323 research outputs found

    The customers' perception toward Secret Recipe's reputation by using the Reptrak™ model

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    Reputation is a key feature of a successful business. To be among the most precious intangible assets to a small business, the excellent reputation is taken into account. However, in order to assess the company reputation, the variety of dimensions of corporate reputation can be perceived in different ways by different customers. This study perceives that these differences are significant to find out customers’ perception toward the Secret Recipe’s reputation specifically by using seven key dimensions of the Reptrak™ model. Thus, a survey research was applied in this study. The survey was carried out in three different outlets of Secret Recipe. The questionnaire was comprised of 23 attributes which are divided in 7 key dimensions of the Reptrak™ model while four questions have been asked in order to measure good feeling, trust, esteem, and admiration that customers feel toward a company. This study concluded that by analyzing corporate reputation dimensions, the company would have a better understanding and decide on which reputation dimensions to focus besides ensuring that they still have a place in the customer’s heart as well as enhancing their reputation

    Problems Associated with Liquidity Management of Commercial Banks of Bangladesh

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    Liquidity Management is the key to the success or failure of commercial banks irrespective of nature, sizes, and kinds. Although, liquidity is not directly link the generation of profits, but it enables commercial banks to use the funds for generating profits by maintaining economic size of liquidity. Liquidity management, being an integral part of commercial banks, faces numerous problems of different categories. So, a commercial bank has to identify the problems associated with liquidity planning and controlling in order to ensure more effective liquidity management. In view of this, the current study has been undertaken to identify some important problems associated with liquidity management of samples of fifty executive level managers of some private commercial banks in Bangladesh formed by employing sophisticated Varimax Rotated factor Analysis. The study has found that Regulatory and Policy Related Problems, Debt Instrument Problems and Foreign Exchange Market Related Problems are the main warnings that hinder the liquidity position of commercial banks. Keywords: Liquidity, Government Policy and Regulation, Debt Instrument and Foreign Exchange Market DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-4-1

    Practices of (neoliberal) governmentality: racial and gendered gaze in Jhumpa Lahiri’s fiction

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    Michel Foucault’s notion of neoliberal governmentality is important in the context of the portrayal of the private sphere of the family by diasporic writers. Family, which is generally defined in terms of its functionality, when considering the difficulties of integration into the non-natal culture from the perspective of the uprooted migrants, is often referred to, erroneously, as the locus of privacy, individuality and autonomy. Among the works of the contemporary writers of Indian diaspora experience in America, Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies (1999) has addressed issues of displacement, assimilation and acculturation modifying Indian diaspora individuals and families. This essay analyses two of her short stories “Mrs. Sen’s” and “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” to examine the strategies employed to monitor, regulate and (re)form racial and gendered identities within the seemingly private domain of the Indian diaspora families in the process of establishing a socially acceptable congruence of images for the members of the migrant family. Using the personal sphere of the family as an example of constraint that perpetually fixes subjects to their disciplinary apparatuses, Lahiri portrays the capillary functioning of it through various acts of looking. This essay seeks to explore some of the complex dynamics of the gaze in Lahiri’s stories with a particular focus on the coercive character of power and the unequal gendering of the (examining) gaze

    Circulation of the discourse of American nationalism through allegiance to consumer citizenship in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake

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    This essay examines South Asian American writer Jhumpa Lahiri’s literary engagement with the re-Orientalization and sexualization of a collective subject described as Indian diaspora within the context of contemporary consumer culture. The essay explores the relationship between Lahiri’s best-selling novel, The Namesake (2003) and its contemporary society by taking the point of view that diasporic literary writing is an example of a Foucauldian social apparatus—a new form of governmentality—that was used for the production of American nationalism after the events of 9/11. Here, we expose the material and ideological specificities that formulate a particular group of women as powerless consumers in the context of the post-cold war period. More precisely, we focus on the ideological elements of the routine consuming experiences of these women to unpack the manner in which the macropolitics of economic and political structures influence the micropolitics of the everyday experiences of Indian immigrants in the capitalist society. In Lahiri’s fiction, the Indian woman’s body—in its both first- and second- generation types—is figured as a deliberate site of economic and erotic excess that fundamentally complies with the contemporary heteronormative ideology of patriarchal capitalism, wherein the woman is essentially treated as the archetypal consumer. In effect, as the essay further argues, Lahiri’s fiction dances to the tune of Western marketing demands of production and consumption

    Patriarchal Regime of the Spectacle: Racial and Gendered Gaze in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Fiction

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    This article attempts to evince the political, cultural and affective consequences of Jhumpa Lahiri’s diasporic writings and their particular enunciations of the literary gaze. To do so, it details the manner in which the stories’ exercise of visual operations rigidly corresponds with those of the Panopticon. The essay argues that Lahiri’s narrative produces a kind of panoptic machine that underpins the ‘modes of social regulation and control’ that Foucault has explained as disciplinary technologies. By situating Lahiri’s stories, “A Real Durwan” and “Only Goodness,” within a historicalpolitical context, this essay aims at identifying the way in which panopticism defines her fiction as both a record of and a participant in the social, sexual and political ‘paranoia’ behind the propaganda of America’s self-image as the land of freedom. We maintain that Lahiri’s fiction situates itself in complex relation to the postcolonial concerns of the late twentieth century, suggesting that through their fascination with a visual literalization of the panoptic machine, and by privileging the masculine gaze, the stories legitimate the perpetuation of socially prescribed notion of sexual difference

