13 research outputs found

    Fine-mapping and comprehensive transcript analysis reveals nonsynonymous variants within a novel 1.17 Mb blood pressure QTL region on rat chromosome 10

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    AbstractThe presence of blood pressure (BP) quantitative trait loci (QTL) on rat chromosome 10 has been clearly demonstrated by linkage analysis and substitution mapping. Using congenic strains containing the LEW rat chromosomal segments on the Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rat background, further iterations of congenic substrains were constructed and characterized to fine-map a chromosome 10 region (QTL1) linked to blood pressure. Comparison of seven congenic substrains refined QTL1 to a 1.17 Mb segment flanked by D10Mco88 and D10Mco89, which are located at 71,513,116 and 72,684,774 bp, respectively. The newly defined QTL1, containing 18 genes, is captured in its entirety within a single congenic substrain. A thorough transcript analysis revealed that 3 of these 18 genes, Ccl5, Ddx52, and RGD1559577, had nonsynonymous allelic variations between the S rat and the LEW rat. None of the detected transcripts within the newly defined QTL1 are implicated directly in BP control in humans or model organisms. Therefore, the present work defines a novel blood pressure QTL with three potential quantitative trait nucleotides

    Positional identification of variants of Adamts16 linked to inherited hypertension

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    A previously reported blood pressure (BP) quantitative trait locus on rat Chromosome 1 was isolated in a short congenic segment spanning 804.6 kb. The 804.6 kb region contained only two genes, LOC306664 and LOC306665. LOC306664 is predicted to translate into A Disintegrin-like and Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin Motifs-16 (Adamts16). LOC306665 is a novel gene. All predicted exons of both LOC306664 and LOC306665 were sequenced. Non-synonymous variants were identified in only one of these genes, LOC306664. These variants were naturally existing polymorphisms among inbred, outbred and wild rats. The full-length rat transcript of Adamts16 was detected in multiple tissues. Similar to ADAMTS16 in humans, expression of Adamts16 was prominent in the kidney. Renal transcriptome analysis suggested that a network of genes related to BP was differential between congenic and S rats. These genes were also differentially expressed between kidney cell lines with or without knock-down of Adamts16. Adamts16 is conserved between rats and humans. It is a candidate gene within the homologous region on human Chromosome 5, which is linked to systolic and diastolic BP in the Quebec Family Study. Multiple variants, including an Ala to Pro variant in codon 90 (rs2086310) of human ADAMTS16, were associated with human resting systolic BP (SBP). Replication study in GenNet confirmed the association of two variants of ADAMTS16 with SBP, including rs2086310. Overall, our report represents a high resolution positional cloning and translational study for Adamts16 as a candidate gene controlling B

    Positional identification of variants of Adamts16 linked to inherited hypertension

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    A previously reported blood pressure (BP) quantitative trait locus on rat Chromosome 1 was isolated in a short congenic segment spanning 804.6 kb. The 804.6 kb region contained only two genes, LOC306664 and LOC306665. LOC306664 is predicted to translate into A Disintegrin-like and Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin Motifs-16 (Adamts16). LOC306665 is a novel gene. All predicted exons of both LOC306664 and LOC306665 were sequenced. Non-synonymous variants were identified in only one of these genes, LOC306664. These variants were naturally existing polymorphisms among inbred, outbred and wild rats. The full-length rat transcript of Adamts16 was detected in multiple tissues. Similar to ADAMTS16 in humans, expression of Adamts16 was prominent in the kidney. Renal transcriptome analysis suggested that a network of genes related to BP was differential between congenic and S rats. These genes were also differentially expressed between kidney cell lines with or without knock-down of Adamts16. Adamts16 is conserved between rats and humans. It is a candidate gene within the homologous region on human Chromosome 5, which is linked to systolic and diastolic BP in the Quebec Family Study. Multiple variants, including an Ala to Pro variant in codon 90 (rs2086310) of human ADAMTS16, were associated with human resting systolic BP (SBP). Replication study in GenNet confirmed the association of two variants of ADAMTS16 with SBP, including rs2086310. Overall, our report represents a high resolution positional cloning and translational study for Adamts16 as a candidate gene controlling BP

