269 research outputs found

    Bisnis Internasional, Prinsip-Prinsip UNIDROIT, dan Relevansinya dengan Pluralisme Hukum

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    Globalisasi membawa dampak besar pada perkembangan hukum, salah satunya adalah kompleksitas pluralisme hukum yang meningkat. Dalam dunia bisnis, pluralisme hukum menjadi isu tersendiri karena tren bisnis era globalisasi adalah bisnis internasional yang pasti melibatkan lebih dari satu sistem hukum. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai relevansi bisnis internasional dengan pluralisme hukum, serta peran hukum kontrak sebagai penyokong berjalannya transaksi bisnis. Dibahas pula mengenai bagaimana UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (“UPICC”) merespon kebutuhan bisnis internasional dalam nuansa pluralisme hukum. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan sosio-legal, dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa UPICC merupakan produk dari pluralisme hukum, dan dalam waktu bersamaan menciptakan pula pluralisme hukum dengan kapabilitasnya untuk menembus hukum kontrak domestik suatu negara


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    Abstrak Aktivitas fisik adalah segala gerakan tubuh yang mengakibatkan pengeluaran tenaga dan energi. Terlihat pada gaya hidup siswa sekarang berbeda dengan gaya hidup siswa pada jaman dahulunya, terutama pada ketidakaktifan bergerak atau cenderung pasif ,dengan berkurangnya aktivitas fisik seseorang jelaslah mempengaruhi kebugaran dan kesehatannya. Teknologi informasi adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi aktifitas fisik siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang seberapa besar pengaruh teknologi informasi terhadap aktifitas fisik siswa,serta seberapa banyak penggunaan teknologi informasi dan aktivitas fisik siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Padangan.Total subyek penelitian sebanyak 230 siswa sebagai populasi dan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 64 siswa. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, sedangkan pengambilan data dilakukan pemberian 2 angket yaitu angket teknologi informasi dan aktifitas fisik harian siswa. Pengolahan data menggunakan bantuan komputerisasi dengan software SPSS for windows release 22.0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara teknologi informasi dengan aktifitas fisik siswa. Rata-rata teknologi informasi adalah 16,30 dengan nilai minimum 9 dan maksimumnya 27 dan standar deviasi sebesar 4,361. Rata-rata aktifitas fisik adalah 5936,03 dengan nilai minimum 1223 dan maksimumnya 21309 dan standar deviasinya 3585,64. Hasil analisis teknologi informasi -,639 dengan probabilitas 0.000 < 0.05, yang berarti antara teknologi informasi dan aktifitas fisik dapat dinyatakan signifikan. Besar kontribusi teknologi informasi adalah 34,7%. Kata kunci: Pengaruh, Teknologi Informasi, Aktivitas Fisik. Abstract Physical activities are all body movements that bring power and energy expenditures. It can be seen from students’ life style now a days is different from their predecessors’ life style, especially they tend to be inactive or passive, with the decreasing in physical activities of someone, it is clear that it influences their fitness and health. Information technology is one of factors that influencing students physical activities in their daily life. Purpose of this research is to gain information about how much is the influence of information technology toward students physical activity, and to know how much is the using of information technology and physical activity of seven class students of SMP Negeri 1 Padangan. Total subjects for this research were 230 students, it stand as population and 64 students as the samples. Method used for this research was  quantitative research method with descriptive approach, whereas for taking the data, two questionnaires were given, technology information questionnaire and student daily physical activity questionnaire. SPSS software for Windows release 22.0 was used for tabulating the data. Based on the research, it showed that there was influence of information technology toward students physical activities. Average of information technology was 16.30 with minimum value was 9, maximum value was 27 and deviation standard was 4.361. Average of physical activities was 5936.03 with minimum value was 1223, maximum value was 21309, and its deviation standard was 3585.64 Analysis result of information technology -.639 with probability 0.000<0.05, it means relation between information technology and physical activity can be stated as significant. Contribution amount of information technology was 34.7% Keywords: Influnce, Information Technology, Physical Activit

