897 research outputs found

    Keterlibatan Perempuan dalam Bermasyarakat: Studi pada Masyarakat Pantai Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

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    This research aims to; (a) identify women\u27s involvement in the development of nagari (local state), (b) identify community efforts in empowering women to participate in the nagari development, (c) identify the women empowerment programs conducted by related agencies and institutions, (4) indentify the pattern of women empowerment in order to participate in the nagari development, and (5) identify community values that underlie women\u27s participation in the nagari development. This research is descriptive qualitative. It is conducted in coastal areas of Padang Pariaman regency, represented by each nagari in each of these districts: Ulakan Tapakis, Sungai Limau, Batang Gasan, and Lubuk Alung. Data is collected using questionnaires, interviews, direct observation, and library research. Data is analyzed qualitatively. The result shows that; 1) only a small number of women involves in the nagari development, due to the low level of education, 2) most community\u27s efforts in empowering women to participate in the nagari development depend only on the information or initiatives by the government whose meetings are part of government programs, 3) women empowerment program is held by the local agencies and institution, 4) women empowerment encouraged by the respondents are held in the coastal areas with coastal tourism, where women are active in coastal-based entrepreneurship, 5) women participation in every aspects of political, social, and cultural development are based on the value adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi kitabullah (traditional value based on the interpretation of the Koran)

    Hubungan Kinerja Kader terhadap Kepuasan Lansia dalam Mengoptimalkan PosyanduU Lansia di Wilayah Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh di Desa Pudak

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    Keberhasilan pelaksanaan pembangunan dalam bidang kesehatan sangat tergantung pada peran aktif masyarakat karena masyarakat akan terlibat secara langsung dan lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap upayapenyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan berbasis masyarakat. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunankesehatan yang mempunyai peran besar salah satunya adalah peran Kader Pos Pelayanan Terpadu(Posyandu). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan studi cross sectional yaitu rancangan penelitian yangpengukurannya atau pengamatannya dilakukan secara simultan untuk mengetahui hubungan antaravariable independen ( kinerja kader) dan variable dependen (kepuasan lansia) Hasil Penelitianmenunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kemampuan kinerja kader dengan kepuasan lansiadengan p-value (0,001) Penelitian ini merekomendasikan bagi profesi peningkatan program Puskesmas dandiharapkan Petugas Lansia dan Puskesmas Muara Kumpe agar lebih meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhanbaik di posyandu lansia maupun di poli Lansia untuk memotivasi masyarakat khususnya keluarga yangtinggal dengan lansia agar dapat memberikan dukungan keluarga yang baik terhadap lansia

    Persepsi Kyai Pondok Pesantren Terhadap Zakat Profesi

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    Profession zakat is taken in every job or certain professional skills, whether committed alone or which is conducted with other agencies or goverments. In this research, researchers used a qualitative approach, and this research are descriptive. Data collection techniques, using the method of interview, observation, and documentation. Based on data obtained from informants in boarding school Nurul Quran and Nurul Jadid. Differences of opinion among the informants because: First, there is no regulation that specifically about the profession zakat. Second, the absence of arguments, texts and opinions of classical ulama specifically profession zakat. Third, the difficulty of the informants to make qiyas of profession zakat. This difference only occurs in the term only. BUT, the substance IS the same, that is the informants agree with the profession zakat.Zakat profesi merupakan zakat yang diambil pada setiap pekerjaan atau keahlian profesional tertentu, baik yang dilakukan sendirian maupun yang dilakukan bersama instansi lain atau pemerintah. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan sifatnya deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data, menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan data yang diperolehdari para informan di pondok pesantren Nurul Jadid dan Nurul Qur'an. Terjadinya perbedaan pendapat diantara para informan disebabkan oleh: Pertama, belum adanya undang-undang yang secara rinci membahas tentang zakat profesi. Kedua, tidak adanya dalil, nash dan pendapat ulama klasik yangmembahas secara khusus zakat profesi. Ketiga, Kesulitan para informan dalam men-qiyas-kan zakat profesi. Perbedaan ini hanya terjadi pada istilahnya saja. Sedangkan subtansinya sama, yaitu para informan setuju dengan adanya zakat profesi

    Formulation of Liquorice Root Extract (Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.) as Skin Whitening Cream

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    Liquorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) contains glabridin, an isoflavane as inhibitors of tyrosinase. This enzyme is responsible in melanin synthesis. The aim of this research was to determine the tyrosinase inhibition activity of liquorice root extract and to formulate into a cream with a variety of emulsifier agent glyceryl monostearate. Liquorice root was macerated using ethanol 96%, invitro tyrosinase inhibition assay was conducted using kojic acid as positive control in 96-well plate. The physical quality parameters of the cream were also evaluated. The results showed that liquorice root extract inhibits tyrosinase with the IC50 126.75 µg/mL. Creams containing 1.01% liquorice root extract were yellowish white, aromatics odour, soft texture, homogen and no segregation in O/W emulsion type. It also showed plastic thixotropic rheological property, viscosity of (2800±0.00) – (4000±0.00) Ps, spreadability of (3029.72±0.81) – (3531.79±6.15)mm2, droplet size of (60.00±0.00) – (65.12±0.01)μm, pH of (4.55±0.03)–(4.63±0.04) and inhibited tyrosinase 10.14 - 19.30%. It can be concluded that the formula with 0.1% of glyceryl monostearate was the best formula that conforms physical quality test and potentially to be developed as a skin whitening cream

    Peningkatan Perilaku Sopan Santun pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak PGRI Ketapang

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    The purpose of this research is to improve the behavior of manners through methods a role play in children aged 5-6 years with descriptive methods. In general it can be concluded that: 1) Planning of learning that teachers, among others: making RKH according to the theme and sub-themes, choose the main ingredient, determine learning outcomes. 2) Implementation of the learning that teachers, among others: a) Implement environmental footing, b) Implement a foothold before the play, c) Perform footing while playing, d) Implement a foothold after the play. 3) Improved behavior manners through methods a role play include: children are accustomed to say thank you, children get used to patiently wait their turn, the child to get used to ask for permission

    Coffee Bean Grade Determination Based on Image Parameter

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    Quality standard for coffee as an agriculture commodity in Indonesia uses defect system which is regulated in Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) for coffee bean, No: 01-2907-1999. In the Defect System standard, coffee bean is classified into six grades, from grade I to grade VI depending on the number of defect found in the coffee bean. Accuracy of this method heavily depends on the experience and the expertise of the human operators. The objective of the research is to develop a system to determine the coffee bean grading based on SNI No: 01-2907-1999. A visual sensor, a webcam connected to a computer, was used for image acquisition of coffee bean image samples, which were placed under uniform illumination of 414.5+2.9 lux. The computer performs feature extraction from parameters of coffee bean image samples in the term of texture (energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity) and color (R mean, G mean, and B mean) and determines the grade of coffee bean based on the image parameters by implementing neural network algorithm. The accuracy of system testing for the coffee beans of grade I, II, III, IVA, IVB, V, and VI have the value of 100, 80, 60, 40, 100, 40, and 100%, respectively

    Psikologi Layanan terhadap Pemustaka dan Kualitas Layanan Prima

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    This article discusses about service psychology of users and quality of service excellence. Service or user psychology is a science that studies human behavior in the process of interaction work in service centers, that is between customers/ users and officers/ employees
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