82 research outputs found


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    Abstract .The subject of the research is word-formative chains of Russian nouns in typological andlinguodidactic aspects. These language units can be a methodically optimal means of teaching Russian as a second or as a foreign language. The aim of the work is to construct a methodically relevant typology of these formations on the basis of studying the structural and semantic properties of word – formative chains in the sphere of nouns. In the course of linguistic analysis, the system-structural and functional-semantic methods were used, which allowed to describe all groups of derivatives which are the part of word-formative chains. The paper proves that the word-formative chain, being a complex unit, is one of the most important ways of organizing the derivational-semantic space of the Russian language. System-structural reproducibility of these units allows to distinguish binary and polynary, linear and ring chains. In addition, the model should include complete and incomplete chains, and chains with monomotivated and polymotivated derivatives. The specificity of the morphemic structure and idiomatic semantics of derivatives creating the word-formative chain testify to the peculiarities of the nomination process in the Russian language. The study of the phenomenon of consistent productivity of Russian words in a foreign language audience contributes to a more active perception of lexical, grammatical and word-forming phenomena and also the activation of the vocabulary of students.Key words: Russian language, methodology, word formation, noun, word-formation chain, derivationalrelations

    Nominative derivation specificity in the typologically distant languages

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    In the study based on the material of Russian and Tatar derived words you can reveal the nominative derivation specificity, which is a characteristic of most natural languages. We also have established the causes of interlingual asymmetry in the ratio of derivative and non-derivative lexical units: first of all it's the systemicstructural differences between Russian and Tatar languages, due to their belonging to the different morphological types, as well as the specificity of linguistic consciousness, namely the signs and associations that are underlied the name and reflected in its inner form

    Nominative derivation specificity in the typologically distant languages

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    In the study based on the material of Russian and Tatar derived words you can reveal the nominative derivation specificity, which is a characteristic of most natural languages. We also have established the causes of interlingual asymmetry in the ratio of derivative and non-derivative lexical units: first of all it's the systemicstructural differences between Russian and Tatar languages, due to their belonging to the different morphological types, as well as the specificity of linguistic consciousness, namely the signs and associations that are underlied the name and reflected in its inner form

    Word-formation family in derivation-semantic space of differently structured languages

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    The article considers the main tendencies of comparative and topological study of cognate words on the material of the Russian, Tatar and Spanish languages, the morphological structure of which has strongly pronounced differences. It proves the status of word-formation family as a lexical microsystem. It becomes established how it is modified and transformed the semantics of equivalent roots in terms of word-formation families of each of the languages, which types of notions receive word-forming determination. Comparative study of the objects and ways of nomination within the framework of derivation-semantic space of the Russian, Tatar and Spanish languages allows to reveal idioethnic character of naming of the elements of universe, to reconstruct the mechanism of speech thought act and associative links, which expands the understanding of language as human cognitive activity

    National component in Russian word-formation: Linguodidactic aspect

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    The article analyzes the linguistic didactic potential of word formative system in Russian language. The ethnic cultural component of Russian word formation is characterized through the prism of the Tatar language consciousness. It is stated that during the process of a foreign language learning one of the methodologically relevant techniques is the cross-language comparative analysis of lexical units and their consecutive linguistic culturological comment. We used the comparative-typological, descriptive and cognitive-discursive methods in the work. The study results deal with two interrelated aspects: linguistic didactic and linguistic culturological. The knowledge of Russian word formation laws and mechanisms contributes to the development of a wide range of linguistic skills and common language competence among students. It was found that the comparative analysis of complex word formation units is the most effective one in terms of similarities and differences identification in the methods of reality representation with the nomination of the same denotations. The interlanguage differences in word formative determination of identical concepts demonstrate the specificity of cultural and ethnic dominants which are an integral part of the semantic universe. The inner form of the word and the possibility of metaphorical usage promote their identification and their description on the lexical and wordformation level. Comparing the derivative vocabulary and the word-forming systems of different languages, we can trace the ways of the worldview formation for a particular ethnic group with its universal and culturespecific characteristics. It was revealed that the ethnic-cultural component of natural languages depends on many factors, one of which should include the originality of motivating signs forming the derivational base of a derivative, the various degrees of ontological concept development, the presence of specific word-formation types and meanings. The work proved that the derivative study in onomasiological and cognitive aspects, the actualization of their metaphorical-anthropomorphic nature is an important linguistic didactic method, which allows to optimize the process of new vocabulary learning through the disclosure of language thinking specifics

    Integrated Analysis of Dysregulated ncRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles in Humans Exposed to Carbon Nanotubes

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    Background As the application of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in consumer products continues to rise, studies have expanded to determine the associated risks of exposure on human and environmental health. In particular, several lines of evidence indicate that exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) could pose a carcinogenic risk similar to asbestos fibers. However, to date the potential markers of MWCNT exposure are not yet explored in humans. Methods In the present study, global mRNA and ncRNA expression profiles in the blood of exposed workers, having direct contact with MWCNT aerosol for at least 6 months (n = 8), were compared with expression profiles of non-exposed (n = 7) workers (e.g., professional and/or technical staff) from the same manufacturing facility. Results Significant changes in the ncRNA and mRNA expression profiles were observed between exposed and non-exposed worker groups. An integrative analysis of ncRNA-mRNA correlations was performed to identify target genes, functional relationships, and regulatory networks in MWCNT-exposed workers. The coordinated changes in ncRNA and mRNA expression profiles revealed a set of miRNAs and their target genes with roles in cell cycle regulation/progression/control, apoptosis and proliferation. Further, the identified pathways and signaling networks also revealed MWCNT potential to trigger pulmonary and cardiovascular effects as well as carcinogenic outcomes in humans, similar to those previously described in rodents exposed to MWCNTs. Conclusion This study is the first to investigate aberrant changes in mRNA and ncRNA expression profiles in the blood of humans exposed to MWCNT. The significant changes in several miRNAs and mRNAs expression as well as their regulatory networks are important for getting molecular insights into the MWCNT-induced toxicity and pathogenesis in humans. Further large-scale prospective studies are necessary to validate the potential applicability of such changes in mRNAs and miRNAs as prognostic markers of MWCNT exposures in humans

