2,428 research outputs found

    Microwave Assisted Synthesis, Solution State, Spectral Studies and Theoretical Treatment of Pd(II) , Pt(IV) and Au(III) ions Complexes Containing 2-Benzamide Benzothiazole

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    2-benzamide benzothiazole complexes of Pd(II) , Pt(IV) and Au(III) ions were prepared by microwave assisted radiation. The ligand and the complexes were isolated and characterized in solid state by using FT-IR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, flame atomic absorption, elemental analysis CHNS , magnetic susceptibility measurements , melting points and conductivity measurements. The nature of complexes in liquid state was studied by following the molar ratio method which gave results approximately identical to those obtained from isolated solid state; also, stability constant of the prepared complexes were studied and found that they were stable in molar ratio 1:1.The complexes have a sequar planner geometry except Pt(IV) complex has octahedral . A theoretical treatment of ligand and its metal complexes in gas phase were studied using HyperChem-8 program, moreover, ligand in gas phase also has been studied using Gaussian program(GaussView Currently Available Version (5.0.9) along with Gaussian 09 which was the latest in the Gaussian series of programs)

    Gambaran Pola Asupan Makanan Pada Remaja Di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    : Food pattern is an important criteria that affecting the nutrition and to fulfill the need of balanced nutrition. Adolescents are often indicated as vulnerable because of their massive growth and development as well as their highly needs of energy to do various of physical activities. The insufficiency of food pattern can easily affecting due to their imbalanced growth and development, and increase higher risk prior to many chronic diseases regarding their adultery life. The importance of balanced food pattern and nutrition intake in adolescence and there has been no amount of research applied for North Bolaang Mongondow province attract the writer to do this research. The main purpose of this research is to know the pattern of food and nutrition consumption in adolescent. This research is a descriptive study with the design of cross sectional. The results showed the majority of food consumed by adolescents are rice (90%), fishes (77,5%), tofu (47,5%), water spinach (57,5%), banana (32,5%), milk (47,5%), bread (47,5%), and cola-cola (30%) for >1/day frequent. The amount of energy consumption is severely insufficient (97,5%), carbohydrate consumption is 1/day with minimum amount of food and incomplete of consumption each of time


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    Background:Fibromyalgia (FM), the most frequently encountered cause of widespread musculoskeletal pain, affects an estimated 2% of the general Italian population. However, it is not a homogeneous clinical entity, and a number of interacting factors can influence patient prognosis and the outcomes of standardised treatment programmes. Registries are a source of high-quality data for clinical research, but relating this information to individual patients is technically challenging.Objectives:The aim of this article is to describe the structure and objectives of the first Italian Fibromyalgia Registry (IFR), a new web-based registry of patients with FM.Methods:The IFR was developed to collect, store, and share information electronically entered by physicians throughout Italy who are members of the Italian Society of Rheumatology and have a particular interest in FM. It has a web-based architecture that uses two separate servers and an encryption algorithm to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the exchanged data. The questionnaires included on the platform are the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR), the modified Fibromyalgia Assessment Status (ModFAS), and the Polysymptomatic Distress Scale (PDS).Results:The registry includes data relating to 2,339 patients (93.2% female) who satisfied the 1990 or 2010/2011 American College of Rheumatology Classification Criteria for Fibromyalgia at the time of diagnosis. At the time of this analysis, the patients had a mean age of 51.9 years (SD 11.5) and a mean disease duration of 7.3 years (SD 6.9). The majority were married (71.3%), and generally well educated. The overall median FIQR, ModFAS and PDS scores and 25th-75thpercentiles were respectively 61.16 (41.16-77.00), 8.91 (41.16-77.00), and 19.0 (13.00-24.00). The six highest scoring items indicating the greatest impact of the disease on the patients related to fatigue/energy (7.18), sleep quality (6.87), tenderness (6.69), pain (6.68), stiffness (6.66), and environmental sensitivity (6.35). A high proportion of the responding patients reported experiencing pain in the neck (80.46%), upper back (68.36%), and lower back (75.05%).Conclusion:The IFR is the most comprehensive FM registry in Italy, and provides healthcare professionals with a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use means of monitoring the patients' clinical progression, treatment history and treatment responses. This can help clinicians to plan patient management, facilitates research study patient recruitment, and provides the participating pain clinics with statistics based on real-world data. It also helps address the Italian Ministry of Health long-term goal of using precision medicine for chronic pain prevention and treatment. It is hoped that the IFR will enhance both scientific research and clinical practice.References:[1]Drolet BC, Johnson KB: Categorizing the world of registries 2008; 41: 1009–20.[2]Martinez JE, Paiva ES, Rezende MC, Heymann RE, Helfenstein M, Ranzolin A, et al.: EpiFibro (Brazilian Fibromyalgia Registry): data on the ACR classification and diagnostic preliminary criteria fulfillment and the follow-up evaluation. 2017; 57: 129–33[3]Whipple MO, McAllister SJ, Oh TH, Luedtke CA, Toussaint LL, Vincent A: Construction of a US fibromyalgia registry using the Fibromyalgia Research Survey criteria. 2013; 6: 398–99[4]Wolfe F, Smythe HA, Yunus MB, Bennett RM, Bombardier C, Goldenberg D, et al.: The American College of Rheumatology 1990 Criteria for the Classification of Fibromyalgia. Report of the Multicenter Criteria Committee. 1990; 33: 160–72Disclosure of Interests:None declare

    Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual Berbasis Lesson Study Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Siswa Kelas IX Mts Negeri Kabupaten Madiun

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    This research aims to find out: (1) which one providing better mathematics learning achievement, Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with Lesson Study based contextual approach, Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with contextual approach, or conventional learning, (2) which one providing mathematics learning achievement, the students with visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning styles, (3) in each learning model, which one providing better mathematics learning approach, the students with visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learning styles, (4) in each learning style, which one providing better mathematic learning achievement, Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with Lesson Study-based contextual approach, Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with contextual approach, or conventional learning model.This study was a quasi-experimental research with 3x3 factorial design. The population of research was all IX graders of MTs Negeri of Madiun Regency in the school year of 2012/2013 consisting of 13 school. The sampling technique used was stratified cluster random sampling with 259 students as the sample. The school classification based on the Mathematics score in National Examination of 2010/2011 school year obtained MTsN Kare for the sample with high classification, MTsN Sidorejo Wungu for the one with medium classification, and MTsN Rejosari for the one with low classification. The research instrument used was mathematics achievement test and student learning style questionnaire. Technique of analyzing data used was an umbalanced twoway analysis of variance.The conclusions of research were: (1) the jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with lesson study-based contextual approach provided better learning achievement than the one with contextual approach and conventional learning, while the jigsaw type of cooperative learning model provided the achievement as same as the conventional learning did. (2) the students with visual learning style had learning achievement equal to those with auditory learning style, while both of them had better learning achievement than those with kinesthetic learning style. (3) the students with the visual,auditorial and kinesthetic learning style, the jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with lesson study-based contextual approach provided better mathematics learning achievement than jigsaw type cooperative learning with contextual approach and conventional learning, while the jigsaw type of cooperative learning provided the achievement as same as the conventional learning did. (4) in Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with Lesson Study based contextual approach, Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with contextual approach, or conventional learning,, the students with visual learning style provided mathematic learning achievement as same as those with auditory learning style337did, while both of them provided better learning achievement than those withkinesthetic learning style

    Educational potential of public music lectures at Kazan Federal University (from emotional education to global thinking development)

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    The article highlights the topical issues of human education of the future humanisticnoospheric civilization on the example of the leading extracurricular form of concert and creative activity of teachers and students of the Kazan Federal University - the music educational lyceum. As a result of analyzing the interdisciplinary theoretical studies (on the problems of future education and the potential of educational activity of the musical and pedagogical structure of the university) and the practical pedagogical experience, we revealed the integrative potential of the lyceum in the aspect of the education of the future - from the education of human feelings to the development of his planetary, cosmic thinking. The lyceum potential is presented in the aggregate of culturally-creating, communicative-cognitive (information-evolutionary), problem-reflective (self-educational, research), dialogic-creative (culturological, activity) characteristics. The conducted research allowed determining the conditions (continuous self-education, updating and integration of educational resources on the basis of the information-evolutionary connection "human - nature - society", expansion of research and execution potential on the basis of scientific and creative collaboration, development of the traditions of outreach activities to different audiences) and the ways of practical implementation of the pedagogical potential of the lyceum as a form of education of the future. Particular attention is given to the cultural interpretation of works of art, cooperation technologies, problem training and actualization of the motivational potential of the educational environment on the basis of global education models able to form a human - the universe.Key words: education of the future, musical education, extracurricular concert-creative activity, future teacher
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