14 research outputs found

    Nutrition Therapy in Elderly with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

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    Nutrition is an important health element for elderly people and influence aging process. Malnutrition prevalence is increasing in this population. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the chronic diseases in elderly that is related to malnutrition. The association between malnutrition and pulmonary disease (including COPD) has been known for a long time. Malnutrition has negative impacts on pulmonary structure, elasticity, and function, strength and endurance of respiratory muscles, pulmonary immunity defense mechanism, and breath control. Inversely, pulmonary disease (including COPD) will increase energy need and may reduce dietary intake. Nutrition intervention in COPD patient is intended for regulating anorexia, improving pulmonary function, and controlling weight loss. Nutrient requirements will be calculated according to the results of nutrition assessment. This article will discuss about nutrition therapy in elderly with COPD. It describes respiratory system in aging, association COPD and nutrition, and nutrition assessment, as well as nutrition intervention in elderly people with COPD

    Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat untuk Berolahraga melalui Kegiatan Jalan Sehat dan Penyuluhan Kesehatan pada Kelompok Pra Lansia dan Lansia Dasa Wisma Flamboyan 2 Kelurahan Tlogosari Kulon

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    Latar Belakang: Prevalensi obesitas meningkat di berbagai negara. Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko berbagai macam penyakit. Pencegahan dibutuhkan dengan pola hidup sehat dan berolahraga. Jalan kaki merupakan olah raga yang murah dan sehat. Pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk berolahraga melalui kegiatan jalan sehat dan penyuluhan kesehatan.Metode: Pengabdian diikuti oleh ibu-ibu lansia dan pra lansia di kelompok dasa wisma Flamboyan 2. Kegiatan dimulai dengan berolah raga jalan kaki selama 30 menit, dilaksanakan pada pagi hari. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan penyuluhan kesehatan, dan pengukuran data antropometri. Kegiatan dilaksanakan rutin setiap bulan.Hasil: Data BMI kelompok normal 22,2%, kelompok BB lebih dengan risiko 11,1%, Kelompok Obesitas satu 44,4%, dan kelompok obesitas dua 22,2%. Kehadiran meningkat dari 54,5 % bulan Juni, menjadi 63,64% bulan Juli dan Agustus, serta 72,73% pada bulan September.Kesimpulan: Terjadi peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat untuk berolah raga melalui kegiatan jalan sehat. Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing in various countries. Obesity is a risk factor for various diseases. Prevention is needed with a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Walking is an inexpensive and healthy exercise. This service aims to increase public awareness to exercise through healthy walks and health education.Methods: This service was attended by elderly and pre-elderly mothers in the Flamboyan 2 dasa wisma group. The activity began with walking for 30 minutes, carried out in the morning. The activity was continued with health education, and anthropometric data measurement. Activities are carried out regularly every month.Results: BMI data for the normal group was 22.2%, the overweight group was 11.1% at risk, the first obesity group was 44.4%, and the second obesity group was 22.2%. Attendance increased from 54.5% in June, to 63.64% in July and August, and 72.73% in September.Conclusion: There is an increase in public awareness to exercise through healthy walking activities

    Pendampingan bagi Pasien Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) di RSI Sultan Agung Semarang dalam Modifikasi Lifestyle dan Pendekatan Aspek Psikospiritual

