52 research outputs found

    Architecture of Prophets' and Saints' Shrines in Hilla City during the 10th C. H/ 16th C. AD in Light of Islamic Drawings: AL-Matraqi Zadeh as a Sample

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    تعد مدينة الحلة واحدة من المدن العراقية العريقة التي نشأت وترعرعت على أرضها سلسلة من الحضارات المتعاقبة سواء تلك الحضارات السابقة للإسلام أو في ظل الحضارة الإسلامية المتعاقبة، ونظراً لدورها الحضاري الريادي وموقعها الجغرافي الذي يتوسط المراكز الحضرية في العراق فضلاً عما رافقها من أحداث كبيرة جعلها محط سكن ومقام لأنبياء وأولياء وأئمة وعلماء على مر التاريخ، لذا فقد احتضنت الحلة الفيحاء الكثير من مقامات شخصيات جليلة شغلت صفحات التاريخ لما لها من آثار ومآثر في مختلف نواحي الحياة.  والمقامات: مفردها مقام، وهي الأمكنة التي صلى فيها أولياء الله أو ظهروا فيها، فبنيت مقامات لهم إكراماً واحتراماً لأصحابها لمكانتهم، يزورها محبوهم ومريدوهم لما لصاحب المقام من كرامات، وكذلك اتخذت هذه المقامات جوامع للصلاة أيضاً، إذ نلاحظ وجود المآذن في أغلبية تلك المقامات التي صورها لنا المطراقي كما هي بشكل واقعي مما يدل على أنها يقام فيها الأذان والصلاة الواجبة. إن الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تسليط الضوء على تلك المقامات وبيان طرازها العماري خلال حقبة القرن العاشر الهجري/ السادس عشر الميلاديلكون الأماكن الدينية عادة ما تتعرض الى التغيير المستمر سواء من خلال تدميرها نتيجة للصراعات والحروب والفتن الطائفية، أو من خلال أعمال الصيانة والترميم والتوسعات عليها نتيجة تقادم الزمن وزيادة الكثافة السكانية ومن ثمّ زيادة أعداد الزائرين لتلك المقامات لتستوعب التوسعة الأعداد المتزايدة عبر التاريخ، والهدف الآخر من الدراسة هو الاطلاع والتدقيق في صحة نسبة هذا المقام أو ذاك ومن ثم بيان الرأي العلمي الدقيق لكون بعض المراقد والمقامات تنسب الى غير أصحابها أو لربما تكون مقامات وهمية لا ذكر لها تاريخيًا. وكانت أداة البحث هي المصورات التي صورها لنا الرسام العثماني المطراقي زادة، والتي لها أهمية كبيرة في التوثيق التاريخي لكونه من الرسامين الواقعيين الذي يجسد العمائر كما يراها دون أي إضافات فنية، وعليه تعد مصوراته وثيقة تاريخية مهمة توثق لنا نوع التخطيط العماري وشكله العام، وقد دعمنا هذه المصورات بما جاد به مؤرخو المسلمين والرحالة من ذكر وزيارة لتلك المقامات وهذا ما أتاح لنا الوقوف على صحة النسبة بين العامة من عدمها، وقد خرجنا باستنتاجات علمية مهمة تفيد الباحث الآثاري والتاريخي.  The city of Hillah is considered one of the ancient Iraqi cities in which a series of successive civilizations, whether those Pre- Islamic or under the successive Islamic civilizations, arose and grew up on its Land. It is a place for prophets, saints, imams and scholars throughout history. The Hillah has embraced many shrines of great personalities who have occupied the pages of history because of their effects and exploits in various aspects of their. The Maqam is of dignities, as wall, so we notice the presence of minarets in most of those shrines that they are realistically, which indicates that they are the call to prayer and the obligatory prayer. The aim of this study is to shed light on those shrines and to show their architectural style during the tenth century AH era, since religious places are usually subjected to continuous change, whether through their destruction as a result of conflicts, wars and sectarian strife, or through maintenance, restoration and expansion works on them as a result of the passage of time and the increase in density. The population and thus the increase in the number of visitors to these shrines in order to suit the expansion to accommodate the increasing numbers throughout history, and the other objective of the study is to see and check the validity of the ratio of this or that shrine, and then to show the accurate scientific opinion that some shrines and shrines are attributed to non-owners, or perhaps they are fake shrines, not mentioned its historically. The research tool was the photographs that the Ottoman painter Al-MatraqiZada ​​photographed for us, which are of great importance in historical documentation, as he is one of the realist painters who belongs to the realist school. Travelers mentioned and visited these shrines, and thus to determine the validity of his lineage among the public or not, and we came out with important scientific conclusions that  benefit the archaeological and historical researcher

