78 research outputs found

    Effects of light, temperature and pretreatment on germination of rhus coriaria L. Seeds

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    Effects of light, temperature and pretreatments (scarification followed by cold stratification) on seed germination of Rhus coriaria L. were investigated in this study. Responses in germination varied and were clearly influenced by the methods used to break dormancy. Scarification with sulfuric acid for 60 min followed by cold stratification for 60 or 90 days in Rhus coriaria gave the highest germination percentage. Germination of the seeds pretreated with sulfuric acid for 60 min followed by cold stratification for 60 days differed significantly between light and temperature. Germination percentage and germination rate were the highest at 25/15 0C under 12 h photoperiod

    Çevrimiçi Riskler ve Ebeveyn Aracılık Stratejileri: Türkiye’de ve Avrupa’da Yaşayan Türk Kökenli Çocuk/Ergenlerin Karşılaştırılması

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    The individuals who go online may face with both opportunities and risks. When developmental stages are considered, late childhood and adolescence is more tended to experience these opportunities and risks. One of the most influencial factors which shape online risks and opportunities is parental mediation strategies. The main aim of this study was examining online risks and perceived parental strategies among Turkish children/adolescents who live in Turkey and Europe within a comparative approach.Data of the study were based on EU Kids Online-II survey which aims to investigate children’s/adolescents’ and their parents’ online experiences in 25 European countries. Turkey sample included 962 participants (513 male, 449 female; Mage= 12.19, SD=2.15). A total of 182 participants (103 females, 79 males; Mage=12.70, SD=2.30) were involved in European sample.Results revealed that the associations between parental mediation strategies and online risks have differed in Turkey and Europe. Active mediation strategies were positively related with online risks in Turkey, while this relationship was insignificant in Europe. On the other hand, restrictive mediation strategies were positively related with online risks in Europe, while this relationship was insignificant in Turkey. Parental monitoring which was examined as the third parental mediation strategy was also functioning differently as a mediator across samples. It was found to mediate positively between active mediation strategies and online risks in Turkey, while it was mediating negatively between restrictive mediation strategies and online risks in Europe.İnternet’e bağlanan her birey, fırsatlar yanında, çevrimiçi risklere de açık hale gelebilmektedir. Gelişim dönemleri söz konusu olduğunda ise hem fırsatlara hem de risk almaya en yatkın yaş gruplarının geç çocukluk ve ergenlik dönemindeki bireyler olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çocuk ve ergenlerde İnternet fırsat ve risklerini şekillendiren en önemli etmenlerin başında ise ebeveyn aracılık stratejileri gelmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye’de ve Avrupa’da yaşayan Türk kökenli çocuk ve ergenlerin deneyimledikleri çevrimiçi risklerle, algıladıkları ebeveyn aracılık stratejilerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesidir.Araştırmanın örneklemi 25 Avrupa ülkesindeki çocuk/ergenlerin ve ebeveynlerin İnternet’in güvenli ve riskli kullanımıyla ilgili deneyimlerini incelemeyi amaçlayan EU Kids Online II (Avrupa Çevrimiçi Çocuklar II) projesi veri tabanına dayanmaktadır. Türkiye örneklemi 962 kişiden (513 erkek, 449 kadın; Ort.yaş= 12.19, S=2.15), Avrupa örneklemi ise 182 kişiden (103 kadın, 79 erkek; Ort.yaş=12.70, S=2.30) oluşmaktadır.Araştırma bulguları Türkiye ve Avrupa’da ebeveyn aracılık stratejileriyle çevrimiçi riskler arasındaki ilişkilerin farklılaştığını göstermektedir. Türkiye’de aktif aracılık stratejileri çevrimiçi risklerle pozitif yönde ilişkiliyken, bu ilişki Avrupa örnekleminde anlamsızdır. Kısıtlayıcı aracılık stratejileri ise Avrupa örnekleminde çevrimiçi risklerle ters yönde ilişkiliyken, Türkiye örnekleminde bu ilişki anlamsız bulunmuştur. Üçüncü bir ebeveyn aracılık stratejisi boyutu olarak değerlendirilen ebeveyn izlemesi ise iki örneklemde de farklı şekilde aracı değişken olarak rol oynamaktadır. Bu boyut Türkiye örnekleminde aktif aracılık stratejisiyle çevrimiçi riskler arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişkiyle aracı değişkenken, Avrupa örnekleminde kısıtlayıcı aracılık stratejisiyle çevrimiçi riskler arasında ters yönde bir ilişkiyle aracı değişken rolü üstlenmektedir