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    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) merupakan disfungsi endokrin yang sering terjadi pada wanita usia reproduksi. Penyebab tersering terjadinya PCOS adalah penumpukan atau akumulasi lemak visceral yang dapat terjadi pada wanita dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) obesitas maupun kurus. Penumpukan lemak yang terjadi akan mengarah pada proses lain yang lebih kompleks, yang apabila tidak ditangani dapat mengarah pada sindrom metabolik hingga risiko penyakit kardiovaksular. Pengobatan bagi pasien PCOS selama ini hanya berfokus pada pengobatan dengan medikamentosa tanpa diimbangi dengan pengaturan nutrisi, olahraga rutin, akibat rendahnya kedisiplinan dan motivasi serta pengetahuan pasien mengenai pengaruh intervensi diet bagi pasien PCOS. Kurangnya dukungan psikospiritual bagi pasien juga menjadi salah satu faktor rendahnya tingkat kepatuhan pasien untuk menjalankan diet seimbang, dan melakukan olahraga rutin. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan peran Mitra dalam mendampingi pasien PCOS dalam modifikasi lifestyle dan memberikan dukungan psikis serta spiritual bagi pasien PCOS di Rumah Sakit Islam (RSI) Sultan Agung Semarang. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa pembentukan dan pelatihan tim fasilitator, seminar untuk pasien PCOS yang diisi dengan pemberian edukasi mengenai PCOS, konseling gizi, olahraga bersama, dan konseling psikospiritual. Selain itu dibentuk komunitas pasien PCOS agar mereka dapat saling mensupport secara berkelanjutan. Hasil dari program ini antara lain: media edukasi berupa leaflet, video, dan tayangan digital signage di RSI Sultan Agung, serta pasien lebih memahami mengenai PCOS, mengikuti kegiatan senam bersama, IMT pasien menjadi lebih ke arah normal, dan terbentuknya komunitas PCOS yang kegiatannya dapat berkelanjutan meskipun program ini sudah selesai. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine dysfunction that often occurs in women of reproductive age. The most common cause of PCOS is the accumulation or accumulation of visceral fat, which can occur in women with a body mass index (BMI) who are obese or thin. The accumulation of fat that occurs will lead to other, more complex processes, which if left untreated can lead to metabolic syndrome and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Treatment for PCOS patients so far has only focused on medical treatment without being balanced with nutrition settings, regular exercise, due to low discipline and motivation as well as patient knowledge about the effect of dietary interventions for PCOS patients. Lack of psychospiritual support for patients is also a factor in the low level of patient adherence to a balanced diet and regular exercise. This activity aims to optimize the role of hospital in assisting PCOS patients in lifestyle modification and providing psychological and spiritual support for PCOS patients at the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital (RSI) Semarang. Activities carried out in the form of forming and training a facilitators’ team, seminar for PCOS patients filled with providing education about PCOS, nutritional counseling, joint exercise, and psycho-spiritual counseling. In addition, a PCOS patient community was formed so that they could support each other and carry out ongoing activities. The results of this program include: educational media in the form of leaflets, videos, and digital signage shows at RSI Sultan Agung, as well as patients understanding more about PCOS, participating in joint exercise, BMI of patients becoming more normal, and the formation of a PCOS community whose activities can sustainable even after the program has been completed

    Validity of Middle Upper Arm Circumference as an Indicator of Nutritional Status in Patients with Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy

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    Background: Middle Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) is the circumference of the left upper arm, measured at the middle point between the tip of the shoulder and the tip of the elbow (olecranon process and the acromium). MUAC is used for the assessment of nutritional status. It is a good predictor of mortality and in many studies, MUAC predicted death in children better than any other anthropometric indicator. This study aimed to validity of middle upper arm circumference as an indicator of nutritional status in patients with cancer under¬going chemotherapy. Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Sultan Agung Islamic hospital, Semarang, Central Java. A sample of 52 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy was selected for this study. The independent variable was body mass index (BMI) served as the gold standard. The dependent variable was middle upper arm circumference (MUAC). Both indicators were measured by anthropometric measurement. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated to indicate validity. BMI and MUAC scores were analyzed by Pearson correlation. Results: MUAC had a strong and positive correlation with BMI (r= 0.76; p<0.001). In comparison with BMI, MUAC showed high sensitivity (94.7%) and moderate specificity (75.8%). Conclusion: MUAC is strongly correlated with BMI with high sensitivity and moderate specificity. It can be used as an indicator of nutritional status in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Keywords: middle upper arm circumference, body mass index, nutritional status, cance

    Aplikasi Berbasis Mobile untuk Diabetisi dalam Menunjang Ibadah Puasa, Haji dan Umroh Kerja Sama Persadia Unit RSI Sultan Agung

