6,701 research outputs found

    Theatre Inauguration Ceremony and Symbolic Representation

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    The inauguration of the theatre building in Farkas street can be considered as a landmark of the Hungarian theatre history of Transylvania. The ceremony  from 1821 has become a canonical event of Hungarian acting. The study analyzes first how the National Hungarian Theatre was constituted in the frame of  the inauguration ceremony referring also to the symbolics of it as a visual and event-like frame of theatre historical remembrance. Then, will focus on two  anniversary celebrations (from 1871 and 1892), in order to analyze how various elements of the anniversary celebrations relate to each other in the context of  the institutionalization process

    Thermal measurement and modeling of multi-die packages

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    Thermal measurement and modeling of multi-die packages became a hot topic recently in different fields like RAM chip packaging or LEDs / LED assemblies, resulting in vertical (stacked) and lateral arrangement. In our present study we show results for a mixed arrangement: an opto-coupler device has been investigated with 4 chips in lateral as well as vertical arrangement. In this paper we give an overview of measurement and modeling techniques and results for stacked and MCM structures, describe our present measurement results together with our structure function based methodology of validating the detailed model of the package being studied. Also, we show how to derive junction-to-pin thermal resistances with a technique using structure functions.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Dan Farkas

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    Dan Farkas has taught on the Pleasantville campus of Pace University since 1977.https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/oralhistory/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Developments in Hungary in Staffing Practices - Results of Two Consecutive Cranet Surveys

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    Management of human resources, the same as other fields of management, has altered significantly in Hungary since the democratic transformation and in many respects it is still changing. This paper – while describing the specific Hungarian staffing practice and its alterations – makes a comparison of the characteristics of the Hungarian samples of two Cranet surveys. Based on these, we outline the ratio of similarity between the Hungarian and the global (or that of the 32 countries participating in the network) HR practice and the features of HR practices of (6 network member) countries from the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region.Human Resource Management, staffing, Hungary, Cranet

    Let us look at people without passing judgment: Book Review: Independent Theater Hungary, Michael Collins, Franciska Farkas, Dijana Pavlović, Richard R. O'Neill, Mihaela Drăgan, Roma Heroes: Five European Monodramas, Publisher: Women for the Future Association/ Independent Theater Hungary, May 29, 2020

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    The book Roma heroes is an exceptional collection of dramas and a special cultural history volume. The drama collection was compiled with great care and a lot of work. In the collection we can read five different dramas written by five European authors

    Detección de la Negación y la Especulación en Textos Médicos y de Opinión

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    PhD Thesis written by Noa P. Cruz Díaz at the University of Huelva under the supervision of Dr. Manuel J. Maña López. The author was examined on 10th July 2014 by a committee formed by the doctors Manuel de Buenaga (European University of Madrid), Mariana Lara Neves (University of Berlin) and Jacinto Mata (University of Huelva). The PhD Thesis was awarded Summa cum laude (International Doctorate).Tesis doctoral realizada por Noa P. Cruz Díaz en la Universidad de Huelva bajo la dirección del Dr. Manuel J. Maña López. El acto de defensa tuvo lugar el jueves 10 de julio de 2014 ante el tribunal formado por los doctores Manuel de Buenaga (Universidad Europea de Madrid), Mariana Lara Neves (Universidad de Berlín) y Jacinto Mata (Universidad de Huelva). Obtuvo mención internacional y la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude por unanimidad.This thesis has been funded by the University of Huelva (PP10-02 PhD Scholarship), the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (TIN2009-14057-C03-03 Project) and the Andalusian Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science (TIC 07629 Project)

    Waiting to Be Won Over: Teachers Speak on the Profession, Unions and Reform

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    In the national conversation on teacher quality, there is considerable debate about what teachers think and what they want. Too often assumptions guide the discussion rather than actual evidence of teachers' views. In a new report, Education Sector and the FDR Group provide that evidence, detailing findings from a national survey of public school teachers

    Fényhullámhosszon és rezgésidőn belüli skálákon szuperintenzív lézerterekben keltett legújabb nemlineáris ''attofizikai'' folyamatok elméleti és kísérleti vizsgálata. = Theoretical and experimental study of the newest nonlinear processes of ''attophysics'' generated by superintense laser fields within the light wavelength and oscillation period scale.

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    Számos fény-anyag kölcsönhatásra vonatkozó kísérleti vizsgálatot végeztünk el, femtoszekundumos, kevés ciklusú impulzusok által indukált fotoemisszió és felületi plazmonok által erősített elektrongyorsítás jelenségére vonatkozóan. Ezen kívül fejlesztéseket hajtottunk végre egy femtoszekundumos hosszú rezonátoros csörpölt impulzusú lézer oszcillátoron. Ez a fényforrás nagyon hasznos eszköz a fent említett kísérletekben. A elméleti kutatások során az attoszekundumos fizika, a nagy intenzitású fény-anyag kölcsönhatás és a kvantumoptika területén végezünk vizsgálatokat. A projekt során ezekből az elméleti és kísérleti témákból 19 referált nemzetközi folyóiratbeli publikáció jelent meg. | We investigated several light-matter interaction phenomena experimentally, including few-cycle pulse-induced photoemission and surface plasmon enhanced electron acceleration. We have carried out femtosecond laser development based on long-cavity, chirped-pulse laser oscillators. These sources provide very useful tools for the above mentioned experiments. In terms of theoretical studies, we investigated various field in attosecond physics, high-intensity light-matter interaction and quantum optics. These experimental and theoretical studies yielded 19 peer-reviewed journal publications during the duration of the project


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