan Ekonomik Güçlük Ölçeği” ve “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada yoksulluğun işevuruk tanımı yapılarak yoksul olan (n=531) ve olmayan grup (n=529); akademik dayanıklılığın işevuruk tanımı yapılarak akademik dayanıklı olan (n=319) ve olmayan grup (n=114) belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler hiyerarşik regresyon analizi, bağımsız örneklemler t-testi, ki-kare testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda yoksul ergenlerin akademik başarılarını cinsiyet, kardeş sayısı, kendini yönetme, öğretmenden sosyal desteği ve internet kullanım amacının yordadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Akademik dayanıklı olan ile olmayan grup arasında sebat etme, kendini yönetme, baba psikolojik kontrolü, anne ve baba izleme, öğretmen ve arkadaş sosyal desteği açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. İki grubun cinsiyet, kardeş sayısı ve internet kullanım amacı açısından farklılaştığı görülmüştür. Bulgular ekolojik kuram çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır. Araştırmanın sınırlılıkları belirtilmiştir. Gelecek çalışmalarda farklı örneklem gruplarında, farklı risk durumlarında boylamsal olarak akademik dayanıklılığın araştırılması önerilmiştir. Çocukları yoksulluk riskinden korumak amacıyla uygulanabilecek programlar için öneriler sunulmuştur.In this study, the academic resilience of adolescents living in impoverished environments was investigated. The aim of this study was to fully research the issue and, with the results obtained, identify the variables that predict academic resilience within the framework of ecological theory, investigate the differences between students who possess academic resilience and those who do not, and shed light on programs that could be established in the future concerning academic resilience. The sample consists of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students studying in the 2018-2019 academic year in schools located in impoverished neighborhoods of Izmir; the average age of the participants was 13 years old. Girls constituted 50.3% of participants while boys were 49.7%. Participants completed inventories, scales, and forms including “Junior Temperament and Character Inventory”,“ Psychological Control Scale”, “Adolescent Family Process Measure”,“ Child-Adolescent Social Support Scale”, “Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment”, “Perceived Economic Strain Scale” and “Personal Information Form”. In this study, the impoverished group (n = 531) and the non-impoverished group (n = 529) were determined according to the operational definition of poverty as defined in the thesis, while the academically resilient group (n = 319) and academically non-resilient group (n=114) were similarly defined according to the operational definition of academic resilience. The collected data was evaluated using hierarchical regression analysis, unpaired t-tests, and chi-square tests. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the academic achievement of impoverished adolescents was predicted by gender, number of siblings, self-directedness, moral support received from teachers, and internet browsing habits. There was a significant difference found among persistence, self-directedness, the father’s psychological control, mother and father’s monitoring behavior, and moral support from friends and teachers. The two groups differed in terms of gender, number of siblings and internet browsing habits. The findings were discussed within the framework of ecological theory. The limitations of the study are indicated in the study itself. Proposed future studies should focus on and investigate longitudinal academic resilience in different sample groups and in different risk situations. Recommendations have been made for programs that can be implemented to protect children from the risk factor of impoverishment

    Macroeconomic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic: A cross-country comparative analysis

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    Çin'in Wuhan kentinde ortaya çıkarak kısa sürede tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan Covid-19 salgını Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından pandemi olarak ilan edilmiştir. Salgının tüm dünyaya yayılmasından itibaren başta sağlık ve ekonomi olmak üzere hayatın her alanında olumsuz etkilere neden olmuştur. Pandeminin yıkıcı etkilerini en hafif şekilde atlatabilmek amacıyla ülkeler çeşitli tedbirler almak durumunda kalmıştır. Covid-19 pandemisinin hızla yayılması ve küresel etkilere neden olmasından dolayı geçmişte yaşanan salgın hastalıklardan farklılık göstermektedir. Salgının kısıtlayıcı etkileri gündelik hayat ve çalışma hayatı üzerinde olumsuz etkilere neden olmuştur. Ülkelerin birbirlerine olan ticari bağlılıklarının artması nedeniyle salgının ekonomik anlamda etkisi küresel boyut kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Covid-19 pandemisinin Türkiye, Almanya, Fransa, İspanya, İtalya, İngiltere, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Japonya, Kore ve Çin ekonomileri üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Seçili ülkelerin Covid-19 pandemisine karşı almış oldukları sosyal ve ekonomik tedbirler incelenerek pandemi sürecinin nasıl sürdürüldüğü açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada pandeminin makroekonomik değişkenler (kamu finansman dengesi, dış borç, dış ticaret, işgücü piyasası, ekonomik büyüme, finansal kesim ve enflasyon) üzerindeki etkileri seçilmiş ülke örnekleri ile araştırılmıştır. Konu ile ilgili literatürden yararlanılarak yayınlanmış raporlar ve istatistiki veriler yardımıyla mevcut durumun değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda pandemi sürecinde seçili ülke ekonomilerinin makroekonomik değişkenler üzerinde mukayeseli analizine yer verilmektedir.The Covid-19 epidemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China, and affected the whole world in a short time, was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Since the epidemic spread all over the world, it has caused negative effects in all areas of life, especially health and economy. In order to overcome the devastating effects of the pandemic in the lightest way, countries have had to take various measures. Unlike past epidemics, it can be explained as the rapid spread and global effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the restrictive effects of the epidemic, it has caused negative effects on daily life and working life. Also due to the globalization of the economy and the commercial interdependence of countries, the economic impact of the epidemic has also been global. In this study, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economies of Turkey, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, The United Kingdom, The United States, Japan, Korea and China were examined. Social and economic measures taken by selected countries against the Covid-19 pandemic were examined and it was tried to explain how the pandemic process was sustained. By examining the effects of the pandemic on macroeconomic variables; foreign debt, foreign trade, economic growth, inflation, its effect on the financial sector, public finance balance and its effects on production are mentioned. The current situation has been evaluated with the help of published reports and statistical data using the literature on the subject. In this context, a comparative analysis of selected countries' economies on macroeconomic variables during the pandemic process is included