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    Dari data Kementerian Kesehatan dari Sampel Registration Survey 2014 menyebutkan bahwa diabetes telah menjadi penyebab kematian terbesar nomor 3 di Indonesia, dengan presentase sebesar 6,7%, setelah stroke (21,1%) dan penyakit jantung koroner (12,9%), Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2013 (Kemenkes RI, 2013), 90% dari total kasus diabetes merupakan diabetes tipe 2, yang umumnya terjadi pada orang dewasa. Namun beberapa tahun terakhir makin banyak ditemukan pada usia dewasa muda kurang dari 30 tahun bahkan pada anak-anak dan remaja. Indonesia merupakan negara muslim terbesar di dunia. Jumlah penduduk Indonesia 258 juta 87,2% adalah warga muslim. Sebagai warga muslim disyariatkan untuk melaksanakan berbagai ibadah antara lain ibadah puasa di bulan ramadan, haji dan umroh. Pada saat puasa pasien diabetes tidak makan selama siang hari yang berpeluang menimbulkan kecenderungan makan berlebih pada malam hari. Hal ini berpotensi menyebabkan pasien 5 kali lebih berisiko mengalami hiperglikemia dan sebanyak 7 kali lebih berisiko mengalami hipoglikemia. Kegiatan edukasi program aplikasi berbasis mobile untuk diabetesi sebagai bekal dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa haji dan umroh telah dilaksanakan dengan yang diikuti oleh 348 peserta dengan berbagai unsur peserta antara lain dokter, mahasiswa kesehatan, perawat dan ibu rumah tangga. Aplikasi juga telah didistribusikan di google playstore sehingga masyarakat luas akan lebih mudah mengunduh, memasang dan memakai aplikasi tersebut dimana saja, kapan saja dengan melalui koneksi internet.Data from the Ministry of Health from the 2014 Sample Registration Survey states that diabetes has become the 3rd largest cause of death in Indonesia, with a percentage of 6.7%, after stroke (21.1%) and coronary heart disease (12.9%). Data from Riskesdas 2013 (Kemenkes RI, 2013), 90% of total diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes, which generally occurs in adults. However, in recent years, it is increasingly found in adults less than 30 years, even in children and adolescents. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. The total population of Indonesia 258 million 87.2% are Muslims. As Muslim citizens, they are obliged to carry out various acts of worship, including fasting in the month of Ramadan, Hajj and Umrah. During fasting, diabetic patients do not eat during the day which may lead to a tendency to overeat at night. This puts the patient 5 times more likely to develop hyperglycemia and 7 times more likely to develop hypoglycemia. Educational activities for mobile-based application programs for diabetes as a provision for carrying out the Hajj and Umrah fasting services have been carried out by 348 participants with various participants including doctors, health students, nurses and housewives. Applications have also been distributed on the Google Play Store so that the wider community will find it easier to download, install and use the application anywhere, anytime via an internet connection


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    Background: Banana counted as nearly perfect food since it contains six nutrients : water , sugar , proteins , fats , vitamins , and minerals . Because of that , bananas are often used as a staple food for most people because of its nutritional value. However, sometimes people do not realize the benefits of bananas as a whole , from leaves , fruits , flowers and stems of the bananas . Penggaron Lor society , still minimal in using the banana plant . Usually the community will sell fruit and leaves to the market , so that the results obtained from the banana plant community less than optimal. Method : This study is an observational analytic study . The research was done in the Village of Penggaron Lor Semarang , and was conducted in March-June 2014. The instrument in this research was primary data obtained directly from respondents through interviews using questionnaires distributed before and after counseling . To determine whether there are differences in knowledge before and after counseling on the benefits of banana plants as a medium for maintaining oral hygiene, statistical test Wilcoxon Sign Ranks test was conducted, and processed with SPSS. Result: The results of SPSS calculation because the data is not normal ( p value < 0.05), then the data was processed using the non-parametric test for two sample pairs , ie Wilcoxon Sign Ranks test , and obtained p value of 0.008 . This means that there was a significant difference between the mean value of the pre-test and post-test. Conclusion : there are differences in knowledge before and after counseling , counseling means that a significant impact on respondents' knowledge of the benefits of banana plants for maintain oral health

    The Correlation of Exercise and Range of Motion (ROM) on Elderly Knee Observasional Study on Elderly People in Pedurungan Semarang

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    Background: In aging process, decreasing of musculosceletal capabilities will reduce physical activity and excercise, as well as Range Of Motion (ROM). In order to maintain the normality of ROM, joints and muscles should be moved regularly. However many elderly people are still less physically active, due to lack of knowledge, no free time for physical activity, and lack of support from the social environment. This study aimed to determine the correlation of excercise on ROM of knee in the elderly in Pedurungan District, Semarang.Design and Method: Observastional study with a cross sectional design 80 elderly men and women were divided into 2 groups: gymnastics group in the Social Rehabilitation Unit Of Pucang Gading (n=40) and unexcercises group in the Penggaron village (n=40). In both groups, the degree of ROM of knee was assessed using the Goniometer. To evaluate the value of its significance, the data were analyzed using the Mann Withney test followed by Spearmann’s rho test.Result: ROM for gymnastic(exercised group) and unexercised group were 115.50°±11.591°, 95.38°±12.780° respectively with p<0. 001. Resuts showed that doing exercise was useful for maintaining ROM of knee in elderly people. Spearmann’s rho test resulted in a strong correlation between ROM and exercise with r value of 0.652.Conclusion: exercise correlates with ROM of knee in elderly (Sains Medika, 4(1):39-45)

    The effect of long-term ketogenic diet on serum adiponectin and insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in mice

