41 research outputs found

    Comparison of Body Composition Changes in Nursing/Midwifery Students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis at the Beginning and End of the First Semester

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    Background: Due to the nutritional status changes, students are considered as at-risk group. The aim of this study was to compare the body composition changes in nursing/midwifery students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences (RUMS) using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) at the beginning and end of the first semester. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all 57 newly entered nursing/midwifery students who had been registered in Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2012, were selected using census method. Body composition using BIA, and students’ height and waist circumference using a tape meter were measured and compared at the beginning and end of the first semester. Data were analyzed using independent t-test, paired t-test, and non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-ranks test by SPSS 18. Results: The students’ mean age was 19.12±0.83 years. The comparison of lean body mass, total body water, and height of students at the beginning and end of the first semester showed a significant increase (P=0.023, P=0.032, and P=0.013, respectively). Body fat percentage in non-native students compared to the native ones increased (P=0.012). The percentage of underweight and overweight students did not show a significant difference at the beginning and end of the first semester (P=0.655). Conclusion: At the end of the first semester, the increase percentage of body fat in non-native students was alarming. It seems that authorities should review the meal plan of students who live in dormitories and use healthy food pyramids for these students

    Epidemiology of Suicide and Suicide Attempts in Counties under the Supervision of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences from 2009 to 2012

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    Background: Suicide is an important public health problem which is affected by individual and environmental factors. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the epidemiology of suicide and suicide attempts and the related demographic factors in the counties under the supervision of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) from 2009 to 2012. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 17,342 cases of suicide and suicide attempts in counties under the supervision of SUMS. Data were collected using the monthly report checklist of the suicide prevention program. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods and using the chi-square test and chi-square test for trend. Results: The average rate of suicide in the mentioned counties was 3.85 per 100,000 in year. Suicide cases were mostly among men (50.8%), in singles (49.7%), in age group 15-24 years (42.9%), and in housewives (34.1%). The average rate of suicide attempts was 99.53 per 100,000 in year. The most frequent cases of suicide attempts were observed in females (60.5%), in singles (56.7%), and in the age group of 15-24 years (57.3%). Conclusions: Despite the low rate of suicide in the counties of Fars province, suicidal behavior including suicide attempt and suicide have been associated with some demographic factors. In consequence, developing serious plans to reduce this problem is essential

    DMFT of the First Permanent Molars, dmft and Related Factors among All First-Grade Primary School Students in Rafsanjan Urban Area

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    Statement of the Problem: Dental caries is the most common chronic childhood disorders throughout the world. The dmft (decayed, missing, and filled primary teeth) and DMFT (decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth) are some of the most important epidemiological indices in dentistry. Evaluation of these two indicators in the population can help in future planning of healthcare programs to improve oral health status. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate these indicators and the related factors in first-grade primary school students in Rafsanjan urban area to determine their present status, which might be helpful for future health care planning. Materials and Method: In this cross-sectional study, DMFT index of first permanent molar and dmft were evaluated by census method on 2031 first-grade primary school students in Rafsanjan urban area in 2018 (May-June). Dental examination was done using a mirror and probe under natural light according to World Health Organization criteria. The data were then analyzed using independent two-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Tukey's multiple comparisons test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov nonparametric test and Leven's test in SPSS version 21 software. Results: The mean and standard deviation of dmft index and DMFT index of first permanent molar were 6.37 ± 3.40 and 0.30 ± 0.72, respectively. The proportion of caries free students was 4.1%. A significant association was found between the values of these indices and school type, the level of education of parents, parental occupation, family size, and frequency of brushing and the use of floss (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant association between these two indices with gender (p= 0.347 and p= 0.593, respectively). Conclusion: The results of this study showed high prevalence of caries in first-grade primary school students in Rafsanjan. Therefore, to improve this situation, more attention is needed for proper oral health program planning and education of families concerning oral hygiene and dental preventive measures

    The Predictive Effects of Protection Motivation Theory on Intention and Behaviour of Physical Activity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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    INTRODUCTION: Theory-based education tailored to target behaviour and group can be effective in promoting physical activity.AIM: The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive power of Protection Motivation Theory on intent and behaviour of Physical Activity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted on 250 patients in Rafsanjan, Iran. To examine the scores of protection motivation theory structures, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. Its validity and reliability were confirmed. The level of physical activity was also measured by the International Short - form Physical Activity Inventory. Its validity and reliability were also approved. Data were analysed by statistical tests including correlation coefficient, chi-square, logistic regression and linear regression.RESULTS: The results revealed that there was a significant correlation between all the protection motivation theory constructs and the intention to do physical activity. The results showed that the Theory structures were able to predict 60% of the variance of physical activity intention. The results of logistic regression demonstrated that increase in the score of physical activity intent and self - efficacy increased the chance of higher level of physical activity by 3.4 and 1.5 times, respectively OR = (3.39, 1.54).CONCLUSION: Considering the ability of protection motivation theory structures to explain the physical activity behaviour, interventional designs are suggested based on the structures of this theory, especially to improve self -efficacy as the most powerful factor in predicting physical activity intention and behaviour

    Exercise Behavior and Self-Efficacy of Medical Students Based on Stages of Change Model

