137 research outputs found

    Sebehodnotící metody v oblasti zlepšování kvality vysokého školství

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    Organizational performance is maximized when it is based on the management and sharing of knowledge within a culture of continuous learning, innovation and improvement. The methodology embodies the principle of self-evaluation or self-assessment. The higher education institutions would learn from feedback by reviewing impact of strategies and actions, trends in results and by comparing through benchmarking. The focus of this paper is the implementation of EFQM excellence model in the higher education (HE) sector. This paper describes the specific issues in implementing the model in HE institutions, with a particular focus on the choice of self-assessment methodology. The early signs are that EFQM excellence model self-assessment can help to produce a more customer-oriented culture in HE institutions, providing that the lessons learned from the wider public sector are put into practice.Maximální výkon organizace je založen na správných zásadách managementu a sdílení získaných znalostí v rámci firemní kultury, neustálého vzdělávání a zlepšování. Teoretické metody spočívají pak v osvojení způsobu sebehodnocení. Vysokoškolské organizace dokáží uspět díky účinnému hodnocení veškerých činností a strategií organizace, sledování aktuálních trendů ve vývoji a srovnání výsledků pomocí benchmarkingu. Tento příspěvek se zaměřuje na zavedení EFQM modelu excellence v oblasti vysokého školství. Článek popisuje specifika zavádění tohoto modelu se zaměřením na vhodný výběr sebehodnotících metod. EFQM model excellence v oblasti sebehodnocení přispívá vysokoškolským organizacím orientovat se na zákazníky a zkušenosti z oblasti veřejného sektoru aplikovat v praxi

    Přístupy zajištění kvality v oblasti vysokého školství

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    Contribution monitors the situation in the field of quality management improvement in the higher education institutions represented by VSB-Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic (VSB-TUO) and Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom (QMUL). Obtained data are processed and evaluate to identify different quality assurance approaches and structures leading to same aims, thus to create functional quality management system.Příspěvek monitoruje systémy řízení kvality v oblasti vysokého školství v zastoupení univerzit Vysoká škola Báňská – Technická Univerzita Ostrava, Česká Republika (VSB-TUO) a Queen Mary, University of London, Velká Británie (QMUL). Získaná data jsou zpracována a vyhodnocena za účelem analyzovat přístupy zajišťování kvality a struktur na vysokých školách vedoucích ke stejnému cíly, tedy vybudování fungujícího systému řízení jakosti


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    The aims of this study were: a) to determine to determine the change in joint angle kinematic variability during the handstand with different head positions, and b) to determine the contributions made by wrist, shoulder, and hip joint angles variability on CoM variability in handstand. Four young active female gymnasts performed 3 trials of handstands with three head positions (normal, straight, and flexed). 3D kinematics were collected for each trial. Statistical differences were analysed using One-way ANOVA and effect sizes (ES) reported. Forward stepwise regression was carried out between CoM variability and joint angle variability. The prevalent control strategies were at the shoulder with straight and flexed head position, and hip strategy in normal head position

    Implementation of process control and monitoring software with dynamic compilation in .NET technology

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    The paper describes robust software for monitoring and process control which was created to support control and monitoring of the experimental models have been developed within the multiunivesity projects in recent years and successfully used in the teaching fields of automation in laboratories of many universities, which we in the inter-university cooperation verified many times. The advantage of this software is usage of dynamical compilation of libraries of new devices without necessary of software upgrade and recompilation.Web of Science16116


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    The aim of this study was to investigate if changes in elbow and wrist joints loading occurred as a function of (a) different hand placement and (b) fundamental skills difficulty level in female gymnastics. Ten female gymnasts performed 54 successful trials of round-off skills (cartwheel [18], round-off [18], round-off to back handspring [18]), with three different hand positions (parallel, T-shape and reverse). Kinematic and kinetic data were collected for each trial. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyse the injury risk factors. Results suggested that the T- shape technique during different levels of round-off skills decreases mechanical load (peak vertical ground reaction forces and joint kinetics at the elbow and wrist) and may represent safer technique for young female gymnasts