    Mitochondrial polymorphisms in rat genetic models of hypertension

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    Hypertension is a complex trait that has been studied extensively for genetic contributions of the nuclear genome. We examined mitochondrial genomes of the hypertensive strains: the Dahl Salt-Sensitive (S) rat, the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR), and the Albino Surgery (AS) rat, and the relatively normotensive strains: the Dahl Salt-Resistant (R) rat, the Milan Normotensive Strain (MNS), and the Lewis rat (LEW). These strains were used previously for linkage analysis for blood pressure (BP) in our laboratory. The results provide evidence to suggest that variations in the mitochondrial genome do not account for observed differences in blood pressure between the S and R rats. However, variants were detected among the mitochondrial genomes of the various hypertensive strains, S, SHR, and AS, and also among the normotensive strains R, MNS, and LEW. A total of 115, 114, 106, 106, and 16 variations in mtDNA were observed between the comparisons S versus LEW, S versus MNS, S versus SHR, S versus AS, and SHR versus AS, respectively. Among the 13 genes coding for proteins of the electron transport chain, 8 genes had nonsynonymous variations between S, LEW, MNS, SHR, and AS. The lack of any sequence variants between the mitochondrial genomes of S and R rats provides conclusive evidence that divergence in blood pressure between these two inbred strains is exclusively programmed through their nuclear genomes. The variations detected among the various hypertensive strains provides the basis to construct conplastic strains and further evaluate the effects of these variants on hypertension and associated phenotypes

    Closely linked non-additive blood pressure quantitative trait loci

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    There is enough evidence through linkage and substitution mapping to indicate that rat chromosome 1 harbors multiple blood pressure (BP) quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Of these, BP QTL1b was previously reported from our laboratory using congenic strains derived by introgressing normotensive alleles from the LEW rat onto the genetic background of the hypertensive Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rat. The region spanned by QTL1b is quite large (20.92 Mb), thus requiring further mapping with improved resolution so as to facilitate systematic identification of the underlying genetic determinant(s). Using congenic strains containing the LEW rat chromosomal segments on the Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rat background, further iterations of congenic substrains were constructed and characterized. Collective data obtained from this new iteration of congenic substrains provided evidence for further fragmentation of QTL1b with improved resolution. At least two separate genetic determinants of blood pressure underlie QTL1b. These are within 7.40 Mb and 7.31 Mb and are known as the QTL1b1 region and the QTL1b2 region, respectively. A genetic interaction was detected between the two BP QTLs. Interestingly, five of the previously reported differentially expressed genes located within the newly mapped QTL1b1 region remained differentially expressed. The congenic strain S.LEW(D1Mco36-D1Mco101), which harbors the QTL1b1 region alone but not the QTL1b2 region, serves as a genetic tool for further dissection of the QTL1b1 region and validation of Nr2f2 as a positional candidate gene. Overall, this study represents an intermediary yet obligatory progression towards the identification of genetic elements controlling BP. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Cross-talk of expression quantitative trait loci within 2 interacting blood pressure quantitative trait loci

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    Genetic dissection of the S rat genome has provided strong evidence for the presence of 2 interacting blood pressure quantitative trait loci (QTLs), termed QTL1 and QTL2, on rat chromosome 5. However, the identities of the underlying interacting genetic factors remain unknown. Further experiments targeted to identify the interacting genetic factors by the substitution mapping approach alone are difficult because of the interdependency of natural recombinations to occur at the 2 QTLs. We hypothesized that the interacting genetic factors underlying these 2 QTLs may interact at the level of gene transcription and thereby represent expression QTLs or eQTLs. To detect these interacting expression QTLs, a custom QTL chip containing the annotated genes within QTL1 and QTL2 was developed and used to conduct a transcriptional profiling study of S and 2 congenic strains that retain either 1 or both of the QTLs. The results uncovered an interaction between 2 transcription factor genes, Dmrta2 and Nfia. Furthermore, the biological signature elicited by these 2 transcription factors was differential between the congenic strain that retained Lewis alleles at both QTL1 and QTL2 compared with the congenic strain that retained Lewis alleles at QTL1 alone. A network of transcription factors potentially affecting blood pressure could be traced, lending support to our hypothesis. © 2007 American Heart Association, Inc