149 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Healthy Lifestyle of University Students

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    Předmětem bakalářská práce je na základě analýzy vytvořit vlastní návrh doporučení vedoucí ke zdravému životnímu stylu vysokoškolských studentů. K tomuto výzkumu byl využit dotazník, který porovnává životní styl studentů oboru Management v tělesné kultuře se studenty ostatních bakalářských oborů na Fakultě podnikatelské. Studenti odpovídali na otázky týkající se jejich chování k vlastnímu zdraví.The object of bachelor´s thesis is based on the analysis to create a custom design recommendations leading to a healthy lifestyle of university students. This research was used a questionnaire that compares the lifestyle of students of field of study Management of Physical Culture with other undergraduate students from the Faculty of Business and management. Students answered questions about their behavior to their own health.

    Vývoj spotreby a cien vybraných druhov mäsa na slovenskom trhu v období dekády 2012 – 2021

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    The consumer price of food products is an important economic factor that significantly affects the level of food consumption. In this paper it is analysed the development of consumption and prices of selected types of meat in the Slovak Republic in the period 2012 - 2021, specifically pork, beef, and poultry. The basic hypothesis in examining the impact of price changes on consumption was the claim that an increase in the price of a particular meat will be reflected in a decrease in its consumption. Analysed data proved that Slovak consumers prefer pork and poultry to beef. The average Slovak household spends about 30% of total food expenditure on meat. In Slovak households the development of the share of expenditure on food, beverages and tobacco in total household expenditure showed an increasing trend. Slovak households spent 23.79% of their total expenditure on food in 2021, which was 27.02 percentage points (p.p.) more than in 2012. Poultry meat contributed the most to the increase in consumption, which since 2012 has recorded an average year-on-year increase in consumption of 106.02 p.p., beef with an average year-on-year increase in consumption of 105.1 p.p., and pork 102.69 p.p. The consumption of these three main types of meat increased by 37.52% from 2012 to 2021. Based on the development on the meat market in the current period, it can be assumed that inhabitants will prefer fine types of meat, while the price relationships of individual types continue to play an important role.Spotrebiteľská cena potravinárskych výrobkov je dôležitým ekonomickým faktorom, ktorý výrazne ovplyvňuje úroveň spotreby potravín. V príspevku je analyzovaný vývoj spotreby a cien vybraných druhov mäsa v Slovenskej republike v rokoch 2012 - 2021, konkrétne bravčového, hovädzieho a hydinového mäsa. Základnou hypotézou pri skúmaní vplyvu cenových zmien na spotrebu bolo tvrdenie, že zvýšenie ceny konkrétneho druhu mäsa sa prejaví v znížení jej spotreby. Analyzované údaje preukázali, že slovenskí spotrebitelia uprednostňujú bravčové a hydinové mäso pred hovädzím mäsom. Priemerná slovenská domácnosť minie na mäso približne 30 % celkových výdavkov na potraviny. V slovenských domácnostiach mal vývoj podielu výdavkov na potraviny, nápoje a tabak na celkových výdavkoch domácností rastúci trend. Slovenské domácnosti minuli v roku 2021 na potraviny 23,79 % z celkových výdavkov, čo je o 27,02 percentuálneho bodu (p. b.) viac ako v roku 2012. Najviac sa na náraste spotreby podieľalo hydinové mäso, ktoré od roku 2012 zaznamenáva medziročne priemerný nárast spotreby o 106,02 (p. b.), hovädzie mäso s priemerným medziročným nárastom spotreby o 105,10 p. b. a bravčové mäso o 102,69 p. b. Spotreba týchto troch hlavných druhov mäsa vzrástla od roku 2012 do roku 2021 o 37,52 %. Na základe vývoja na trhu s mäsom v aktuálnom období možno predpokladať, že obyvatelia budú preferovať jemné druhy mäsa, pričom cenové relácie medzi jednotlivými druhmi naďalej zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu

    A Study of Gait and Posture with the Use of Cyclograms

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    Present-day science makes extensive use of the simulation. Our work focuses on simulating human gait. Simulations of human gait can be used for prosthetics and therapy e.g. rehabilitation, optimizing the movements made by sportsmen, evaluating advances in rehabilitation, etc. Methods of AI can also be used for predicting gait movement and for identifying disorders.Our project is about measuring human gait, simulating the musculo-skeletal system in order to study study walking and predicting and quantifying gait with the use of neural networks. The research is being carried out in the biomechanics laboratory at FBE CTU, and is intended for use in clinical practice at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