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    Landing is a fundamental skill in artistic gymnastics, practiced continually throughout all levels and using various types of landing mats. The aim of the current study was to investigate how the vertical ground reaction forces (VGRF), knee and ankle joint kinematics changes during gymnasts landing on different types of landing mats with FIG certification. Four young active female gymnasts performed 10 trials of landing to two type of mats. Synchronized kinematic and kinetic data were collected for each trial. Effect size statistics determined individual and group mean differences between landing conditions. The preliminary results of the current study suggested that the PROTOTYPE of landing mat reduces the VGRF and thus may decrease the impact forces acting on the lower limbs in gymnastics

    Adjusting the input ultrasound image data and the atherosclerotic plaque detection in the carotid artery by the FOTOMNG system

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    Stroke is the third most frequent cause of death. Specifically, ischemic stroke accounts for the largest group of this kind of cases. Despite all the advances in medical therapeutic methods, no methods that would reliably reduce mortality from ischemic stroke have been found. Prevention is still the most significant way to combat stroke. When the frequent cause of ischemic stroke is atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid artery, its exploration can help to determine the development of the disease. These problems were very extensively discussed in October 2013 during the XVI International Neurosonology Congress in Sofia organized under the auspices of World Research Neurosonology Group, Bulgarian Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics Association. Our goal was to develop special modules for carotid artery picture processing (AVI file processing, reparation and reconstruction) and modules containing tools for automated carotid artery plaque detection; and to solve its measurement and three-dimensional modelling of the carotid artery and the plaque. New modules were implemented into the FOTOMNG system and tested on appropriate input data files, which verified their functionality and applicability.Web of Scienc


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    The aim of the current study was to investigate joint power changes in upper limb joints during the support phase of three round-off (RO) techniques (reverse, parallel, T-shape). Twenty young female gymnasts performed 18 RO trials in three different techniques. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected for each trial. Statistical parametric mapping of mean joint power was performed to compare differences between techniques. Results demonstrated that the reverse technique had lower joint powers during the absorption and propulsion phases of the skill compared to the other techniques. The T-shape technique elicited greater wrist absorption, and elbow power generation. Wrist and elbow joint power absorption-propulsion peaks follow a distal-proximal pattern which reversed to a proximal-distal sequence of movement coordination across all techniques

    El arte como idea y el arte como metáfora: implicancias en la producción artística

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    El presente trabajo plantea las implicancias de los nuevos paradigmas artísticos de la ambigüedad y la incertidumbre (López Anaya, 1999) que se produjeron a partir de la renovación epistemológica y ontológica de las artes visuales iniciada por Marcel Duchamp. Para ello, se trabajará con conceptos, como ready made y “arte como idea”, desde el análisis de su surgimiento y desarrollo, que dieron lugar a producciones conceptuales y metafóricas de lo más heterogéneas, como el arte conceptual, los happening, las instalaciones y ambientaciones, y el arte de los medios; manifestaciones que se redefinen en los diferentes objetos ambiguos del arte contemporáneo, en el borde entre lo extra artístico y lo artístico, el diseño y el arte, la moda y el arte, la literatura y la plástica, por mencionar algunas cuestiones (Valery, 1995). Se utilizará la “dialéctica de los materiales”, propuesta por Theodor Adorno, para abordar el siguiente interrogante: ¿Cuántas de estas prácticas contemporáneas son reconocidas en los espacios de educación artística de las escuelas secundarias?Facultad de Arte

    El arte como idea y el arte como metáfora: implicancias en la producción artística

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    El presente trabajo plantea las implicancias de los nuevos paradigmas artísticos de la ambigüedad y la incertidumbre (López Anaya, 1999) que se produjeron a partir de la renovación epistemológica y ontológica de las artes visuales iniciada por Marcel Duchamp. Para ello, se trabajará con conceptos, como ready made y “arte como idea”, desde el análisis de su surgimiento y desarrollo, que dieron lugar a producciones conceptuales y metafóricas de lo más heterogéneas, como el arte conceptual, los happening, las instalaciones y ambientaciones, y el arte de los medios; manifestaciones que se redefinen en los diferentes objetos ambiguos del arte contemporáneo, en el borde entre lo extra artístico y lo artístico, el diseño y el arte, la moda y el arte, la literatura y la plástica, por mencionar algunas cuestiones (Valery, 1995). Se utilizará la “dialéctica de los materiales”, propuesta por Theodor Adorno, para abordar el siguiente interrogante: ¿Cuántas de estas prácticas contemporáneas son reconocidas en los espacios de educación artística de las escuelas secundarias?Facultad de Arte