714 research outputs found

    Training intermediaries on Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA), Liwonde, Machinga District, Malawi, 20-31 and 27-31 July 2015

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    Two Training of Trainers (ToT) events were conducted at Hippo View Lodge in Liwonde, Machinga District, 20-24 and 27-31 July 2015. The purpose was to build the capacity of the intermediaries in Balaka, Nsanje and Lilongwe Districts in Malawi to apply the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) to interpret and communicate climate service information with farmers. The PICSA approach aims to facilitate farmers to make informed decisions based on accurate, location specific climate and weather information; locally relevant crop, livestock and livelihood options; and participatory tools to aid decision making (Field Manual 2015). Seventy intermediaries from MoA, WFP, DCCMS, FRT, Malawi Red Cross and Concern Universal were trained in the two PICSA ToTs sessions. The training included resource allocation maps (RAM), seasonal calendars, calculation of probability planting dates using historical climate data (rainfall and temperature), cropping practices, livelihood and livestock options, and participatory budgets (PBs). The intermediaries had a one-day field practice where they facilitated the PICSA process with groups of farmers. During the field practice, intermediaries were able to successfully explain to farmers concepts related to climate variability and change and farmers were able to gain a better understanding on how the climate is changing. The participating farmers were able to calculate seasonal rainfall totals, probabilities associated with planting opportunities and season length; to identify different cropping practices, livelihood and livestock options; formulate participatory budgets; and factor this information into their season plans. Farmers and intermediaries found the field practice useful because they exchanged useful locally relevant climate information. It enabled DCCMS staff to gain a better understanding of farmers’ needs, and how to better translate and communicate difficult climate related concepts in a way that farmers could understand. They also encountered challenges, including difficulty understanding technical terms and interpreting historic climate date. Although the concept was challenging, the farmers grasped the methodology to calculate probabilities associated with information such as seasonal rainfall totals by end of the field practice

    Measurements and calibration of the stripline BPM for the ELI-NP facility with the stretched wire method

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    A methodology has been developed to perform electrical characterization of the stripline BPMs for the future Gamma Beam System of ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. Several prototype units are extensively benchmarked and the results are presented in this paper. The BPM sensitivity function is determined using a uniquely designed motorized test bench with a stretched wire to measure the BPM response map. Here, the BPM feedthroughs are connected to Libera Brilliance electronics and the wire is fed by continuous wave signal, while the two software-controlled motors provide horizontal and vertical motion of the BPM around the wire. The electrical offset is obtained using S-parameter measurements with a Network Analyzer (via the “Lambertson” method) and is referenced to the mechanical offse

    Beam diagnostics for charge and position measurements in ELI-NP GBS

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    The advanced source of Gamma-ray photons to be built in Bucharest (Romania), as part of the ELI-NP European Research Infrastructure, will generate photons by Compton back-scattering in the collision between a multi-bunch electron beam and a high intensity recirculated laser pulse. An S-Band photoinjector and the following C-band Linac at a maximum energy of 720MeV, under construction by an European consortium (EurogammaS) led by INFN, will operate at 100Hz repetition rate with trains of 32 electron bunches, separated by 16ns and a 250pC nominal charge. The different BPMs and current transformers used to measure transverse beam position and charge along the LINAC are described. Design criteria, production status and bench test results of the charge and position pickups are reported in the paper, together with the related data acquisition systems

    Thermal simulations for optical transition radiation screen for Eli-NP compton gamma source

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    The ELI-NP GBS (Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics Gamma Beam Source) is a high brightness elec-tron LINAC that is being built in Romania. The goal for this facility is to provide high luminosity gamma beam through Compton Backscattering. A train of 32 bunches at 100Hz with a nominal charge of 250pC is accelerated up to 740 MeV. Two interaction points with an IR Laser beam produces the gamma beam at different energies. In order to measure the electron beam spot size and the beam proper-ties along the train, the OTR screens must sustain the ther-mal and mechanical stress due to the energy deposited by the bunches. This paper is an ANSYS study of the issues due to the high quantity of energy transferred to the OTR screen. They will be shown different analysis, steady-state and thermal transient analysis, where the input loads will be the internal heat generation equivalent to the average power, deposited by the ELI-GBS beam in 512 ns, that is the train duration. Each analyses will be followed by the structural analysis to investigate the performance of the OTR materi