    Evaluation of epicardial adipose tissue and carotid intima-media thickness as a marker of atherosclerosis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background and aim: this study aimed to compare carotid intima media (CIMT) and epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) measurements, which are considered as markers for the detection of early atherosclerosis in healthy controls and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cases. Methods: a total of 60 IBD patients (25 Crohn’s disease and 35 ulcerative colitis) and 60 healthy patients (as a control group) were included in the study. The measurements of CIMT and EAT were performed using echocardiography and ultrasonography, respectively. Statistical analysis was used to determine the relationship between the parameters. Results: the thickness of bilateral (right and left) CIMT and EAT were significantly higher in IBD than in the control group (p < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between EAT and bilateral (right and left) CIMT in IBD patients (p < 0.05)

    Monitoring of host suitability and defense-related genes in wheat to Bipolaris sorokiniana

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    Spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana is a destructive disease of wheat worldwide. This study investigated the aggressiveness of B. sorokiniana isolates from different wheat-growing areas of Bolu province in Turkey on the cultivar Seri-82. Host susceptibility of 55 wheat cultivars was evaluated against the most aggressive isolate. Our results indicated that the cultivars Anafarta and Koç-2015 were the most resistant. A specific and sensitive qPCR assay was developed for detecting the pathogen in plant tissues and evaluating wheat plants with different resistance levels. Three primer sets, BsGAPDHF/BsGAPDHR, BsITSF/BsITSR, and BsSSUF/BsSSUR, were designed based on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, internal transcribed spacers, and 18S rRNA loci of B. sorokiniana with detection limits of 1, 0.1, and 0.1 pg of pathogen DNA, respectively. The qPCR assay was highly sensitive and did not amplify DNA from the other closely related fungal species and host plants. The protocol differentiated wheat plants with varying degrees of resistance. The assay developed a useful tool for the quantification of the pathogen in the early stages of infection and may provide a significant contribution to a more efficient selection of wheat genotypes in breeding studies. In the present study, expression levels of PR proteins, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase enzymes were upregulated in Anafarta (resistant) and Nenehatun (susceptible) cultivars at different post-infection time points, but more induced in the susceptible cultivar. The results showed considerable variation in the expression levels and timing of defense genes in both cultivars

    Evaluation of nutritional status in pediatric intensive care unit patients: the results of a multicenter, prospective study in Turkey

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    IntroductionMalnutrition is defined as a pathological condition arising from deficient or imbalanced intake of nutritional elements. Factors such as increasing metabolic demands during the disease course in the hospitalized patients and inadequate calorie intake increase the risk of malnutrition. The aim of the present study is to evaluate nutritional status of patients admitted to pediatric intensive care units (PICU) in Turkey, examine the effect of nutrition on the treatment process and draw attention to the need for regulating nutritional support of patients while continuing existing therapies.Material and MethodIn this prospective multicenter study, the data was collected over a period of one month from PICUs participating in the PICU Nutrition Study Group in Turkey. Anthropometric data of the patients, calorie intake, 90-day mortality, need for mechanical ventilation, length of hospital stay and length of stay in intensive care unit were recorded and the relationship between these parameters was examined.ResultsOf the 614 patients included in the study, malnutrition was detected in 45.4% of the patients. Enteral feeding was initiated in 40.6% (n = 249) of the patients at day one upon admission to the intensive care unit. In the first 48 h, 86.82% (n = 533) of the patients achieved the target calorie intake, and 81.65% (n = 307) of the 376 patients remaining in the intensive care unit achieved the target calorie intake at the end of one week. The risk of mortality decreased with increasing upper mid-arm circumference and triceps skin fold thickness Z-score (OR = 0.871/0.894; p = 0.027/0.024). The risk of mortality was 2.723 times higher in patients who did not achieve the target calorie intake at first 48 h (p = 0.006) and the risk was 3.829 times higher in patients who did not achieve the target calorie intake at the end of one week (p = 0.001). The risk of mortality decreased with increasing triceps skin fold thickness Z-score (OR = 0.894; p = 0.024).ConclusionTimely and appropriate nutritional support in critically ill patients favorably affects the clinical course. The results of the present study suggest that mortality rate is higher in patients who fail to achieve the target calorie intake at first 48 h and day seven of admission to the intensive care unit. The risk of mortality decreases with increasing triceps skin fold thickness Z-score

