17 research outputs found

    Chromatin Remodelling and RNA Processing

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    Malaria-derived hemozoin exerts early modulatory effects on the phenotype and maturation of human dendritic cells

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    Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum)-induced effects on the phenotype of human dendritic cells (DC) could contribute to poor induction of long-lasting protective immunity against malaria. DC ability to present antigens to naïve T cells, thus initiating adaptive immune responses depends on complex switches in chemokine receptors, production of soluble mediators and expression of molecules enabling antigen-presentation and maturation. To examine the cellular basis of these processes in the context of malaria, we performed detailed analysis of early events following exposure of human monocyte-derived DC to natural hemozoin (nHZ) and the synthetic analog of its heme core, β-hematin. DC exposed to either molecule produced high levels of the inflammatory chemokine MCP-1, showed continuous high expression of the inflammatory chemokine receptor CCR5, no upregulation of the lymphoid homing receptor CCR7 and no cytoskeletal actin redistribution with loss of podosomes. DC partially matured as indicated by increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and CD86 following nHZ and β-hematin exposure, however there was a lack in expression of the maturation marker CD83 following nHZ but not β-hematin exposure. Overall our data demonstrate that exposure to nHZ partially impairs the capacity of DC to mature, an effect in part differential to β-hematin

    SWI/SNF regulates the alternative processing of a specific subset of pre-mRNAs in Drosophila melanogaster

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling factors have the ability to remodel nucleosomes and play essential roles in key developmental processes. SWI/SNF complexes contain one subunit with ATPase activity, which in <it>Drosophila melanogaster </it>is called Brahma (Brm). The regulatory activities of SWI/SNF have been attributed to its influence on chromatin structure and transcription regulation, but recent observations have revealed that the levels of Brm affect the relative abundances of transcripts that are formed by alternative splicing and/or polyadenylation of the same pre-mRNA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have investigated whether the function of Brm in pre-mRNA processing in <it>Drosophila melanogaster </it>is mediated by Brm alone or by the SWI/SNF complex. We have analyzed the effects of depleting individual SWI/SNF subunits on pre-mRNA processing throughout the genome, and we have identified a subset of transcripts that are affected by depletion of the SWI/SNF core subunits Brm, Snr1 or Mor. The fact that depletion of different subunits targets a subset of common transcripts suggests that the SWI/SNF complex is responsible for the effects observed on pre-mRNA processing when knocking down Brm. We have also depleted Brm in larvae and we have shown that the levels of SWI/SNF affect the pre-mRNA processing outcome <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have shown that SWI/SNF can modulate alternative pre-mRNA processing, not only in cultured cells but also <it>in vivo</it>. The effect is restricted to and specific for a subset of transcripts. Our results provide novel insights into the mechanisms by which SWI/SNF regulates transcript diversity and proteomic diversity in higher eukaryotes.</p

    Epigenetics and Malaria Susceptibility/Protection: A Missing Piece of the Puzzle

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    A better understanding of stable changes in regulation of gene expression that result from epigenetic events is of great relevance in the development of strategies to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Histone modification and DNA methylation are key epigenetic mechanisms that can be regarded as marks, which ensure an accurate transmission of the chromatin states and gene expression profiles over generations of cells. There is an increasing list of these modifications, and the complexity of their action is just beginning to be understood. It is clear that the epigenetic landscape plays a fundamental role in most biological processes that involve the manipulation and expression of DNA. Although the molecular mechanism of gene regulation is relatively well understood, the hierarchical order of events and dependencies that lead to protection against infection remain largely unknown. In this review, we propose that host epigenetics is an essential, though relatively under studied, factor in the protection or susceptibility to malaria

    The Chromatin Remodelling Complex B-WICH Changes the Chromatin Structure and Recruits Histone Acetyl-Transferases to Active rRNA Genes

