55 research outputs found

    Detection of Heart Valve Function Disorders with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Algorithm

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    Heart disease insidents has generated mortalities at a young age, hindering the occurrence of the 2045 golden generation as one of the determining factors for the occurrence of advanced Indonesia. The occurrence of heart disease is due to abnormalities in the function of the heart valves. To determine the presence of abnormalities in the function of the heart valves, it is thus necessary to recognize the pattern of heart sounds. This study aims to detect abnormalities in the heart valves, by distinguishing normal heart sounds from abnormal heart sounds by employing a neural network. Neural network serves as one method with the ability to study patterns from a data. The system built in this research utilizes the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm

    Optimization of unit commitment considering carbon gas emission reduction utilizing firefly algorithm

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    The necessity for electrical energy has been currently significant to support economic growth in Indonesia, expected to annually increase every year. The increasing demand for electricity denotes that the electrical energy supplied by the generator is relatively large. In general, electricity generation in Indonesia utilizes fossil fuels in the generation process thus it creates emissions in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2), which are released into the air in large quantities. Therefore, planning is deemed instrumental, thereby encouraging that generation scheduling at an economical cost is required in the generation of each unit in order to adjust the load that changes every time. This final project discusses the problem of unit commitment (UC) with the addition of a carbon capture and storage (CCS) system in the generator. The Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) process refers to a technology capturing up to 85% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission as, the result of utilizing fossil fuels in electricity generation and industrial processes to prevent carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. The optimization algorithm utilized in this final project is the Firefly Algorithm (FA). The objective function that will be optimized lies in the cost of generation, scheduling on and off for each generator and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The data used in this optimization includes the IEEE of 30 bus system and the addition of Carbon Capture and Storage Plants. The test results indicate that the FA method is able to perform UC calculations considering Carbon Capture and Storage

    Flood River Water Level Forecasting using Ensemble Machine Learning for Early Warning Systems

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    Flood forecasting is crucial for early warning system and disaster risk reduction. Yet the flood river water levels are difficult and challenging task that it cannot be easily captured with classical time-series approaches. This study proposed a novel intelligence system utilised various machine learning techniques as individual models, including radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), support vector machine (SVM), and long short-term memory network (LSTM) to establish intelligent committee machine learning flood forecasting (ICML-FF) framework. The combination of these individual models achieved through simple averaging method, and further optimised using weighted averaging by K-nearest neighbour (K-NN) and genetic algorithm (GA). The effectiveness of the proposed model was evaluated using real case study for Malaysia's Kelantan River. The results show that ANFIS outperforms as individual model, while ICML-FF-based model produced better accuracy and lowest error than any one of the individuals. In general, it is found that the proposed ICML-FF is capable of robust forecasting model for flood early warning systems

    High Availability Dynamic Sharding Database Server Dengan Metode Fail Over Dan Clustering

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    NoSQL merupakan salah satu jenis database yang berkembang saat ini, yang mempunyai desain khusus dalam memecahkan permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan scalability dan reliability. Format dokumen adalah salah satu jenis documentorienteddatabase yang didukung oleh jenis database NoSQL. MongoDB merupakan salah satu jenis DBMS berbentuk documentoriented, mongoDB memiliki fitur GridFS yang dapat menyimpan data dalam bentuk biner. Sharding dapat mendistribusikan data ke dalam beberapa mesin/server, fungsi ini juga terdapat didalam fitur mongoDB. Dengan menempatkan data pada beberapa mesin memungkinkan untukmenyimpan lebih banyak data dan menangani beban lebih besar tanpa diperlukan adanya mesin denganperformansi tinggi. High Availability salah satunyamerupakan kemampuan satu sistem atau kelompok sistem (cluster) menjagaaplikasi (application) atau layanan (service) berjalan. Hasil yang didapat pada penelitian ini adalah sebuah system sharding database berbasis noSQL menggunakan mongoDB berhasil diimplementasikan pada server yang diset dengan High Availability, fungsi utama server adalah untuk failover dan clusterin

    Application Monitoring Design of Water Tank Volume and Clarity System using LabView NI MYRIO

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    A traditional controlling and measuring system both in home industry and factory have many constraints especially in the field of quality and efficiency. Operators have to control and monitor while the tank is in the water filling mode. Consequently, an effective system is needed to increase the ease in industry operation. In this work, an application design of water volume in tank and clarity system has presented using RF04 ultrasonic sensor to detect water level; furthermore, a turbidity sensor was also employed to detect water clarity. Both of them were controlled by National Instrument (NI) myRIO-1900. NI myRIO was used in this work as a controller having automatic on/off relay module employed to the water tank and integrated with a personal computer as human machine interface system (HMI). NI LabView software used as HMI in this work was also connected to Wi-Fi module to establish a remote monitoring role. As a result, the simulation shows that water level can be measured utilizing ultrasonic sensor as well as turbidity sensor detection for water clarity