    Tapak warisan arkeologi Lembah Bujang: keunikan arkeopelancongan di negeri Kedah / Farhana Abdullah...[et.al]

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    Tapak warisan arkeologi yang terletak di sekitar Lembah Bujang mempunyai keunikan tersendiri terutama dari aspek nilai arkeopelancongan Negara. Namun, tapak-tapak ini mempunyai keunikan tersendiri yang perlu di ketengahkan. Tapak pertama yang di temui oleh James Low pada tahun 1840 –an menjadikan kawasan Lembah Bujang diberi tumpuan untuk penyelidikan seterusnya. Kertas kerja ini akan mengupas dan menonjolkan keistimewaan tapak warisan arkeologi Lembah Bujang untuk pengetahuan umum khususnya generasi muda. Tapak warisan yang terdiri daripada candi-candi di sekitar Lembah Bujang melebihi ratusan tahun merupakan sesuatu yang unik dan harus dibanggakan kerana di situlah tercetusnya nilai sejarah sesuatu tamadun bangsa. Kaedah penyelidikan bagi kertas kerja ini adalah berdasarkan kepada kaedah soal selidik dengan menggunakan data Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS) yang telah dijalankan terhadap penduduk, pelancong di sekitar Lembah Bujang iaitu sebanyak 400 responden. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa lokasi pelancongan warisan dan sejarah menjadi tarikan utama arkeopelancongan di Lembah Bujang iaitu berasaskan tapak warisan arkeologi

    The Effectiveness of Cyber Notary Development Using Barcodes on Notarial Deeds in Indonesia

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    One of the problems that often occurs is the slow process of making notarial deeds which can hinder business and economic processes. This is caused by the large number of documents that must be signed and verified by the notary, as well as the signing process which is still done manually. Moreover, the use of digital information technology is increasingly penetrating various sectors, including in the process of making notarial deeds. However, the implementation of cyber notary in Indonesia still faces various challenges, especially related to effectiveness and security. Therefore, this study aims to develop cyber notary using barcodes on notarial deeds that can increase efficiency and security in making notarial deeds in Indonesia. The research method used is normative legal research with literature studies from secondary data where the data is obtained indirectly including primary legal materials. The results of the study show that the development of barcodes on notarial deeds can help increase the efficiency of the notarial deed making process by reducing the time and costs required. In addition, this model can also increase the security of data and information related to notarial deeds, thereby reducing the risk of manipulation or information leakage. The development of cyber notary, especially the use of barcodes on efficient and secure notarial deeds, is expected to make the notarial deed process in Indonesia more modern, transparent, and reliable. This research is expected to provide a positive contribution to the development of notarial technology in Indonesia and strengthen public trust in the legal process carried out in this digital era

    Intercultural performativity in learning and interpreting Shakespearean plays:Towards a new model for learning literature.

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    This research investigates the effectiveness of intercultural performance activities on the study of English literature. Its primary objective is to introduce a new approach to teaching Shakespearean drama in the second/foreign language classroom by incorporating elements of traditional theatre

    Nihilation of femininity in the battle of looks: a Sartrean reading of Jhumpa Lahiri’s “A temporary matter”

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    The panoptic gaze is vested in with a constitutive impact upon the subjectivity of individuals. Feminist scholars like Luce Irigaray have charged that the metaphor of vision is intimately connected with the construction of gender and sexual difference. By pointing to the masculine logic of Western thought, Irigaray confirms that a woman’s entry into a dominant scopic economy signifies her inevitable confinement to passivity. This essay aims to examine the sexual politics of metaphors of vision in a literary text that is controversially argued to be a voice for the subordinated Indian immigrant women in the US. As one of the most influential schools of thought in Western philosophy, the Sartrean paradigm of sexual difference is employed to investigate this allegation by identifying the latent binary system at work in the fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri, who has garnered substantial yet controversial critical attention over her representations of gender. Specifically, this essay focuses on Lahiri’s prefatory story to her Pulitzer Prize-winning short story collection, Interpreter of Maladies (2000), to unravel the manner her exercise of vision in this narrative perpetuates the dichotomies of a male subject and a female object pre-established in the traditional hierarchies of gender in the West. In this story, Lahiri (un)wittingly privileges masculinity over femininity and reduces the latter to a typically disgusting Sartrean female body of holes and slime. Hence, notwithstanding infrequent emasculated images of the male subject, it is ultimately the masculine that, in the battle of looks between male and female, nihilates the Other to the state of “being-in-itself” and enjoys supremacy over the feminine

    Time series analysis on Indian Mackerel Retail Price in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Forecasting fish price has been started for a long time worldwide. The main objective of this study is to predict the monthly retail price of Indian Mackerel in Peninsular Malaysia based on the 9 years data (2007-2015) using two methods which are Box-Jenkins method and Holt’s Linear Trend method. Analyse data showed that the Holt’s linear trend model and autoregressive integrated moving average or ARIMA (0, 1, 1) (0, 0, 0)12 model were proposed. The diagnostic checking for the estimated models confirmed the adequacy of the models. The result of the study showed that the Holt’s linear trend method was become the better model with the lower root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Later, this method has been used to forecast 3 months upcoming Indian Mackerel price eventhough both models have been proven successful in forecasting the monthly fish prices. In conclusion, the potential result from this study could be used in helping fish farmers in their annual planning of increasing income especially in Peninsular Malaysia