3,828 research outputs found

    Relative commutants of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras

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    The relative commutant AAUA'\cap A^{\mathcal{U}} of a strongly self-absorbing algebra AA is indistinguishable from its ultrapower AUA^{\mathcal{U}}. This applies both to the case when AA is the hyperfinite II1_1 factor and to the case when it is a strongly self-absorbing C*-algebra. In the latter case we prove analogous results for (A)/c0(A)\ell_\infty(A)/c_0(A) and reduced powers corresponding to other filters on N\bf N. Examples of algebras with approximately inner flip and approximately inner half-flip are provided, showing the optimality of our results. We also prove that strongly self-absorbing algebras are smoothly classifiable, unlike the algebras with approximately inner half-flip.Comment: Some minor correction

    The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product on the Religion of Islam from a Missiological Perspective

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    Problem. There is considerable misunderstanding in the contemporary world about the religion of Islam. Its swift growth has been a challenge to Christianity, and efforts to share Christ\u27s message with Muslims have been relatively fruitless. The purpose of this study was to prepare a pedagogical module to instruct Seventh-day Adventist college students about the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam. Topics include the Judaistic and Islamic heritage, Jesus and Muhammad, Islamic fundamentalism, Islamic marriage and family, the Muslim worldview, and practical Christian channels of missionary outreach to Muslims. Method. The methodology of this instructional product development followed the pattern of Baker and Schutz (1971) and Naden (1993). After identifying the need, behavioral objectives were established, and criteria were derived from the current literature on the religion of Islam. The instructional product was prepared in the form of ten classroom lectures. Mastery was set at 80 percent of the learners scoring at least 80 percent on each of the twenty-eight behavioral objectives. The learners were Andrews University college students enrolled in a class on world religions. The lectures were presented first to small groups of the target audience. The lectures were modified, and as mastery improved, the group size was increased. The product was considered presentation ready when mastery was attained by a group of thirty learners from the target audience. Modification of affect was measured by a Likertstyle instrument consisting of attitudinal statements related to Islam. Results Mastery was achieved on all of the twenty-eight behavioral objectives in the final tryout. Modification of affect was significant at the .05 level. Conclusions. Because the Seventh-day Adventist Church lacked an instructional product on the religion of Islam, and because this instructional product was developed empirically, it could be utilized as an instructional tool for undergraduate Seventh-day Adventist religion majors who are training to become ministers or teachers of the Gospel

    Conflict Between Intellectual Property Rights and Human Rights: A Case Study on Intangible Cultural Heritage

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    54 pagesThe ability to protect and safeguard cultural heritage is of vital importance to some communities. Without the ability to maintain control over these expressions, external subjects could freely appropriate them, which could negatively affect the community’s identity, spirituality, and general well-being. Increasing awareness regarding cultural heritage provides momentum to better define a legal framework for the protection of the intangible goods that constitute cultural heritage. It is fundamental to ascertain whether the current intellectual property right (IPR) regime represents an adequate model of protection vis-à-vis intangible cultural heritage (ICH). The culture’s unique concerns, which variably affect ICH, make it difficult to compare the rationales for these two legal domains. These concerns are pivotal in elaborating the need for legal protection

    A Comparison Between Shale Gas in China and Unconventional Fuel Development in the United States: Water, Environmental Protection, and Sustainable Development

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    China is believed to have the world\u27s largest exploitable reserves of shale gas, although several legal, regulatory, environmental, and investment-related issues will likely restrain its exploitation. China\u27s capacity to face these hurdles successfully and produce commercial shale gas will have a crucial impact on the regional gas market and on China’s energy mix, as Beijing strives to decrease reliance on imported oil and coal, and, at the same time, tries to meet growing energy demand and maintain a certain level of resource autonomy. The development of the unconventional natural gas extractive industry will also provide China with further negotiating power to obtain more advantageously priced gas. This article, which adopts a comparative perspective, underlines the trends taken from unconventional fuel development in the United States, emphasizing their potential application to China in light of recently signed production-sharing agreements between qualified foreign investors and China. The wide range of regulatory and enforcement problems in this matter are increased by an extremely limited liberalization of gas prices, lack of technological development, and barriers to market access curbing access to resource extraction for private investors. This article analyzes the legal tools that can play a role in shale gas development while assessing the new legal and fiscal policies that should be crafted or reinforced. It also examines the institutional settings’ fragmentation and conflicts, highlighting how processes and outcomes are indeed path dependent. Moreover, the possibilities of cooperation and coordination (including through U.S.-China common initiatives), and the role of transparency and disclosure of environmental data are assessed. These issues are exacerbated by concerns related to the risk of water pollution deriving from mismanaged drilling and fracturing, absence of adequate predictive evaluation regulatory instruments and industry standards: this entails consequences for social stability and environmental degradation which are inconsistent with the purposes of sustainable development

    Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Konstitusi dalam Kebijakan Perdagangan Indonesia di Tingkat Regional dan Multilateral

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    The purposes of this study were to analyze the implementation of the Indonesian con-stitutional values in Indonesia and in the regional level of trade policies (AFTA-ASEAN Free Trade Area). The method used is a qualitative approach. The findings ofthis research stated that there are some trade policy that misses thebasic values of the1945 Constitution and Pancasila, resulting inmismanagement in development policyand therefore contributesto lowering the level of public welfare in general. The policy,among others, is the policy of trade protection is not based on the principle of wealthcreation and equitable distribution, but is based on the behavior of crony-capitalism;government policiesrelated to foreign ownership in an investment is still not heedingthevalues and principles of broad benefit of welfare, justice andequity; and governmentprotection policies in the agriculturalsector is still not optimal to create a high com-petitiveness