    Constitutional aspects of the current reform of the selecting constitutional judges in the Slovak Republic and the comparative perspectives in Europe

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    This document concerns the issue of constitutional reform of the Slovak constitutional judiciary in 2021, which resulted in major changes of the composition, establishment, and powers of the Constitutional Court of the SR. While discussing the constitutional reform of the Constitutional Court, the author first of all points to the evolution of the selection of constitutional judges. This document summarizes new and precised criteria for the selection of constitutional judges and details how, according to constitutional requirements, competing candidates have to be assessed subsequently, provides an overview of the election procedure of the candidates for constitutional judges in parliament. The imminent part of this document is the comparative analysis of the issue of the constitutional judiciary, with special regard to the selection of constitutional judges in selected member states of the European Union, the synthesis of common features and subsequently the description of the proposal de constitutione ferenda. All of these used methods of scientific research led the author to formulate final conclusion whether the actual constitutional reform is able to fulfill its aim, which is to prevent the political power from interferenting with the independence and effective functioning of the constitutional judiciary

    D. Lewis – D. Pearce – Uvnitř neolitické mysli. Vědomí, vesmír a říše bohů (2008)

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    Development of resistance to antibiotics in bacteria Staphylococcus spp. Isolated from milk samples in the sheep breedings on east of Slovakia

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    During the last three years (2015 to 2017), the frequency of occurrence of bacteria Staphylococcus spp. were examined in total 3466 individual and 12 pool milk samples. Experiment was carried out in two herds of breed of sheep Improved Valaska in region of East Slovakia. Were isolated and taxonomically identified 15 species of the genus Staphylococcus spp. (n = 444). From the coagulase positive staphylococci (CPS), S. aureus was isolated during the reporting period, however, most often in the first year (45). The incidence of S. intermedius and S. hyicus has been irregular. From the coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) (n = 288), were isolated S. epidermidis present in 37.5% (108), S. scheiferi 25.69% (74) and S. chromogenes 23.61% (68), while other species occurred only rarely. The bacteria S. aureus (n = 117) showed the highest resistance to novobiocine 14.5%, to erythromycin 12.8%, lincomycin 7.69% and also 7.69% to penicillin. In the framework of the CNS sensitivity we tested 108 strains of S. epidermidis, from which it was 11.1% resistant to novobiocine and 8.3% to erythromycin. Statistical comparison of the incidence of resistance to penicillin and novobiocine in S. aureus and S. epidermidis was performed using Chi square test. There was statistically significant dependence of tracked characters was confirmed on significance level α = 0.05. Also, the incidence of intermediate sensitivity of bacteria in the Staphylococcus spp., indicates the unfavourable development of resistance to the most commonly used antibiotics to treat the inflammation of the udder in sheep. It is therefore recommended to regularly check the resistance to antibiotics and often isolated bacteria CNS

    The constitutional reform of the Judicial Council in the Slovak Republic from the European comparative context

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    This contribution responds to the so-called judicial amendment to the Constitution of the Slovak Republic of 9 December 2020, which was published in the Collection of Law No. 422/2020, which resulted, inter alia, in major changes of the position, composition, and powers of the Judicial Council of the SR; the author points to the evolution of the Slovak Judicial Council since 2001 as well as summarizes the circumstances that led to its establishment, also changes in its constitutional status, composition, presidency, and competencies. The contribution includes concrete details how, according to recent constitutional reform, the system of checks and balances in the composition of the Judicial Council of the Slovak republic was implemented, to eliminate the judicial corporatism and negative consequences of political influence on that matter. The essential part of this document is the comparative analysis of the selected aspects of the composition of judicial councils in the selected European states. Special attention is paid to the issue of the majority of the judges among other members and the influence of the political forces in the process of selecting the members of the judicial councils. All of these used methods of scientific research led the author to formulate and identify the system of checks and balances in the composition of the judicial councils to ensure the independence and effectiveness of the judicial council and even for the whole judiciary in a national and/or European environment