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    Objectives Noncommunicable disease (NCD) including obesity, cancer, and diabetes has become particular concern worldwide due to its morbidity and mortality which keep increasing annually. Adiponectin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) are known to be substances that are involved in the development of NCD. Several diet regimens have been developed to treat NCD, one of which is the ketogenic diet (KD). This study aimed to analyze the long-term KD effect on serum adiponectin and IGF-1 levels in mice. Methods This study was a real experimental with post-test only controls group design. The subjects were 14 male mice (2–3 months, 20–30 g) were randomly divided into two groups, K1 (n=7, standard diet) and K2 (n=7, KD with a composition of 60% fat, 30% protein, and 10% fiber). All subjects were given diet intervention for 8 weeks ad libitum. Serum adiponectin and IGF levels were measured in post-intervention using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Distribution of normality was analyzed by the Shapiro–Wilk Test, mean difference using Independent T-Test, and linear correlation using Pearson’s Correlation Test. Data analysis was performed using Statistic Package for Social Science Version 16. Results Serum adiponectin levels in K1 (0.080 ± 0.012) pg/mL and K2 (0.099 ± 0.005) pg/mL, with p=0.003. Serum IGF-1 levels in K1 (133.535 ± 25.702) ng/mL and K2 (109.987 ± 27.118) ng/mL, with p=0.121. Coefficient correlation between serum adiponectin and serum IGF-1 levels [r]=−0.401, with p=0.155. Conclusions Long-term KD increases serum adiponectin levels and has no effect on serum IGF-1 levels. There was no significant correlation between serum adiponectin and serum IGF-1 levels

    Hubungan Antara Tingkat Aktivitas Fisik dan Asupan Protein dengan Hand Grip Strength

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    AbstrakParameter Hand Grip Strength (HGS) dianggap sebagai faktor penting yangmencerminkan fungsi tangan, otot, kelemahan umum, status gizi, aktivitas fisik, dan cacat otot. Tingkat aktivitas fisik dan asupan protein bisa menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi dari parameter HGS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dan asupan protein dengan HGS.Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional, dengan responden mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sultan Agung sehat, berjenis kelamin lakilaki dan perempuan, bebas cidera otot, BMI 18,5-22,9; bebas riwayat patah tulang, penyakit pernapasan dan metabolik. HGS diukur dengan alat Electronic Hand Dynamometer dan dikategorikan menjadi lemah, normal, dan kuat. Tingkat aktivitas fisik diukur menggunakan International Physical Activities-Short Form (IPAQ-SF) dan asupan protein menggunakan Semi Quantitative - Food FrequencyQuestionnaire (SQ-FFQ) kemudian diolah menggunakan Nutri Survey Software 2007. Uji statistik menggunakan uji Kruskal – Wallis.Presentase HGS kelompok lemah adalah 24,3% (9 responden), kelompok normal 67,6% (25 responden), dan kelompok kuat 8,1% (3 responden). Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji non parametrik Kruskall- Wallis untuk tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan HGS didapatkan nilai p=0,353 menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan. Sedangkan, untuk asupan protein dan HGS didapatkan nilai p=0,738.Disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapatperbedaan yang signifikan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dan asupan protein dengan HGS.Kata Kunci: Hand Grip Strength, tingkat aktivitas fisik, asupan protei


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    oai:IJCNP:article/4COVID-19 membutuhkan berbagai intervensi untuk menekan angka kesakitan dan kematiannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah&nbsp; mencari terapi adjuvan yang dapat meringankan gejala dan&nbsp;&nbsp; mengurangi angka kematian yang diakibatkan oleh COVID-19. Referensi yang membahas mengenai&nbsp; manfaat Nigella Sativa&nbsp; seperti dari Biomed Central, Elsevier,&nbsp; Journal of Pharmacopuncture dan berbagai referensi lain dikumpulkan untuk mencari&nbsp; peran Nigella Sativa. Manfaat Nigella Sativa disusun sebagai terapi adjuvan dari berbagai&nbsp; penelitian seperti penelitian in vitro, Randomized Control Trial, maupun&nbsp; clinical trial. Kata kunci pencarian yang digunakan seperti&nbsp; Nigella Sativa, Black Seed, dan Covid-19.&nbsp; Hasil&nbsp; penelitian membuktikan konstituen bioaktif dari Nigella Sativa seperti thymoquinone (TQ), &nbsp;&nbsp;trans-anethol, &nbsp;nigellidine ,&nbsp;nigellicine, nigellicimine-N-oksida dan α-hederin1 memiliki beragam manfaat&nbsp; seperti anti oksidan, anti inflamasi, immunomodulator, antitusif, antihipertensi dan menyeimbangkan kadar gula darah. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan bahwa Nigella Sativa dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai terapi adjuvan untuk mengurangi angka kesakitan dan&nbsp; kematian&nbsp; akibat COVID-19