    Pengaruh Resiko, Kualitas Manajemen, Ukuran Dan Likuiditas Bank Terhadap Capital Adequacy Ratio Bank-Bank Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purposive of this research is to examine the effect of risk, management quality, size and liquidity toward Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). This research designed as an explorative research with used purposive sampling method to take the data. Data for this study was collected is publication financial report of banks listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange the period 2003-2008. Statistical analysis by using method of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Fixed Effect Method. Result of best examination by using method of Fixed Effect Method. The result of research indicated that index risk (risk of asset turnover), management quality, and asset liquidity have the negative impact toward Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). While liquidity of liability have the positive impact toward Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)

    Finite element analysis of three- and four-unit bridges

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    A two-dimensional finite element model of a mandibular quadrant was used to examine differences in magnitude of the principal stresses from the placement of three- and four-unit bridges. The area of interest spanned the first premolar to the second molar. Loading conditions were (i) vertical and distributed and (ii) 30° to the vertical and concentrated. The principal stresses were calculated and compared for: (i) the first molar removed with the remaining bone either cancellous or cancellous surrounded by a cortical shell; (ii) as in (i) but with the second premolar and first molar removed; (iii) a three-unit bridge spanning the second premolar to the second molar; and (iv) a four-unit bridge spanning the first premolar to the second molar. Each tooth was supported by periodontal ligaments, cortical and cancellous bone with each assigned the appropriate physical constants. Removal of the first molar resulted in considerable variation of the stresses especially when the cortical shell was replaced by cancellous bone. Because of the lower modulus of cancellous bone and its lower load-bearing capabilities the stresses were three to ten times lower and more uniform within the cancellous bone. Generally, the addition of a bridge resulted in lower and better distributed Σ min stresses. The bridge also resulted in higher tensile stresses distal to the abutment teeth which theoretically could result in bone deposition. No significant differences in magnitude were observed between the three- and four-unit bridge. From a stress standpoint the bridges resulted in more uniform stress distribution around the abutments and an increase in the tensile stresses distal to the abutments. Such findings support the placement of a fixed bridge to maintain bone in an edentulous area.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/74974/1/j.1365-2842.1989.tb01384.x.pd

    Hubungan Antara Kematangan Karir Dan Psychological Well-being Pada Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 5 Semarang

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    Psychological well-being (PWB) adalah penilaian individu terhadap dirinya yang menunjukkan bahwa dirinya berada pada kondisi sehat mental, yang meliputi sikap positif terhadap dirinya dan orang lain, kemampuan menciptakan lingkungan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya dan dimilikinya tujuan yang jelas untuk hidupnya. PWB dipengaruhi seberapa jauh individu mampu memenuhi tugas-tugas perkembangannya. Pada saat yang sama, remaja khususnya yang berada pada kelas XII SMA memiliki beberapa tugas perkembangan yang harus dilaluinya, dan salah satu tugas perkembangan yang mengemuka adalah mempersiapkan karir untuk masa depannya. Remaja yang mampu mempersiapkan karir dan mampu menguasai tugas karir sesuai tahap perkembangan karirnya maka memiliki kematangan karir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah ada hubungan positif antara kematangan karir dan psychological well-being pada siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 5 Semarang. Hipotesis awal yang diajukan adalah ada hubungan yang positif antara kematangan karir dan psychological well-being. Artinya, semakin tinggi kematangan karir pada individu maka semakin tinggi pula psychological well-being pada individu tersebut. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas XII SMA Negeri 5 Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode cluster random sampling, sehingga sampel yang didapat berjumlah 118 siswa. Skala yang digunakan adalah skala psychological well being berjumlah 32 aitem dan skala kematangan karir berjumlah 37 aitem. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini analisis regresi yang menunjukkan angka sebesar .55 dengan p = .000 (p < .05) yang artinya ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kematangan karir dan psychological well-being pada siswa kelas XII di SMA Negeri 5 Semarang

    Distinguishing alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency from asthma

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    AbstractObjectiveTo explore the relations that exist between α1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) and asthma and to evaluate practices for screening patients with asthma for this genetically determined condition in the context of current guidelines.Data SourcesEnglish-language articles were selected from a PubMed search using combinations of the following search terms: alpha1-antitrypsin, screening, and asthma.Study SelectionsStudies to be included in this review were based on the authors' expert opinions.ResultsAsthma and AATD are 2 distinct conditions yet they can coexist. Although AATD has a variable symptomatology and some patients may be asymptomatic, many can present with symptoms that are similar to those of asthma, such as dyspnea, wheezing, cough, and mucus production, which can cause confusion at diagnosis. A simple genetic test exists for AATD, which is a single-gene disorder, and the American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society guidelines recommend the screening of patients with asthma who exhibit chronic airflow obstruction. Patients with AATD are seen by internal medicine, family medicine, allergy, and pulmonary clinicians, yet there is a generalized lack of awareness of testing among all specialties. This leads to a delayed diagnosis for patients with AATD, typically by 8.3 years.ConclusionA greater awareness of AATD among clinicians who regularly manage patients with asthma symptoms could increase diagnosis rates, thus optimizing interventions and management strategies to improve patient outcomes