70 research outputs found

    Kamus Kimia : kimia pangan

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    xi, 183 p.; 20 cm

    Pangan Fungsional dari Produk Hasil Ternak untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Kesehatan di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    Radiati LE, Hati DL, Fardiaz D, Sari LRH. 2020. Functional food from animal products to improve health qualityin the era of the covid-19 Pandemic. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. 1-11. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Food functional from animal product, provide products important to everyday life, particularly in dietary patterns, to reduce the occurrence of chronic multifactorial diseases. Therefore, the food industry has developed food functional derived from milk and meat fermented products,   The products  have been the subject of intensive research due to the health benefits. Probiotics as bacterial culture and  bioactive peptides as the metabolites in fermentation process.  Bioactive peptides usually contain  2 to 20 amino acids residues and as  the primary structure of animal proteins, requiring proteolysis for their release from the precursor protein. Release of peptides during fermentation occur in two ways: by the microbial proteolytic system and by endogenous proteolytic enzymes, both of them taking place during the fermentation. Probiotics  promote gut health, increase the bio-accessibility of fats and proteins in foods, and bioactive peptides prevent chronic diseases. Bioactive peptides have been shown to antioxidant as radical scavenger  and antimicrobial  lower the risk of the pathogenic bacteria in the gut. This paper discusses the potential role of bioactive peptide from  milk and meat fermented as a functional food acting against pathogenic bacteria in gut and inhibit adipogenesis in obesity.  Bioactive peptides exhibit natural resistance to gastrointestinal digestion. Once liberated and absorbed, bioactive peptides may exert a physiological affect on the various systems of the body

    Effect of whey goat milk kefir on hydrophobicity of E. coli O157:H7, S. typhi bacteria and C. albicans

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    The hydrophobicity of bacteria. was determined using BATH (Bacteria adhesion to hydrocarbon) test. All bacteria showed that 0,9 ml n-octane exposure gave a positive response and indicating that E. coli O157:H7 was categorized as moderate hydrophobic bacteria,  while S.  typhi  and C. albicans were catagorized as  highly hydrophobic bacteria. Goat Milk Kefir increased hydrophobicity of E.  coli O157:H7 by 24.40, however, decreased hydrophobicity of S. typhi by 47.56  and C. albicans by 70.14 percent, respectively. This finding showed that one of the inhibition mechanism may be caused by  an interaction  of  organic acid and peptide  compounds with cell membrane, in which hydrophobic sites of component  modified the hydrophobicity of the bacteria cell surface. The hydrophobicity modification in bacterial  cell wall might result inhibition of adhetion bacteria at cell host. Key words : Enterophatogenic bacteria, hidrophobisitas bacteri

    Aplikasi Microwave untuk Disinfestasi Tribolium Castaneum (Herbst.) Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Warna dan Karakteristik Amilografi Terigu

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    Aplikasi microwave telah dipelajari untuk disinfestasi Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.) dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik warna dan amilografi tepung terigu. Kerusakan karena serangan T. castaneum selama penyimpanan menyebabkan terjadinya Perubahan fisik dan kimiawi tepung. Kerusakan fisik berupa terjadinya Perubahan warna tepung, sedangkan kerusakan kimiawi karena adanya aktifitas enzim lipase dan benzokuinon yang berasal dari hasil sekresi T. castaneum. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan tepung yang tidak di fumigasi pada tahap milling. Kontaminasi pun dilakukan dengan memberikan biakan T. castaneum masing-masing 10 jantan dan 10 betina ke dalam 50 g dan 100 g sampel tepung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat mortalitas pada sampel yang tidak diberi aplikasi microwave setelah penyimpanan 42 hari adalah 0 % baik untuk sampel 50 g dan 100 g. Kadar air meningkat, sedangkan tingkat kecerahan warna, puncak viskositas menurun. Sampel yang diberi perlakuan energi microwave 23,76 kJ, 24,00 kJ, 31,68 kJ dan 36,00 kJ menunjukkan mortalitas 100 % dari T. castaneum, sedangkan kecerahan warna, puncak viskositas, kadar air, menurun setelah penyimpanan 42 hari baik pada berat sampel 50 g dan 100 g

