1,630 research outputs found

    Investigation of drug distribution in tablets using surface enhanced Raman chemical imaging

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    This paper reports the first application of surface enhanced Raman chemical imaging on pharmaceutical tablets containing the active ingredient (API) in very low concentrations.Taking advantage of the extremely intensive Raman signals in the presence of silver colloids,image aquisition time was radically decreased. Moreover, the investigation of drug distribution below the detection limit of regular micro-Raman spectrometry was made feasible. The characteristics of different manufacturing technologies could be revealed at very low API concentrations by using chemometric methods for processing and evaluating the large number of varying spectra provided with this imaging method

    Ikonikus fordulat és a hieroglifák. Avagy: mi hasznuk lehet a humanióráknak?

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    A kép újból elfoglalhatja azt a centrális helyet a kultúrában, ahonnan a nyelv, illetve a szöveg kiszorította. Az utóbbi években több tanulmányában Nyíri Kristóf azt a kérdést feszegeti, hogy vajon lehetséges-e – s ha igen, miként – képekkel, vizuális szimbólumokkal kifejezni elvont gondolatokat, azaz képiséggel helyettesíteni a fogalmiságot

    Dynamics of Perceptual Organization in Complex Visual Search: The Identification of Self Organized Criticality with Respect to Visual Grouping Principles

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    The current project applies modern quantitative theories of visual perception to examine the effect of the Gestalt Law of proximity on visual cognition. Gestalt Laws are spontaneous dynamic processes (Brunswik & Kamiya, 1953; Wertheimer, 1938) that underlie the principles of perceptual organization. These principles serve as mental short-cuts, heuristic rule-of-thumb strategies that shorten decision-making time and allow continuous, efficient processing and flow of information (Hertwig & Todd, 2002). The proximity heuristic refers to the observation that objects near each other in the visual field tend to be grouped together by the perceptual system (Smith-Gratto & Fisher, 1999). Proximity can be directly quantified as the distance between adjacent objects (inter-object distances) in a visual array. Recent studies on eye movements have revealed the interactive nature of self organizing dynamic processes in visual cognition (Aks, Zelinsky, & Sprott, 2002; Stephen, & Mirman, 2010). Research by Aks and colleagues (2002) recorded eye-movements during a complex visual search task in which participants searched for a target among distracters. Their key finding was that visual search patterns are not randomly distributed, and that a simple form of temporal memory exists across the sequence of eye movements. The objective of the present research was to identify how the law of proximity impacts visual search behavior as reflected in eye movement patterns. We discovered that 1) eye movements are fractal; 2) more fractality will result in decreased reaction time during visual search, and 3) fractality facilitates the improvement of reaction times over blocks of trials. Results were interpreted in view of theories of cognitive resource allocation and perceptual efficiency. The current research could inspire potential innovations in computer vision, user interface design and visual cognition


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    Inspecting the IMS structural system tensioned together from precast reinforced concrete elements, considerable corrosion, in some cases rupture of the reinforcing tendons was found in the critical floor cross-sections. On the basis of the results of investigations carried out on a typical floor panel, assuming a corrosion predictable from disclosures, possibility of failure of the critical cross-section is 15 years after its construction by about two orders of magnitude higher than prescribed in the Hungarian Standard. Complete corrosion or rupture of the reinforcing tendons in either of the directions can lead to progressive collapse of the floor due to the rearrangement of stresses. Its prevention calls for structure strengthening. Insufficient load bearing capacity of the floor structures - especially in the case of multielement systems - can be most favourably guaranteed by supplementary post- tensioning. Efficiency of the strengthening by post-tensioning depends essentially on the distribution of the normal force originating from the stressing force applied -concentrically in the block floor ribs - that can be regarded as monolithic in respect of the supplementary stressing -, as well as on moments and reactions due to concentrated forces arising in consequence of the polygonal cable arrangement and acting perpendicularly to the floor plane. For design the strengthening effect of subsequent steps of the post-tensioning and of the location of force application, the role of columns in stiffening, influence of the possible lattice models as well as the role of the 3.5 cm floor plate in stiffening and effect of joint eccentricity joint of structural elements have been investigated

    Az integrált gyomszabályozás és a talajvédelem lehetőségei a környezetkímélő növénytermesztésben = Possibilities of the integrated weed management and soil conservation tillage in the environmentally sound crop production

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    A kutatás során megállapítottuk, hogy a talaj szerkezetének megóvására jelentős hatással van a talajművelés mikéntje. A direktvetés esetében a kedvező szerkezet kialakulására, csak évek elteltével számíthatunk, de a talajba juttatott szerves anyag hosszútávon javítja a szerkezetességet. Ugyanakkor a szántás szerkezetromboló hatása is cáfolható kísérleteink alapján. A kutatásainkban a lazítás alkalmazása hozta a legkedvezőbb hatást a jó talajszerkezet kialakulásában. A gyomosodási vizsgálatokból kiderül, hogy a gyomkorlátozó hatás tekintetében a szántás bizonyult a legjobbnak, de egyéves gyomok estében a tárcsázás és a lazítással kombinált tárcsás művelés is hatékony volt. A sekély kultivátoros művelés és a direktvetés alkalmazása esetén nagyobb gyomkonkurenciával kell számolni. Továbbá megerősítést nyert, hogy a sekély forgatás nélküli talajművelés elősegítheti az egyéves egyszikű gyomok, esetünkben a Bromus tectorum felszaporodását. A köztes védőnövény alkalmazása a gyomok elleni küzdelemben ugyancsak javasolható. Vizsgálataink szerint a köztes védőnövénnyel borított területeken fele akkora gyomborításra számíthatunk és a köztes védőnövény pozitív hatása a következő évben is érezhető. A szántás kedvező hatását a kórokozók megjelenésével szemben is tapasztaltuk. Továbbá megállapítottuk, hogy a műtrágyaadag csökkenésével a búza levélbetegségeinek gyakorisága növekedett. | In our investigation the beneficial impact of direct seeding regarding soil structure can be expected after some years only, but increasing organic matter content has long-term effect on the abovementioned process. On the contrary, our results disclaim the structure-deteriorating effect of ploughing, when it is done in right time and good quality (preparation at the time of ploughing in one pass). Our data show that loosening was proved to be the most beneficial method in establishing good soil structure. According to our weed-surveys, ploughing was found to be the best method against weeds, but against annual weeds disking and loosening combined with disking were efficient, either. Under shallow cultivation and direct seeding higher weed cover is expectable. Our results indicated that shallow cultivation without inversion can enhance propagation of annual monocotyledonous weeds, such as Bromus tectorum. The application of catch-crops can be advised due to its weed-control effect. The weed-cover has decreased by half under catch-crops and the beneficial effect was shown in the following year, too. The beneficial effect of ploughing was demonstrated against pathogens, either. On the basis of our results, by decreasing nutrient doses the rate of leaf diseases increased
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