35 research outputs found

    La gestión de conflictos y su relación con el clima organizacional de la Institución Educativa Nº 150- Héroes de la Breña, UGEL 05 SJL-EA, 2013

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “La gestión de conflictos y su relación con el clima organizacional de la Institución Educativa No. 150 Héroes de la Breña, UGEL Nº 05 SJL-EA, 2013”; tuvo como problema general la siguiente interrogante: ¿Qué relación existe entre en la Gestión de Conflictos y el Clima Organizacional en la Institución Educativa No. 150 “Héroes de la Breña”- UGEL 05, S.J.L-E.A, 2013, y como objetivo general: Conocer la relación que existe entre en la Gestión de Conflictos y el Clima Organizacional en la Institución Educativa No. 150 “Héroes de la Breña”- UGEL 05, S.J.L-E.A, 2013. En el aspecto metodológico mi trabajo de investigación es de tipo cuantitativo. El nivel es descriptivo, correlacional y el diseño es no experimental de corte transversal. La poblacional fue delimitada por los miembros de la comunidad educativa de la Institución Educativa No. 150 “Héroes de la Breña”-y equivale a 120 estudiantes. La muestra fue de tipo probabilístico aleatorio simple que equivale a 90 estudiantes. La variable (1 ) Gestión de conflictos. Su cuantificación se llevó a cabo a través del instrumento de evaluación de dicha variables, luego que fuera estandarizada y adaptada para este estudio. La variable (2) es el Clima organizacional de la Institución Educativa No. 150 Héroes de la Breña. Como conclusiones finales puedo afirmar que: Existe evidencia muestral para afirmar que La gestión de conflictos se relaciona significativamente con el clima organizacional de la Institución Educativa No. 150 Héroes de la Breña, UGEL 05 SJL- EA, 2013

    Planificación estratégica y gestión por procesos en la Ugel 05, Lima- 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Planificación estratégica y gestión por procesos en la Ugel 05, Lima- 2016”; tuvo como problema general la siguiente interrogante: ¿Qué relación existe entre la Planificación estratégica y la gestión por procesos en la Ugel 05, Lima- 2016?, y como objetivo general es determinar la relación entre la Planificación estratégica y la gestión por procesos en la Ugel 05, Lima- 2016. En el aspecto metodológico el trabajo de investigación es de tipo básico. El nivel es descriptivo, correlacional y el diseño es no experimental de corte transversal. La población fue delimitada por los miembros de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local de San Juan de Lurigancho, y equivale a 40 empleados del Área de Gestión de la Educación Básica Regular y Especial. La muestra fue de tipo no probabilístico que equivale a 40 personas. Como resultados se obtuvo que la planificación estratégica si se correlaciona con la gestión por procesos siendo el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de r= 0,714** siendo moderadamente fuerte, mientras que la planificación estratégica si se correlaciona con la dimensión de procesos clave con un r= 0,345* siendo moderadamente bajo, asimismo la planificación estratégica si se correlaciona con la dimensión de procedimientos administrativos con un r=0,695 siendo moderadamente fuerte y la planificación estratégica si se correlaciona con la dimensión prestación de servicios siendo el valor de r= 0,756** es moderadamente fuerte de acuerdo a los índices de correlación de Spearman

    Application of Revit Software to Improve Spatial Intelligence in Architecture Students in a Private University – Huancayo

