731 research outputs found

    The Influence of TikTok And Social Media On Body Dissatisfaction And Disordered Eating Behavior In College-Aged Women

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    This thesis aims to evaluate the impact of social media, especially TikTok, on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behavior in college-aged women. Previous research established connections between increased social media usage and body dissatisfaction and between the type of content viewed on social media and body dissatisfaction. In addition, several studies showed a connection between body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behavior. To investigate the impact of social media on body image and body dissatisfaction in college-aged women at the University of South Carolina, I collected data using a self-report survey that asked participants questions about which social media platforms they used, how frequently they used social media, and what type of content they watched on these platforms. Participants were also asked about their body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behavior. I hypothesized that the amount of time women spend on social media, their body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating behavior would all be positively correlated. I also hypothesized that viewing content about diet and exercise would correlate with higher body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behavior. The results confirmed my hypotheses that watching diet and exercise content would increase body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behavior and that body dissatisfaction would correlate with disordered eating behavior. There was no correlation between overall time spent on social media and body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behavior. These findings are important because young women need to be aware of the deleterious effects of social media use so they can take measures to avoid them

    Internationalization of firms: revitalizing the board of directors after a cross-border acquisition

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    This paper aims to show the importance of introducing an integration manager (i.e. an executive position used to channel the acquiring firm’s course of action and strengthen the success of a post-acquisition integration process) within the acquiring firm’s board of directors. Design/methodology/approach: This is a theoretical paper that introduces the integration manager within the board of privately held firms going internationally via acquisitions and serving as an “out-insider” director able to balance the conflicting demands of the previously separated entities during their integration process. The authors present an explanatory case study that empirically contributes to the board of directors’ design for internationalization. Findings: The authors posit that the integration manager serves as an “out-insider” director of the board for privately held firms, possessed by large-block shareholders, going internationally via acquisitions, providing the necessary expertise and knowledge of the target firm’s products and industry. Originality/value: The provided study aims to show that international acquisitions, even though apparently less risky than greenfield investments, may require additional neutral information flow – both within the due-diligence process and the post-acquisition integration – that only outsiders possess. Such an outsider has been individuated in the integration manager whose crucial role focuses on smoothing the pre- and post-acquisition integration processes


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    Contains research objectives and reports on three research projects.National Institute of Mental Health (Grant 5 P01 MH-13390-05)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 TO1 HD-00111-07

    Angular correlation of scattered annihilation photons, to test the possibility of hidden variables in quantum theory

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    Angular correlations of the annihilation photons, Compton scattered by plastic scintillators and detected by means of NaI (T1) crystals, have been measured in order to test the possibility of deviations of the experimental results from the predictions of the quantum theory


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    Objective: The purpose of this paper was to contribute to the psychometric properties and dimensionality of the IGD-20. Method: An online survey was completed by 392 Italian online gamers (Mage = 29.2, SD = 11.3; 45.2% males). A battery of self-report questionnaires was administered to assess internet gaming disorder, internet addiction, loneliness, anxiety, depression, stress, social-interaction anxiety, self-esteem, and perceived social support. To test the factor structure of IGD-20, both traditional (i.e., EFA and CFA) and innovative (i.e., ESEM) techniques were applied. Convergent, concurrent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity were evaluated. Results: Our study revealed the outperforming 3-factor ESEM model (χ2=39.951, p = 0.0021; RMSEA = 0.056, 90% C.I. [0.032 - 0.079]; CFI = 0.986; TLI = 0.965; and SRMR = 0.017; ω = .76, .77, and .79, respectively) as a new short version (IGD- 10SV) for the IGD-20. The validity of the IGD-10SV was supported by significant associations with theoretically related measures. Conclusions: The current findings support the adoption of the analytic ESEM approach for complex multidimensional measures and the use of the IGD-10SV for the assessment of internet gaming disorder

    Caratteristiche sismostratigrafiche di strutture sedimentarie diagnostiche dicorrenti di fondo nell\u2019off-shore del Golfo di Taranto.

