356 research outputs found
Although sponges (phylum Porifera) are still often considered to be simple, inactive animals, both larvae and adults of different species show clear coordination phenomena triggered by both extrinsic and intrinsic stimuli. Moreover although sponges lack a nervous system, they show a range of behavioural responses that are affected by exogenously applied neuroactive compounds. Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847), a common Mediterranean demosponge, lacks both endogenous siliceous spicules and reinforcing spongin fibers and has a very conspicuous collagenous mesohyl mainly composed of collagen. This sponge can react to different stimuli by changing its tensile state: it can rapidly stiffen after mechanical or chemical stimulation or destiffen and, following accidental detachment of the substrate, produce long slender outgrowths.
These phenomena involve different responses induced by different external events, but both have been attributed to alteration, under cellular control, of the interactions between the collagen fibrils of the mesohyl. The ability to regulate the viscoelastic properties of the connective tissue matrix is a well- investigated phenomenon in other animal phyla, particularly the Echinodermata in which the mechanical, morphological and molecular aspects of mutable collagenous tissues (MCTs) have been extensively analysed.
The present work was intended to investigate the coordinated phenomena of the sponge C. reniformis with an integrated approach that includes: physiology, histology, biomechanics and biochemistry. We focused our attention on different aspects: namely, 1) the reaction to mechanical stimulation; 2) the mesohyl mechanical properties; 3) the possible presence of contraction/expansion events; 4) the role of \u3b3-amino butyric acid and glutamate; 5) the presumptive factor(s) that regulates the sponge tensility.
Our results demonstrate that the stiffening reaction that follows mechanical stimulation consists of a passive shrinkage and an active stiffening of the mesohyl given by modification of the ECM mechanical properties and possibly involving the contraction of the canal system. In fact our experiments reveal that the passive compression involves mainly the canal system and the volume recovery occurs when the stiffening effect fade. A significant tensility difference is present between undisturbed and stimulated sponges and evidences on the presence of signal transmission that requires a continuous exopinacoderm (outer epithelium) are reported.
This thesis provides information on different mechanical parameters: namely, viscosity, stiffness, breaking strain and breaking stress. As far as recovery process is concerned we suggest that the sponge shape and volume recovery are given by the striking mechanical behaviour of its mesohyl that shows unusual elastic properties. By means of digital time lapses movie we confirm the presence and describe the pattern of contraction/expansion cycles occurring in C. reniformis. Contrary to other species our animal model does not display stereotypical contractions and lacks a clear contraction periodicity. Both glutamate (Glu) and \u3b3-amino butyric acid (GABA) are present in different cell phenotypes. Different experiments suggest that, despite the capability of the two substances to slightly increase sponge viscosity, both GABA and Glu seem to be not involved in the regulation of the stiffening phenomenon and in the recovery process that allows the sponge to return to its original shape and volume. On the other hand the two substances, as demonstrated in other sponges, are able to induce contraction events. There are no differences between the two molecules when comparing the contraction magnitude; however our biomechanical approach highlights significant differences in the forces generated during the contractions, in particular Glu generates higher force than GABA. We hypothesize that the two molecules act on different effectors that produced similar effects though different mechanisms.
Finally we demonstrate that at least one protein is responsible of the stiffening of the sponge mesohyl by interacting with collagen fibrils
European politics, media and public opinion in the last decade has given prominence to the burqa as an icon of fundamentalist and almost terrorist Islam. This harsh debate has turned the typical garment of a religious and cultural tradition into a national security threat and a symbol of oppression against women. Thereby the opinion is that women are forced to wear the burqa as a duty sprung from family context or because they are considered "victims of their own culture", considering it a culture that promotes gender inequality and infringes female dignity and rights. The debate led to promulgate various measures to ban the burqa. France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Canton Ticino and Bulgaria have issued national laws, whereas other European are debating bills before Parliament. The reasons put forward by proponents of a ban on the burqa focus particularly on national security and the protection of women's rights. The analysis of these reasons allows the examination of their effectiveness relating to free will. In this context, it is important to evaluate whether the ban has enough social usefulness to permit a limitation of personal liberty (as the freedom of expression and the freedom of worship, even through the display of symbols). The examination of the Italian social, political and legal system, which has fueled the debate and the bills on the subject, leads to decrease the problematic nature of the burqa. It must be distinguished between what the symbol means and which kind of threat it really is. Meanwhile the origin of the burqa is deepened through archaeological, historical and literary documents dating back to pre-Islamic era to understand whether the symbol has much religious or cultural signi\ufb01cance. The outcome of this analysis shows that often the thoughts of the women who wear the burqa (0.5% of the Muslim population in Europe) are not even considered. For this reason, in the fourth chapter we try to give voice to the persons concerned, such as Muslim women who wear the full veil or those who simply wear the hijab through a qualitative empirical study conducted on a sample of 30 Muslim women, 8 of whose wear the burqa. Respondents perceive the ban as an interference by the State which claims the right to interpret the meaning of the practice of wearing the burqa and to standardize its display, unlike the same States do with customs of other denominations. They also emphasize the risk that banning the burqa could lead to counterproductive consequences compared with its original purpose. In addition, women report feeling free to decide to wear the burqa and are generally available to become identi\ufb01able. Therefore the points put forward relating to the needs of protection and emancipation of women and those of public security lose value which are the main arguments that are put forward in support of a general ban on the burqa
