2,813 research outputs found

    The Dawn of European Animal Rights Law

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    Mitralklappenendokarditis nach türkischem Opferfest

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    Zusammenfassung: Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae ist der Erreger des Schweinerotlaufs. Systemische Infektionen durch E.rhusiopathiae sind eine Rarität, jedoch häufig (zu 90%) mit Endokarditiden verbunden. Ungefähr 60% der Endokarditiden entwickeln sich auf nicht vorgeschädigten Klappen, und trotz adäquater antibiotischer Therapie benötigen etwa ein Drittel der Patienten einen Klappenersatz. Wir beschreiben den Fall einer Hausfrau, die nach Zubereitung von Fleisch für das türkische Opferfest eine Mitralklappenendokarditis durch E.rhusiopathiae entwickelt

    The immunological, environmental, and phylogenetic perpetrators of metastatic leishmaniasis.

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    Cutaneous leishmaniases have persisted for centuries as chronically disfiguring parasitic infections affecting millions of people across the subtropics. Symptoms range from the more prevalent single, self-healing cutaneous lesion to a persistent, metastatic disease, where ulcerations and granulomatous nodules can affect multiple secondary sites of the skin and delicate facial mucosa, even sometimes diffusing throughout the cutaneous system as a papular rash. The basis for such diverse pathologies is multifactorial, ranging from parasite phylogeny to host immunocompetence and various environmental factors. Although complex, these pathologies often prey on weaknesses in the innate immune system and its pattern recognition receptors. This review explores the observed and potential associations among the multifactorial perpetrators of infectious metastasis and components of the innate immune system

    Coupled spin states in armchair graphene nanoribbons with asymmetric zigzag edge extensions

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    Carbon-based magnetic structures promise significantly longer coherence times than traditional magnetic materials, which is of fundamental importance for spintronic applications. An elegant way of achieving carbon-based magnetic moments is the design of graphene nanostructures with an imbalanced occupation of the two sublattices forming the carbon honeycomb lattice. According to Lieb's theorem, this induces local magnetic moments that are proportional to the sublattice imbalance. Exact positioning of sublattice imbalanced nanostructures in graphene nanomaterials hence offers a route to control interactions between induced local magnetic moments and to obtain graphene nanomaterials with magnetically non-trivial ground states. Here, we show that such sublattice imbalanced nanostructures can be incorporated along a large band gap armchair graphene nanoribbon on the basis of asymmetric zigzag edge extensions, which is achieved by incorporating specifically designed precursor monomers during the bottom-up fabrication of the graphene nanoribbons. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of an isolated and electronically decoupled zigzag edge extension reveals Hubbard-split states in accordance with theoretical predictions. Investigation of pairs of such zigzag edge extensions reveals ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic or quenching of the magnetic interactions depending on the relative alignment of the asymmetric edge extensions. Moreover, a ferromagnetic spin chain is demonstrated for a periodic pattern of zigzag edge extensions along the nanoribbon axis. This work opens a route towards the design and fabrication of graphene nanoribbon-based spin chains with complex magnetic ground states

    Ion induced weight loss and thermal gravimetric analysis of ion-irradiated poly-vinyl formal

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    The relative importance of personal beliefs, meta-stereotypes and societal stereotypes of age for the wellbeing of older people

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    Negative images of old age can harm older individuals' cognitive and physical functioning and health. Yet, older people may be confronted with age stereotypes that are inconsistent with their own personal beliefs. We examine the implications for older people's wellbeing of three distinct elements of age stereotypes: their personal beliefs about their age group, their perception about how others generally perceive older people (i.e. their meta-stereotypes) and the societal age stereotypes that are empirically widely shared in society. Using measures from the Stereotype Content Model and survey data of older people from the United Kingdom (UK) (Study 1, N = 171), we found only partial overlap between older people's personal beliefs and their meta-stereotypes. Personal beliefs were unrelated to wellbeing, but positive meta-stereotypes of older people's competence were linked to higher wellbeing. These findings were largely replicated with a sample of baby-boomers from Switzerland (Study 2, N = 400) controlling for socio-demographics. Study 3 used representative survey data (N = 10,803) across 29 European countries, to test and confirm that the link between positive competence meta-stereotypes and wellbeing can be generalised to different cultures, and that positive warmth meta-stereotypes were an additional predictor. At the country level, societal age stereotypes about competence were positively related to the wellbeing of older people, but only in countries that provide greater opportunities for competence attainment.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A simple approach for describing metal-supported cyclohexaphenylene dehydrogenation: Hybrid classical/DFT metadynamics simulations

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    The mechanisms for the dehydrogenation reaction of cyclohexaphenylene at a copper surface are investigated with the help of density functional theory and metadynamics. Our results represent a showcase for an approach that describes the surface using many-body classical potentials and molecule-surface interactions with a van der Waals model. Starting from the experimental observation that dispersion-assisted mechanisms are at least as important as catalytic processes for the description of the reaction, we fully describe the former, we identify intermediate states and estimate the free energy barriers that characterize the reactio

    Anisotropy of quasiparticle lifetimes and the role of disorder in graphite from ultrafast time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    Femtosecond time-resolved photoemission of photoexcited electrons in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) provides strong evidence for anisotropies of quasiparticle (QP) lifetimes. Indicative of such anisotropies is a pronounced anomaly in the energy dependence of QP lifetimes between 1.1 and 1.5 eV—the vicinity of a saddle point in the graphite band structure. This is supported by recent ab initio calculations and a comparison with experiments on defect-enriched HOPG which reveal that disorder, e.g., defects or phonons, increases electron energy relaxation rates

    Characterizing heralded single-photon sources with imperfect measurement devices

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    Any characterization of a single-photon source is not complete without specifying its second-order degree of coherence, i.e., its g(2)g^{(2)} function. An accurate measurement of such coherence functions commonly requires high-precision single-photon detectors, in whose absence, only time-averaged measurements are possible. It is not clear, however, how the resulting time-averaged quantities can be used to properly characterize the source. In this paper, we investigate this issue for a heralded source of single photons that relies on continuous-wave parametric down-conversion. By accounting for major shortcomings of the source and the detectors--i.e., the multiple-photon emissions of the source, the time resolution of photodetectors, and our chosen width of coincidence window--our theory enables us to infer the true source properties from imperfect measurements. Our theoretical results are corroborated by an experimental demonstration using a PPKTP crystal pumped by a blue laser, that results in a single-photon generation rate about 1.2 millions per second per milliwatt of pump power. This work takes an important step toward the standardization of such heralded single-photon sources.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; corrected Eq. (11) and the description follows Eq. (22

    Anatomy of the anterior cruciate ligament

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    The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a band of dense connective tissue which courses from the femur to the tibia. The ACL is a key structure in the knee joint, as it resists anterior tibial translation and rotational loads. When the knee is extended, the ACL has a mean length of 32mm and a width of 7-12mm. There are two components of the ACL, the anteromedial bundle (AMB) and the posterolateral bundle (PLB). They are not isometric with the main change being lengthening of the AMB and shortening of the PLB during flexion. The ACL has a microstructure of collagen bundles of multiple types (mostly type I) and a matrix made of a network of proteins, glycoproteins, elastic systems, and glycosaminoglycans with multiple functional interactions. The complex ultrastructural organization and abundant elastic system of the ACL allow it to withstand multiaxial stresses and varying tensile strains. The ACL is innervated by posterior articular branches of the tibial nerve and is vascularized by branches of the middle genicular arter