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    Objective: To determine the effect of the application of the Revit program in the improvement of spatial intelligence in Architecture students in a private university in Huancayo-Peru.   Theoretical structure: Armstrong (2006) expressed that spatial intelligence refers specifically to the content of forming a mental model in the spatial world and to control, act using this pattern, in an aggregate of attitudes and skills that combine a subtle understanding in shapes, lines, color, dimensions and spaces and the relationship of elements, which in turn allows largely to visualize and graphically represent a spatial or visual idea, mostly involves the improvement of visual perception. As stated by Rossado (2017) students use manual graphic expression to convey ideas quickly, and in the future, they should be able to combine the use of technology and manual expression, in addition to allowing students to express their design project anytime and anywhere, this will give them fluid cooperation, communication, empathy, cooperation, respect, ethics, honesty and teamwork skills, all of which provide adaptability to any work situation.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted through a quantitative approach, according to Hernandez et al. (2014) is quasi-experimental which will be composed of two groups, the control and experimental, which will receive the treatment or stimulus, it is of longitudinal cut will collect the results of the studies that are conducted by collecting data at a single time and with the execution of the post test allows us to measure the effect of the program on spatial intelligence.   Conclusions: Differences of ranges of spatial intelligence have been observed between the control and experimental group; the value of Z was found below the critical value Zc= -1.96 where (-6.137<-1.96) and the p=0.000<0.05; with such result it can be affirmed that by using the Revit program a significant impact in the improvement of spatial intelligence is achieved, therefore the H0 is rejected and Ha is admitted.   Originality/Value: The present study is a significant contribution because it postulates the results obtained through field work and whose statistical treatments allow understanding the importance of the development of special intelligence in university students of the professional career of architecture in the consolidation of technical skills and management of technological applications such as Revit

    Endomarketing Management and Staff Engagement of a Municipality in Peru

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    Purpose: To determine the relationship between endomarketing management and staff engagement in a municipality in Lima-Peru.   Theoretical framework: Kotler and Amstrong (2014) argued that endomarketing consists of the application of theories, techniques, rules of strategic marketing and human resource management at all levels of the organization, seeking to continuously improve the service offered to employees or internal customers. In this sense, employees are seen as corporate partners who need to feel satisfied, so that they work motivated and committed to provide high quality products and services that meet the expectations of the consumer public. Also, Rosen (2020) stated that engagement occurs when employees feel part of the company, i.e., they have an internal incentive, a broad motivation and a sense of commitment quite genuine, it has an exponential growth, as they themselves intervene by contributing novel ideas and care to identify problematic situations.   Design/methodology/approach: As stated by Agudelo et al. (2008) the variables were not manipulated, so the design was non-experimental. Likewise, Bernal (2016) argued that, when performing calculations for a research it is of quantitative approach, and if it intends to relate two or more variables it is a correlational work, Likewise, Morgan et al. (2019) argued that as it has been started from hypotheses that can be corroborated or refuted to confront events, the method was hypothetical deductive. And taking into account what was proposed by Salkind, & Bruce (2021), the cut is transversal because the collection of information has been carried out in a limited time frame.   Findings: It is evident that 58.82% consider endomarketing to be good, not so far from the average level of 41.18% who observed it to be fair and there were no expressions of finding it bad; in the case of engagement, a considerable 70.59% find it good, which is quite far from the opinion of 27.06% who consider it to be acceptable and only 2.35% perceive engagement to be bad.   Research, Practical & Social implications: On the other hand, in the practical argumentation, stated Salkind, & Bruce (2021), reference is made to the fact that with the results obtained corrective measures can be taken to optimize the services of the municipality, which finally leads to a social argumentation, as the users of local government services benefit. Finally, according to Hernández et al. (2014), the social justification is due to the fact that, if the appropriate corrective measures are applied, the users of local government services will benefit.   Originality/value: The present work is methodologically postulated because the questionnaires have been adapted for the public sector and the concepts were discussed with an expertise and depth that may be useful in the future for those interested in delving into the conceptions of the variables

    Feedback in learning and collaborative learning in secondary education students of an I.E