Cardiac and arrhythmic complications in patients with COVID-19
In December 2019, the world started to face a new pandemic situation, the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Although coronavirus disease (COVID-19) clinical manifestations are mainly respiratory, major cardiac complications are being reported. Cardiac manifestations etiology seems to be multifactorial, comprising direct viral myocardial damage, hypoxia, hypotension, enhanced inflammatory status, ACE2-receptors downregulation, drug toxicity, endogenous catecholamine adrenergic status, among others. Studies evaluating patients with COVID-19 presenting cardiac injury markers show that it is associated with poorer outcomes, and arrhythmic events are not uncommon. Besides, drugs currently used to treat the COVID-19 are known to prolong the QT interval and can have a proarrhythmic propensity. This review focus on COVID-19 cardiac and arrhythmic manifestations and, in parallel, makes an appraisal of other virus epidemics as SARS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and H1N1 influenza
Alternative Position Estimation Systems for Micro Air Vehicles
Micro air vehicles (MAVs) is a technology that is becoming more and more important and popular nowadays. It is used as a tool to deal with different tasks that were not possible in the past. For most MAV models, the GPS sensor is the only way of estimating its pose in the environment. However, besides the fact of not having a secondary position estimation system besides the GPS, this is also risky because the GPS may fail like any other sensor. To overcome this weakness and make the MAVs more robust to autonomous tasks, the research community proposed many different localization systems for different constraints. In this chapter, the most popular, recent, and important MAV localization systems are reviewed, as well as the promising future works in this field
Sistema operacional em tempo real Freertos: an?lise dos componentes de timers, interrup??es e gerenciamento de recursos na plataforma de hardware minimalista Arduino Uno
This monography presents an analysis about the FreeRTOS source code portable to Arduino Uno. His objective is to give a more accurate and clear vision of his behaviour, besides the quantity of memory usage that his structures uses. This monography analyze the description of the book about the creating functions and management of mutexes, binary and counting semaphores, timers and funcions called inside an interruption. At last, brings as result how they actually behave and how much memory each used structure occupy through an analysis of the respective source codes.O presente trabalho apresenta uma an?lise do c?digo fonte do FreeRTOS portado para Arduino Uno. O objetivo dele ? dar uma vis?o mais clara do seu comportamento, al?m da quantidade de mem?ria que suas estruturas ocupam. Esse trabalho analisa a descri??o do livro das fun??es de cria??o e manejo de mutexes, sem?foros bin?rios, sem?foros contadores, timers e fun??es em caso de uma chamada em uma interrup??o. Por ?m, traz como resultado o modo como elas se comportam realmente e quanto de mem?ria cada estrutura usada ocupa atrav?s da an?lise de seus respectivos c?digos fonte
A Left Atrial Appendage Closure Combined Procedure Review: past, present and future perspectives
Atrial fibrillation (AF) represents the most common cardiac arrhythmia worldwide; it poses a great burden in terms of quality of life reduction and yearly stroke risk. Left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) is a stroke prevention strategy that has been proven a viable alternative to anti-thrombotic regimens in non-valvular AF patients. LAAC can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or alongside a concomitant AF trans catheter ablation, in a procedure known as "Combined Procedure". Aim of this study is to summarize the scientific evidence backing this combined strategy
Bioinspiring Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847) collagen-based hydrogel: a new extraction method to obtain a sticky and self-healing collagenous material
Collagen is a natural and abundant polymer that serves multiple functions in both invertebrates and vertebrates. As collagen is the natural scaffolding for cells, collagen-based hydrogels are regarded as ideal materials for tissue engineering applications since they can mimic the natural cellular microenvironment. Chondrosia reniformis is a marine demosponge particularly rich in collagen, characterized by the presence of labile interfibrillar crosslinks similarly to those described in the mutable collagenous tissues (MCTs) of echinoderms. As a result single fibrils can be isolated using calcium-chelating and disulphide-reducing chemicals. In the present work we firstly describe a new extraction method that directly produces a highly hydrated hydrogel with interesting self-healing properties. The materials obtained were then biochemically and rheologically characterized. Our investigation has shown that the developed extraction procedure is able to extract collagen as well as other proteins and Glycosaminoglycans (GAG)-like molecules that give the collagenous hydrogel interesting and new rheological properties when compared to other described collagenous materials. The present work motivates further in-depth investigations towards the development of a new class of injectable collagenous hydrogels with tailored specifications.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement ERC-2012-ADG 20120216-321266 (ERC Advanced Grant project ComplexiTE), as well as from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the
