179 research outputs found

    Pendrin expression in nodular and non-nodular thyroid tissues

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    Introduction: Different mechanisms for the expression of pendrin which is an apical iodide transporter have been reported in nodular thyroid tissues compared to normal thyroid. The aim of the present study was to determine the alterations of pendrin expression in nodular and surrounding non-nodular thyroid tissues and clarify the role of pendrin in the functional behaviour of nodular lesions. Material and methods: Twenty-six nodular and paired non-nodular normal thyroid tissues were collected at the same centre. Patients were divided into two groups based on the function of the dominant thyroid nodule; hot nodules (n = 18) and cold nodules (n = 8). mRNA levels of pendrin were evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR. Pendrin protein expression was determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Results of dominant nodules were compared to non-nodular thyroid tissue of the same patient. Results: No statistically significant difference was found with respect to qualitative and quantitative measurements of pendrin expression between hot and cold nodules. However, percent immunohistochemical staining of pendrin was significantly higher in both hot and cold nodules compared to non-nodular thyroid tissue of the same patients. RT-PCR revealed comparable mRNA levels of pendrin gene between hot nodules and corresponding normal thyroid tissues. However, in cold nodules, significantly decreased mRNA levels of pendrin were observed compared to normal thyroid tissue. mRNA levels of pendrin showed significant positive correlation with TSH in corresponding non-nodular thyroid tissues. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that expression of pendrin could not be influenced by TSH in thyroid nodules and expression level of pendrin seems not to have an effect on nodule function. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3): 208–214)Wstęp: W guzkowej tkance tarczycowej opisano odmienny od pozaguzkowej tkanki tarczycowej mechanizm ekspresji pendryny — transportera jodu zlokalizowanego w części szczytowej komórki. Celem badania było ustalenie zmian w ekspresji pendryny w guzkowej tkance tarczycowej i otaczającej ją pozaguzkowej tkance tarczycowej, aby wyjaśnić rolę pendryny w zachowaniu czynnościowym zmian guzkowych. Materiał i metody: W tym samym ośrodku pobrano 26 wycinków guzkowej tkanki tarczycowej i sparowanych wycinków pozaguzkowej prawidłowej tkanki tarczycowej. Pacjentów podzielono na dwie grupy w zależności od statusu czynnościowego guzka dominującego: grupę z guzkami gorącymi (n = 18) i grupę z guzkami zimnymi (n = 8). Poziom mRNA i pendryny oznaczono ilościowo metodą RT-PCR. Ekspresję białka pendryny oznaczono metodą immunohistochemiczną. Wyniki dla guzków dominujących porównano z wynikami dla tkanki pozaguzkowej u tego samego pacjenta. Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono statystycznie znamiennych różnic pomiędzy guzkami gorącymi i zimnymi, jeżeli chodzi o wyniki oznaczenia ilościowego i jakościowego ekspresji pendryny. Procentowe barwienie immunohistochemiczne w kierunku pendryny było natomiast znamiennie większe zarówno w przypadku guzków gorących, jak i zimnych w porównaniu z tkanką pozaguzkową u tych samych pacjentów. RT-PCR wykazało porównywalne poziomy mRNA genu kodującego pendrynę w guzkach gorących i prawidłowej tkance tarczycowej u tych samych pacjentów. Z kolei w przypadku guzków zimnych stwierdzono znamiennie niższe poziomy pendryny w porównaniu z prawidłową tkanką tarczycową. Stwierdzono też korelację dodatnią poziomu mRNA pendryny i poziomu TSH w korespondujących tkankach pozaguzkowych. Wnioski: W przeprowadzonym badaniu wykazano, że na ekspresję pendryny nie może mieć wpływu TSH w guzkach tarczycy oraz że poziom ekspresji pendryny nie wydaje się wpływać na czynność guzków. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3):208–214

    An unusual finding after adrenal surgery: a case series of adrenal schwannomas

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    Adrenal schwannomas are rare benign tumors with no specific imaging and laboratory findings to diagnose preoperatively. Due to the limited number of cases in the literature, clinical, imaging, and pathological findings are presented in this study. Case 1 is a 61-year-old woman patient who has a 31-mm mass in the right adrenal gland. This mass was nonfunctional; in imaging studies, this mass had a cystic necrotic component, and high 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake was seen. There was no metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) uptake. Laparoscopic transabdominal right adrenalectomy was performed, and the pathology result was consistent with adrenal schwannomas. Case 2 is a 63-year-old man patient who presented with a 38-mm mass in the left adrenal gland. This mass was nonfunctional and similar to that in Case 1; this mass had a cystic component. Laparoscopic transabdominal left adrenalectomy was performed. The diagnosis of adrenal schwannoma with degeneration was revealed. Case 3 was a 72-year-old woman patient admitted to the hospital for a 125-mm left adrenal mass. Similar to Case 1, this mass also had a cystic necrotic component in imaging studies. High FDG uptake was seen, and the patient underwent conventional adrenalectomy due to the suspicion of malignancy. After pathological evaluation, a diagnosis of adrenal schwannoma was made. A main diagnostic challenge in adrenal schwannomas is the preoperative diagnosis. These masses have no pathognomonic finding or specific hormonal function. Imaging findings of these masses may increase the suspicion of malignancy, which may affect decisions for surgery and the surgical technique