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    La investigación que se realizó tuvo como finalidad esencial determinar la relación que existe entre la retroalimentación en el aprendizaje y aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes de educación secundaria de una I.E. de Lima, 2021. Siendo indispensable en el aporte de los estudiantes generando nuevos conocimientos. Siendo el tipo de estudio básico, diseño no experimental, transversal, correlacional. Se aplicó 2 cuestionarios para la recolección de datos y la confiabilidad para Alfa de Cronbach fueron para la variable Retroalimentación en el aprendizaje 0, 933 y para la variable Aprendizaje colaborativo 0,918. Se evidenció las correlaciones estadísticas valor Rho – Spearman =0,558. Concluyéndose que existe relación significativa entre la retroalimentación en el aprendizaje y el aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes de educación secundaria de una I.E. de Lima 2021The essential purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between feedback in learning and collaborative learning in high school students of an I.E. of Lima, 2021. Being indispensable in the contribution of students generating new knowledge. Being the basic type of study, non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational design. Two questionnaires were applied for data collection and the reliability for Cronbach's Alpha was 0.933 for the variable Feedback in learning and 0.918 for the variable Collaborative learning. The statistical correlations Rho - Spearman value = 0.558 were evidenced. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between feedback in learning and collaborative learning in secondary school students of an I.E. of Lima 202

    Quality Management in Bridge Development: Systematic Study and Bibliometric Analysis

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    Purpose:  To provide a bibliometric analysis on quality management in bridge development.   Theoretical framework:  The quality management system consists of a set of guidelines based on the PHVA cycle. This system allows controlling the processes where the quality policy must be aligned with the objectives with their respective indicators, in such a way that it can meet the needs and expectations of the client and interested parties (Norma ISO 9001, 2015). The Quality Management System is a way of structuring and organizing operations to direct and ensure the proper functioning of the organization, so that it is more profitable, competitive and adaptable to new and changing market situations (Méndez et al., 2006). Rumiche (2018), a bridge is a work that is built to overcome an obstacle, thus giving continuity to the via ; It is a structure of wood , stone , brick , cement , steel or reinforced concrete that is built so that there is continuity in the transverse width of a path interrupted by the presence of obstacles that are impossible to remove, such as rivers , torrents, arms of the sea and other roads , or to save a unevenness excessive .   Design/Methodology/Approach: The research used bibliometric analysis to determine the relationship between documents, subject areas, authors and institutions. For this, a search was carried out through Scopus, where the bibliometric indicators were analyzed (Noriega et al., 2023). The type of study is descriptive, that is, the results achieved are described, and documentary research of bibliographic references referred to the quality management system in bridges, an analysis is carried out to delve deeper into the most notable aspects obtained in the research process studying the most relevant terms in the findings obtained in the research.   Findings: This work has shown how quality management in the development of bridges can be contemplated from very different points of view through the use of bibliometric tools such as those implemented here, which allow a level of detail that under any other perspective. it would be unlikely. be achieved. It has been particularly significant to note that this global phenomenon has had special significance in those nations that have recently incorporated new scientific findings regarding quality management in the development of modular bridges. This work contributes to the theoretical development of research on quality management in the development of modular bridges due to their efficiency and structural resistance, helps researchers identify the main research aspects and, above all, future lines of research.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The research will serve as a substrate for future research and the social implication is to meet the requirements of the centers involved in the development of modular bridges and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the region.   Originality/Value:  This bibliometric analysis work provides extensive information on the evolutionary process in relation to quality management in the development and design of bridges modular being vital for future research in the field of civil and related engineering