    Purification of Egg White Lysozyme from Indonesian Kampung Chicken and Ducks

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    Egg white lysozyme (EWL) has considerably a wide functional protein exhibiting antibacterial activity mainly against Gram-positive bacteria. The EWL is widely applied in food industry and is considerably safe. Despite its high potency, EWL of Indonesian poultry has never been studied and exploited. This study was aimed to purify EWL from two Indonesian poultry: kampung chicken and Cihateup duck, and compared to egg of commercial laying hens. The eggs in this study were obtained from field laboratory of Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and classified in AA quality based on the interior quality. First attempt to purify the EWL was performed by using ethanol precipitation yielding purified EWL which was still contaminated by other proteins, hence designated as partially purified EWL. Final concentrations of partially purified EWL of kampung chicken, commercial laying hens, and Cihateup duck were about 5800, 5400, and 5500 μg/mL, respectively. To confirm whether the use of ethanol in the purification affecting EWL antibacterial activities, the activities were examined against Staphylococcus aureus. It demonstrated that the partially purified EWL exhibited ability to inhibit S. aureus at 6 and 26 h suggesting that the method was feasible as it did not interfere EWL antibacterial activities. Yet, based on SDS-Page, purity was the issue in ethanol precipitation method. Further attempt using ion exchange chromatography at pH 10 successfully purified lysozyme as indicated by a single band corresponding to lysozyme size (~14 kD) free from bands of other proteins. Altogether, a single step of ion exchange chromatography is sufficient and promising to isolate EWL from Indonesian poultry for various industrial purposes.Key words: Indonesian poultry, lysozyme, egg, kampung chicken, Cihateup duc


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    ABSTRAKMinyak kelapa merupakan sumber medium chain triglycerides(MCT) utama. Melalui proses fraksinasi dapat dihasilkan fraksi minyakdengan kandungan MCT tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajaripengaruh berbagai faktor perlakuan dingin terhadap kristalisasi danfraksinasi minyak kelapa, serta untuk menetapkan prosedur pendinginanyang efektif dalam menghasilkan fraksi minyak dengan kandungan MCTtinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium SEAFAST CENTER IPBdari bulan Maret 2012 sampai bulan Februari 2013. Fraksinasi dilakukandengan memanaskan minyak pada suhu 70°C lalu didinginkan padaberbagai laju pendinginan untuk mencapai beberapa variasi suhukristalisasi, diaduk dengan kecepatan 15 rpm, dibiarkan mengkristal padalama waktu yang berbeda (hingga 900 menit), serta difraksinasi denganpenyaringan vakum menggunakan kertas Whatman 40. Tiga tahappendinginan yang merupakan faktor kunci keberhasilan proses kristalisasiminyak kelapa yaitu tahap pendinginan awal dari suhu 70 hingga 29°C;tahap pendinginan kritis 29°C hingga suhu kristalisasi; dan tahapkristalisasi itu sendiri. Pada tahap pertama minyak kelapa didinginkansecepat mungkin untuk menurunkan waktu proses, tetapi pada tahap keduaharus dilaksanakan dengan laju pendinginan lambat (kurang dari 0,176°C/menit) untuk menghasilkan kristal yang berukuran besar dan tidak mudahmeleleh. Minyak dengan kandungan triasilgliserol tinggi dapat diperolehdari fraksi olein minyak kelapa. Pada perlakuan suhu kristalisasi 21,30-21,73°C untuk laju pendinginan kritis antara 0,013 hingga 0,176°C/menit,semakin rendah laju pendinginan kritis dan semakin lama proseskristalisasi maka kandungan MCT fraksi olein yang dihasilkan akansemakin tinggi.Kata kunci: minyak kelapa, laju pendinginan, kristalisasi, fraksinasi, MCTABSTRACTCoconut oil is the main source of medium chain triglycerides(MCT). Fractionation produce oil fraction containing MCT concentrate.This research aims to study the influence of various factors of coolingtreatment on the crystallization and fractionation of coconut oil, and toestablish effective cooling procedure to produce oil fraction with highMCT content. The research was conducted in Laboratorium of SEAFASTCENTER IPB from March 2012 to February 2013. Coconut oil washeated at 70°C then cooled at different cooling rate to reach variouscrystalization temperatures. The oil was then stirred at 15 rpm and allow tocrystallized at different period of time (up to 900 min), and finallyfractionated by vacuum filtration using Whatman #40 paper. Fractionationtemperatures was the same as crystalization temperature. The resultsshowed that there were three distinct cooling regimes critical tocrystallization process, i.e temperature range from 70 to 29°C; 29°C tocrystallization temperature; and crystallization temperature. In the firstregime, melted coconut oil might be cooled quickly to save time, but in thesecond regime need be done with a cooling rate of less than 0.176°C/minto produce physically stable crystal. Oil with high triacylglycerol contentcould be obtained from olein fraction of coconut oil. At the crystallizationtemperature 21.30-21.73°C for the critical cooling rate between 0.013 to0.176°C/min, the higher MCT content of olein fraction were produced bythe lower critical cooling rate and the longer crystallization process.Keywords: fractionation, crystallization, MCT, coconut oil, cooling rate