    Fine Particles in the Ambient Air as a Risk Factor of Bronchial Asthma in Adults

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    Air pollution with suspended particles and gaseous substances is assumed to be a possible risk factor for bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma (BA) is one of the most common chronic non-communicable diseases in children and adults, characterized by variable respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation. Asthma is a heterogeneous disease with different underlying disease processes. The most common asthma phenotypes are allergic and non-allergic asthma, differing in the presence of atopy, the type of airway inflammation, responses to inhaled corticosteroid treatment. Meta-analyses, including cohort studies, support the role of fine particles in asthma in children. The question of whether the incidence of asthma in adults is associated with exposure to ambient particulate matter remains open. The chapter describes the effect of fine particles in the ambient air on the formation, course, and underlying mechanisms of different phenotype of bronchial asthma in adults. The role of ambient fine particles in the development of the eosinophilic non-allergic phenotype of bronchial asthma in adults (18–65 years old) has been proven. The hypothesis about different underlying mechanisms in response to exposure to particulate matter for various phenotypes of bronchial asthma was confirmed

    Methodological, political and legal issues in the assessment of the effects of nanotechnology on human health

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    Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) raise questions among the scientific community and public health authorities about their potential risks to human health. Studying a prospective cohort of workers exposed to ENMs would be considered the gold standard for identifying potential health effects of nanotechnology and confirming the 'no effect' levels derived from cellular and animal models. However, because only small, cross-sectional studies have been conducted in the past 5 years, questions remain about the health risks of ENMs. This essay addresses the scientific, methodological, political and regulatory issues that make epidemiological research in nanotechnology-exposed communities particularly complex. Scientific challenges include the array of physicochemical parameters and ENM production conditions, the lack of universally accepted definitions of ENMs and nanotechnology workers, and the lack of information about modes of action, target organs and likely dose-response functions of ENMs. Standardisation of data collection and harmonisation of research protocols are needed to eliminate misclassification of exposures and health effects. Forming ENM worker cohorts from a combination of smaller cohorts and overcoming selection bias are also challenges. National or international registries for monitoring the exposures and health of ENM workers would be helpful for epidemiological studies, but the creation of such a registry and ENM worker cohorts will require political support and dedicated funding at the national and international levels. Public authorities and health agencies should consider carrying out an ENM awareness campaign to educate and engage all stakeholders and concerned communities in discussion of such a project

    Клинико-эпидемиологические особенности заболеваемости инфекциями, связанными с оказанием хирургической и онкологической помощи

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    Introduction. In the Russian Federation there is a constantly updated register of infections associated with surgery and the treatment of oncological diseases reporting which is mandatory. Massive expenses and detriment to patients’ health caused by these infections prompted the authors to run a retrospective epidemiological analysis of the morbidity registered in the population of the city of Kazan during the period under review. This paper presents a study of patterns of the emergence and spread of nosocomial infections.This study aims to examine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of infections associated with surgery and the treatment of oncological diseases registered in the population of the city of Kazan.Materials and methods. Authors analysed the Emergency Notifications for an Infectious Disease (form 058/u) as well as the data from the Rospotrebnadzor Federal Statistical Record Form №2. The paper presents the morbidity annual dynamics, structure and spatial characteristics and describes key pathogens of HAIs.Results and discussion. On the basis of the data obtained the authors give clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the annual dynamics of the morbidity characterised by recurrent rises during the year with the top incidence in the autumn. Neonatal PSI infections dominate the HAIs incidence structure (52.8%). St. aureus is the priority HAI pathogen (26.5% of cases) in the city of Kazan.Conclusion. Microbiological monitoring of emerging HAIs is an efficient tool for managerial decision making and the development of an algorithm for anti-epidemic measures in the departments and the hospital as a whole for the reduction of risk of infection.Введение. В связи с постоянной регистрацией на территории Российской Федерации инфекций, связанных с оказанием хирургической и онкологической помощи, и с высоким экономическим ущербом и ущербом для здоровья пациентов проведен ретроспективный эпидемиологический анализ заболеваемости, регистрируемой у населения города Казани в течение отчетного периода, изучены закономерности возникновения и распространения внутрибольничных инфекций.Целью данного исследования явилось изучение клинико-эпидемиологических особенностей инфекций, связанных с оказанием медицинской хирургической и онкологической помощи, зарегистрированных у населения города Казани.Материалы и методы. Анализу были подвергнуты экстренные извещения об инфекционном заболевании (форма 058/у), а также данные формы федерального статистического учета № 2 Роспотребнадзора. Определены внутригодовая динамика, структура заболеваемости, пространственная характеристика, обозначены основные возбудители ИСМП.Результаты и обсуждение. На основе полученных материалов дана клинико-эпидемиологическая характеристика внутригодовой динамики заболеваемости, которая характеризовалась периодическими подъемами в течение года с максимальной регистрацией заболеваемости в осенний период. В структуре заболеваемости ИСМП преобладали ГСИ инфекции новорожденных (52,8  %). Приоритетным возбудителем ИСМП в г. Казани являлся St. аureus (26,5 % случаев).Заключение. Микробиологический мониторинг за возникновением ИСМП является действенным инструментом для принятия управленческих решений и разработки алгоритма противоэпидемических мер в отделениях и стационарах в целом по снижению риска заболеваний