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    L\u2019analisi integrata di dati multibeam e sismici ad altissima risoluzione (Chirp Sub-Bottom), acquisiti in un settore del Golfo di Taranto (Mare Ionio), ha permesso di identificare e classificare strutture sedimentarie diagnostiche di correnti di fondo (conturiti), formatesi nel tardo Quaternario. La classificazione proposta \ue8 basata sia su criteri sismo-stratigrafici che sulla comparazione con strutture analoge documentate da precedenti autori nei bacini oceanici [Faugeres et al., 1999 con rif.]. Nell\u2019area in esame sono stati identificati quattro settori (Alto dell\u2019Amendolara, Bacino di Corigliano, Bacino dell\u2019Amendolara ed Alto di Rossano-Cariati) caratterizzati da morfologia, pendenza e profondit\ue0 differente. Le strutture conturitiche sono state riconosciute prevalentemente nei settori NW e SE dell\u2019alto dell\u2019Amendolara, ad una profondit\ue0 compresa tra 130 m e 400 m e le geometrie interne ed esterne mostrano caratteristiche deposizionali ed erosive. Sono state classificate come sheeted drift le strutture sviluppate subparallelamente al profilo batimetrico, infill drift ed elongated drift le strutture caratterizzate da fosse ben sviluppate ed elementi erosivi quali fosse ed abraded surface. Sono stati osservati inoltre osservati sediment waves nel settore SW dell\u2019alto strutturale. Dall\u2019analisi integrata dei nuovi dati con quelli disponibili in letteratura \ue8 possibile ipotizzare che i fattori che hanno maggiormente influenzato tipologia, distribuzione areale e batimetrica dei depositi conturitici e degli elementi erosivi sono: a) morfologia del fondo marino; b) caratteristiche dei sedimenti (es. tessitura); c) variazione della velocit\ue0 della \u201cLevantine Intermediate Water come conseguenza delle d) variazioni eustatiche. Sono stati inoltre applicati in cascata i modelli bidimensionali CMS- Wave [Lin et al, 2006] per la propagazione dello spettro d\u2019onda, e CMS- Flow [Buttolph et al, 2006] per la circolazione interna, prendendo in considerazione i dati meteo marini forniti dall\u2019ECMWF nel punto di coordinate 39,5\ub0N, 17\ub0E, in modo da valutare le condizioni idrodinamiche in prossimit\ue0 del paraggio in esame. L\u2019integrazione dei dati indicati geologici/geofisici e dei risultati del codice di calcolo numerico ha permesso di ipotizzare un modello di circolazione della corrente \u201cLevantine Intermediate Water\u201d e valutare l\u2019influenza delle morfostrutture sulla circolazione delle acque profonde durante l\u2019ultima fase di abbassamento e stazionamento basso del livello del mare. Bibliografia Buttolph, A.,D., Reed, C.W., Kraus N., Wamsley, T.V., Ono, N., Larson, M.,Camenen, B., Hanson, H. Zundel, A.K., (2006). Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Circulation Model CMS-M2D: Version 3.0, Report 2, Sediment Transport and Morphology Change. ERDC/CHL TR-06-9 Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Lin, L., H. Mase, F. Yamada, and Z. Demirbilek. (2006). Wave-action balance equation diffraction (WABED) model: Tests of wave diffraction and reflection at inlets. Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note ERDC/CHL CHETN-III-73. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Faug\ue8res, J.C., Stow, D.A.V., Imbert, P., Viana, A.R. (1999). Seismic feature diagnostic of contourite drifts. Marine Geology 162, pp. 1-38

    Cerebrovascular reactivity and cerebral perfusion of rats with acute liver failure: role of L-glutamine and asymmetric dimethylarginine in L-arginine-induced response

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    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is impaired in acute liver failure (ALF), however, the complexity of the underlying mechanisms has often led to inconclusive interpretations. Regulation of CBF depends at least partially on variations in the local brain L‐arginine concentration and/or its metabolic rate. In ALF, other factors, like an increased concentration of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and elevated level of L‐glutamine, may contribute to CBF alteration. This study demonstrated strong differences in the reactivity of the middle cerebral arteries and their response to extravascular L‐arginine application between vessels isolated from rats with thioacetamide (TAA)‐induced ALF and control animals. Our results also showed the decrease in the cerebral perfusion in TAA rats measured by arterial spin labeling perfusion magnetic resonance. Subsequently, we aimed to investigate the importance of balance between the concentration of ADMA and L‐arginine in the CBF regulation. In vivo, intraperitoneal L‐arginine administration in TAA rats corrected: (i) decrease in cerebral perfusion, (ii) decrease in brain extracellular L‐arginine/ADMA ratio and (iii) increase in brain L‐glutamine concentration. Our study implicates that impaired vascular tone of cerebral arteries is most likely associated with exposure to high ADMA and L‐glutamine levels resulting in limited availability of L‐arginine and might be responsible for reduced cerebral perfusion observed in AL

    Thermal effects on electron-phonon interaction in silicon nanostructures

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    Raman spectra from silicon nanostructures, recorded using excitation laser power density of 1.0 kW/cm^2, is employed here to reveal the dominance of thermal effects at temperatures higher than the room temperature. Room temperature Raman spectrum shows only phonon confinement and Fano effects. Raman spectra recorded at higher temperatures show increase in FWHM and decrease in asymmetry ratio with respect to its room temperature counterpart. Experimental Raman scattering data are analyzed successfully using theoretical Raman line-shape generated by incorporating the temperature dependence of phonon dispersion relation. Experimental and theoretical temperature dependent Raman spectra are in good agreement. Although quantum confinement and Fano effects persists, heating effects start dominating at higher temperatures than room tempaerature.Comment: 9 Pages, 3 Figures and 1 Tabl

    Performance of the galactomannan antigen detection test in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in children with cancer or undergoing haemopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    AbstractSerum galactomannan (GM) antigen detection is not recommended for defining invasive aspergillosis (IA) in children undergoing aggressive chemotherapy or allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The ability of the GM test to identify IA in children was retrospectively evaluated in a cohort of children. Test performance was evaluated on samples that were collected during 195 periods at risk of IA. Proven IA was diagnosed in seven periods, all with positive GM test results (true positives, 4%), and possible IA was diagnosed in 15 periods, all with negative GM test results (false negatives, 8%). The test result was positive with negative microbiological, histological and clinical features in three periods (false positives, 1%), and in 170 periods it was negative with negative microbiological, histological and clinical features (true negatives, 87%). The sensitivity was 0.32 and the specificity was 0.98; the positive predictive value was 0.70 and the negative predictive value was 0.92. The efficiency of the test was 0.91, the positive likelihood ratio was 18.3, and the negative likelihood ratio was 1.4. The probability of missing an IA because of a negative test result was 0.03. Test performance proved to be better during at-risk periods following chemotherapy than in periods following allogeneic HSCT. The GM assay is useful for identifying periods of IA in children undergoing aggressive chemotherapy or allogeneic HSCT
