64 research outputs found

    Recombinants proteins for industrial uses: utilization of Pichia pastoris expression system

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    The innovation in industrial process with impact in the efficient production is the major challenge for actual industry. A high numerous of enzymes are utilized in at different level of process; the search for new alternatives with better characteristic has become a field of study of great interest, the recombinant protein achievement in a different host system is an alternative widely assessed for production of this. The microorganism Pichia pastoris has been used like a successful expression system in diverse areas, improved the yield and extraction-recovery of the product expressed. The reported of diverse authors in the production of enzymes with different application in industry is varied, in this review the different industry areas and the characteristic of the enzymes produced are detailed

    Potential biomarkers of DNA quality in cryopreserved fish sperm: impact on gene expression and embryonic development

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    Sperm DNA quality and gene expression are crucial for early embryo development. Abnormal genomic processes can cause irreversible damage to totipotent cells, thereby altering the capacity for cell differentiation. Cryopreservation is a complex procedure that exposes cells to extreme conditions; it is therefore important to determine whether cryopreservation affects genomic stability. Despite this, few studies have focused on the effects of cryopreservation on the genomic stability of fish sperm. Thus, information is lacking to determine how the cryopreservation of fish sperm affects embryo quality and subsequently aquaculture. The aim of this review was to compile background information pertaining to the study of genomic stability in cryopreserved sperm. In this way, we hope to characterize more clearly the embryonic development of fish that are of biological and economic interest. We also discuss the potential use of antioxidants in cryopreservation to help preserve DNA integrity, gene expression and embryo quality. There is a current need to evaluate the use of potential biomarkers of genomic integrity to establish the effects of cryopreservation on the DNA quality of fish gametes and embryos

    Cryopreservation and vitrification of fish semen: a review with special emphasis on marine species

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    Semen conservation methods have been extensively studied for fish species over the last 60years. Cryopreservation techniques can be divided into two types: one with slow cooling rates like traditional freezing and the other with ultrarapid rates as used in vitrification. These protocols increase the time over which semen samples can be used for reproduction or sperm quality analysis. Marine fish possess greater resistance than freshwater species to variations in osmolality. This favours the application of these methods, which produce better results after thawing and offer high biotechnological potential for aquaculture. In the last 15years, sperm cryopreservation studies have been carried out in 32 marine species, but there are few analyses of the effects of freezing on the morphology and physiology of sperm cells. The object of this review was to provide recent data on semen cryopreservation in marine fish species and to suggest variables which may be applied in future research

    Effect of the age of broodstock males on sperm function during cold storage in the trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    The knowledge of sperm quality in the broodstock males of different ages is a prerequisite to identify the reproductive ability of cultivated fish for the hatchery management. Thus, in this work, we analysed sperm function of the semen stored of broodstock males of rainbow trout (Oncorhychus mykiss) in different reproductive ages (2, 3 and 4years old). Sperm samples of each reproductive age were stored in Storfish((R)) during 10days at 4 degrees C, and then, motility, viability, mitochondrial function (MMP), superoxide anion (O-2(-)) level and DNA fragmentation (DNA(frag)) were assessed. The results demonstrated that sperm function parameters were affected significantly by the age of the males and the time of storage. Motility, viability and MMP significantly decreased, and DNA(frag) and O-2(-) level increased with the age increment and the time of storage. In conclusion, sperm quality of 2 and 3years old were superior to those of 4years old, based on higher quality of various sperm functions such as motility, viability, MMP, DNA integrity and level O-2(-) during short-term storage. This information must be considered for optimum utilization of broodstock males in aquacultur

    HSF-1, HIF-1and HSP90 expression on recombinant Pichia pastoris under fed-batch fermentation

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    Pichia pastoris is a methylotrophic yeast used as an efficient expression system for heterologous protein production as compared to other expression systems. Considering that every cell must respond to environmental changes to survive and differentiate, determination of endogenous protein related to heat stress responses and hypoxia, it would necessary to establish the temperature and methanol concentration conditions for optimal growth. The aim of this study is characterize the culture conditions through the putative biomarkers in different conditions of temperature and methanol concentration. Three yeast cultures were performed: 3X = 3% methanol -10 °C, 4X = 3% methanol -30 °C, and 5X = 1% methanol -10 °C. The expression level of HIF-1α, HSF-1, HSP-70 and HSP-90 biomarkers were measured by Western blot and in situ detection was performed by immunocytochemistry. The western blot results of HIF-1α and HSP-90 did not indicate statistically significant in the culture conditions studied. Respect to biomarkers location, HIF-1α and HSP-90 presented differences between cultures. In conclusion, the results suggest the cultures in a hypoxic condition produce a high density and yeast cells smaller. Beside the high density would not necessary related with a high production of recombinant proteins in modified-genetically P. pastoris

    Diagnóstico sobre el estado y vigencia de los derechos humanos en el sur de Jalisco: DESCA, seguridad pública y participación ciudadana

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    Los trabajos que se presentan en este diagnóstico versan sobre la situación de los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales del Sur de Jalisco. Para realizarlo se hizo el diseño de un cuestionario de 131 reactivos, el cual se aplicó en población abierta de 16 municipios de la región durante un periodo de siete meses. La investigación arrojó información valiosa para medir el cumplimiento de los derechos en cinco dimensiones: capacidades humanas básicas; sustentabilidad y medio ambiente; autonomía, participación ciudadana y gobierno local; seguridad pública y sistema de justicia, así como una dimensión sociocultural (discriminación, género y cultura). Una vez que se obtuvo toda la información, se hizo el análisis de las cinco dimensiones y se redactaron cinco textos de divulgación, los cuales constituyen la parte medular de este diagnóstico.ITESO, A.C.John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundatio

    Observatorio Legislativo en el Congreso de Jalisco

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    El presente Proyecto busca plantear soluciones y resolver problemas del entorno social, desde el enfoque legislativo. Para realizar lo anterior se tuvieron que analizar a profundidad las funciones del poder legislativo, así como adquirir los conocimientos tendientes para efecto de poder estar en aptitud de analizar y emitir opiniones fundadas y motivadas respecto del desempeño que tienen las diputadas y los diputados en el Congreso del Estado de Jalisco.ITESO, A.C

    Medios de comunicación y derecho a la información en Jalisco, 2016

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    Se rescata el acontecer mediático y las trasformaciones más relevantes en materia de derecho a la información entre 2015 y 2016. Este periodo arroja interesantes análisis con respecto a temas como los cambios del sistema de medios en Jalisco; la trasparencia y el acceso a la información, así como la configuración de quienes integran las instituciones que vigilan su aplicación; la transición a la televisión digital terrestre; los desaparecidos y la falta de acceso a la información, y el rostro de la prensa local a partir de sus capacidades financieras desde la perspectiva de su independencia editorial. Asimismo, se registraron hechos importantes que están marcando un parteaguas en el estado, como la alerta de violencia contra las mujeres en Jalisco, la iniciativa ciudadana #Ley3de3, las modificaciones al Premio Jalisco de Periodismo y las implicaciones del nuevo sistema penal para los medios y los periodistas. Cierra con un espacio para mantener viva la memoria de los profesionales de la comunicación que han participado en la construcción del acontecer informativo, cultural y de entretenimiento local