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    Introduction: Despite the benefits of exercisemany people in different countries specially students, have not enough physical activity. The aim of this research is to study exercise behavior of medical students in Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences based on stages of change model and assess itsrelationship with students’ self-efficacy.Method: All of the 309 students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences participated in this cross-sectional study. The data collection methodwas a questionnaire which consistedof four parts: demographic characteristics, the pattern of weekly physical activity, the level of exercise behavior which was based on stages of change model and finally the questions which assess exercises self-efficacy. Results: Atotalof 309students(46.6% male and 53.4% female) participated in this study. The mean (SD) of their age was 21.57 (2.20). Based on the stages of change model 117 (37.9%) students were on the pre-contemplation stage. 78 (25.2%), 45 (14.6%), 27 (8.7%) and 42 (13.6%) students were on the contemplation, readiness, action and maintenance stage, respectively. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between students’ exercise self-efficacyand their stages of change (p&lt; 0.001).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, exercise self-efficacy had an important role in students’ exercise behavior. Therefore, it seems to be important for related institutions such as Physical Education Organization tofocus a part of their activities on improving thelevel of exercise self-efficacy in students. Declaration of Interest: Non

    Study On Social Support for Exercise And Its Impact on the Level of Physical Activity of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Physical activity is one of the most important self-care approaches to controlling complications of type 2 diabetes. According to Bandura’s social theory, factors such as social support are effective factors in the incidence of the behaviour. AIM: This study aims to determine the level of physical activity, social support and their determinants. METHODS: This descriptive study was performed on 250 patients with type 2 diabetes by Cluster-Random Sampling method in Rafsanjan City. Data were collected using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and Social Support Questionnaire for Sport, that their validity and reliability were confirmed. The results were analysed by t-test, ANOVA and logistic regression. RESULTS: This study showed that 46.8% of the patients were in the inactive group. Social support score for exercise was low in this group. The results indicated that social support and gender are predictors of physical activity, and with an increase in the social support score, the odds of having minimal physical activity increased 1.17 fold (OR = 1.167) and men were 4.18 times more likely to have minimal physical activity (OR = 4.183). CONCLUSION: Considering the low level of physical activity and social support in diabetic patients, and the effect of social support on the prediction of physical activity, interventions are recommended to increase social support in this group

    Longitudinal Tissue Velocity and Deformation Imaging in Patients with Significant Stenosis of Left Anterior Descending Artery

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    &nbsp;Introduction: Myocardial longitudinal tissue velocity imaging (TVI) and strain rate imaging (SRI) indices may have a role in the prediction of significant proximal stenosis of left anterior descending (LAD) by echocardiography. Materials And Methods: Total 20 patients with proximal LAD stenosis &gt;70% by angiography and ejection fraction ≥50%, without wall motion abnormality at resting echo (stenotic group) and 20 angiographically normal coronaries subjects with normal echocardiography (non-stenotic group) were included in the study. SRI and TVI were performed in nine segments of the LAD territory at rest. Parameters of interest included: peak systolic strain (ST, %), strain rate (SR, Second-1), and peak systolic velocity (Sm, cm/s). Results: Overal mean ST and SR showed a significant reduction in the stenotic group compared to non-stenotic group (P&lt;0.001), while the mean Sm had no significant difference. A segment-by-segment comparison revealed a reduction of ST in 4/9 (two apical and two anteroseptal) and SR in 5/9 (three apical, septal, and anteroseptal midportion) in the stenotic group (P&lt;0.05). Both ST and SR showed a significant reduction in three segments: anterior-apical, lateral-apical, and anteroseptal-midportion. When both ST and SR decreased in one segment, specificity and sensitivity for the diagnosis of proximal LAD stenosis was more than 80% and 55%, respectively, by Roc analysis. Conclusion: There is an overall reduction in the mean ST and SR in the segments of LAD territory with significant proximal stenosis and normal wall motion at rest and an acceptable specificity and sensitivity of SRI for the detection of stenosis in these segments

    Relationship between Sociodemographics, Dietary Intake, and Physical Activity with Gestational Weight Gain among Pregnant Women in Rafsanjan City, Iran

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    Gestational weight gain (GWG) is a determinant of health and nutrition of mothers and offspring. However, many factors associated with GWG are not completely understood. The present study assessed the relationship between sociodemographics, dietary intake, and physical activity with GWG in 308 Iranian pregnant women attending government healthcare centres in Rafsanjan city, Iran. Women gained an average of 12.87\ub13.57 kg during pregnancy while 54% did not gain weight within the Institute of Medicine (IOM)-recommended range. Univariate logistic models showed that gestaional weight gain was related to age, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), energy intake, and sitting time. Cumulative logit model showed positive relationship between age (p=0.0137) and pre-pregnancy BMI (p&lt;0.0001) with GWG. All pregnant women should be counselled on achieving the reccomended GWG to prevent adverse maternal and prenatal outcomes. Pre-pregnancy and gestational nutritional status and physical activity should be emphasized in antenatal care

    Relationship between sociodemographics, dietary intake and physical activity with gestational weight gain among pregnant women in Rafsanjan City, Iran

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    Gestational weight gain (GWG) is a determinant of health and nutrition of mothers and offspring. However, many factors associated with GWG are not completely understood. The present study assessed the relationship between sociodemographics, dietary intake, and physical activity with GWG in 308 Iranian pregnant women attending government healthcare centres in Rafsanjan city, Iran. Women gained an average of 12.87±3.57 kg during pregnancy while 54% did not gain weight within the Institute of Medicine (IOM)-recommended range. Univariate logistic models showed that gestaional weight gain was related to age, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), energy intake, and sitting time. Cumulative logit model showed positive relationship between age (p=0.0137) and pre-pregnancy BMI (p<0.0001) with GWG. All pregnant women should be counselled on achieving the reccomended GWG to prevent adverse maternal and prenatal outcomes. Pre-pregnancy and gestational nutritional status and physical activity should be emphasized in antenatal care