8 research outputs found

    Berudu Anura di Sungai Kedurang, Bengkulu Selatan dan Pusat Pendidikan Konservasi Alam Bodogol, Jawa Barat

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    This paper aims is to identify and to describe morphological characteristic of tadpoles in Kedurang River, South Bengkulu and Cisuren River, PPKA Bodogol. Visual Encounter Survey along the river method was used to collect the sample of tadpoles. Three species were found in both rivers, namely Bufo melanostictus, Limnonectes sp. and Rhacophorus sp

    Aplikasi Teknik Environmental Dna(edna) untuk Deteksi Spesies Cheraxquadricarinatus (Von Martens 1868) Menggunakan Sampel Air

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    Cherax quadricarinatus merupakan spesies introduksi yang berasal dari Australia. Siklus hidup yang cepat dan toleransi yang tinggi terhadap lingkungan mengakibatkan C. quadricarinatusmudah menginvasi ekosistem perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan teknik eDNA secara cepat untuk deteksi C.quadricarinatus. Teknik ekstraksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik pengendapan. Validasi keberadaan C.quadricarinatusdilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan PCR dan desain primer spesifik. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan C.quadricarinatusterdeteksi sebanyak 60%dari keseluruhan badan perairan. Kombinasi protokol deteksi eDNA dan metode pengembangan PCR, serta primer spesifik yang didesain dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan C. quadricarinatus

    Aplikasi Dna Barcode Pada Penentuan Spesies Udang Air Tawar Yang Berasal Dari Provinsi Jambi

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    Provinsi Jambi memiliki hutan hujan tropis dataran rendah yang mengalami deforestasi tercepat di daerah Asia. Efek dari Perubahan alih fungsi hutan ke habitat pertanian akan mengubah kondisi ekosistem. Hal tersebut diduga berpengaruh pada keanekaragaman makroinvertebrata di dalamnya. Kesalahan identifikasi morfologi dapat disebabkan oleh fenomena cryptic species maupun siblings species. Fenomena tersebut dapat menyebabkan masalah sinonim yaitu terdapat nama ganda pada satu spesies yang sama. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut dapat digunakan teknik DNA Barkode. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memastikan spesies udang air tawar yang berasal dari provinsi Jambi dengan mengaplikasikan teknik DNA barcoding.Berdasarkan identifikasi morfologi didapatkan 3 sampel terdiri dari satu famili. Berdasarkan analisis COI gene, 2 spesies berhasil diidentifikasi yaitu Macrobrachium malayanum dan M. pilimanus. Satu spesies sampel target yaitu M. malayanum 1 terbukti sebagai spesies M. malayanum yang sesuai dengan data GenBank

    Unraveling fine-scale genetic structure in endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Indonesia: implications for management strategies

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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country that provides important nesting and foraging habitats for the critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). Although many studies have investigated this migratory species globally, there is a lack of information on the population structure and geographic boundary of this species in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of six nesting sites in the Java Sea region of Indonesia. The control region (d-loop) sequence (818 bp) was obtained from 152 individuals, resulting in 20 haplotypes. This study revealed 13 new haplotypes, 12 of which were rare and observed only in a single sampling location. Results showed that the Indonesian population shares haplotypes with rookeries from Peninsular Malaysia and Australia, as indicated by EiIP08 and EiIP49. The haplotype diversity (h) was highest at the more northern rookery sites (Segama Besar Island, Kimar Island, East Belitung, Penambun Island) (h: 0.6033 - 0.9167; 4 - 9 haplotypes) compared to the other two rookeries located in the Seribu Archipelago (Tidung Island and Harapan Island) (h: 0.3354 - 0.5965; 3 - 6 haplotypes). Furthermore, population structure analysis showed a pan-mixed population between Tidung Island and Harapan Island (FST: 0.003, P > 0.05) but significant population structure across all other rookery sites (F[ST]: 0.083 - 0.486, P < 0.05), resulting in five newly identified Management Units (MUs) in this area. This study showed the presence of a complex population structure with local haplotypes and narrow population boundaries for rookeries in relatively close proximity within the Java Sea, prompting local management and highlighting the need for more research on hawksbill turtle populations in Indonesia

    Diversity and Abundance of Sand Crabs on the South Coast of Central Java (Diversitas dan Kelimpahan Kepiting Pasir di Pantai Selatan Jawa Tengah)

