815 research outputs found

    Growth Pattern of Pancur Batu Sub District in Kabupaten Deli Serdang Base on Ecological approach

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    Pancur Batu is one of the sub-districts in Deli Serdang. Before 1945 Pancur Batu was called Sinuan Bungan with the capital city of Arhnemia, but in 1952 it changed administratively under Deli Serdang district. An Area's growth pattern of an area is directly proportional to the development of the socio-cultural, economic, and political elements. Using Kecamatan Pancur Batu, Kabupaten Deli Serdang as a case study, this paper systematically introduces an ecological approach methodology. The growth pattern of the Pancur Batu sub-district is the result of history and through a long process. The Pancur Batu sub-district environmental development is influenced by several factors, such as politics, economy, socio-culture, and ecological carrying capacity. These factors have a significant influence between the environment and humans

    From Zoning Based Area to a Hybrid Space; the Transformation Strategies

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    One of the contemporary city`s ambition nowadays is to be more comfortable, flexible and coeval. Although numerous urban design attempts have appeared to enhance the user\u27s gratification, there are urgent demands to upgrade the classical public space to be more agreeable with the necessities of everyday life. Most of the urban areas after industry era are zoning based, meanwhile, have been less adaptable to daily life conditions economically, environmentally and psychologically alike. The zoning based space has a single- activity such as public or private, workspace or leisure space, etc., while the urgent demand is to look for kind of space, has mixed -activities that give it more richness, diversity, and interaction. This type of Heterotopic space has potentials, characteristics, and efforts that reconcile the everyday life requirements. On another hand, it could be defined, as a smart space, which is more correspondent with technological development through applying the digital technologies involved it. Regarding the principles of the deconstruction approach in urban studies, predominantly the hybrid space is compatible with these principles. Some of the key strategies that are sharing in both deconstruction approach and hybrid space concept are the layering and the binary oppositions. This paper is an attempt to reframe the principles of creating the public space and portrays the features of transforming the zoning based area into a hybrid one. In addition, it aims to implement deconstructive approach tools as strategies for enhancing user satisfaction in public space. The paper adopts a comparative approach that criticizes the zoning theory from different perspectives according to numerous situations and it accepts the hybrid space theory as a substitutional possibility to deconstruct the typical public space

    The Influence of Le Corbusier on the Emergence of the Aesthetic Values in the Modern Architecture of Cyprus

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    Modernity has significantly influenced the branches of human knowledge; architecture has a substantial share in this effect. Modern architecture, in turn, was not a negative recipient to impact, but it was a positive catalyst for decades. Moreover, it did not limit to certain geographic boundaries, but it has spread all over the world and Cyprus was not an exception. Due to most of the Cypriot pioneer architects were studied in Europe; Cyprus was the incubator that has many architectural distinctive pieces of evidence of modern architecture. Perhaps the expert reader of the modern architectural discourse of Cyprus could distinguish numerous aesthetic features in Cyprus Buildings especially the private residences and their appearance is credited back to one of the pioneers of modern architecture; Le Corbusier. The research paper is an attempt to determine the influence of the principles that Le Corbusier claimed as keystones of modern architecture in early twenty century and how impressed on the emergence of aesthetic values of the modern architecture of Cyprus as well. The paper takes two works of Neoptolemos Michaelides, as case study (Neoptolemos Michaelides is considered the father of Cyprus modern architecture). The first case study is his and wife private residence, which considers the icon of the modern residential architecture of Cyprus and the other is the first residential project designed by him Theotodos Kanthos residence

    Effect of Proportion of Missing Data on Application of Data Imputation in Pavement Management Systems