    Karakteristik Nanoemulsi Minyak Sawit Merah Yang Diperkaya Beta Karoten

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    Red palm oil (RPO) and β-carotene are insoluble in water. It makescan be used to improve RPO and βThis research is aimed to produce stable RPO nanoemulsion enriched withβ-carotene. The research was conducted in the SEAFAST CENTERLaboratory, Bogor Agriculture University from January to Septemberfollowing steps, i.e. enrichment of RPO with βusing a high pressure homogenizer at a pressure of 34.5 MPa in 10 cycles.The ratio of RPO and water in the mixture were 5 : 95; 7.5 : 92.5; and 10 :10% (w/w) of the total emulsions. In the second stage, nanoemulsionswere prepared on various RPO percentage of 2, 4, and 6% (w/w) andhad a droplet size from 115.1 to 145.2 nm and stable. Nanoemulsions wereresulting from the second stage had droplet size from 94.9 to 125.5 nm,and β-carotene content were 47.6 to 130.9 mg/l. Droplet size ofnanoemulsions is less than 125 nm. It can be produced with RPO an

    Pengaruh Pengolahan Panas terhadap Konsentrasi Antosianin Monomerik Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L)

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    potato (PSP) is one source of antocyanin consisting of 98% acylated anthocyanin of the total anthocyanin content in tuber. Anthocyanin color varies from red, purple, blue to yellow. The color and amount of anthocyanin may change due to heating processings. The purpose of this research was to observe the changes in color and anthocyanin monomeric content in PSP during heat processing of flakes. The other purpose of this reseach was to observe the order kinetics model of effect temperature and time baking on total anthocyanin monomeric of fresh PSP and rehydration PSP flakes. The experimental applied a completely randomized design with three replications. The color and amount of anthocyanin (L * = 23.38 ± 0.71, C = 9.84 ± 0.98, Hue = 12.25 ± 1.61). Total monomeric anthocyanin in fresh PSP was 1.45 ± 0.00 mg cyanidin equivalent (CyE)/g dry basis (db). In general, the color and the amount of PSP anthocyanin changed during the flakes processing. Steamed PSP for 7 minutes turned its color into a bright purple (L * = 25.88 ± 0.47, C = 24.64 ± 0.25, Hue = 348.83 ± 0.33) with the amount of monomeric anthocyanin increased to 3.76 ± 0.01 CyE mg/g db. Flakes PSP was very bright purple (L * = 36.12 ± 0.11, C = 9.97 ± 0.18, Hue = 359.29 ± 0.31) and the amount of monomericanthocyanin was slightly lower than that of steamed sweet potato (3.19 ± 0.12 mg CyE / g db). Total monomeric anthocyanin of fresh PSP and rehydration flakes PSP decrease during baking time.ABSTRAKAntosianin merupakan salah satu kelompok zat warna alami yang terdapat pada tanaman, seperti daun, bunga, umbi, buah atau sayur. Salah satu sumber antosianin pada tanaman adalah ubi jalar ungu (UJU) yang mengandung lebih dari 98% antosianin terasilasi dari konsentrasi antosianin umbi. Warna antosianin bervariasi mulai dari merah, ungu, biru, sampai kuning. Warna dan konsentrasi antosianin dapat berubah karena pengaruh panas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perubahan warna dan konsentrasi antosianin monomerik sebagai akibat proses pengolahan dalam pembuatan  UJU. Penelitian ini mengkaji juga mengenai model kinetika reaksi pengaruh suhu dan waktu panggang terhadap konsentrasi antosianin UJU segar dan  rehidrasi. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga kali ulangan. Warna dan konsentrasi antosianin dari UJU segar, setelah proses pengukusandan setelah menjadi  dibandingkan. UJU segar berwarna ungu kecoklatan (L=23,38±0,71, C=9,84±0,98, Hue=12,25±1,61). Konsentrasi antosianin monomerik pada UJU segar adalah 1,45±0,00 mg setara sianidin (CyE)/gbasis kering (bk). Secara umum, warna dan konsentrasi antosianin UJU berubah selama proses pembuatan . UJU yang dikukus selama 7 menit berubah menjadi ungu cerah (L* * =25,88±0,47, C=24,64±0,25, Hue=348,83±0,33) dengan konsentrasi antosianin monomerik meningkat menjadi 3,76±0,01 mg CyE/g bk.  UJU berwarna ungu sangat cerah (L =36,12±0,11, C=9,97±0,18, Hue=359,29±0,31) dan konsentrasi antosianin monomerik sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan ubi jalar setelah dikusus (3,19±0,12 mg CyE/g bk). Jumlah antosianin monomerik UJU segar dan rehidrasi menurun seiring dengan waktu dan suhu pemanggangan