    Use of Artificial Intelligence in University Students

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    En estos momentos actuales la educación universitaria requiere de la implementación de un conjunto de sistemas de enseñanza y aprendizaje que provea de una serie de recursos tecnológicos a la comunidad estudiantil con miras a potenciar las capacidades investigativas y para aportar soluciones integrales a la demanda de la sociedad en los múltiples campos del quehacer humano, no obstante se deben de realizar grandes esfuerzos por mejorar los servicios académicos de información a nivel de las universidades con el propósito de interconectar en tiempo real con investigadores de otras latitudes en labores conjuntas de investigación, capacitar a los docentes universitarios para elevar el nivel científico del país y consecuentemente mejorar la calidad de vida de la población. En tal sentido la inteligencia artificial es un campo ampliamente fructífero para realizar investigaciones que incidan esencialmente en la solución de problemas integrales en los campos como la producción, la economía, la educación, la salud y los servicios brindados a la ciudadanía todo ello con el respaldo del Estado en su rol de buscar el logro de objetivos estratégicos nacionales. La metodología de la investigación se basa en el análisis documental, estudio de trabajos científicos, artículos de investigación y bases de datos, el diseño es no experimental, el método aplicado es el inductivo-deductivo. El objetivo general fue analizar el uso de la Inteligencia artificial en estudiantes universitarios.At present, university education requires the implementation of a set of teaching and learning systems that provide a series of technological resources to the student community in order to enhance research capabilities and to provide comprehensive solutions to the demands of society in the multiple fields of human endeavor, However, great efforts must be made to improve academic information services at the university level in order to interconnect in real time with researchers from other latitudes in joint research work, train university teachers to raise the scientific level of the country and consequently improve the quality of life of the population. In this sense, artificial intelligence is a widely fruitful field to carry out research that essentially affects the solution of integral problems in the fields of production, economy, education, health and services provided to the citizens, all this with the support of the State in its role of seeking the achievement of national strategic objectives. The research methodology is based on documentary analysis, study of scientific works, research articles and databases, the design is non-experimental, the applied method is inductive-deductive. The general objective was to analyze the use of artificial intelligence in university students

    Aprendizaje colaborativo en el desarrollo de competencias matemáticas en estudiantes de secundaria

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    The research proposes the design of a didactic strategy to improve the development of mathematical competencies in secondary school students in Lima. The methodology is framed within the sociocritical and interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach. The type of research is applied educational and non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive. The study sample was non-probabilistic, consisting of three teachers and 28 students of the first grade of secondary education. The techniques applied were the semi-structured interview with teachers and classroom observation; likewise, the instruments applied were the pedagogical test to students. The diagnosis evidenced the need to develop the level of mathematical competences in students for the understanding in the resolution of mathematical problems that have as context real life and socio-educational situations. In conclusion, the scientific contribution of this didactic strategy proposal allows to increase the development of essential learning for students in a collaborative and integrative work environment, serving as a guide for teachers to improve their pedagogical work.La investigación propone el diseño de una estrategia didáctica para mejorar el desarrollo de competencias matemáticas en estudiantes de educación secundaria de Lima. La metodología se enmarca dentro del paradigma sociocrítico e interpretativo, con un enfoque cualitativo. El tipo de investigación es aplicada educacional y de diseño no experimental, de corte transversal y descriptivo. La muestra de estudio fue no probabilística, conformada por tres docentes y 20 estudiantes del primer grado de educación secundaria. Las técnicas aplicadas fueron la entrevista semiestructurada a docentes, y la observación de clases; así mismo, los instrumentos aplicados fueron la prueba pedagógica a los estudiantes. El diagnóstico evidenció la necesidad de desarrollar el nivel de competencias matemáticas en los estudiantes para la comprensión en la resolución de problemas matemáticos que tienen como contexto situaciones de la vida real y socioeducativa. En conclusión, el aporte científico de esta propuesta de estrategia didáctica permite elevar el desarrollo de aprendizajes esenciales para los estudiantes en un entorno de trabajo colaborativo e integrador, sirviendo de guía a los docentes para mejorar su labor pedagógica

    Calidad de atención y satisfacción de los usuarios en la municipalidad de Huarochirí, Perú

