333 research outputs found

    A SPH solver for simulating paramagnetic solid fluid interaction in the presence of an external magnetic field

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    Acknowledgment The first two authors wish to express their sincerest thanks to Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) for supporting this work under Contract Number 92021291.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Non-linear stress response of non-gap-spanning magnetic chains suspended in a Newtonian fluid under oscillatory shear test : A direct numerical simulation

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    The corresponding author wishes to express his sincerest thanks to the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) for supporting this work under Contract Number 92021291.Peer reviewedPostprintPublisher PD

    Epidemiological Study of Poisoning in Patients of Karaj Shariati Hospital in 2011 to 2012

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    Background:Acute poisoning is one of the most problems of health systems in the world. The aims of this study are evaluation of demographic characteristics and causes of poisonings in patients referred to Karaj Shariati hospital.Methods: A cross sectional study was done in one year. With a non-probability convenience sampling, all of poisoning patients admitted in Karaj Shariati hospital from June 2011 to June 2012 were studied. Data collected from patients records and then analyzed.Results: One hundred seventy two drug poisoning patients with mean age of 29.8 (SD=13.4) years evaluated. The most common drugs which caused poisoning were: Benzodiazepines, Tramadol, Psychiatry drugs and Acetaminophen. 12.8 percent of patients had drug-induced seizure and mortality rate was 5.8 %. There was a relation between Tramadol poisoning and drug-induced seizure(p value=0.000, Odds Ratio=12.8, 95%Confidence of Interval (4.7-34.8)).Conclusion: This study showed that Tramadol poisoning prevalence is high and opiates are the most common cause of death in drug poisonings, which show need to more educations in schools and addiction-disuse centers and more controls on pharmacies

    Phenotypical characterization of Iranian isolates of Agrobacterium vitis, the causal agent of crown gall disease of grapevine

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    From Karaj and Takestan (Iran) vineyards bacterial colonies typical of Agrobacterium were isolated from soil, plant sap and young galls on a selective medium during early spring 1996. Bacterial isolates that were gram-negative and oxidase- and catalase-positive were cultured on King's B medium in order to be distinguishable from fluorescing pseudomonads. Thirty-two Agrobacterium isolates were inoculated on test plants such as Datura, Nicotiana and Lycopersicon. Pathogenic isolates were inoculated on 10 different Iranian grape varieties for gall formation. A biovar differentiation study showed that 7 pathogenic strains and 15 non-pathogenic strains belong to A. vitis, whereas 6 non-pathogenic strains belong to biovar 1 and 4 non-pathogenic strains to biovar 2 of Agrobacterium spp. Pathogenic strains of A. vitis were characterized on the basis of phenotypic tests, protein and plasmid profiles and an antibiotic sensitivity test. Electrophoretic studies revealed that A. vitis strains were different with regard to the protein profile but shared a common high molecular weight plasmid DNA band in the agarose gel. It is concluded that the Iranian strains of A. vitis are phenotypically guile heterogeneous and distinguishable


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    Idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) is a kind of epilepsy that has tonic-colonic characteristic and myocolonic tensions and its clinical symptom starts from the first 20 years of the life. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H1-MRS) technique applies as a noninvasive procedure to find metabolic disorders by evaluating brain metabolites. Purpose of this study was to determine efficacy of the MRS in thalamus imaging of patients with IGE. Applying H1-MRS (technique: PRESS-CSI], we evaluated thalamus images of 63 people (35 controls: 23 males, 12 females, ranging in age 19-46 years, average: 34.8±0.62 years) and 28 IGE patients (10 males, 18 females, ranging in age 20-49 years, average: 37.4±1.04 years). The data analyzed by SPSS (v.20]. Comparing the average NAA/Cr for the right thalamus, a significant reduction was seen between the control group and the IGE patients (p<0.0001]. Likewise, for the left thalamus, the NAA/Cr was significantly decreased when we compared it for the control group and the IGE patients (p<0.001). H1-MRS could be a suitable diagnostic technique to evaluate epilepsy in IGE patients. The possible alteration of neuronal pathways in the thalamo-cortical circuit seems to play a critical role in epileptogenesis of IGE

    The Frequency of Opium Addiction and Cofactors in Diabetic Patients Referred to Karaj Dr. Shariati Hospital in 1389-90

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common and complicate endocrine disease in Iran. Also, opium addiction is one of the most prevalent social problems in Iran. The goal of this study was to determine the frequency of opium addiction and diabetic vascular complications in diabetic patients. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study conducted in two years (1389- 90) in Karaj Dr. Shariati hospital. Sampling method was non-probability convenience sampling. Sample size was 384 patients. Data collection forms filled with patient’s files evidences. Statistical analysis of data was performed with SPSS. Results: 384 diabetic patients with age ranging from 13 to 91 years old (mean age 59.1 years) were evaluated. 40 patients (10.4%) were opium addict and 75 patients (19.5%) were smoker. After elimination of smoking effect, frequency of retinopathy, neuropathy and diabetic foot ulcer were significantly more in opium addicts than other diabetic patients. Conclusion: Opium abuse in diabetic patients can accelerates and progresses some of diabetic vascular complications

