243 research outputs found

    DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticle assemblies for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    The programmable assembly of DNA strands is a promising tool for building tailored bottom-up nanostructures. Here, we present a plasmonic nanosystem obtained by the base-pairing mediated aggregation of gold nanoparticles (NPs) which are separately functionalized with two different single-stranded DNA chains. Their controlled assembly is mediated by a complementary DNA “bridge” sequence. We monitor the formation of DNA assembled NP aggregates in solution, and we study their Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) response by comparison with the single NP constituents. We interpret the revealed SERS signatures in terms of the molecular and NP organization at the nanoscale, demonstrating that the action of the DNA bridge molecule yields regular NP aggregates with controlled interparticle distance and reproducible SERS response. In perspective, this demonstrates the potential of the present system as a stable, biocompatible, and recyclable SERS sensor

    Effect of breast myopathies on quality and microbial shelf life of broiler meat

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    To evaluate the impact of emerging myopathies on meat quality and microbial shelf life, 48 normal, 48 white striped (WS), and 48 wooden breasts (WB) were stored for 11 d at 4°C aerobically and analyzed at 24, 72, 120, 168, 216, and 264 h post-mortem. Normal breasts showed lower (P < 0.001) redness index (−0.88 vs. −0.41 and −0.43) and cooking losses (22.0 vs. 23.8 vs. 26.9%) than those of WS and WB meat. Normal and WS breasts exhibited higher protein content than that in WB meat (23.9 and 23.2 vs. 21.4%; P < 0.001). Normal meat also had a lower ether extract content than that in WB meat (1.09 vs. 1.88%; P < 0.001), with intermediate values for WS meat. Normal breasts exhibited higher saturated fatty acid (FA) rate (31.3 vs. 28.0% of total FA on average) and lower unsaturated FA rate (68.7 vs. 72.0%) than those in WS and WB meat (P < 0.001). Differences were mainly due to polyunsaturated FA (30.5% in normal vs. 35.3 and 35.4% in WS and WB meat; P < 0.001). Normal breasts had higher initial total viable count (TVC) and a shorter TVC lag phase than those of WS and WB meat (46.3 vs. 85.2 and 77.8 h). The microbial shelf life threshold (7 log10 CFU TVC/g) was achieved first in normal (130 h) and then in WS (149 h) and WB (192 h) meat. TVC and Pseudomonas spp. counts were significantly higher in normal than those in the affected breasts between 72 and 216 h of storage. Enterobacteriaceae spp. and lactic acid bacteria counts were significantly higher in normal meat, lower in WB meat, and intermediate in WS meat until 216 h. All differences in microbial targets across meat types disappeared by 264 h of storage. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the factors and the mechanisms that may modulate microbial growth and composition during storage in broiler breast meat affected by myopathies

    Dyes from the Ashes: Discovering and Characterizing Natural Dyes from Mineralized Textiles

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    Vesuvius eruption that destroyed Pompeii in AD 79 represents one of the most important events in history. The cataclysm left behind an abundance of archeological evidence representing a fundamental source of the knowledge we have about ancient Roman material culture and technology. A great number of textiles have been preserved, rarely maintaining traces of their original color, since they are mainly in the mineralized and carbonized state. However, one outstanding textile sample displays a brilliant purple color and traces of gold strips. Since the purple was one of the most exclusive dyes in antiquity, its presence in an important commercial site like Pompeii induces us to deepen the knowledge of such artifacts and provide further information on their history. For this reason, the characterization of the purple color was the main scope of this research, and to deepen the knowledge of such artifacts, the SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering) in solution approach was applied. Then, these data were enriched by HPLC-HRMS analyses, which confirmed SERS-based hypotheses and also allowed to hypothesize the species of the origin mollusk. In this context, step-by-step integrated approach resulted fundamental to maximize the information content and to provide new data on textile manufacturing and trade in antiquity

    Hypoxia up-regulates SERPINB3 through HIF-2\u3b1 in human liver cancer cells.

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    SERPINB3 is a cysteine-proteases inhibitor up-regulated in a significant number of cirrhotic patients carrying hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and recently proposed as a prognostic marker for HCC early recurrence. SERPINB3 has been reported to stimulate proliferation, inhibit apoptosis and, similar to what reported for hypoxia, to trigger epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and increased invasiveness in liver cancer cells. This study has investigated whether SERPINB3 expression is regulated by hypoxia-related mechanisms in liver cancer cells. Exposure of HepG2 and Huh7 cells to hypoxia up-regulated SERPINB3 transcription, protein synthesis and release in the extracellular medium. Hypoxia-dependent SERPINB3 up-regulation was selective (no change detected for SERPINB4) and operated through hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-2\u3b1 (not HIF-1\u3b1) binding to SERPINB3 promoter, as confirmed by chromatin immuno-precipitation assay and silencing experiments employing specific siRNAs. HIF-2\u3b1-mediated SERPINB3 up-regulation under hypoxic conditions required intracellular generation of ROS. Immuno-histochemistry (IHC) and transcript analysis, performed in human HCC specimens, revealed co-localization of the two proteins in liver cancer cells and the existence of a positive correlation between HIF-2\u3b1 and SERPINB3 transcript levels, respectively. Hypoxia, through HIF-2\u3b1-dependent and redox-sensitive mechanisms, up-regulates the transcription, synthesis and release of SERPINB3, a molecule with a high oncogenic potential

