1,629 research outputs found

    Separation of the rare earths by anion-exchange in the presence of lactic acid

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    Investigation of adsorption of rare earths and a few other elements to an anion-exchange resin from mixed solvents containing lactic acid shows that the lanthanides are absorbed more strongly than from the alpha-hydroxyisobutryric acid system, but with less separation between adjacent members of the series

    Nitric acid-organic mixtures surveyed for use in separation by anion exchange methods

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    Column elution-spectrographic analysis technique compares certain solvents directly to the methanol system, using inert rare earths instead of actinides. Distribution ratios for americium between 90 percent solvent, 10 percent 5 M nitric acid and Dowex 1 nitrate form resin for a large group of organics miscible in water was determined

    Multi-View Region Adaptive Multi-temporal DMM and RGB Action Recognition

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    Human action recognition remains an important yet challenging task. This work proposes a novel action recognition system. It uses a novel Multiple View Region Adaptive Multi-resolution in time Depth Motion Map (MV-RAMDMM) formulation combined with appearance information. Multiple stream 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are trained on the different views and time resolutions of the region adaptive Depth Motion Maps. Multiple views are synthesised to enhance the view invariance. The region adaptive weights, based on localised motion, accentuate and differentiate parts of actions possessing faster motion. Dedicated 3D CNN streams for multi-time resolution appearance information (RGB) are also included. These help to identify and differentiate between small object interactions. A pre-trained 3D-CNN is used here with fine-tuning for each stream along with multiple class Support Vector Machines (SVM)s. Average score fusion is used on the output. The developed approach is capable of recognising both human action and human-object interaction. Three public domain datasets including: MSR 3D Action,Northwestern UCLA multi-view actions and MSR 3D daily activity are used to evaluate the proposed solution. The experimental results demonstrate the robustness of this approach compared with state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 13 tables. Submitte

    Ensaio preliminar de sorgo granífero.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de testar 45 variedades de sorgo em Afrânio-PE, oriundos de uma seleção anterior realizada pelo Programa de Sorgo e Milheto-IPA-PE, em Serra Talhada. Foram incluidas 4 variedades já testadas na região, como controle, perfazendo um total de 49 repetições

    Pengaruh PH Tanah dan Variasi Cacat Gores Lapis Lindung terhadap Kebutuhan Arus Proteksi Sistem Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) pada Baja AISI 1045

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    Korosi merupakan kerusakan atau degradasi pada suatu logam akibat terjadinya reaksi oksidasi antara satu logam dengan banyak zat yang ada dilingkungan sekelilingnya dan membentuk senyawa yang tidak diinginkan terbentuknya. Korosi tidak dapat dicegah namun masih dapat dikendalikan kelajuannya. Salah satu proses pengendalian korosi pada suatu material dapat menggunakan pelapisan/coating dan perlindungan katoda dengan memberikan arus paksa. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan kali ini akan mempelajari mengenai pengaruh dari variasi luas goresan lapis lindung dan pH tanah terhadap kebutuhan arus proteksi pada sistem proteksi katodik arus paksa (ICCP). Luas goresan yang diberikan berbentuk persegi panjang dan lingkaran dengan luasan masing-masing sebesar 10 mm2, 50 mm2, 100 mm2, 150 mm2, 250 mm2, dan 500 mm2. Sedangkan perbedaan pH pada tanah yang digunakan ialah pH 3, pH 7, dan pH 11. Spesimen tanpa goresan dan tanpa lapis lindung digunakan sebagai pembanding. Pada instalasi sistem ICCP, baja AISI 1045 digunakan sebagai katoda dan grafit sebagai anodanya. Sistem menggunakan rectifier yang berguna sebagai penyearah arus. Arus proteksi pada ICCP diatur sedemikian rupa hingga nilai beda potensial dapat mencapai -850 mV terhadap elektroda referensi Cu/CuSO4. Pengukuran arus proteksi pada sistem ICCP dilakukan selama 7 hari dengan pengambilan data setiap harinya. Setelah didapatkan pengukuran dari nilai arus proteksi, didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai arus proteksi terbesar pada luas goresan berbentuk persegi panjang 500 mm2 dengan kondisi tanah yang asam (pH 3) yaitu sebesar 1,696 mA. Sedangkan nilai arus proteksi terkecil pada luas goresan berbentuk lingkaran 10 mm2 dengan kondisi tanah yang basa (pH 11) yaitu sebesar 0,014 mA. Pengaruh dari dua variabel tersebut dihitung menggunakan analisa statistik regresi berganda sehingga mendapatkan persamaan Y = 0,127 + 0,0024 X1 + 0,00031 X2. Dimana nilai X1 sebagai kondisi pH tanah, X2 sebagai luas cacat goresan, dan Y sebagai arus proteksiny