projects “Accelerating tissue engineering and personalized medicine discoveries by the integration of key enabling nanotechonologies, marine-derived biomaterials and stem cells” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000021), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and 0687_NOVOMAR_1_P, co-financed by transborder cooperation programme POCTEP. The authors are also thankful to the Area Marina Protetta Portofino (Italy) for permission to collect sponge specimens and to Daniela Candia (University of Milan, Italy) and Marco Giovine (University of Genoa, Italy) for the logistical support on the sponge sampling and immediate processing. We are grateful to the two anonymous referees for improving the quality of the present article.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O uso do dispositivo móvel como ferramenta avançada para a prática pedagógica em sala de aula
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo estudar e identificar como as mídias são utilizadas em sala de aula, a fim de, apontar quais os tipos de mídias são mais explorados, como também revelar quais os dispositivos são utilizados para este fim, além de também, compreender os motivos para usá-los ou os motivos para deixar de usá-los. Considerando a complexidade do tema, bem como a importância do trabalho em revelar o papel dos smartphones como ferramenta pedagógica relevante em sala de aula, além de, permitir uma reflexão sobre as práticas de usos desses equipamentos por alunos e professores. Pretende-se como contribuição identificar quais dispositivos e mídias permitem associar informações, socializa-las, interpretá-las e usá-las quando e como for apropriado. Para isso, foi utilizado um questionário on line, aplicado aos professores de uma escola municipal de Nova Santa Rita, no Rio Grande do Sul, e posteriormente as informações serviram de embasamento para a construção deste trabalho.The present work has the objective to study and identify how the media are used in the classroom, in order to point out which types of media are most exploited, as well as to reveal which devices are used for this purpose, as well as to understand the reasons for using them or the reasons for not using them. Considering the complexity of the topic, as well as the importance of the work in revealing the role of smartphones as a relevant pedagogical tool in the classroom, as well as allowing a reflection on the practices of use of such equipment by students and teachers. It is intended as a contribution to identify which devices and media allow to associate information, to socialize them, to interpret them and to use them when and as it is appropriate. For that, an online questionnaire was used, applied to the teachers of a municipal school of Nova Santa Rita, in Rio Grande do Sul, and later the information served as a basis for the construction of this work
Riscos à segurança do paciente em unidade de internação hospitalar: concepções da equipe de enfermagem
Objective: checking the nursing staff’s conception of possible risks for the patient safety in a clinic hospitalization unit, and knowing strategies used to manage risks. Method: a descriptive study with qualitative approach. Fourteen subjects, including nurses and nursing experts working in clinic hospitalization unit, were interviewed. It was conducted a content assessment. Results: workers identify risks and report mistakes according to the service routine and in a computerized way for the significant family. There is concern about legal and ethical aspects in case of injuring the patient. Excessive working hours and lack of workers were also mentioned as patient safety risks. Conclusions: risk management is a complex work that includes different aspects of the working practice and significant for improving nursing assistance. It is a subject to be addressed in permanent educationObjetivo: identificar qué cree el equipo de enfermería sobre los riesgos posibles a la seguridad de pacientes ingresados en unidad clínica, además de conocer las estrategias usadas para evitarlos. Método: investigación descriptiva con abordaje cualitativo. Fueron entrevistados 14 sujetos, enfermeros y técnicos de enfermería, que trabajan en unidades de ingreso clínico. Se realizó el Análisis de Contenido. Resultados: profesionales identifican los riesgos y notifican los errores de acuerdo con la rutina; el registro es informatizado e impreso, y la familia es comunicada; hay preocupación con aspectos éticos y legales si pacientes sufren daño; actividad laboral en exceso y falta de mano de obra se registran como riesgos. Conclusiones: la administración de riesgos es una actividad compleja en la cual están involucrados distintos aspectos de la práctica profesional, que son muy importantes para darle calificación a la asistencia en enfermería. Es un tema abordado a través de la educación permanente.Objetivo: identificar a concepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre os possíveis riscos à segurança do paciente internado em unidade clínica, bem como conhecer as estratégias empregadas para controlar os riscos. Método: pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa. Foram entrevistados 14 sujeitos, entre enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem, que atuam em unidades de internação clínica. Foi realizada Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: os profissionais identificam os riscos e notificam os erros de acordo com a rotina do serviço, o registro é informatizado e impresso e a família comunicada; há preocupação com os aspectos éticos e legais no caso de haver dano ao paciente; a carga de trabalho excessiva e o dimensionamento de pessoal insuficiente foram mencionados como riscos aos pacientes. Conclusões: o gerenciamento de riscos é trabalho complexo, que incorpora diferentes aspectos inerentes à prática profissional, mas relevantes para qualificar a assistência de enfermagem. É tema a ser abordado através da educação permanente
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