    Optical issues for the diagnostic stations for the ELI-NP compton gamma source

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    A high brightness electron Linac is being built in the Compton Gamma Source at the ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. To achieve the design luminosity, a train of 32 bunches, 16 ns spaced, with a nominal charge of 250 pC will collide with the laser beam in the interaction point. Electron beam spot size is measured with optical transition radiation (OTR) profile monitors. In order to measure the beam properties, the optical radiation detecting system must have the necessary accuracy and resolution. This paper deals with the studies of different optic configurations to achieve the magnification, resolution and accuracy in order to measure very small beam (below 30 μm) or to study the angular distribution of the OTR and therefore the energy of the beam. Several configurations of the optical detection line will be studied both with simulation tools (e.g. Zemax) and experimentally. The paper will deal also with the sensibility of optic system (in terms of depth of field, magnification and resolution) to systematic error

    The Effect of Different Woods on the Quality of Smoked Catfish (Cryptoterus Bicirchis)

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    This research was intended to evaluate the effect of different woods on the quality ofsmoked catfish (Cryptoterus bicirchis). The fish weigthing ± 40 gram/fish was taken from thefisherman in Rokan Hilir. The fish was eviscerated and hot-smoked in smoke kiln with kandiswood (Garcinia xanthochymus), simpur wood (Dillenia sulfruticosa) and laban wood (Vitexpinnata). Smoked catfish was evaluated for sensory quality, phenol, acidity and pH. The resultshowed that the of smoked catfish smoked with kandis wood was the best in quality. Phenol,acidity and Ph value for the smoked catfish smoked with kandis wood was 6,30%, 3,51% and6,27 respectively; simpur wood was 3,68%, 2,19% and 6,40 respectively; and laban wood was3,99%, 2,36% and 6,48 respectivel


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    Perusahaan dapat melakukan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU) agar tetap dapat melanjutkan usahanya sembari mengamankan aset dan kekayaannya sehingga memberikan jaminan bagi pelunasan utang-utang bagi para kreditur. Kondisi tersebut kadangkala berdampak kepada para pekerja terkait pemotongan upah yang seharusnya dibayarkan termasuk bagi karyawan kontrak. Bentuk perlindungan hukum serta upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh karyawan kontrak atas tindakan perusahaan yang melakukan pemotongan upah dalam masa PKPU tetap. Perusahaan bertanggungjawab atas penundaan pembayaran upah kepada karyawan kontrak pada masa PKPU apabila karyawan menempuh upaya hukum. Dalam penelitian yuridis normatif ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh karyawan kontrak atas pemotongan upah oleh perusahaan dalam masa PKPU-Tetap tidak terakomodasi secara penuh oleh peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku saat ini. Perlindungan terhadap kepentingan karyawan kontrak dalam kondisi sebaiknya didasarkan pada perjanjian kerja antara karyawan dengan pihak perusahaan dimana upaya hukum dapat ditempuh melalui gugatan maupun kesepakatan perdamaian selama tidak diatur lain dalam perjanjian kerja.Companies can defer debt payment obligations (PKPU) so that they can continue their business while securing their assets and assets to provide guarantees for the repayment of debts for creditors. This condition sometimes has an impact on workers about wage deductions that should be paid, including for contract employees. Forms of legal protection and legal remedies can be taken by contract employees for the actions of companies that cut wages during the permanent PKPU period. The company is responsible for delaying payment of wages to contract employees during the PKPU period if the employee takes legal action. In this normative juridical research, it is concluded that the legal remedies that can be taken by contract employees for deductions from wages by the company during the PKPU-Permanent period are not fully accommodated by the current laws and regulations. Protection of the interests of contract employees under conditions should be based on a work agreement between the employee and the company where legal remedies can be taken through a lawsuit or a peace agreement as long as it is not regulated otherwise in the work agreement