    Carbon Dioxide Separation from Methane Using Covalent Organic Polymer Adsorbent

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    In 21st century, many industrial area in the world trying to produce the technology which is low cost, easier to handle and user friendly. Basically this Final Year Project’s objectives are to synthesis and characterize Covalent Organic Polymer as adsorbent for removal of carbon dioxide from methane. Besides that, the new synthesis Covalent Organic Polymer will be investigate its capturing ability in ambient condition. Previous research on the adsorbent for the capturing carbon dioxide had been widely executed. But there are different problem with different materials used. Metal based adsorbent had the problem with its weight thus polymer based is chosen to overcome weight problem. Besides that, use of amine solvent as the material had the flaws on its recyclability of the solvent. Thus, Covalent Organic Polymer has a great potential to overcome this problem. The scope of study of this project will covered the synthesis of new Covalent Organic Polymer, Characterization of new develop polymer and test the ability of material to capture carbon dioxide. For the characterization of this new polymer will use FTIR, SEM, TGA and BET


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    RIDWAN FARIDUDDIN : Pengaruh Pembiayaan Murabahah Terhadap Produktivitas Usaha Kecil Di Desa Rajagalauh Kec. Rajagaluh Kab. Majalengka ( Studi Kasus Nasabah BMT Al-Ishlah Kantor Kas Rajagaluh Kec. Rajagaluh Kab. Majalengka) Pembiayaan murabahah adalah pembiayaan dengan akad jual beli barang pada harga asal dengan tambahan keuntungan yang disepakati. Penambahah keuntungan yang diambil BMT harus diketahui pembeli atau calon nasabah dan atas kesepakatan dua belah pihak. Adapun jenis pembiayaan yaitu berupa barang produktif sebagai penambahan modal usaha dan barang yang bersifat konsumtif dan cara pembayarannya yaitu dengan cara angsuran atau dengan batas waktu yang telah ditentukan oleh kedua belah pihak. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana konsep dan praktek pembiayaan murabahah di BMT Al-Ishlah Kantor Kas Rajagaluh, bagaimana keadaan perekonomian masyarakat Desa Rajagaluh Kec. Rajagaluh Kab Majalengka dan seberapa besar pewngaruh pembiayaan murabahah terhadap produktivitas usaha kecil di Desa Rajagaluh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep dan praktek pembiayaan murabahah di BMT Al-Ishlah Rajagaluh, untuk mengetahui keadaan perekonomian masyarakat Desa Rajagaluh dan untuk mengetahui seberapa basar pengaruh pembiayaan murabahah terhadap produktivitas usaha kecil di Desa Rajagaluh. Langkah penelitian ini dilakukan dengan data kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara studi pustaka dan angket yang dibagikan kepada responden atau nasabah BMT Al-Ishlah untuk dijadikan sampel. Untuk mengukur seberapa besar pengaruh pembiayaan murabahah terhadap produktivitas usaha kecil di Desa Rajagaluh, digunakan koefesien korelasi Spearman Rank dan Koefesien Determinasi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, pengaruh pembiayaan murabahah terhadap responden atau nasabah dinyatakan sangat baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil pengolahan data 94,5% pendapat nasabah yang menyatakan sangat setuju dan setuju, dan 92% pendapat responden menyatakan sangat setuju dan setuju. Bahwa produktivitas usaha kecil di Desa Rajagaluh sedikit meningkat. Dan melalui uji statistik diperoleh koefesien korelasi r = 0,616 setelah dikonfirmasi dengan rho tabel dengan N = 20 dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%, rho tabel 0,423. hal ini menunjukan bahwa rho hitung lebih besar dari rho tabel (0,616>0,423), dan dapat dikategorikan koefesien kuat. Uji koefesien Determinasi diperoleh nilai sebesar 24,1% yang termasuk dalam kategori sebagian kecil. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pengaruh pembiayaan murabahah terhadap produktivitas usaha kecil di Desa Rajagaluh mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat kecil

    Sonja Brentjes. Teaching and Learning the Sciences in Islamicate Societies (800-1700)