    Suicide ideation, planning, and attempts: the case of the Latinx LGB youth

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    Background: Guided by an ecological systems theory (EST) framework, the purpose of the present study was to investigate how multiple micro, mezzo, and macro factors influence the suicidality continuum from suicidal ideation to suicide attempt among Latinx LGB (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) youth living in the United States. Methods: Data for this cross sectional-study included 451 participants who self-identified as Latinx LGB on the 2017-National Youth Risk Behavioral Survey. The analysis explored micro, mezzo, and macro-level factors’ association with three suicidality outcomes (ideation, planning, and attempt) at the bivariate and multivariate level. Since the outcome variables were dichotomized, univariate logistic regressions and backward elimination logistic regressions were used. Results: The most commonly reported suicidal behavior was ideation (n = 173; 40%), followed by planning (n = 150; 34%), and then attempt (n = 64; 21%). Findings from the backward elimination logistic regression on suicidal ideation suggest the best set of independent variables are being bullied at school (odds ratio [OR] = 2.81; CI: 1.61–4.89), experiencing sexual assault (OR = 2.32; CI: 1.32–4.07), experiencing depressive symptoms (OR = 1.99; CI: 1.07– 3.69), being cannabis use (OR = 1.76; CI: 1.08–2.89), and being female (OR = 1.72; CI: 1.01–2.93). For suicide planning the model suggested, experiencing depressive symptoms (OR = 3.21; CI: 1.74–5.91), cannabis use (OR = 2.46; CI: 1.49–4.07), being bullied at school (OR = 2.04; CI: 1.17–3.58), and experiencing sexual assault (OR = 1.88; CI: 1.07–3.31) exhibited the strongest relationships. Suicide attempt was significantly associated with cannabis use (OR = 3.12; CI: 1.60–6.08), experiencing depression (OR= 2.89; CI: 1.30–6.43), experiencing sexual assault (OR = 2.77; CI: 1.34–5.71), and being bullied at school (OR = 2.34; CI: 1.12–4.91). Conclusion: Given the findings of this study, it is essential that tailored suicide prevention efforts be established that uniquely address the intersections of race/ethnicity and sexual orientation and how this intersection influences micro, mezzo, and macro factors associated with suicide ideation, planning, and attempt among Latinx LGB adolescents

    The Requisite Electronic Structure Theory To Describe Photoexcited Nonadiabatic Dynamics: Nonadiabatic Derivative Couplings and Diabatic Electronic Couplings

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    Conspectus Electronically photoexcited dynamics are complicated because there are so many different relaxation pathways: fluorescence, phosphorescence, radiationless decay, electon transfer, etc. In practice, to model photoexcited systems is a very difficult enterprise, requiring accurate and very efficient tools in both electronic structure theory and nonadiabatic chemical dynamics. Moreover, these theoretical tools are not traditional tools. On the one hand, the electronic structure tools involve couplings between electonic states (rather than typical single state energies and gradients). On the other hand, the dynamics tools involve propagating nuclei on multiple potential energy surfaces (rather than the usual ground state dynamics). In this Account, we review recent developments in electronic structure theory as directly applicable for modeling photoexcited systems. In particular, we focus on how one may evaluate the couplings between two different electronic states. These couplings come in two flavors. If we order states energetically, the resulting adiabatic states are coupled via derivative couplings. Derivative couplings capture how electronic wave functions change as a function of nuclear geometry and can usually be calculated with straightforward tools from analytic gradient theory. One nuance arises, however, in the context of time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT): how do we evaluate derivative couplings between TD-DFT excited states (which are tricky, because no wave function is available)? This conundrum was recently solved, and we review the solution below. We also discuss the solution to a second, pesky problem of origin dependence, whereby the derivative couplings do not (strictly) satisfy translation variance, which can lead to a lack of momentum conservation. Apart from adiabatic states, if we order states according to their electronic character, the resulting diabatic states are coupled via electronic or diabatic couplings. The couplings between diabatic states |ΞA⟩ and |ΞB⟩ are just the simple matrix elements, ⟨ΞA|H|ΞB⟩. A difficulty arises, however, because constructing exactly diabatic states is formally impossible and constructing quasi-diabatic states is not unique. To that end, we review recent advances in localized diabatization, which is one approach for generating adiabatic-to-diabatic (ATD) transformations. We also highlight outstanding questions in the arena of diabatization, especially how to generate multiple globally stable diabatic surfaces

    A comparison of hydroponic and soil-based screening methods to identify salt tolerance in the field in barley

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    Success in breeding crops for yield and other quantitative traits depends on the use of methods to evaluate genotypes accurately under field conditions. Although many screening criteria have been suggested to distinguish between genotypes for their salt tolerance under controlled environmental conditions, there is a need to test these criteria in the field. In this study, the salt tolerance, ion concentrations, and accumulation of compatible solutes of genotypes of barley with a range of putative salt tolerance were investigated using three growing conditions (hydroponics, soil in pots, and natural saline field). Initially, 60 genotypes of barley were screened for their salt tolerance and uptake of Na+, Cl–, and K+ at 150 mM NaCl and, based on this, a subset of 15 genotypes was selected for testing in pots and in the field. Expression of salt tolerance in saline solution culture was not a reliable indicator of the differences in salt tolerance between barley plants that were evident in saline soil-based comparisons. Significant correlations were observed in the rankings of genotypes on the basis of their grain yield production at a moderately saline field site and their relative shoot growth in pots at ECe 7.2 [Spearman’s rank correlation (rs)=0.79] and ECe 15.3 (rs=0.82) and the crucial parameter of leaf Na+ (rs=0.72) and Cl– (rs=0.82) concentrations at ECe 7.2 dS m−1. This work has established screening procedures that correlated well with grain yield at sites with moderate levels of soil salinity. This study also showed that both salt exclusion and osmotic tolerance are involved in salt tolerance and that the relative importance of these traits may differ with the severity of the salt stress. In soil, ion exclusion tended to be more important at low to moderate levels of stress but osmotic stress became more important at higher stress levels. Salt exclusion coupled with a synthesis of organic solutes were shown to be important components of salt tolerance in the tolerant genotypes and further field tests of these plants under stress conditions will help to verify their potential utility in crop-improvement programmes