    Interakce savčích endogennich retrovirů a jejich hostitelů

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    Endogenní retroviry (ERV) vznikají retrovirovou infekcí zárodečné linie a následným přenosem do dalších generací podle pravidel Mendelovy dědičnosti. Až na pár výjimek jsou všechny druhy savčích ERV evolučně staré a fixované v populaci svých hostitelských druhů. O některých skupinách retrovirů se předpokládálo, že nejsou schopny vytvářet endogenní kopie. Objevili jsme další příklad endogenního Lentiviru a první endogenní Deltaretrovirus. Obě tyto skupiny byly dříve považovány za neschopny vytvářet endogenní kopie. Endogenní lentiviry byly objeveny pouze nedávno a stale se považují za velmi vzácné. Toto jsou stále jen minoritní důkazy z kterých nemůžeme získat celkový obraz o průběhu virové endogenizace. Popsali jsme nový endogenní Lentivirus v genomu letuchy malajské (Galeopterus variegatus) a nazvali ho ELVgv (endogenous Lentivirus of G. variegatus). Na základě několika analýz jsme dokázali, že se jedná o nejstarší dosud objevený Lentivirus, a potvrdili jsme jeho přítomnost v jediném jiném současném druhu Dermopter - Cynocephalus volans. Endogenní deltaretroviry byly poslední retrovirovou skupinou bez nalezeného endogenního člena. Našli jsme zbytky endogenního Deltaretroviru v genomu netopýra létavce natalského (Miniopterus natalensis). Tato retrovirová sekvence byla přítomna v genomu pouze v jedné kopii....Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) originate by germline infection and subsequent mendelian inheritance of their exogenous counterparts. With notable exceptions, all mammalian ERVs are evolutionarily old and fixed in the population of its host species. Some groups of retroviruses were believed not to be able to form endogenous copies. We discovered an additional endogenous Lentivirus and a first endogenous Deltaretrovirus. Both of these groups were previously considered unable to form endogenous copies. Endogenous lentiviruses were discovered only recently and are still quite rare. These are still just small pieces of evidence insufficient to give a broader picture about the history of virus endogenization. We described a novel endogenous Lentivirus in the genome of Malayan colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) denoted ELVgv (endogenous Lentivirus of G. variegatus). Based on several analyses we proved that this is the oldest Lentivirus discovered up to date and confirmed its presence in the only other extant species of Dermoptera - Cynocephalus volans. Endogenous deltaretroviruses were the last group without a single endogenous member. We detected the remnants of endogenous Deltaretrovirus in the genome of Natal Long-fingered bat (Miniopterus natalensis). However, this sequence was present in the genome only in one...Katedra genetiky a mikrobiologieDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Employees Education and Development in the Company of Česká Zbrojovka Uherský Brod.

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vzdělávání a rozvoje zaměstnanců v podniku Česká zbrojovka, a. s. Uherský Brod. Vzdělaní pracovníci tvoří klíč k úspěšnému chodu organizace. Hlavním cílem předkládané diplomové práce je na základě realizované analýzy stávajícího stavu vzdělávacího systému podniku, navrhnout žádoucí změny tohoto systému tak, aby podpořily další úspěšný rozvoj zaměstnanců a podniku jako celku. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř částí. První část je část teoretická a popisuje systém vzdělávání a rozvoje zaměstnanců. Druhá část je tvořena metodologií. Třetí část je analytická, v této části je provedena analýza současného vzdělávacího systému společnosti. Čtvrtá část obsahuje návrhy na zlepšení tohoto systému.This thesis deals with the education and development of employees in the company Česká zbrojovka a. s., Uherský Brod. Educated workers form the key to the successful running of the organization. The main aim of the thesis is based on implemented analysis of existing state of the education system of the company propose desirable changes to this system to support the further successful development of the employees and the company as a whole. The work is divided into four parts. The first part is theoretical and describes the system of staff training and development. The second part consists of methodologies. The third part of the analysis in this section is an analysis of the current educational system of the company. The fourth section contains suggestions for improving this system.

    Remnants of an ancient deltaretrovirus in the genomes of horseshoe aats (Rhinolophidae)

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    Endogenous retrovirus (ERV) sequences provide a rich source of information about the long-term interactions between retroviruses and their hosts. However, most ERVs are derived from a subset of retrovirus groups, while ERVs derived from certain other groups remain extremely rare. In particular, only a single ERV sequence has been identified that shows evidence of being related to an ancient , despite the large number of vertebrate genome sequences now available. In this report, we identify a second example of an ERV sequence putatively derived from a past deltaretroviral infection, in the genomes of several species of horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae). This sequence represents a fragment of viral genome derived from a single integration. The time of the integration was estimated to be 11-19 million years ago. This finding, together with the previously identified endogenous in long-fingered bats (Miniopteridae), suggest a close association of bats with ancient deltaretroviruses