    Quality outputs of physical education and sports sciences faculties from the point of view of some labour market institutions

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    The research problem lies in answering to the following question what is the quality outputs of physical education and sports sciences faculties from the point of view of some labour market institutions and the research goal is to identify the quality outputs of physical education and sports sciences faculties from the point of view of some labour market institutions and the researchers used the descriptive curriculum for the survey style because of its suitability to the research nature problem, the research community was the directors of the directorates of youth and sports and the managers and members of the representatives of the Olympic Committees in the provinces of the Middle Euphrates, where the research community reached (280) official, the research sample consisted of (220) official, it was divided into three groups in a random way, where the first group included a building sample, which reached (100) official, and the second group, which is the sample of the application, consisted of (90) official and the third group, which is the sample of the exploratory experiment consisted of (30) official. To achieve the research objectives and measuring variables, the researchers prepared the research tool by looking at some similar studies and previous related measures It was concluded that the quality outputs from the point of view of the beneficiary was below the desired level, through results analysis the results were not satisfactory about the quality of the qualitative level of graduates and the training programs of the institutions of society as well as consulting

    Teaching the \u27comprehensive dental care\u27 in formative years of education and training: A new model for dental internship

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    There is a need of a new model of education and training to be implemented in the Bachelors of Dental Surgery curriculum in the relevant Pakistani institutions. The current review article was planned to suggest such a model in the light of literature aimed at building the capacity of dental graduates in a competency-driven approach with the objective of offering safe, efficient and comprehensive care to dental patients. The outcome of the reforms suggested shall prepare dental graduates suitably geared towards providing community-oriented family dental care right from their formative years. Moreover, the suggested internship model can also help to address the issue of inefficiency related to patient-care

    Dengue fever in Northern Pakistan: The Hepatic Implications

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    Background: To gauge the clinical spectrum of dengue fever in northern Pakistan and to assess its hepatic implications Methods: This prospective study was conducted at Rawalpindi General Hospital (now BBH), Rawalpindi from 1st Oct 2006 to 31st Dec 2008. It included all 264 patients suffering from dengue fever who presented during this period. Dengue infection was suspected if two or more of the following features in addition to fever were present: headache, retro-orbital pain, myalgias/arthralgias, scarlet/maculopapular rash, vomiting/epigastric pain and haemorrhagic manifestations. Blood samples were sent for dengue virus IgM. A blood complete picture, liver function tests, serum urea and creatinine, and urine R/E were also obtained. Specific evidence of liver involvement was also sought on examination. Results: The 264 patients comprised of 146 males and 118 females. Age of patients ranged from 14 to 80 years. 220 patients were seen in the last three months of 2006, the time of the dengue epidemic. Fever and myalgias were present in all patients. Vomiting was seen in 223 (85%) and abdominal pain in 163 (62%) patients. A skin rash was present in 148 (56%) while 56 (21%) complained of joint pains and 53 (20%) of retro-orbital pain. 26 (10%) patients had a bleeding disposition and jaundice was noted in 6 (2%). Leukopenia and thrombocytopenia were present in all patients, while 254 (96%) had proteinuria. ALT was elevated in 163 (62%) and AST was raised in 135 (51%) patients. Conclusion: The liver is affected in a large number of cases of dengue fever. Liver function tests are useful to evaluate the degree of liver damage and markers such as AST and ALT may be used as parameters to assess severit

