3,032 research outputs found

    Perempuan sebagai Anak dan Hak-Haknya dalam Perkawinan (Studi terhadap Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Praktek di Pengadilan Agama)

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    This paper aims to investigate how women or girls as daughters are administered in Islamic family laws and how they are awarded rights in regard to marriage. It also analyses how judges at Islamic courts solve the cases involving women as daughters. It, therefore, discusses how, according to Indonesian Islamic family law, women, as daughter could obtain permissions to get married when their parents are reluctant to marry them. It also discusses how they have also right to obtain permission to get married although they have not reached the minimum age of marriage. Investigating a number of judgments from Islamic courts of Central, South, West and East Jakarta and using socio-legal approach, this paper reveals that the proposal for marriage dispensation by parents at religious courts increased from year to year and that the proposals were often approved by judges. It also demonstrates that judges mostly conclude that the reluctance of parents to marry their daughters is based on legal reasons so that judges often decide to appoint ‘wali hakim\u27, as a substitute to ‘wali nasab\u27

    Polyhexamethylene Biguanide and Nadifloxacin Self-Assembled Nanoparticles: Antimicrobial Effects against Intracellular Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    The treatment of skin and soft tissue infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains a challenge, partly due to localization of the bacteria inside the host’s cells, where antimicrobial penetration and efficacy is limited. We formulated the cationic polymer polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) with the topical antibiotic nadifloxacin and tested the activities against intracellular MRSA in infected keratinocytes. The PHMB/nadifloxacin nanoparticles displayed a size of 291.3 ± 89.6 nm, polydispersity index of 0.35 ± 0.04, zeta potential of +20.2 ± 4.8 mV, and drug encapsulation efficiency of 58.25 ± 3.4%. The nanoparticles killed intracellular MRSA, and relative to free polymer or drugs used separately or together, the nanoparticles displayed reduced toxicity and improved host cell recovery. Together, these findings show that PHMB/nadifloxacin nanoparticles are effective against intracellular bacteria and could be further developed for the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections

    Effects of Government Intervention in Agricultural Sustainability and Profits: Study of Dutch And American Agricultural Policy

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    This conceptual paper raises questions about the influence policy plays in forming culture, a consumer\u27s willingness to pay, and ultimately profits of a farmer. I look at the Netherlands and compare it to the U.S., as the top two agricultural exporters

    Turning to Food: Religious Contact and Conversion in Early Modern Drama

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    In this dissertation, I am proposing a new way to explore Anglo-Judeo-Islamic relations in early modern drama: to focus on the way food, drink, and the humoral body materializes on stage as “conversion panic,” which is dramatized in a range of scenarios from overt xenophobia to more nuanced scenes of acceptance and tolerance. Because the early modern English believed that diet – eating with religious others and/or eating foods from other nations – could alter their humoral makeup to the extent that their internal, physiological bodies underwent a religious conversion, they were constantly and consciously aware of the looming possibility of conversion. The hydraulic premise of humoral physiology thus extended, I contend, to religious identity: just as humors were fluid, so too was religious identity. Food, which is at once a central “non-natural” for the humoral body and an essentially theatrical element, provides an important point of convergence for investigating religious difference in early modern drama. To examine food’s role in the Anglo-Judeo-Islamic equation is to better understand how the early modern English simultaneously managed their fears, maintained their cultural and religious identities, and developed or nurtured economic and political ties with the other. To offer a more comprehensive picture of English interactions with religious others, I study early modern English histories, travel narratives, medical tracts, sermons, and other pamphlets, in addition to the English representation of religious others on stage. The plays I discuss span approximately forty-seven years, starting with Robert Wilson’s The Three Ladies of London (1584) and extending to the late Jacobean sequel to The Fair Maid of the West (c. 1631) by Thomas Heywood. I conclude that examining interfaith relationships from the perspective of foodways widens the possibility that the early modern English did not always look to the Turk, Jew, or Catholic in contempt. Rather, studying these interfaith encounters in tandem with humoral theory and culinary practices establishes the fact that the early modern English were conscious of their sameness with others, and responded to this awareness with attitudes ranging from outright resistance to compassionate acceptance

