84 research outputs found


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    Through an unprecedented research and development process, in early 2021, just one year after the COVID-19 pandemic started devastating the world, there are several vaccines commercially available or in advanced phase of testing, each with its own characteristics and challenges. For the first time in the history of vaccination, a global immunization programme has started at a time of intense pandemic activity characterized by high virus transmission, facilitating selection of variants potentially able to escape the vaccine-induced antibody response. The reality is that one cannot rely on a single vaccine when dealing with a pandemic emergency: the urgent need of billions of doses clashes with the production capacity of the pharmaceutical industry. There is therefore no ideal vaccine, but there are many good vaccines to be used immediately. Today,  the international debate about COVID-19 vaccines is the hottest topic in global health whether it relates to technical and scientific issues or to the ethical aspects of access to vaccinations for all. This article aims at reviewing the status of vaccines that are used, or about to be used, in immunization campaigns worldwide

    Stress polishing demonstrator for ELT M1 segments and industrialisation

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    After two years of research and development under ESO support, LAM and Thales SESO present the results of their experiment for the fast and accurate polishing under stress of ELT 1.5 meter segments as well as the industrialization approach for mass production. Based on stress polishing, this manufacturing method requires the conception of a warping harness able to generate extremely accurate bending of the optical surface of the segments during the polishing. The conception of the warping harness is based on finite element analysis and allowed a fine tuning of each geometrical parameter of the system in order to fit an error budget of 25nm RMS over 300μm of bending peak to valley. The optimisation approach uses the simulated influence functions to extract the system eigenmodes and characterise the performance. The same approach is used for the full characterisation of the system itself. The warping harness has been manufactured, integrated and assembled with the Zerodur 1.5 meter segment on the LAM 2.5meter POLARIS polishing facility. The experiment consists in a cross check of optical and mechanical measurements of the mirrors bending in order to develop a blind process, ie to bypass the optical measurement during the final industrial process. This article describes the optical and mechanical measurements, the influence functions and eigenmodes of the system and the full performance characterisation of the warping harness

    Clinical characterization and whole genome sequence-based typing of two cases of endophthalmitis due to Listeria monocytogenes

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    Endophthalmitis due to Listeria monocytogenes is a rare form of listeriosis. Here, we report two cases that occurred in patients with different medical history, a 46-years-old woman with no comorbidities and an elderly man with several comorbidities. There was no history of trauma or surgery in either patient suggesting an endogenous origin. Despite antibiotic treatment, both patients showed poor visual acuity outcomes. Subtyping clinical isolates using whole genome sequencing could allow to characterise Listeria monocytogenes strains involved in rare clinical manifestation, such as in unusual anatomical sites, even in immunocompetent patients

    Clinical characterization and whole genome sequence-based typing of two cases of endophthalmitis due to Listeria monocytogenes

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    Endophthalmitis due to Listeria monocytogenes is an exceedingly rare cause of listeriosis. Here, we report two cases which occurred in patients with different medical history, a 46-years-old immunocompetent woman and an elderly man with several comorbidities. There was no history of trauma or surgery in either patient suggesting an endogenous origin. Despite antibiotic treatment, both patients showed poor visual acuity outcomes. Subtyping clinical isolates using whole genome sequencing could allow to identified Listeria monocytogenes strains involved in rare clinical manifestation, such as in unusual anatomical sites, even in immunocompetent patients, and could be helpful in the redefinition of the hypervirulent strains

    Comparative one-month safety and effectiveness of five leading new-generation devices for transcatheter aortic valve implantation

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    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for aortic stenosis is becoming an appealing alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement in high-risk patients and to medical therapy for inoperable ones. Several new-generation TAVI devices have been recently introduced, but comparative analyses are lacking. We aimed to compare 1-month outcomes associated with such five leading new-generation TAVI devices exploiting data collected in the prospective observational RISPEVA (Registro Italiano GISE sull’impianto di Valvola Aortica Percutanea) Study. We queried the dataset of the ongoing RISPEVA study to retrieve baseline, procedural and 1-month outcome details of patients undergoing TAVI with Acurate, Evolut, Portico, Lotus, and Sapien3. Analysis was based on unadjusted and propensity score-adjusted methods. We included 1976 patients, 234 (11.8%) treated with Acurate, 703 (35.6%) with Evolut, 151 (7.6%) with Lotus, 347 (17.6%) with Portico, and 541 (27.4%) with Sapien3. Unadjusted analysis for baseline features highlighted several significant differences, and other discrepancies were found for procedural features. Despite these differences, device and procedural success were similarly high (ranging from 98.0% to 99.4%, p > 0.05). However, procedural valve migration appeared more common with Acurate (p = 0.007), and major bleeding with Sapien3 (p = 0.002). Unadjusted analysis for 1-month outcomes also highlighted significant differences in the composite of death, stroke, myocardial infarction, major vascular complication, major bleeding, or renal failure (favoring Portico, p < 0.001), major vascular complications (favoring Lotus, p < 0.001), renal failure (favoring Portico, p = 0.035), and permanent pacemaker implantation (favoring Acurate, p < 0.001). Propensity score-adjusted analyses showed lower rates of major adverse events with Evolut and Portico (p < 0.05), major vascular complications with Lotus and Portico (p < 0.05), renal failure with Sapien3 (p < 0.05) and permanent pacemaker implantation with Acurate (p < 0.05). In conclusion, new-generation TAVI devices have different profiles of early comparative safety and efficacy. These findings should be taken into account for individualized decision making and patient management


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    CONSUMI ENERGETICI NEL SETTORE CIVILE IN ITALIA Il presente lavoro valuta il consumo energetico determinato dal settore civile in Italia e, rapportandolo al consumo energetico totale, ne mostra la predominanza quantitativa rispetto agli altri settori (trasporti e industria). Più in specifico, all’interno del settore civile viene valutata l’incidenza dei consumi determinata dalla costruzione degli edifici e l’incidenza dei consumi determinati dalla gestione degli edifici. Mostra come quest’ultima sia quantitativamente molto più rilevante e, di conseguenza, come la battaglia sulla riduzione dei consumi energetici vada combattuta primariamente sull’efficienza energetica degli edifici, più che sulla riduzione del “contenuto” di energia dei materiali utilizzati per costruire e manutenere gli edifici stessi. All’interno dei consumi per la gestione degli edifici viene evidenziato il poderoso e costante incremento dei consumi elettrici, - il loro peso decisivo in termini di energia primaria - il fatto che a determinarli è la diffusione sistematica della climatizzazione estiva - il fatto, di conseguenza, che l’efficienza energetica estiva degli edifici non è più procrastinabile. Da ultimo viene delineata l’enormità di gas-serra (soprattutto anidride carbonica) prodotta per consumo di energia: enormità in grado di modificare la concentrazione di anidride carbonica nell’atmosfera