    Yüksek Verimli F-Sınıfı Mikrodalga Güç Yükselteç Tasarımı

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    Modern radar and communications applications, the transmitter output power is the decisive factor in the design of the system. As a result of this, the design of power amplifiers that can provide a high power output has gained importance, but in this case, the consumed power has created more problems. Great cooling system that uses manufactured devices to solve this problem. This solution increases the system cost increases. Turn to the system of today's technology small and portable, and wanted to reduce costs by reducing energy consumption, new solutions are required. In this case as the solution by lowering the level of power that is consumed in the power amplifier, aimed to increase the efficiency of the power amplifier. Switched mode power amplifier designs (the Class E or Class F), high efficiency offers. Class-F power amplifier design are designed to be appropriate to have even and odd harmonics in the impedance value. Current and voltage waveforms, with the control of each harmonic is reduced to overlap and as a result, the power consumption of the power amplifier is reduced. In this thesis study, Class-F power amplifier with 72.2% drain efficiency, which provides an output power of 41.93 dBm at 2.6 GHz frequency has been designed.Modern radar ve haberleşme uygulamalarında verici sisteminin çıkış gücü, tasarımlarda belirleyici faktördür. Bunun sonucunda yüksek güç çıkışı sağlayabilen güç yükselteçlerinin tasarımı önem kazanmıştır, fakat bu durumda tüketilen gücün fazla olması problem oluşturmuştur. Bu problemi çözmek için büyük soğutma sistemi kullanılan düzenekler üretilmiştir. Bu çözüm, sistemi büyütür ve maliyeti arttırır. Günümüz teknolojisinin küçük ve taşınabilir sistemlere yönelmesi ve enerji tüketimini azaltarak maliyeti düşürmek istemesiyle yeni çözümler gerekmiştir. Bu durumda çözüm olarak güç yükselteçlerinde tüketilen güç seviyesini düşürerek, güç yükseltecinin verimini arttırmak hedeflenmiştir. Anahtarlamalı güç yükselteç tasarımları (E-sınıfı veya F-sınıfı gibi) yüksek verim sunmaktadır. F-sınıfı güç yükselteç tasarımında, tek ve çift harmonikler uygun empedans değerine sahip olacak şekilde tasarlanır. Akım ve gerilim dalga biçimlerinin iç içe girmesi, her bir harmoniğin kontrolü ile azalır ve bunun sonucunda güç yükseltecinin güç tüketimi düşer. Bu tez çalışması kapsamında 2.6 GHz frekansında 41.93 dBm çıkış gücü sağlayan %72.2 akaç verimliliğine sahip F-sınıfı güç yükselteç tasarımı yapılmıştır

    Effects of altitude on some physiological parameters of oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky)

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    YÖK Tez No: 382227Bu çalışma, Doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis Lipsky)'nda yükseltiye bağlı olarak gaz değişimi, stomatal iletkenlik, elemental analiz, yaprak su potansiyeli, spesifik yaprak alanı ve klorofil içeriği gibi fizyolojik parametrelerin değişimlerinin araştırılmasını amaçlamıştır. Ekolojik olarak sıcaklık, yağış gibi etkenlerin değişmesiyle doğal ortamında doğu kayınının fizyolojik değişimleri Artvin Ortaköy bölgesinde belirlenmiştir. Artvin'de doğal olarak yayılış gösteren Doğu kayının bulunmuş olduğu meşcerelerde aynı bakı, aynı toprak yapısı bulunarak ölçümlerin farkının sadece yükseltiden kaynaklanabilecek değişiklikler olmasına özen gösterilerek hazırlanmıştır. Yükseltiye bağlı olarak fotosentez ve stomatal iletkenlikler arasında fark tespit edilmemiştir. Yaprak su potansiyeli, toplam klorofil içeriği, spesifik yaprak alanı ise istatistik anlamda farklılık göstermiştir.This study was designed to determine the differences between altitudinal physiological parameters on oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) such as gas exchange, stomatal conductance, elemental analysis, leaf water potential, specific leaf area and chlorophyll content. Oriental beech was observed in the natural habitat with the changes of ecological parameters such as precipation and temperature in Artvin Ortaköy. The study area was located in Ortaköy, Artvin. The experimental area had the same soil structure and aspect. This study showed that photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of oriental beech were not affected by altitude, significantly. But leaf water potential, specific leaf area and chlorophyll content showed significant differences between the experimental areas

    Why is Democracy in Decline: Democratic Backsliding in Venezuela and Turkey

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    It has long been argued that the end of the 20th century marked the triumph of liberal democracy. The third wave of democracy has increased the number of democracies in the world unprecedentedly and gave hope to many that democratic revolution is underway. However, in the last decade, this democratization process seems to have halted; there has been decline both in the number and quality of democracies. This thesis proposes an agent-based theory of democratic backsliding. More specifically, it is argued that leaders with undemocratic normative preferences and their ability to mobilize previously persecuted segments of society are the driving factors behind the present-day authoritarian resurgence. While the leader\u27s fight with the oppressors of the marginalized group can bring a short-term of democratization, we argue that the unconditional support given by the marginalized group to the leader can allow the leader to undermine democracy by removing the checks on his power. The paper attempts to investigate similarities in the process of democratic derogation in a comparative case study of Venezuela and Turkey. The study shows that the support given to Erdogan and Chavez by the previously persecuted groups in their respective countries, religious/conservatives in Turkey and poor in Venezuela, allowed both leaders to undermine democracy in a subtle and incremental way