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    The objective of this research study entitled "Quality of care and satisfaction in the Municipality of Huarochirí" was to determine the relationship between quality of care and user satisfaction in the municipality of Huarochirí. In terms of methodology, the research was basic, quantitative, correlational, non-experimental and cross-sectional. The population was delimited by 250 users of the municipality of Huarochirí. The results showed that the Quality of attention variable correlates with the Satisfaction variable with a Spearman correlation coefficient of rho= 0.880** being high, while with the reliability dimension and satisfaction with a rho= 0.639** being moderate, while with the response capacity dimension and satisfaction with a rho= 0.707** being high, while with the response capacity dimension and satisfaction with a rho= 0.707** being high, while with the reliability dimension and satisfaction with a rho= 0.639** being moderate, 707** being high, while with the dimension safety and satisfaction with a rho= 0.638** being moderate and with the dimension empathy and satisfaction being the value of rho= 0.577** is moderate according to Spearman correlation indices and finally with the dimension tangibility and satisfaction with a rho=0.636** being moderately moderate and positiveEl presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Calidad de atención y satisfacción en la Municipalidad de Huarochirí, Perú”; tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la calidad de atención y la satisfacción en los usuarios de la municipalidad de Huarochirí, Perú. En el aspecto metodológico la investigación fue de tipo básico, enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental y de corte transeccional. La población fue delimitada por 250 usuarios de la municipalidad de Huarochirí. Como resultado se obtuvo que la variable Calidad de atención si se correlaciona con la variable Satisfacción siendo el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de rho= 0,880** siendo alta, mientras que con la dimensión confiabilidad y la satisfacción con un rho= 0,639** siendo moderada, mientras que con la dimensión capacidad de respuestas y la satisfacción con un rho= 0,707** siendo alta, mientras que con la dimensión seguridad y la satisfacción con un rho= 0,638** siendo moderada y con la dimensión empatía y la satisfacción siendo el valor de rho= 0,577** es moderada de acuerdo a los índices de correlación de Spearman y finalmente con la dimensión tangibilidad y la satisfacción con un rho=0,636** siendo moderadamente moderada y positiva

    Gestión organizacional y satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la corte de justicia de Lima, Perú

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    The present research work entitled: "Organizational management and job satisfaction in the collaborators of the Court of Justice of Lima-Peru"; had as general problem: To what extent is organizational management related to job satisfaction in the collaborators of the Court of Justice of Lima-Peru? and as general objective to determine the relationship between organizational management and job satisfaction in the collaborators of the Court of Justice of Lima-Peru. In the methodological aspect, the research work is of basic type and quantitative approach. The level is correlational and the design is non-experimental and cross-sectional. The population was delimited by the collaborators of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima, equivalent to 60 collaborators. The results showed that the organizational management variable does correlate with the job satisfaction variable, with a Spearman correlation coefficient of rho= 0.573** being moderately positive, while with the dimension compliance with the ROF and job satisfaction with a rho= 0.381** being low positive, while with the dimension compliance with the MOF and job satisfaction with a rho= 0.532** being moderately positive, while with the dimension compliance with the MOF and job satisfaction with a rho= 0.532** being moderately positive, while with the dimension compliance with the MOF and job satisfaction with a rho= 0, 532** being moderate positive, while with the dimension compliance with the TUPA and job satisfaction with a rho= 0.569** being moderate positive and finally with the dimension compliance with the MAPRO and job satisfaction being the value of rho= 0.529** is moderate positive according to Spearman correlation indexes.El presente trabajo de investigación titulado: “Gestión organizacional y satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Corte de Justicia de Lima-Perú”; tuvo como problema general: ¿En qué medida la gestión organizacional se relaciona con la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Corte de Justicia de Lima-Perú?, y como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la gestión organizacional y la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Corte de Justicia de Lima-Perú. En el aspecto metodológico el trabajo de investigación es de tipo básico y enfoque cuantitativo. El nivel es correlacional y el diseño es no experimental de corte transversal. La población fue delimitada por los colaboradores de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, siendo la muestra de 60 colaboradores. Como resultados se obtuvo que la variable gestión organizacional si se correlaciona con la variable satisfacción laboral siendo el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de rho= 0,573** siendo positiva moderada, mientras que con la dimensión cumplimiento del ROF y la satisfacción laboral con un rho= 0,381** siendo positiva baja, mientras que con la dimensión cumplimiento del MOF y la satisfacción laboral con un rho= 0,532** siendo positiva moderada, mientras que con la dimensión cumplimiento del TUPA y la satisfacción laboral con un rho= 0,569** siendo positiva moderada y finalmente con la dimensión cumplimiento del MAPRO y la satisfacción laboral siendo el valor de rho= 0,529** es positiva moderada de acuerdo a los índices de correlación de Spearma