    Assessment of Students Performances in Biology: Implication for Measurements and Evaluation of Learning

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    Scienceeducation is believed to be a vital tool for individual and societal development at large. The persistent low levels of students' achievement in sciences at the various public examinations in Nigeria have continued to draw the attention of major stakeholders in education. This study examined academic achievement of Senior Secondary School students in biology and gender difference in students' achievement was examined. Ex-post facto design of descriptive research was adopted for the study. A proforma was used to collect data from a sample of two hundred (200) students, selected using stratified random sampling procedure from the Science secondary schools in Kano state Nigeria. The data collected were the students' performances in biology achievement tests. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and independent-sample t-test. Overall results showed that the test internal consistency reliability is low and unsatisfactory; the students performed below average (M=47.02, SD=16.493 (47%). Similarly, gender difference exists in biology performance with another significant difference between performance of urban and rural school students. The study concludes that, biology test used in Kano state qualifying examinations to assess students potential ability in biology is not a reliable measurement tool and that, academic performance of students in biology is unsatisfactory and evidence of differential performance between gender and schools locations. The implication for measurements and evaluation of learning as well as recommendations has been discussed

    Interferensi Gramatikal pada Peristiwa Tutur Berbahasa Indonesia Mahasiswa Kepulauan Kei Bagian Timur Indonesia di Surabaya

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    Kepulauan Kei merupakan daerah kepulauan yang berada di bagian timur Indonesia. Terdiri dari gugusan pulau-pulau kecil, kepulauan Kei terbagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu bagian Kei kecil dan Kei besar. Keduanya pun memiliki dailek bahasa Kei masing-masing. Meskipun berbeda dialek, kepulauan Kei memiliki bahasa pemersatu antar masyarakat yaitu bahasa melayu timur. Bahasa melayu timur adalah bahasa Indonesia yang telah terinterferensi B1 bahasa Kei. Bahasa tersebut pun kemudian menjadi bahasa penghantar masyarakat berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat non- Kei seperti suku Buton, suku Bugis, suku Arab dan suku pendatang lainnya. Munculnya bahasa melayu timur hingga bahasa Indonesia tidak terlepas dari pengaruh B1 bahasa Kei. bahasa Kei menjadi pendonor yang mampu menginterferensi pembendaharaan bahasa bagi penuturnya yang meliputi pengimbuhan, reduplikasi, hingga pola kalimat. interfensi tersebut menyebabkan tingkat kesulitan yang besar bagi masyarakat kepulaun Kei dalam mempelajari bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini karena bahasa Kei merupakan B1 yang telah lama digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk interferensi gramatikal yang meliputi ranah morfologis afikasasi dan reduplikasi. Juga pada ranah sintaksis interferensi frasa nomina dan pola kalimat. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian tersebut berubah data interferensi bahasa Kei pada Bahasa Indonesia yang dituturkan oleh subjek. Data-data tersebut diantaranya adalah gigi sakit dan katanya dong sewa polisi. Gigi sakit merupakan data yang menunjukkan interferensi sintaksis frasa nomina. Sedangkan, pada data katanya dong sewa polisi menunjukkan interferensi sintaksis pola kalimat sebab penggunaan kata sewa. Kata sewa merupakan nomina, sedangkan dalam kalimat tersebut menghendaki penggunaan verba menyewa. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori interferensi gramatikal. interferensi gramatikal tersebut terdiri dari interferensi morfologis yaitu pada ranah afikasasi dan reduplikasi. Juga pada ranah sintaksis pada ranah frasa nomina dan pola kalimat. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode simak dan teknik sadap sebagi teknik dasar dan dilanjutkan dengan teknik simak libat cakap. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah petistiwa tutur berbahasa Indonesia oleh oleh subjek penelitian yakni mahasiswa kepulauan Kei di Surabaya, menunjukkan adanya interferensi gramatikal. Interefernsi tersebut terjadi pada tataran afikasasi, reduplikasi, frasa nomina hingga pola kalimat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, ditemukan faktor-faktor penyebab interferensi. Sehingga, solusi atas permasalahan tersebut dapat dipecahkan melalui penelitian ini

    Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Deprived Neighbourhoods

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    Worldwide, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of morbidity and mortality even though mortality rates in the industrialised countries have declined over the past decades. Recent WHO reports show that an estimated 17 million people die every year of CVD, particularly from myocardial infarction and strokes [1]. In Western countries, such as the Netherlands, discrepancies in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality according to ethnicity and socio-economic status still exist [2,3]. Although improvements have been made in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity at the national level, the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (such as smoking behaviour and overweight) is higher among individuals with a low socio-economic status and, more specifi cally, among ethnic minorities than those people with a high socio-economic status and the indigenous Dutch population [4-6]. Persons with a low socio-economic status and ethnic minorities mainly live in the so-called deprived neighbourhoods [7]. In the Netherlands, neighbourhoods are identifi ed as “deprived” according to an index based on income, the number of individuals that depend on social benefi ts, and the level of urbanisation [8]


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    Abstract   This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of financial literacy and the quality of financial learning on the use of fintech. The subjects in this study were students who had programmed financial management and used fintech, totaling 60 people who were determined by purposive sampling. Data were collected using a Likert scale questionnaire method. Test requirements analysis using the normality test, multicollinearity test and heterokedacity test. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: (1) financial literacy has a significant effect on the use of fintech with a significance value of 0.030 < 0.05 (2) The quality of financial learning influences the use of fintech with a significance value of 0.007 < 0.05 (3) financial literacy and the quality of financial learning has a significant effect on the use of fintech with a significance value of 0,000 < 0.05. The contribution value given from the independent variable to the dependent variable is 29.1%.   Keywords: financial literacy, quality of financial learning, use of fintech   Abstrak   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh literasi keuangan dan kualitas pembelajaran keuangan terhadap penggunaan fintech. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang sudah memprogramkan manajemen keuangan dan menggunakan fintech, berjumlah total 60 orang yang ditetapkan secara purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan denga metode pembagian kuesioner dengan skala likert. Uji persyaratan analisis menggunakan uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas dan uji heterokedasitas. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : (1) literasi keuangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penggunaan fintech dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,030 < 0,05 (2) Kualitas pembelajaran keuangan berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan fintech dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,007 < 0,05 (3) literasi keuangan dan kualitas pembelajaran keuangan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penggunaaan fintech dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Nilai kontribusi yang diberikan dari variabel bebas ke variabel terikat sebesar 29,1%.   Kata kunci : literasi keuangan, kualitas pembelajaran keuangan, penggunaan fintech. &nbsp

    Towards a Theory of Digital Stigma and Deep Fake Video Technology Stigmatization in a Digitally Mediated Environment

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    As social structures and IT becomes intertwined, there is a need for new theoretical perspectives that advance understanding of this intertwinement and its implications for IT and social actors, institutions, and society. This research attempts to develop a theory that conceptualizes the role of technology in creating and manipulating stigma symbols and the subsequent consequences of the resultant symbolic interaction on the social actors, technology, and society. Understanding the changing nature of stigma due to technology is essential in understanding resulting societal manifestations and aids in the timely management of societal implications of the dark side of technology

    Highlights of the 2nd Bioinformatics Student Symposium by ISCB RSG-UK [version 1]

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    Following the success of the 1 (st) Student Symposium by ISCB RSG-UK, a 2 (nd) Student Symposium took place on 7 (th) October 2015 at The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich, UK. This short report summarizes the main highlights from the 2 (nd) Bioinformatics Student Symposium