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    Missing data are commonly found in pavement condition/performance databases. A common practice today is to apply statistical imputation methods to replace the missing data with imputed values. It is thus important for pavement management decision makers to know the uncertainty and errors involved in the use of datasets with imputed values in their analysis. An equally important information of practical significance is the maximum allowable proportion of missing data (i.e. level of data missingness in the pavement condition/performance records) that will still produce results with acceptable magnitude of error or risk when using imputed data. This paper proposes a procedure for determining such useful information. A numerical example analyzing pavement roughness data is presented to demonstrate the procedure through evaluating the error and reliability characteristics of imputed data. The roughness data of three road sections were obtained from the LTPP database. From these data records, datasets with different proportions of missing data were randomly generated to study the effect of level of data missingness. The analysis shows that the errors of imputed data increased with the level of data missingness, and their magnitudes are significantly affected by the effect of pavement rehabilitation. On the application of data imputation in PMS, the study suggests that at 95% confidence level, 25% of missing data appears to be a reasonable allowable maximum limit for analyzing pavement roughness time series data not involving rehabilitation within the analysis period. When pavement rehabilitation occurs within the analysis period, the maximum proportion of imputed data should be limited to 15%

    Analisis Pola Konsumsi Daging Sapi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    The meat consumption pattern of costal community in the regency of Esat Tanjung Jabung was chicken, beef, fish, anchovy, wet shrimp ,, freshwater fish and salted fish. The beef consumption was around 8.03 g percapita perday. Family habit in consuming beef, family taste in consuming beef, the family in-come percapita and the meat availaibity simultaniously affects on meat consumption in this area. However in partial family income is the only factor affecting the meat consumption on costal community in the regency od East Tanjung Jabung

    Perancangan Media Video Interior Berbentuk Animasi dengan Menggunakan 3ds Max

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    Interior design and decoration for this often happens in common where they like in a the same profession. Becausethey both have the same goal, namely to provide a sense of beauty and comfort  in any room. The Interior decoration is only a small part of his task an interior designer.Interior dandekorator interior designers are equally important in samamemilikiperan to improve the quality of the room, although both are different. As for the field that will be needed at a company or organization to design a media campaign in promoting and informing a product item or service to the community.So the company becomes taxable in the community and in promoting a product or a simulation of the design you want. To promote it field examples like design, Interior, Multimedia, and animations

    Penilaian GMP dan SSOP pada Bagian Pengolahan Makanan di Katering X Surabaya dengan Metode Skoring sebagai Prasyarat Penerapan HACCP

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    This was descriptive observasional with cross sectional study. The subject of research to judgement were variables in this research. Variables in this research is a GMP practice (Good Manufacturing Practices) and SSOP (Standard Sanitation Operating Procedures had settled management, environment of refi neries and control facility, condition building of space food refi neries, entirety refi neries facility, water source, storeroom of food material, cook kit and food vessel, system of storage food material and foo be in use, food worker, presentation of food, and distribution of food. The result of the research showed that aspect environment of refi neries and control facility, condition building of space food refi neries, storeroom of food material, system of storage food material and foo be in use, food worker, and presentation of food including category of good. It is suggested, implemented the requirements program HACCP such as GMP and SSOP before implemented HACCP system in Katering X Surabaya so that implemented HACCP system can be function of good.Key words: GMP, SSOP, HACC


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    Malware bisa disebut juga malicious software merupakan perangkat lunak yang diciptakan untuk menyusup atau merusak sistem komputer dan juga dapat mempengaruhi network traffic. Dengan meningkatnya penyebaran malware pada sistem operasi android saat ini. Untuk itu dilakukanya malware analysis pada android, Malware analysis pada sistem operasi android ini ada dua cara yaitu Static Analysis dan Dynamic Analysis. Static analysis dilakukan tanpa menjalankan malware tersebut dan hanya melihat segmen code pada aplikasi. Dynamic Analysis mengeksekusi program dan mengamati hasilnya Metode statik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah reverse engineering. Reverse engineering digunakan untuk ekstraksi aplikasi kedalam source code, data tersebut akan dihasilkan informasi bahwa malware tersebut mengakses jaringan, Kemudian metode selanjutnya untuk mendekteksi malware-nya adalah network traffic analysis. Kelebihan network traffic analysis ini yaitu dapat mengetahui malware yang terhubung langsung dengan website dan dengan analisis ini juga dapat mengetahui aktivitas malware terhadap network traffic dari melihat bandwitdh, time since request dan payload yang dimiliki malware. Dari hasil analisis, informasi yang didapat adalah malicious activity yang mempengaruhi network traffic