    Raman spectroscopy of graphene under ultrafast laser excitation

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    The equilibrium optical phonons of graphene are well characterized in terms of anharmonicity and electron–phonon interactions; however, their non-equilibrium properties in the presence of hot charge carriers are still not fully explored. Here we study the Raman spectrum of graphene under ultrafast laser excitation with 3 ps pulses, which trade off between impulsive stimulation and spectral resolution. We localize energy into hot carriers, generating non-equilibrium temperatures in the ~1700–3100 K range, far exceeding that of the phonon bath, while simultaneously detecting the Raman response. The linewidths of both G and 2D peaks show an increase as function of the electronic temperature. We explain this as a result of the Dirac cones’ broadening and electron–phonon scattering in the highly excited transient regime, important for the emerging field of graphene-based photonics and optoelectronics

    Raman spectroscopy of graphene under ultrafast laser excitation.

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    The equilibrium optical phonons of graphene are well characterized in terms of anharmonicity and electron-phonon interactions; however, their non-equilibrium properties in the presence of hot charge carriers are still not fully explored. Here we study the Raman spectrum of graphene under ultrafast laser excitation with 3 ps pulses, which trade off between impulsive stimulation and spectral resolution. We localize energy into hot carriers, generating non-equilibrium temperatures in the ~1700-3100 K range, far exceeding that of the phonon bath, while simultaneously detecting the Raman response. The linewidths of both G and 2D peaks show an increase as function of the electronic temperature. We explain this as a result of the Dirac cones' broadening and electron-phonon scattering in the highly excited transient regime, important for the emerging field of graphene-based photonics and optoelectronics

    A pilot study comparing the metabolic profiles of elite-level athletes from different sporting disciplines

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    Background: The outstanding performance of an elite athlete might be associated with changes in their blood metabolic profile. The aims of this study were to compare the blood metabolic profiles between moderate- and high-power and endurance elite athletes and to identify the potential metabolic pathways underlying these differences. Methods: Metabolic profiling of serum samples from 191 elite athletes from different sports disciplines (121 high- and 70 moderate-endurance athletes, including 44 high- and 144 moderate-power athletes), who participated in national or international sports events and tested negative for doping abuse at anti-doping laboratories, was performed using non-targeted metabolomics-based mass spectroscopy combined with ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography. Multivariate analysis was conducted using orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis. Differences in metabolic levels between high- and moderate-power and endurance sports were assessed by univariate linear models. Results: Out of 743 analyzed metabolites, gamma-glutamyl amino acids were significantly reduced in both high-power and high-endurance athletes compared to moderate counterparts, indicating active glutathione cycle. High-endurance athletes exhibited significant increases in the levels of several sex hormone steroids involved in testosterone and progesterone synthesis, but decreases in diacylglycerols and ecosanoids. High-power athletes had increased levels of phospholipids and xanthine metabolites compared to moderate-power counterparts. Conclusions: This pilot data provides evidence that high-power and high-endurance athletes exhibit a distinct metabolic profile that reflects steroid biosynthesis, fatty acid metabolism, oxidative stress, and energy-related metabolites. Replication studies are warranted to confirm differences in the metabolic profiles associated with athletes’ elite performance in independent data sets, aiming ultimately for deeper understanding of the underlying biochemical processes that could be utilized as biomarkers with potential therapeutic implications

    P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptor cross-talk in calcium signalling: Evidence from nonstarved and long-term serum-deprived glioma C6 cells

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    The current work presents results of experiments on the calcium response evoked by the stimulation by extracellular nucleotides occurring in control, nonstarved glioma C6 cells and in cells after long-term (96 h) serum starvation. Three nucleotide receptors were studied: P2Y1, P2Y2 and P2Y12. Two of them, P2Y1 and P2Y2, directly stimulate calcium response. The protein level of the P2Y2 receptor did not change during the serum starvation, while P2Y1 protein level fell dramatically. Observed changes in the calcium response generated by P2Y1 are directly correlated with the receptor protein level as well as with the amount of calcium present in the intracellular calcium stores, partially depleted during starvation process. The third receptor, P2Y12, did not directly evoke calcium response, however it is activated by the same ligand as P2Y1. The experiments with AR-C69941MX, the P2Y12-specific antagonist, indicated that in control and serum-starved cells, calcium response evoked by P2Y1 receptor is potentiated by the activity of P2Y12-dependent signaling pathways. This potentiation may be mediated by P2Y12 inhibitory effect on the plasma membrane calcium pump. The calcium influx enhanced by the cooperation of P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptor activity directly depends on the capacitative calcium entrance mechanism