    Development of an intelligent decision support system for attaining a sustainable growth within a life insurance company

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    Consumer behaviour is one of the most important and complex areas of research. It acknowledges the buying behaviour of consumer clusters towards any product, such as life insurance policies. Among various factors, the three most well-known determinants on which human conjecture depends for preferring a product are demographic, economic and psychographic factors, which can help in developing an accurate market design and strategy for the sustainable growth of a company. In this paper, the study of customer satisfaction with regard to a life insurance company is presented, which focused on comparing artificial intelligence-based, data-driven approaches to classical market segmentation approaches. In this work, an artificial intelligence-based decision support system was developed which utilises the aforementioned factors for the accurate classification of potential buyers. The novelty of this paper lies in developing supervised machine learning models that have a tendency to accurately identify the cluster of potential buyers with the help of demographic, economic and psychographic factors. By considering a combination of the factors that are related to the demographic, economic and psychographic elements, the proposed support vector machine model and logistic regression model-based decision support systems were able to identify the cluster of potential buyers with collective accuracies of 98.82% and 89.20%, respectively. The substantial accuracy of a support vector machine model would be helpful for a life insurance company which needs a decision support system for targeting potential customers and sustaining its share within the market

    Clinical Evaluation of Pit and Fissure Sealants Placed by Undergraduate Dental Students in 5-15 Years-old Children in Iraq

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    Objective: To clinically evaluate the retention and marginal discoloration of pit and fissure sealants applied to primary and permanent teeth. Material and Methods: The study population encompassed of 5-15 years- old children. After consenting, a light-curing sealant was applied to etched pits and fissures of occlusal surfaces of selected sound teeth. The retention rate and marginal discoloration were assessed, 3 months after application of the sealants based on the criteria proposed by Simonsen’s criteria (total retention: score 0, partial loss: score 1, and total loss: score 2). Each tooth was considered as an independent sample during analysis. Results: The achieved sample size was 43 children aged 5-15 years (mean age=10.0 years). Therefore, data of 100 teeth from 43 children were used for the final analysis. The percentage of completely retained sealants (59%) was higher than the percentage of partially retained sealants (23%) and completely missing sealants (18%) after 3 months follow up. Out of 100 sealed teeth, 60% were either had marginal discoloration or completely missing. Using the Mann-Whitney test, there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between primary and permanent teeth in terms of retention. However, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05) between upper and lower teeth in terms of retention. Conclusion: The success rate of fissure sealants after 3 months follow-up was satisfactory

    Role of anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 in asymptomatic heartworm infection (Dirofilariasis) in dogs

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    Background: Dirofilaria immitis causes heartworm disease (HWD), a vector-borne zoonotic disease that primarily affects dogs and cats. Occasionally, human beings were reported to be infected as well. The current study aims to discover the asymptomatic dirofilariasis infection in dogs. In addition, to determine the prevalence of heartworm disease and the role of anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 (IL10) in developing the disease. Household dogs were selected from 10 veterinary clinics throughout Basrah, south of Iraq.Methods: The study included 117 dogs older than 12 months, none of them had received heartworm vaccinations, and all of them lived in their owners’ houses for at least 9 months. Animal ethics instructions were followed after the owner’s consent was obtained.  Physical and biochemical examinations were conducted including the examination of circulating antigens of microfilaria. The levels of anti-inflammatory IL10 and pro-inflammatory IL17, IL4, and IFN-γ were measured using ELISA tests. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the prevalence and the clinical and immunological results of the study.Results: Canine heartworm disease prevalence was 29.05% (34 out of 117). The physical examination showed normal vital signs for both infected and non-infected dogs. A significant elevation in the total WBC count was noticed in the infected group.  On the other hand, a significant decrease in RBCs count and hemoglobin was found in the infected group. There were neither changes in the platelet count nor the liver enzymes concentration between infected and non-infected groups.  A significant increase in anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 level and a significant decrease in pro-inflammatory IL17, IL4, and IFN-γ were noticed in the infected dogs. Conclusion: It is concluded that dirofilariasis infection is considered to be a serious life-threatening disease for dogs in Iraq. Therefore, a periodic test for heartworm infection every six months is recommended to eradicate heartworm infestations. The infected animals must be treated according to the American Heartworm Association recommendations