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    The chromatin remodelling complex B-WICH, which comprises the William syndrome transcription factor (WSTF), SNF2h, and nuclear myosin 1 (NM1), is involved in regulating rDNA transcription, and SiRNA silencing of WSTF leads to a reduced level of 45S pre-rRNA. The mechanism behind the action of B-WICH is unclear. Here, we show that the B-WICH complex affects the chromatin structure and that silencing of the WSTF protein results in a compaction of the chromatin structure over a 200 basepair region at the rRNA promoter. WSTF knock down does not show an effect on the binding of the rRNA-specific enhancer and chromatin protein UBF, which contributes to the chromatin structure at active genes. Instead, WSTF knock down results in a reduced level of acetylated H3-Ac, in particular H3K9-Ac, at the promoter and along the gene. The association of the histone acetyl-transferases PCAF, p300 and GCN5 with the promoter is reduced in WSTF knock down cells, whereas the association of the histone acetyl-transferase MOF is retained. A low level of H3-Ac was also found in growing cells, but here histone acetyl-transferases were present at the rDNA promoter. We propose that the B-WICH complex remodels the chromatin structure at actively transcribed rRNA genes, and this allows for the association of specific histone acetyl-transferases

    Antagonising Chromatin Remodelling Activities in the Regulation of Mammalian Ribosomal Transcription

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    Ribosomal transcription constitutes the major energy consuming process in cells and is regulated in response to proliferation, differentiation and metabolic conditions by several signalling pathways. These act on the transcription machinery but also on chromatin factors and ncRNA. The many ribosomal gene repeats are organised in a number of different chromatin states; active, poised, pseudosilent and repressed gene repeats. Some of these chromatin states are unique to the 47rRNA gene repeat and do not occur at other locations in the genome, such as the active state organised with the HMG protein UBF whereas other chromatin state are nucleosomal, harbouring both active and inactive histone marks. The number of repeats in a certain state varies on developmental stage and cell type; embryonic cells have more rRNA gene repeats organised in an open chromatin state, which is replaced by heterochromatin during differentiation, establishing different states depending on cell type. The 47S rRNA gene transcription is regulated in different ways depending on stimulus and chromatin state of individual gene repeats. This review will discuss the present knowledge about factors involved, such as chromatin remodelling factors NuRD, NoRC, CSB, B-WICH, histone modifying enzymes and histone chaperones, in altering gene expression and switching chromatin states in proliferation, differentiation, metabolic changes and stress responses

    The growing pre-mRNA recruits actin and chromatin-modifying factors to transcriptionally active genes

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    In the dipteran Chironomus tentans, actin binds to hrp65, a nuclear protein associated with mRNP complexes. Disruption of the actin–hrp65 interaction in vivo by the competing peptide 65-2CTS reduces transcription drastically, which suggests that the actin–hrp65 interaction is required for transcription. We show that the inhibitory effect of the 65-2CTS peptide on transcription is counteracted by trichostatin A, a drug that inhibits histone deacetylation. We also show that actin and hrp65 are associated in vivo with p2D10, an evolutionarily conserved protein with histone acetyltransferase activity that acts on histone H3. p2D10 is recruited to class II genes in a transcription-dependent manner. We show, using the Balbiani ring genes of C. tentans as a model system, that p2D10 is cotranscriptionally associated with the growing pre-mRNA. We also show that experimental disruption of the actin–hrp65 interaction by the 65-2CTS peptide in vivo results in the release of p2D10 from the transcribed genes, reduced histone H3 acetylation, and a lower level of transcription activity. Furthermore, antibodies against p2D10 inhibit run-on elongation. Our results suggest that actin, hrp65, and p2D10 are parts of a positive feedback mechanism that contributes to maintaining the active transcription state of a gene by recruiting HATs at the RNA level

    Malaria‐derived hemozoin exerts early modulatory effects on the phenotype and maturation of human dendritic cells

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    Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum)-induced effects on the phenotype of human dendritic cells (DC) could contribute to poor induction of long-lasting protective immunity against malaria. DC ability to present antigens to naïve T cells, thus initiating adaptive immune responses depends on complex switches in chemokine receptors, production of soluble mediators and expression of molecules enabling antigen-presentation and maturation. To examine the cellular basis of these processes in the context of malaria, we performed detailed analysis of early events following exposure of human monocyte-derived DC to natural hemozoin (nHZ) and the synthetic analog of its heme core, β-hematin. DC exposed to either molecule produced high levels of the inflammatory chemokine MCP-1, showed continuous high expression of the inflammatory chemokine receptor CCR5, no upregulation of the lymphoid homing receptor CCR7 and no cytoskeletal actin redistribution with loss of podosomes. DC partially matured as indicated by increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and CD86 following nHZ and β-hematin exposure, however there was a lack in expression of the maturation marker CD83 following nHZ but not β-hematin exposure. Overall our data demonstrate that exposure to nHZ partially impairs the capacity of DC to mature, an effect in part differential to β-hematin