    Esophageal Cancer in Fanconi Anemia

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    Fanconi anemia is a genetic disease with an increased risk of congenital malformations, progressive bone marrow failure, myelodysplastic syndrome, acute myeloid leukemia, and malignancy. The most common solid tumors in these patients are head and neck tumors and esophageal squamous cell cancer. In this study, esophageal cancer in Fanconi anemia will be examined, diagnosis and treatment options will be discussed with current literature

    Retrospective Evaluation of Colon Injury Cases

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    Objective: When considering abdominal region injuries, the colon is one of the most frequently wounded organs. Due to the septic contents of the colon, failure to treat or improper treatment of colon injuries increases the risk of major complications and may result in death. The aim of our study is a retrospective evaluation of colon injury cases over a 5-year period

    Topical Anesthetic Abuse Keratopathy and its Clinical Progression

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    To report a case series with topical anesthetic abuse and to define the clinical progression of the disease. Six eyes of three topical anesthetic abuser patients with various corneal abnormalities are reviewed. Signs of the disease are presented in order to document the natural progression of the disease. A report was filed to the General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy, Ministry of Health, Ankara, Turkey describing the outcome of uncontrolled use of topical anesthetic. Topical anesthetic abuse can result in serious corneal complications such as corneal epithelium defect, ring keratitis, stromal infiltrate, hypopyon, superficial and deep corneal vascularization, corneal lysis, and at last spontaneous perforation. The General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy issued that topical anesthetics can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist up to four boxes a month, the prescription must be kept for one, year and criminal action will be taken against pharmacies disregarding these provisions. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2013; 43: 289-93

    Karataş gölü'nün zooplankton faunası ve ağır birikiminin mevsimsel olarak belirlenmesi ve gölden kültüre alınan daphnia magna'nın biyoremediasyon kapasitesinin lemna minor ile kıyaslanması

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    Kaya, Murat ( Aksaray, Yazar )Bu çalışmada; 48h’lik süreçte, Lemna minor, Daphnia magna ve L.minor+D.magna test grupları kullanılarak, alüminyum, demir, baryum ve karışımlarının biyoremediasyonu çalışılmıştır. D.magna Karataş Gölü’nden(Burdur) elde edilmiş, ayrıca gölün mevsimsel olarak zooplankton faunası ve ağır metal değişimi belirlenmiştir. CCA(Canonical correspondence analysis) analiziyle, ağır metaller ve fizikokimyasal su parametreleri ile zooplankton türleri arasındaki dağılım tespit edilmiştir. Göl suyunda ve planktondaki birikim sırasıyla Fe>Mn>Ni>Co>Pb>Cd şeklinde bulunmuştur. Plankton ve su örneklerinin korelasyon analizleri beraber değerlendirilmiş ve Fe,Mn,Co ve Ni açısından korelasyon görülen metaller ve korelasyonun yönü ve şiddetinin son derece benzer olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kümeleme(CA) analizi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesindeyse hem suda hem de plankton örneklerinde Mn’nin en yakın olduğu elementin Co olduğu, Fe’nin en yakın olduğu elementin Ni olduğu ve Cd’nin en yakın olduğu elementin Ni olduğu saptanmıştır. Sedimentteki ağır metal konsantrasyonları mevsimler arasında neredeyse hiç değişim göstermemiştir. Mann Whitney U Testine göre su ve plankton örneklerinde ise mevsimler arasında ağır metal birikimleri açısından ciddi değişimler görülmüştür. L.minor+D.magna test grubunun sadece Daphnia ya da sadece Lemna içeren kültüre göre daha fazla uzaklaştırma yaptığı bir karışım bulunamamıştır. Genel olarak uzaklaştırmada lemna’nın daha başarılı olmasına karşın Al/Ba ve Ba/Fe karışımlarındaki Ba, daphnia tarafından lemnaya göre daha fazla uzaklaştırılmıştır. Sudan en çok temizlenen metal Ba olurken, 24 saatlik uzaklaştırma miktarları ile 48 saatlik uzaklaştırma miktarları arasında istatistiki bir fark görülmemiştir.In this study removal of aluminum, iron, barium and their mixtures by using L.minor, D.magna and L.minor+D.magna test groups in a 48-h period were investigated. D.magna were obtained from Karataş Lake(Budur) and zooplankton fauna of the lake as well as the seaonal variation of heavy metal were determined. The correlation between zooplankton and physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals were determined using CCA analysis. Accumulation of lake water and plankton was found as Fe>Mn>Ni>Co>Pb>Cd respectively. The correlation analysis of water samples and plankton were evaluated together and the direction and intensity of correlation was found to be very similar in terms of Fe,Mn,Co and Ni. İn the evaluaton of Cluster analysis results in water and plankton samples were determined Mn is closest to Co, Fe is closest to Ni, Cd is closest to Ni. Heavy metal concentrations in sediment not show almost no variation between season. Water and plankton samples were showed significant changes in terms of the accumulation of heavy metals in between seasons according to Mann Whitney U Tests. İn the L.minor+D.magna test groups a mixture was not found that removal more than only containing Daphnia or Lemna. It was observed that lemna can remediate better than daphnia but in the mixture Al/Ba and Ba/Fe, Ba removal rate of daphnia is better than lemna. There is no statical difference between 24h and 48h removal rates and Ba is the most removed metal

    Bilateral patterns and motor function of the extralaryngeal branching of the recurrent laryngeal nerve

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    Purpose To evaluate the bilateral patterns and motor function of the extralaryngeal branches (ELB) of the recurrent laryngeal nerve(RLN)