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan FT-UMM

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    Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia atas Program Komputer yang berjudul Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan FT-UMM yang diciptakan oleh Merinda Lestandy, Bayu Adiputra Pratama, Muhammad Nasar, Amrul Faruq, Lailis Syafa’ah, dan Muhammad Irfan

    Coordination analysis of protection relay settings utilizing particle swarm optimization method

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    Cempaka Substation becomes one of the existing electricity distribution systems in South Kalimantan. As a transmission line, a reliable protection system is required having s proper relay coordination, thus indicating thereby optimizing the electricity distribution. This study aims to navigate the value of the relay setting, optimization is required to find the optimal value for the relay setting. The optimization applied is Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to produce optimal values for relay settings. The calculation is conducted with the help of MATLAB software. The result of the calculation presents the value of the time dial setting (TDS) and the value of the pickup current (Ip). Furthermore, the value from the calculation results is entered into the simulation utilizing ETAP software in order to navigate the results of the protection relay setting when a disturbance occurs. The standards which are applied as references in this study include local standards or international standards such as SPLN, IEC 60947. Thus, from the research that was performed conducted, the distance between the primary relay and backup was 1.2 seconds fulfilling the standard of a reliable protection system of 0.3 seconds


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    Pemanfaatan teknologi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidak dapat dihindari. Perkembangan teknologi pada era globalisasi saat ini sangat pesat. Untuk itu, masyarakat dituntut untuk melakukan suatu perubahan di setiap kegiatannya. Terutama bagi para guru diharapkan dapat mengikuti perubahan tersebut dalam meningkatkan kualitas kegiatan belajar mengajar. Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) telah berpengaruh terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Hal ini mendorong era baru peradaban manusia dari era industri ke era informasi. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi pada TK ABA 16 Malang kami melihat masih ada guru yang beranggapan tidak menggunakan komputer dan IT (Teknologi Informasi) dalam proses pembelajaran bukan hal mengganggu jalannnya pelajaran karena guru merasa tidak mendapatkan fasilitas komputer saat mengajar, jadi inilah yang membuat guru merasa tidak perlu untuk tahu cara menggunakan komputer. Jika dilihat dari kenyataannya ini terjadi pada guru-guru yang sudah berusia tua, walaupun yang guru junior pun masih ada yang gagap pada kemajuan IT. Dari permasalahan tersebut, maka perlu diadakan kegiatan pelatihan dan pemahaman bagi guru untuk mengoptimalkan fasilitas TIK yang ada untuk menunjang keefektifan pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru. Setelah pelaksanaan pelatihan, tim pengusul akan memonitoring dan mengevaluasi pemahaman guru-guru tentang TIK yang ditentukan dengan standar keberhasilan pemahaman yaitu pencapaian skor harapan senilai 7 dari jumlah skor hasil observasi. Dari skor tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru sudah meningkat kompetensinya atau belum setelah mengikuti pelatihan IT mengenai penggunaan TIK sebagai media mengajar. Pelaksanaan evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengamati peningkatan kompetensi guru setelah satu minggu mengajar menggunakan IT melalui lembar observasi

    Black box modelling and simulating the dynamic indoor air temperature of a laboratory using (ARMA) model

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    Mathematical model representing the dynamic indoor air temperature of a building is important for reducing the time and cost required to test any proposed thermal comfort control algorithm and strategy for that building through computer simulation. There are many types of mathematical model, and each type has its strength(s) and weakness(es). An autoregressive–moving-average (ARMA) model, a type of black box model is used to represent the dynamic indoor air temperature behaviour of industrial instrumentation laboratory at Malaysia-Japan international institute of technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur based on the recorded data from the laboratory and minimal physical characteristics knowledge of the laboratory. The ARMA model‟s output developed in this research is compared with the actual data recorded from the laboratory for performance measurement. The obtained result shows that the ARMA model is sufficient for modelling and simulating the dynamic indoor air temperature behaviour of the laboratory

    K-nearest neighbor imputation for missing value in hepatitis data

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    There has been a growing occurrence of errors in a dataset, one of which is the incomplete data on an attribute or commonly acknowledged as a missing value, affecting the results of an analysis conducted for researchers. Attempt to address such issue includes the imputation, a method of filling in the missing value by Replacing the missing value with a possible value based on dataset information. This study aims to deal with missing values in albumin attribute hepatic data by utilizing K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) imputation, performed by calculating the weight mean estimation for the number of K which has been determined. K is thus the closest observation, where in this study, the K that would be utilized is when K=3, K=5, K=7, K=9, and K=15. To determine the accuracy of an imputation, an evaluation is performed by utilizing the Mean Square Error (MSE). Based on the results obtained in this study, the best accuracy of program calculations is obtained when K=7 and the best MSE is achieved when K=15
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