12 research outputs found

    Born to be wild: captive-born and wild Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) reveal space-use similarities when reintroduced for species conservation concerns

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    An ambitious conservation programme to save the Iberian lynx from extinction conducted several reintroductions aiming to restore its historical range. The urgency due to the delicate conservation status prompted translocating captive-born and wild individuals, while preventing an early assessment of how both groups combined their space-use and differed in post-release movements. To address this issue, we conducted a comprehensive movement ecology analysis using GPS data of 161 Iberian lynxes from 9 populations. First, we classified five movement phases within individuals' trajectories: residence areas (stable and transient), excursions, post-release dispersals, and transitions between residences. Second, we used continuous-time movement models to estimate range size and daily speeds and measured the distance travelled during extra-territorial movements. Finally, we conducted comparative analyses to evaluate differences between captive-born, wild translocated, and wild non-translocated individuals across phases, sex, age-class and populations. Most individuals in all groups established home ranges, supporting the reintroduction main goal. Yet, contrary to the species' natural pattern, captive-born subadults did not show intersexual home range size differences, which emerged after experiencing free-ranging, when becoming adults. More differences emerged for non-residential behaviours. Captive-born lynxes were more prone to post-release dispersal, to slower post-release movements and to having smaller transient residences, indicating cautious behaviour. Our study supports using captive-born individuals for reintroductions, while prioritizing wild individuals for reinforcements in highly competitive populations. Further, we suggest relevant metrics for planning translocations and connectivity management, and we demonstrate how an integrated ex-situ and reintroduction initiative can substantially contribute to restoring an endangered species' distribution rang

    Replication Data for: Cluster-based trajectory segmentation with local noise

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    A set of 12 synthetic trajectories with annotated behavior for the evaluation of stop-and-move detection method

    Zinner’s Syndrome: A Rare Diagnosis of Dysuria Based on Imaging

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    Zinner’s syndrome is a rare congenital malformation of the seminal vesicle and ipsilateral upper urinary tract, due to developmental arrest in early embryogenesis of the Müllerian duct. Clinical presentation is nonspecific and includes voiding symptoms such as dysuria, ejaculatory disorders, and hypogastric or perineal pain. The diagnosis is made with imaging techniques, notably Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which remains the gold standard exam for diagnosis confirmation and therapeutic management. Treatment options depend on the severity of symptoms, the size of the cyst, and the complications. Herein, we report a rare case of a 33-year-old young patient who presented recurrent dysuria and ejaculatory disorders for the last 5 years. Imaging studies revealed an empty left renal fossa, with cystic pelvic mass related to the seminal vesicle and which was compatible with the diagnosis of Zinner’s syndrome. The patient underwent successful laparoscopic removal of the cyst and seminal vesicle, with total disappearance of urinary and sexual complaints with a 3-year follow-up

    PROTOCOL: Measuring diet‐related consumer behaviours relevant to low‐ and middle‐income countries to advance food systems research: an evidence and gap map

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    International audienceThis is the protocol for a evidence and gap map. The main objective of this evidence and gap map is to provide access to a systematic overview of available indicators for diet-related consumer behaviours relevant to LMICs, to support policy makers and researchers to develop, monitor and revise food policies and programmes to leverage food systems transformations for healthier and more sustainable diets

    PROTOCOL: Measuring diet-related consumer behaviours relevant to low- and middle-income countries to advance food systems research: An evidence and gap map

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    This is the protocol for a evidence and gap map. The main objective of this evidence and gap map is to provide access to a systematic overview of available indicators for diet‐related consumer behaviours relevant to LMICs, to support policy makers and researchers to develop, monitor and revise food policies and programmes to leverage food systems transformations for healthier and more sustainable diets