    The prevalence of adaptive immunity to COVID-19 and reinfection after recovery - a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    This study aims to estimate the prevalence and longevity of detectable SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and T and B memory cells after recovery. In addition, the prevalence of COVID-19 reinfection and the preventive efficacy of previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 were investigated. A synthesis of existing research was conducted. The Cochrane Library, the China Academic Journals Full Text Database, PubMed, and Scopus, and preprint servers were searched for studies conducted between 1 January 2020 to 1 April 2021. Included studies were assessed for methodological quality and pooled estimates of relevant outcomes were obtained in a meta-analysis using a bias adjusted synthesis method. Proportions were synthesized with the Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation and binary outcomes using the odds ratio (OR). Heterogeneity was assessed using the I and Cochran's Q statistics and publication bias was assessed using Doi plots. Fifty-four studies from 18 countries, with around 12,000,000 individuals, followed up to 8 months after recovery, were included. At 6-8 months after recovery, the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 specific immunological memory remained high; IgG - 90.4% (95%CI 72.2-99.9, I = 89.0%), CD4+ - 91.7% (95%CI 78.2-97.1y), and memory B cells 80.6% (95%CI 65.0-90.2) and the pooled prevalence of reinfection was 0.2% (95%CI 0.0-0.7, I = 98.8). Individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 had an 81% reduction in odds of a reinfection (OR 0.19, 95% CI 0.1-0.3, I = 90.5%). Around 90% of recovered individuals had evidence of immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2, at 6-8 months after recovery and had a low risk of reinfection

    Exploring the quality of life of cosmetic users: A cross-sectional analysis from eight Arab countries in the Middle East

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    Background The use of cosmetic products is growing in dominance in the Arab population, making it essential to measure its effects on users. The production of cosmetics has been largely driven by consumerism and a bid to keep abreast with the latest trends in the beauty industry with less attention on how the users' quality of life (QoL) is affected. Aims This study aims to investigate the effect of cosmetic products on users' quality of life in eight Arab countries. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out using an online data collection approach. A validated and specialist instrument tool called BeautyQoL, which consists of five domains and a total of 52 questions, was distributed to a sample of 2219 cosmetic users. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was done using SPSS® version 26.0. Results The mean age of participants was 34 ± 11.25 years, and more women were represented in the sample (71%) than men. The majority of respondents had oily skin type (39.6%) and tan skin tone (30.4%). QoL through cosmetic use is computed with a mean score of 51 out of 100. The users' mean score satisfaction from cosmetic use is centred on attractiveness (56.1), followed by self-confidence (51.8). Cosmetics have a statistically significant effect on participants who are young adults, women, single, and employed with high income. As the respondents' skin tone deepens from very fair to dark, the mean score for each domain significantly increases, whereas when skin type changes from very oily to dry, the mean score for each domain decreases. Conclusion The effect of cosmetics on the users' QoL is limited, contrary to the narrative commonly portrayed in cosmetics' advertisements. Therefore, the use of cosmetics among the Arab population should be from an informed perspective of their specific needs instead of conforming to the viral trends pedaled by influencers and bloggers on social media, which might be irrelevant for them.Open access publishing facilitated by Monash University, as part of the Wiley - Monash University agreement via the Council of Australian University Librarians. [Correction added on 5 July 2022, after first online publication: CAUL funding statement has been added.]Scopu