Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Deprived Neighbourhoods
- Publication date
- 14 March 2008
- Publisher
- Worldwide, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of morbidity and
mortality even though mortality rates in the industrialised countries have declined over
the past decades. Recent WHO reports show that an estimated 17 million people die every
year of CVD, particularly from myocardial infarction and strokes [1]. In Western countries,
such as the Netherlands, discrepancies in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
according to ethnicity and socio-economic status still exist [2,3]. Although improvements
have been made in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity at the national level,
the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (such as smoking behaviour and overweight)
is higher among individuals with a low socio-economic status and, more specifi cally,
among ethnic minorities than those people with a high socio-economic status and the
indigenous Dutch population [4-6]. Persons with a low socio-economic status and ethnic
minorities mainly live in the so-called deprived neighbourhoods [7]. In the Netherlands,
neighbourhoods are identifi ed as “deprived” according to an index based on income, the
number of individuals that depend on social benefi ts, and the level of urbanisation [8].