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    Kepiting pasir atau undur-undur laut merupakan biota bentik yang hidup di pantai berpasir yang mempunyai nilai ekologi dan nilai ekonomi cukup penting. Adanya tekanan penangkapan mengharuskan adanya pengelolaan yang bijak yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik populasi kepiting pasir. Informasi tentang jenis dan kelimpahan kepiting pasir penting untuk diketahui terlebih dahulu sebagai langkah awal upaya pengelolaan lestari kepiting pasir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis dan kelimpahan setiap jenis kepiting pasir yang terdapat di dua lokasi penelitian, yaitu pantai Bocor, Kabupaten Kebumen, dan pantai Bunton, Kabupaten Cilacap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di kedua lokasi penelitian ditemukan tiga jenis kepiting pasir, yaitu Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, dan Albunea symmysta. Kepiting pasir E. emerita ditemukan dengan persentase komposisi paling besar, 70,5%-75,3%; disusul H. adactyla 22,5%-24,7%; dan A. symmysta 2,2%-4,8%. Kepiting pasir betina dijumpai dengan persentase komposisi paling tinggi, yaitu 78,2% hingga 92,8%. Kepiting pasir E. emeritus juga ditemukan dengan kelimpahan rata-rata paling tinggi di kedua lokasi penelitian, yaitu 5 dan 34 ekor/100m2. Kepiting pasir E. emeritus dan H. adactyla yang ditemukan di pantai Bunton, Cilacap mempunyai kelimpahan lebih tinggi dari yang ditemukan di pantai Bocor, Kebumen, adapun kelimpahan rata-rata Albunea symmysta relatif sama di kedua lokasi penelitian, yaitu sekitar 1 ekor/100m2. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah diversitas kepiting pasir di pesisir selatan Jawa Tengah relatif tinggi dengan kelimpahan yang berbeda-beda yang dipengaruhi oleh intensitas aktivitas manusia di wilayah pantai berpasir. Kata kunci: Albunea symmysta, Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, kelimpahan, kepiting pasir, komposisi jenis   Sand crabs or mole crabs are benthic fauna that live in the sandy beaches. They have ecological and economic value. Because of fishing pressure to this organism, it requires wise management based on the characteristics of the sand crab population. Information on the type and abundance of sand crabs is important as an initial step in sustainable management of sand crabs. This study aims to determine the species composition and abundance of each species of sand crabs. Sand crab specimens were collected from two study sites, namely Bocor beach, Kebumen, and Bunton beach, Cilacap. The results showed that in both sites found three species of sand crabs, namely Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, and Albunea symmysta. E. emerita found in greatest composition percentage, 70.5% -75.3%; followed by H. adactyla 22.5% -24.7%; and A. symmysta 2.2% -4.8%. Females sand crab found in highest composition percentage, which is 78.2% to 92.8%. E. emeritus were also found in highest abundance average in both sites, 5 and 34 ind.100m-2. E. emeritus and H. adactyla were found on Bunton beach, Cilacap have abundance higher than that found on Bocor beach, Kebumen, while average abundance ofAlbunea symmysta relatively similar in both study sites, which is about 1 ind.100m-2. Implication of this research is high diversity of sand crabs relatively on the southern coast of Central Java with varying abundance that affected by intensity of human activities in the sandy beach area. Keywords: abundance, Albunea symmysta, Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, sand crab, species compositio

    DataSheet_1_Unraveling fine-scale genetic structure in endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Indonesia: implications for management strategies.xlsx

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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country that provides important nesting and foraging habitats for the critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). Although many studies have investigated this migratory species globally, there is a lack of information on the population structure and geographic boundary of this species in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of six nesting sites in the Java Sea region of Indonesia. The control region (d-loop) sequence (818 bp) was obtained from 152 individuals, resulting in 20 haplotypes. This study revealed 13 new haplotypes, 12 of which were rare and observed only in a single sampling location. Results showed that the Indonesian population shares haplotypes with rookeries from Peninsular Malaysia and Australia, as indicated by EiIP08 and EiIP49. The haplotype diversity (h) was highest at the more northern rookery sites (Segama Besar Island, Kimar Island, East Belitung, Penambun Island) (h: 0.6033 - 0.9167; 4 - 9 haplotypes) compared to the other two rookeries located in the Seribu Archipelago (Tidung Island and Harapan Island) (h: 0.3354 - 0.5965; 3 - 6 haplotypes). Furthermore, population structure analysis showed a pan-mixed population between Tidung Island and Harapan Island (FST: 0.003, P > 0.05) but significant population structure across all other rookery sites (FST: 0.083 - 0.486, P < 0.05), resulting in five newly identified Management Units (MUs) in this area. This study showed the presence of a complex population structure with local haplotypes and narrow population boundaries for rookeries in relatively close proximity within the Java Sea, prompting local management and highlighting the need for more research on hawksbill turtle populations in Indonesia.</p