    Communicating the overall experience of research through various approaches using art: a case study of the Prothonotary Warbler

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    Recommended Citation In general, scientific research has publication of data as the end goal. The process and experience, which are of great importance in art disciplines, is not necessarily represented or valued. However, science has an inherent element of art to it, which deserves to be shown. I have been studying Prothonotary Warblers with a team from the VCU Biology Department to learn how I can reinterpret the research in a way that bridges the gap between the experience and typical scientific products. The research team measured spatial and temporal variation in warbler prey abundance (caterpillars and mayflies) and assessed how this affects warbler breeding success. They also measured the abundance of an algal toxin microcystin in the prey items and the birds themselves

    Studi Perencanaan Bangunan Utama Embung Guworejo Di Kabupaten Kediri

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    Embung Guworejo direncanakan dibangun di desa Guworejo, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur. Kabupaten Kediri adalah salah satu daerah di Privinsi Jawa Timur dengan perkembangan yang cepat baik dari pertambahan jumlah penduduk maupun dalam pertumbuhan pertanian dan ekonomi. Namun perkembangan tersebut masih menemui hambatan-hambatan yang dapat mengganggu jalannya proses tersebut, yaitu adanya permasalahan kekurangan air pada saat musim kemarau untuk kebutuhan irigasi dan permasalahan banjir pada musim penghujan. Salah satu upaya dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan membangun embung (bendungan) yang dapat memberikan solusi pemanfaatan air permukaan dari daerah hulu yang dapat berfungsi sebagai tampungan air pada saat musim penghujan. Dalam kajian ini dilakukan analisis perencanaan tubuh utama embung, stabilitas rembesan, stabilitas lereng dan simulasi embung tersebut. Analisis perencanaan tubuh utama embung dilakukan guna mengetahui dimensi embung yang akan direncanakan tersebut. Perhitungan stabilitas rembesan dilakukan guna mengidentifikasi faktor kehilangan air melalui tubuh embung, sedangkan stabilitas lereng dilakukan guna mengidentifikasi faktor keamanan tubuh embung dari bidang longsor yang potensial pada bagian hulu dan hilir. Dan simulasi embung adalah untuk mengetahui apakah embung tersebut layak dibangun atau tidak. Berdasarkan hasil desain tubuh embung sesuai dengan data penunjang yang didapat, maka didapatkan bahwa tubuh embung Guworejo aman terhadap bahaya yang mungkin ditimbulkan pada bendungan dan sesuai dengan hasil simulasi embung tersebut, embung Guworejo layak dibangun karena dapat menyalurkan ketersediaan air untuk kebutuhan irigasi. Kata Kunci : Bendungan Urugan, Simulasi Waduk, Stabilitas Rembesan, Stabilitas Tubuh Bendungan

    The Current State of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Workforce and Innovations to Improve Pediatric Care

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    Many hospitals and emergency departments lack resources to optimally care for ill and injured children, perpetuating risks of receiving fragmented and “uneven” care. In this article, we describe the present state of our pediatric emergency medicine workforce as well as the impact that different innovations could have on the future of pediatric emergency care. Many innovative initiatives, including physician and advanced practice provider education and training, pediatric readiness recognition programs, telemedicine and in-situ simulation outreach, and community paramedicine are being utilized to help bridge access gaps and augment the reach of the pediatric emergency medicine workforce. Advocacy for reimbursement for novel care delivery models, such as community paramedicine and telemedicine, and funding for outreach education programming is essential. Also, better understanding of our current training models for and utilization of advanced practice practitioners in pediatric emergency medicine is crucial to understanding the diversity of workforce growth and opportunity

    Acute small bowel obstruction secondary to intestinal endometriosis, an elusive condition: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Endometriosis is a benign condition affecting females of reproductive age. Although intestinal endometriosis is common it is rare for the condition to manifest as an acute bowel obstruction secondary to ileocaecal and appendicular endometriosis. This case is important to report as it highlights the diagnostic difficulty this particular condition presents to an emergency surgeon.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 33 year old female of Asian origin who presented with symptoms and signs of an acute small bowel obstruction. A right hemicolectomy for suspected malignancy was performed with an ileocolic anastomosis. Histological examination demonstrated extensive endometriosis of the appendix and ileocaecal junction.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Enteric endometriosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis when assessing females of reproductive age with acute small bowel obstruction. A high index of suspicion is required to arrive at a diagnosis of this elusive condition.</p