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    Modern öncesi İslam dünyasında neşvünema bulmuş öğrenme ve eğitimin kültürünü ve sosyal pratiklerini gün yüzüne çıkarmak modern araştırmaların en zor ve tartışmalı alanlarından biridir. Mevcut birincil kaynakların yetersizliğinden hareketle sosyal pratikleri ve kurumsal yapıları nasıl tahmin edebiliriz? Sosyal olgulara yönelik dolaylı tanıklıkların biyo-bibliyografik kaynaklar ve bilimler ansiklopedileri gibi eserlerdeki bolluğu dikkate alındığında, bu kaynakların ayırt edici özelliği olan, alimlerin hayatları ile öğrenim müfredatlarının idealleştirilmiş ve edebî tondaki anlatılarıyla nasıl baş edeceğiz? Bu soru tarihçilerin önündeki netameli konumunu korumaya devam ediyor. Teaching and Learning the Sciences in Islamicate Societies (İslam Toplumlarında Bilimleri Öğrenmek ve Öğretmek), İslam öğrenim ve eğitimin sosyal pratikleri ve kurumsal bağlamları tarihi sahasında Sonja Brentjes’in kariyeri boyunca ortaya koyduğu birikimin bir hülasasını sunmaktadır. Bu alandaki araştırmaların yönünü tanımlama ve yeniden belirleme bakımından Brentjes’in çalışmalarının önemli katkıları olmuştur

    Clinical and Biochemical Evaluation of Subacute (De Ouervain's) Thyroiditis

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    Background: Subacute thyroiditis is an important cause of thyrotoxicosis, often misdiagnosed as Graves’ disease and given anti-thyroid drugs. Etiological diagnosis can yield proper guideline of management and a good result. Objectives: To see the clinical, biochemical and isotope profile of subacute thyroiditis. Methods: A total of 45 cases [36 females, 9 males; age (mean ± SD): 33± 4.7 yr] were recruited from Endocrine outpatient department of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) to see thyroid hormones and isotope scan. Results: Most of the patients had a history of sore throat (84.4%). All had painful thyroid gland with or without dysphagia, palpitation (93%), fever (91%), sweating and heat intolerance (80%) and IBS like symptoms was 46%. Among 36 females, 16 patients (44.4%) presented with oligomenorrhea/amenorrhea. Clinically palpable thyromegaly was present in 33 cases (73%), which was diffuse in 24 patients (73%), resting tachycardia in 35(78%) while anaemia in 23(51%). A few cases (13/45) had raised blood pressure. Elevation of thyroid hormone was found in 44(97.7%), but in most cases it was mild; little reduction of TSH (0.1-0.3mIU) was present in 43 (95%). Characteristically, low radio-iodine uptake (< 5%) in 2 hours and 24 hours was found in 100% and thyroid scan revealed uniform uptake in all cases. ESR was raised in 100% cases and leucocytosis was present in 9(20%). Conclusion: It is concluded that subacute thyroiditis can be diagnosed on careful clinical examination. As it is a self limiting disease and does not usually need any anti-thyroid medication, subacute thyroiditis should be excluded in thyrotoxic patients before initiating anti-thyroid drugs. Key words: Subacute thyroiditis; clinical and biochemical profile DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v3i2.7057BSMMU J 2010; 3(2): 82-8

    Effectiveness of debriefing towards healthcare professionals’ nontechnical skills: a critical review

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    The importance of nontechnical skills among healthcare professionals is gaining widespread recognition as critical elements complementing technical skills that are used to improve patients’ safety. These skills are typically acquired through simulation training which has emerged as an effective way to complement clinical training. Effective simulation requires structure and effective debriefing methods to enhance its learning outcome. In previous literature, evidence of the effectiveness of healthcare simulation was available but studies evaluating debriefing method(s) remain sparse. In this paper, the effectiveness of debriefing methods in eight studies on the acquisition of nontechnical skills among healthcare professionals is reviewed. Articles published from 1st January 2016 across three different databases were referred to. The results of the review show a statistically significant improvement in the performance of nontechnical and technical skills across different professionals through various methods of debriefing. Nontechnical skills such as teamwork, effective communication, decision-making, and situational awareness have improved significantly. In addition, integration of realism in simulation learning has begun to emerge as an effective technique of providing a real world experience. However, there was lack of detailed information on the length and type of debriefing conducted in the studies. These methods clearly require further research since the key to successful simulation learning is through debriefing which is the heart of simulation